Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Mehgan James: I Want Prince Harry, Not Rob Kardashian!

Mehgan James has a few bones to pick over talk that she’s been boning Rob Kardashian.

Last week, the Internet was aflutter with reports that this reality star had been dating the aforementioned sock designer for about three months.

At the time, In Touch Weekly started a rumor that was picked up by other outlets and which stated the ex-Bad Girls Club actress had been growing closer to Kardashian since this spring.

James had “been supporting Rob and his business for some time now,” according to People Magazine, while insiders claimed the Kardashians were “very upset” about the relatively new romance.

They feared that James was yet another anger-filled D-Lister using their brother to increase her celebrity profile.

Now James is the one who’s upset, however.

After Rob Tweeted (below) that he had never even met James, a new report came out that explained how this chatter got started in the first place.

Supposedly, James herself leaked the fake story in order to bump up her Instagram follower count and basically become more famous.

mix responses

Over the weekend, TMZ claims it uncovered proof that James made sure the gossip item spread because she thought it would help her career.

(And it partially worked; she nearly doubled her number of Instagram followers in a matter of days.)

But Mehgan is here to scoff at this accusation.

She has shared (and has since deleted) a social media entry that lists the many reasons why she’d never make up a Rob Kardashian dating rumor.

“1) I did not fake anything . Like I said I never confirmed that I was dating rob,” James wrote on Instagram last night, adding:

“Any one that asked I told them it was not true. It takes two people to fake a relationship , any one who fakes a relationship by themselves is a complete idiot !!”

That’s a valid point if the person is looking for long-term fame and fortune.

But it’s not hard to see how just a couple of days in the spotlight can elevate one’s Internet presence; heck, we’re writing about James right now and we had never heard of her just one week ago!

“I’ve been working in entertainment since I was 18 I’ve done a multitude of Tv shows as well as a couple films,” James went on to say, emphasizing that she doesn’t need to spread fake news in order to be successful.

Citing her “half a million Instagram followers” in just over two years on the site, James also passed along her resume for anyone who believed she was behind the Rob romance stories.

“OH wait , I have a college degree and AM a vendor for one of the MOST POPULAR clothing companies online right now. So for FAME? Y’all are REACHING!”

Even if she wanted to churn this rumor mill, James alleges she doesn’t even possess that ability.

“Like I said in a previous post, im just ‘Mehgan something’ that most of you never even heard of!!!

“So how would I have the power to MAKE UP A BS STOTY [sic] and get media outlets to RUN IT?? How sway?”

In closing, James did make us laugh by saying Rob isn’t even her type. Not really.

IF she did want to get famous off some guy… IF she did want to plant quotes and create a stir in the press, this troubled E! star would not be the object of her pretend desires.

“If I ever wanted to fake a relationship with a rich white guy it would be PRINCE HARRY!!!!!!!!! Not rob Kardashian!!!” Mehgan concluded.

Okay, she got us there.

That’s a pretty good way to wrap up this denial.
