Showing posts with label Mehgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mehgan. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Mehgan James: I Want Prince Harry, Not Rob Kardashian!

Mehgan James has a few bones to pick over talk that she’s been boning Rob Kardashian.

Last week, the Internet was aflutter with reports that this reality star had been dating the aforementioned sock designer for about three months.

At the time, In Touch Weekly started a rumor that was picked up by other outlets and which stated the ex-Bad Girls Club actress had been growing closer to Kardashian since this spring.

James had “been supporting Rob and his business for some time now,” according to People Magazine, while insiders claimed the Kardashians were “very upset” about the relatively new romance.

They feared that James was yet another anger-filled D-Lister using their brother to increase her celebrity profile.

Now James is the one who’s upset, however.

After Rob Tweeted (below) that he had never even met James, a new report came out that explained how this chatter got started in the first place.

Supposedly, James herself leaked the fake story in order to bump up her Instagram follower count and basically become more famous.

mix responses

Over the weekend, TMZ claims it uncovered proof that James made sure the gossip item spread because she thought it would help her career.

(And it partially worked; she nearly doubled her number of Instagram followers in a matter of days.)

But Mehgan is here to scoff at this accusation.

She has shared (and has since deleted) a social media entry that lists the many reasons why she’d never make up a Rob Kardashian dating rumor.

“1) I did not fake anything . Like I said I never confirmed that I was dating rob,” James wrote on Instagram last night, adding:

“Any one that asked I told them it was not true. It takes two people to fake a relationship , any one who fakes a relationship by themselves is a complete idiot !!”

That’s a valid point if the person is looking for long-term fame and fortune.

But it’s not hard to see how just a couple of days in the spotlight can elevate one’s Internet presence; heck, we’re writing about James right now and we had never heard of her just one week ago!

“I’ve been working in entertainment since I was 18 I’ve done a multitude of Tv shows as well as a couple films,” James went on to say, emphasizing that she doesn’t need to spread fake news in order to be successful.

Citing her “half a million Instagram followers” in just over two years on the site, James also passed along her resume for anyone who believed she was behind the Rob romance stories.

“OH wait , I have a college degree and AM a vendor for one of the MOST POPULAR clothing companies online right now. So for FAME? Y’all are REACHING!”

Even if she wanted to churn this rumor mill, James alleges she doesn’t even possess that ability.

“Like I said in a previous post, im just ‘Mehgan something’ that most of you never even heard of!!!

“So how would I have the power to MAKE UP A BS STOTY [sic] and get media outlets to RUN IT?? How sway?”

In closing, James did make us laugh by saying Rob isn’t even her type. Not really.

IF she did want to get famous off some guy… IF she did want to plant quotes and create a stir in the press, this troubled E! star would not be the object of her pretend desires.

“If I ever wanted to fake a relationship with a rich white guy it would be PRINCE HARRY!!!!!!!!! Not rob Kardashian!!!” Mehgan concluded.

Okay, she got us there.

That’s a pretty good way to wrap up this denial.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Mehgan James: BUSTED Lying About Rob Kardashian Relationship!

Last week, we reported on rumors that Rob Kardashian is dating Mehgan James, a reality star best known for her time on VH1’s Bad Girls Club.

Several media outlets seemed certain that the relationship was the real deal and that Rob and Meghan had been seeing each other on the down-low for months.

As more details rolled in, however, the situation became increasingly sketchy.

Eventually, Rob himself took to social media to deny that he’s dating Mehgan, insisting that he’s never even met the troubled 27-year-old.

“Wait reading online about some chick I’m dating Megan something,” Rob tweeted.

“Not true never even met or heard of her before.”

The dual takeaways from this tweet seem abundantly clear:

1. Someone needs to introduce Rob to our old friend Mr. Punctuation, and 2. he’s legitimately not hooking up with Meghan.

After all, Rob isn’t one to deny that he’s sleeping with a hot, young, semi-famous woman unless there’s really just no shred of truth to the rumor.

So how did news of this phony couple spread so far so fast?

Well, it seems Mehgan may have had a hand creating the false impression that she and Rob are an item.

At first, James pretended she was just as shocked by the situation as everyone else.

But a new report from TMZ accuses her of spreading the rumor herself in an effort to boost her public profile.

Sources close to the situation say that James and her team reported the fake relationship to a number of tabloids and media outlets, so as to help the aspiring model accumulate a larger online following.

The sad thing is, the ploy seems to have been effective.

Mehgan’s Instagram following has doubled – reaching a total of more than 800,000 – in the week since news of her alleged relationship with Rob first broke.

Judging by the comments on some of her pics, however, she’s already experiencing some backlash from her ill-conceived publicity stunt.

Sources say Rob’s baby mama, Blac Chyna, is especially disgusted by the situation, and we don’t blame her.

After all, if you’re gonna use Rob for fame, the least you could do is go an actual date with the guy!

That’s just common decency.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Rob Kardashian Has THIS to Say About Mehgan James

Rob Kardashian has taken to social media in order to respond to the latest rumor about his love life.

For the first time in a very long time, this rumor has nothing to do with Blac Chyna.

It’s pretty clear at this point that those two are not getting back together.

But has Rob found his rebound?

Has he moved on from his baby mama with Mehgan James, a reality star who has appeared on such programs as Bad Girls Club, Basketball Wives and Marriage Boot Camp?

Yes, according to In Touch Weekly and other outlets.

No, according to Kardashian and James themselves.

Earlier this week, the aforementioned supermarket tabloid claimed that Kardashian and James had been dating for three months.

About 24 hours after this report surfaced, however, Rob didn’t issue a stock response about how he and James are merely friends and how various magazines are taking things too far.

Instead, he wrote the following:

“Wait reading online about some chick I’m dating Megan something. Not true never even met her or heard of her before.”

rob tweet

Oh, well. Okay then.

Our bad, we guess.

James went ahead and re-Tweeted this same message, making us think that she and Rob really aren’t a thing.

Which is at least good news for Rob’s famous sisters because People Magazine followed up this initial allegation with quotes from an anonymous source.

This source said that the Kardashians did not approve of James, believing she was too volatile and too fame-hungry for their brother.

“Now that Rob finally got away from the Chyna drama, they don’t want him to start another destructive relationship,” the publication wrote yesterday afternoon, adding of James:

“She seems [to] like drama as well.”

We can’t pretend to know Mehgan James very well, but it’s hard not to have two reactions upon seeing her bio:

1. Her parents aren’t sure how to spell.

2. She starred on a show literally titled “Bad Girls Club.” That isn’t the sign of someone who is a positive influence.

Still, despite Rob and Mehgan’s denials, People re-ran quotes from its insider last night.

“Mehgan’s been supporting Rob and his business for some time now,” the magazine says, refusing to back down from this dating rumor.

“They’ve been really close friends for about three months,” adds the alleged mole.

The timing of this chatter did seem odd, considering Rob only just shared a throwback photo of Blac Chyna and said as a caption to it that he “loved” the model.

It’s also just difficult to believe that someone as attractive as James would go for an overweight Diabetic with anger issues and a very controlling mother.

Still, stranger things have happened.

Like a woman being named Mehgan instead of Meghan.

Come to think of it, though, Rob referenced a girl named Megan in his Tweet.

Perhaps he’s just trying to throw us off his dating scent!

No, he isn’t dating a Megan. But he is dating a Mehgan! A-ha!

We’re on to you, Rob Kardashian!


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Mehgan James: Rob Kardashian"s New Girlfriend HATED ON By His Sisters!

Everybody makes some relationship choices that their families don’t exactly love. Some … more than others.

Rob Kardashian, after years of virtual seclusion, seems to be making up for lost time when it comes to romantic entanglements. And the rest of the Kardashian clan don’t seem to be loving it.

People reports that Rob Kardashian is dating Mehgan James, a 26-year-old who previously dated a player for the Denver Broncos — which we’re to understand means that we was a football player.

So you might look at this and see a TV personality who might like to date men with a little bit of fame and a lot bit of money.

The thing is that Rob’s fellow Kardashians apparently have some concerns.

You might say that they’re … kind of meh about it.

“They hope it’s short-lived, because she seems like drama as well,” a source told People, explaining that the Kardashians aren’t happy with Rob’s new relationship.

“Now that Rob finally got away from the Chyna drama, they don’t want him to start another destructive relationship.”

Now that the chaotic whirlwind finally seems to be behind him, they don’t want to watch him set himself up for stress and heartbreak yet again with another ill-conceived romance.

We totally get it.

First of all, the family’s still getting over Rob’s breakup with Blac Chyna.

And while co-parents Rob and Black Chyna seem to be getting along much better now, the messy end to their messy relationship entailed so much tangled drama, especially since Kylie was — and seems to somehow be always — dating Chyna’s ex, Tyga.

It’s hard for them to see Rob immediately dive into a new relationship that seems doomed to fail.

And in that family, one person dating somehow involves everyone.

Which might not be such a problem if so many of them weren’t meddlesome — looking at you, Khloe.

They’re just not eager to see Rob find a new way to make his life more difficult.

Poor guy kinda has a knack for that.

And for diving in headfirst with his eyes closed.

Though, let’s be honest — they wouldn’t have minded at all if the Chyna drama had brought on a major long-term ratings boost.

If they thought that Mehgan had the potential to drive up ratings — in a world where a reality star sits in the White House — they’d have served Rob up to her on a silver platter.


Mehgan James: Dating Rob Kardashian! On Purpose!

If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.

It’s like Stephen Stills was speaking directly to Rob Kardashian when he belted out these lyrics many decades ago.

Earlier this week, the reality star shared a throwback photo of Blac Chyna as a teenager, writing as a caption that she’s the “mother of my child” and adding that she “the woman I love.”

The first statement there is a fact.

The second statement there is an opinion that might not sit very well with Mehgan James.

Who is Mehgan James, you may be wondering?


Multiple outlets have reported that the veteran reality TV maven has been dating Kardashian for about three months now.

Best known for appearances on Bad Girls Club, Basketball Wives and Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars, Jones has just under 800,000 followers on Instagram.

She’s “been supporting Rob and his business for some time now,” an insider tells People Magazine, describing how the two have grown “close” over the past several weeks.

Just how serious is the romance?

“Mehgan is living for this moment right now,” a second source tells the same publication, while Us Weekly writes that things are “fairly new” and relaxed.

Meanwhile, stop us if you’ve heard this before, but members of Rob’s family allegedly aren’t fans of his latest paramour.

According to In Touch Weekly, which broke the news of this relationship, Rob’s sisters think James is starving for fame and simply using their brother… a similar argument they made back in the day about Blac Chyna.

Did that end up being accurate?

It’s hard to say, but Rob ended up with a lengthy relationship and even a daughter named Dream Kardashian out of it.

“Most of the Kardashians are very upset about it because Mehgan is known for being out of control and volatile,” claims In Touch, adding:

“The Kardashians want Rob to find a woman who is kind and calm.”

This report goes on to say that Khloe has met James, but the other siblings are refusing to do so.

“Mehgan is trouble, and that’s the last thing Rob needs in his life right now,” says this tabloid source.

Rob and Chyna finally split for good late 2016.

Following many months of blow-out fights and bitter comments, they’ve said very little about one another ever since.

It’s possible the former lovers have actually realized that they must do what is best for their daughter; which means acting like actual grown-ups for a change.

Kardashian proposed to Chyna in April of 2016 and, just a month later, the couple announced they were expecting their first child.

The two welcomed their daughter, Dream Renée, in November, not long before they ended their relationship.

As for Mehgan Jones?

“She’s matured and will be a good fixture in Rob’s life should this continue,” concludes Us Weekly for now of Rob’s new girlfriend.

We hope that isn’t actually true, thought.

What fun would a mature and stable relationship be for us to report on?!?
