Showing posts with label Purpose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purpose. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Johnny Depp: I Look Like This on Purpose! I"m Not Dying!!

In recent photos, Johnny Depp has looked gaunt and frail. That’s bad news if you’re a fan.

But if you’re the sort of person who happens to be concerned with Depp’s well-being, there is good news! Sources claim that he’s totally healthy, all appearances to the contrary.

So … that settles it?

Recent photo ops with fans have shown that Johnny Depp looks, well, worse for wear. Fans have remarked that the 54-year-old looks gaunt, older than his age, and even withered.

Is his health in decline?

From what a source tells Us Weekly, Johnny Depp’s health is totally fine.

“Johnny is healthy and enjoying his time on the road with his band [Hollywood Vampires].”

The band has been touring abroad, which is where so many fan photos have left fans alarmed and critics filled with schadenfreude.

An additional source tells the tabloid that Depp “purposely lost weight because he’s on tour and is trying to stay in shape.”

But clarifies that he “doesn’t have any major health issues or anything.”

Despite the harrowing accusations of domestic violence against Johnny Depp, he continues to have a large number of fans.

(That’s not actually surprising. Celebrities have diehard fans who will defend them no matter what. Hell, even Bill Cosby still has supporters)

These fans have left comments on social media, expressing their concern.

“I think my hero looks ill.”

It’s one thing to admire an actor despite their behavior. It’s another to call them your hero.

“You are one of my favorite actors and I enjoy watching you in [movies] I hope you truly are okay.”

These folks are fans — they’re not trying to be shady. They’re genuinely concerned.

“Johnny you are looking really lean. Hoping your health is good.”

Some comments were a bit more … blunt.

“This is healthy?”

Kyler Clark is a Nashville-based photographer who works as Alice Cooper’s assistand and who has been documenting the adventures of Hollywood Vampires.

On June 3, he wrote:

“He is FINE.”

You can practically feel Clark’s exhasperation.

“We move around a lot at an erratic pace and we are all f–king exhausted.”

Sure … we can understand that.

“Does ANYONE look great as soon as they open their eyes? Does anyone look great when they are sleeping?”

Well, most people don’t look like a wraith has been siphoning off their life force while they slumber. Especially when they’re posing for photos with fans.

“What about when they’ve been on a plane every day for the last month bouncing around the world? No. I know I don’t.”

Some folks couldn’t help but connect Depp’s worse-for-wear appearance with his lawsuit.

Depp’s bodyguards are suing him, claiming that he failed to pay them for months on end.

The guards allege some out-of-control drug use, where they were even tasked with wiping cocaine off of Depp’s face. Yikes.

All things considered, though, that’s not the worst accusation against Depp.

His alleged drug use played a role, ex-wife Amber Heard says, in his alleged domestic violence against her during their marriage.

Even fans who disbelieved Heard, the witnesses, and text message evidence were alarmed when Johnny Depp was accused of attacking a crew member on a film set.

Some wonder if this alleged rampant drug use is impacting both his behavior and his physical appearance.

Depp remains a controversial figure.

His central role in the upcoming The Crimes of Grindelwald film from the Harry Potter franchise is the reason that some lifelong, diehard Harry Potter fans will not be seeing it.

But it is understandable that those people who are his fans are concerned about his health.

Is it true that he’s just tired from nonstop travel and not being as young as he used to be?

Is it really the result of drug use? Or is Depp just not aging as gracefully as he might.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Ariel Winter Goes OFF on Instagram: I Don"t Show My Ass on Purpose!

By now, you’re probably aware that Ariel Winter’s Instagram is more popular within the key demographic than her lumbering dinosaur of a sitcom.

The actress’ racy selfies have made her a favorite on social media and in the tabloids, but there are downsides to being popular in those crowds.

Ever post something, feel a little too exposed, and immediately regret it?

Imagine that times several million and you start to get an idea of Ariel’s plight.

While we’re sure she’d be the first to admit that she courts and enjoys the attention, Ariel understandably gets frustrated when the comments and media coverage go too far. 

And now, she’s clapping back with a lengthy rant against the press, the toxic environment on social media, and the perception that she’s using risque clothing to boost her career.

“Something I wish people would realize…I am not TRYING to be featured on Snapchat,” Winter’s rant begins.

“I am not trying to be pap’d everywhere I do, I am literally just LIVING and unfortunately, I can’t do that without paparazzi following me around everyday,” she adds.

“I’m not trying to show you my ass in shorts when I go to the grocery store. I’m trying to live my life. People wear shorts. People have wardrobe malfunctions. No one is perfect.”

Winter went on to address the criticism she’s faced for dressing “inappropriately” for certain events, such as when she attended the premiere of a children’s movie in a see-through dress.

“I’m not a stylist! I don’t know what to wear everyday so I look ‘appropriate’ or ‘fashionable.’ Also, screw having to always look appropriate or fashionable,” she wrote.

“For what? Society? Who gets to decide what is appropriate or fashionable???? I wear what I like and no one should fault me for that. I don’t want people to constantly see me in the news for going to dinner, or grocery shopping, or anything,” she continued.

“I want to be in the news when I ASK for it by going to a publicized event, or EVEN BETTER when I have work out/coming out! So trust me, I don’t want to see me in shorts putting water in my car every single d—n day as much as you don’t.”

The common rebuttal there will likely be that Ariel could easily afford a stylist, and if she’s so bothered by criticisms of her attire, it might be a worthwhile investment.

That said, we see her point, and she certainly shouldn’t feel obligated to hire a personal shopper.

From there, Ariel delves into an even more serious topic: her troubled childhood, and the ways in she feels she was sexualized as an adolescent.

“I’d also like to address the tweets I get saying ‘you accused your mother of sexualizing you yet you’re a whore.’ I was a CHILD being dressed like I was 24. I was 8-13 years old,” the actress writes.

“I wasn’t an ADULT as I am now. As you mature at 16, 17, 18 you further develop your own identity and can make decisions for yourself. As a child, you do as you’re told regardless of what is good for you.”

“I’m an ADULT now, who can make my own choices and have my own identity. And just because I DECIDE to show my body occasionally doesn’t mean I’m unintelligent or that I’m talentless or that I have no self respect,” she adds.

The entire piece is worth reading, and Ariel addresses a number of important topics.

It’s impossible to tell at this point where her career might be headed, but it’s good to know that Ariel is aware of the various pitfalls of fame, even if–like just about every other celebrity–she’s not entirely sure how to avoid them.

We feel confident that she’ll eventually find a way to navigate this tricky industry.

She seems well on her way.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Lewis Hamilton Copies Justin Bieber, Goes Shirtless for a Purpose

Lewis Hamilton has a new purpose at the beach … rep Justin Bieber to a T (shirtless). The Formula One race car driver was out Sunday on a beach in Barbados, where he was rockin’ Bieber’s Purpose Tour shorts … the same ones the Biebs was seen in…


Lewis Hamilton Copies Justin Bieber, Goes Shirtless for a Purpose

Lewis Hamilton has a new purpose at the beach … rep Justin Bieber to a T (shirtless). The Formula One race car driver was out Sunday on a beach in Barbados, where he was rockin’ Bieber’s Purpose Tour shorts … the same ones the Biebs was seen in…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Justin Bieber Wears Purpose Tour Merchandise on Heels of Canceled Shows

Justin Bieber knows just how to rub it in … sporting some Purpose Tour merchandise just a week after he announced the cancellation of his 14 remaining shows.  Justin was out Monday in Beverly Hills wearing some not-so-subtle…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Justin Bieber Says Out-of-Work Purpose Tour Crew Not His Problem

Justin Bieber’s refusing to say sorry to the couple hundred people suddenly out of work due to him ending his Purpose tour — because as he sees it, that’s someone else’s responsibility. As Justin was leaving BOA Steakhouse on Sunset Tuesday night…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Justin Bieber Denies Religion Drove Him to Cancel Purpose Tour

Justin Bieber is publicly denying religion played a role in him abruptly pulling the plug on his Purpose tour with just 14 shows to go. Biebs was grabbing lunch Tuesday in Bev Hills when a pap asked about the sudden decision to quit. Justin…


Justin Bieber Needs to Finish Purpose Tour, Says Sugar Ray"s Mark McGrath

Mark McGrath’s dropping some good ole showbiz wisdom on Justin Bieber when it comes to his now canceled world tour — THE SHOW MUST GO ON! Sugar Ray’s frontman was at Catch Monday night and was blunt about his take on Justin pulling the…


Monday, July 24, 2017

Justin Bieber Cancels Purpose World Tour

Justin Bieber is signing off early — canceling the final leg of his Purpose world tour … TMZ has learned. It’s unclear why he’s pulling the plug on his 14 remaining shows — starting with Arlington, TX this weekend — but one tour…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Mehgan James: Dating Rob Kardashian! On Purpose!

If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.

It’s like Stephen Stills was speaking directly to Rob Kardashian when he belted out these lyrics many decades ago.

Earlier this week, the reality star shared a throwback photo of Blac Chyna as a teenager, writing as a caption that she’s the “mother of my child” and adding that she “the woman I love.”

The first statement there is a fact.

The second statement there is an opinion that might not sit very well with Mehgan James.

Who is Mehgan James, you may be wondering?


Multiple outlets have reported that the veteran reality TV maven has been dating Kardashian for about three months now.

Best known for appearances on Bad Girls Club, Basketball Wives and Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, Jones has just under 800,000 followers on Instagram.

She’s “been supporting Rob and his business for some time now,” an insider tells People Magazine, describing how the two have grown “close” over the past several weeks.

Just how serious is the romance?

“Mehgan is living for this moment right now,” a second source tells the same publication, while Us Weekly writes that things are “fairly new” and relaxed.

Meanwhile, stop us if you’ve heard this before, but members of Rob’s family allegedly aren’t fans of his latest paramour.

According to In Touch Weekly, which broke the news of this relationship, Rob’s sisters think James is starving for fame and simply using their brother… a similar argument they made back in the day about Blac Chyna.

Did that end up being accurate?

It’s hard to say, but Rob ended up with a lengthy relationship and even a daughter named Dream Kardashian out of it.

“Most of the Kardashians are very upset about it because Mehgan is known for being out of control and volatile,” claims In Touch, adding:

“The Kardashians want Rob to find a woman who is kind and calm.”

This report goes on to say that Khloe has met James, but the other siblings are refusing to do so.

“Mehgan is trouble, and that’s the last thing Rob needs in his life right now,” says this tabloid source.

Rob and Chyna finally split for good late 2016.

Following many months of blow-out fights and bitter comments, they’ve said very little about one another ever since.

It’s possible the former lovers have actually realized that they must do what is best for their daughter; which means acting like actual grown-ups for a change.

Kardashian proposed to Chyna in April of 2016 and, just a month later, the couple announced they were expecting their first child.

The two welcomed their daughter, Dream Renée, in November, not long before they ended their relationship.

As for Mehgan Jones?

“She’s matured and will be a good fixture in Rob’s life should this continue,” concludes Us Weekly for now of Rob’s new girlfriend.

We hope that isn’t actually true, thought.

What fun would a mature and stable relationship be for us to report on?!?


Saturday, February 4, 2017

"A Dog"s Purpose", American Humane Ass"n Has No Real Problem with Video

The American Humane Ass’n finally weighed in on the video TMZ posted from the set of “A Dog’s Purpose,” and they are virtually ignoring criticism from the movie’s Exec Producer that they were asleep at the wheel. The AHA — which was responsible…


"A Dog"s Purpose", American Humane Ass"n Has No Real Problem with Video

The American Humane Ass’n finally weighed in on the video TMZ posted from the set of “A Dog’s Purpose,” and they are virtually ignoring criticism from the movie’s Exec Producer that they were asleep at the wheel. The AHA — which was responsible…


Saturday, January 28, 2017

"A Dog"s Purpose" Opens to PETA Protests (VIDEO)

PETA was out in force, protesting the opening of “A Dog’s Purpose,” chanting “Dogs aren’t props!” Several dozen people planted themselves in front of the ArcLight in Hollywood … some wearing dog costumes. The protest was triggered by a TMZ video…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"A Dog"s Purpose" Trainers Deny Wrongdoing, Claim Video Was "Falsely Edited" (DOCUMENT)

Birds & Animals Unlimited — the group responsible for training the dogs in “A Dog’s Purpose” — insists Hercules the German Shepherd wasn’t forced to perform a stunt, and claims the video doesn’t tell the full story. In a…


Monday, January 23, 2017

"A Dog"s Purpose" Producer Says Mistakes Were Made But PETA is Being Dishonest (AUDIO)

“A Dog’s Purpose” executive producer Gavin Polone makes no bones about it … the video posted by TMZ showing a distressed German Shepherd shows mistakes were made on the set, but he insists the animals featured in the movie were well cared for and…


PETA Rolls Out Protest Flyers for "A Dog"s Purpose," Recruiting Protesters (PHOTOS)

PETA’s first official protest poster against “A Dog’s Purpose” barks out its mission statement … “For Dog’s Sake, Don’t See This Movie.” We got our hands on the literature PETA just created for its planned nationwide picketing of theaters where…


PETA Rolls Out Protest Flyers for "A Dog"s Purpose," Recruiting Protesters (PHOTOS)

PETA’s first official protest poster against “A Dog’s Purpose” barks out its mission statement … “For Dog’s Sake, Don’t See This Movie.” We got our hands on the literature PETA just created for its planned nationwide picketing of theaters where…


TMZ Live: A Dog"s Purpose: PETA On The Attack!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Tom Brady & Donald Trump: Best Buds One Direction: Nightclub Shooting Justin Bieber Trashes The Weeknd Iggy Azalea Gets Handsy W/ New Man! SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US Tweet to @TMZLIVE


"A Dog"s Purpose" Picketed by PETA with Goal to Shame Audience

People who want to see “A Dog’s Purpose” will be greeted by animal rights activists and taunted if they buy tickets and enter the theater. PETA organizers tell TMZ they have plans to hit theaters across the country … protesting the treatment of…


"A Dog"s Purpose" Picketed by PETA with Goal to Shame Audience

People who want to see “A Dog’s Purpose” will be greeted by animal rights activists and taunted if they buy tickets and enter the theater. PETA organizers tell TMZ they have plans to hit theaters across the country … protesting the treatment of…
