Showing posts with label Hated. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hated. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jesse Jackson Says Nobody Hated Tim Tebow for Taking Knee, So Why Kaepernick?

Rev. Jesse Jackson has a message for all the Colin Kaepernick haters — Tim Tebow took a knee too … and nobody had a problem with that!  We got Jesse leaving Reagan International Airport this week when he used the ex-Heisman Trophy…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Air Jordan Designer Tinker Hatfield Reveals His Most Hated Shoe

You’re looking at a living, breathing SHOE GOD — Tinker Hatfield — Nike’s famous designer who created some of the most iconic Air Jordan shoes EVER!  But Tinker also created a stinker … an Air Jordan shoe that he wishes he never made –…


Air Jordan Designer Tinker Hatfield Reveals His Most Hated Shoe

You’re looking at a living, breathing SHOE GOD — Tinker Hatfield — Nike’s famous designer who created some of the most iconic Air Jordan shoes EVER!  But Tinker also created a stinker … an Air Jordan shoe that he wishes he never made –…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Hated On by His Own Fans!

Who says everyone on the planet despises the Kardashians?

Okay, perhaps they do.

But we have evidence below that at least a few hundred people in Cleveland, Ohio despise cheating even more.

On Wednesday night, Tristan Thompson played a home game for the Cavaliers against the New York Knicks.

The contest meant very little from a professional standpoint because the Knicks were eliminated from playoff contention months ago and the Cavs were basically locked into the Eastern Conference three-seed.

However, it means a lot for the celebrity gossip world, as it was our first chance to witness how the public would respond to Thompson following multiple reports of his infidelity.

(If you somehow missed it, there"s pretty clear evidence that Thompson has slept with other women on at least two occasions, both while Khloe Kardashian was pregnant with his daughter.)

And the answer was obvious:

Cavs supporters are on Team Khloe!

Social media is buzzing with photos of fans at the game showing their love and affection for Kardashian, which has to at least make her feel a little good.

There"s actually been talk that Khloe is already in labor with the couple"s first child, but we cannot confirm such chatter.

What we can confirm is that Thompson may have a difficult stretch ahead of him.

The Cavs open their first round playoff matchup against the Indiana Pacers at home this Sunday.

They then travel to Indiana for at least two games – and if the following video is indicative of how his own fans greet Thompson, you can imagine the jeers he will hear on the road, can"t you?

Oh, and Cleveland lost last night by a score of 110-98, with Thompson earning a minus-24 in 30 minutes of action.

Watch him get introduced to the crowd below:

Tristan thompson booed at home in first game since cheating scan

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Justin Theroux"s Neighbor Sides with Jennifer Aniston, Saying She Hated his Apartment

Justin Theroux’s neighbor — who thinks Justin’s the Devil — says he has no beef with Jennifer Aniston and feels sorry for her that Justin made her live in a s**thole apartment she hated from the get-go. Norman Resnicow tells TMZ … Jen’s…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: I"m the Most Hated of All the Teen Moms!

The Teen Mom has introduced some truly unforgettable characters to the world.

And if you’re a fan of the show, then we probably don’t need to tell you that they’re not always unforgettable in a good way.

Farrah Abraham, Jenelle Evans, Adam Lind, Matt Baier–these are just a handful of the troubled parents who have made the show so simultaneously compelling and infuriating over the years.

You’d think with such a large basket of deplorables to choose from, fans of Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 would have plenty of targets for their anonymous online rage.

And yet, some feel the need to demonstrate that they’re more discerning with their outrage.

They’re like the wine aficionados of the reality television world, and for them, hating Farrah is too simple and prosaic, like a boxed merlot from Costco.

These indignation snobs need something more subtle and sophisticated to please their anger palettes, and for many, the only answer is a draught of vintage Kailyn Lowry.

Yes, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear Kailyn is one of the most hated Teen Moms.

Her detractors offer many reasons for this–she had three children by three different men; she seems to have endless time for travel and elective cosmetic surgeries; she didn’t fight hard enough to save her marriage–but none of them quite hold up.

Jenelle also has three baby daddies; just about all the moms have had some sort of work done; and Kailyn’s divorce from Javi was a mutual decision. 

Kailyn recently opened about this bizarre phenomenon in a surprisingly candid interview with Us Weekly.

“I think some of it has to do with being outspoken,” Lowry said.

“Some of it has to do with being misunderstood and a lot of it is the judgment of the fact that all my children have different fathers. People comment on my weight and body and my kids’ fathers the most.”

Needless to say, being a subject of scorn and derision to tens of thousands of strangers can have a considerable impact on one’s psyche:

“It makes me second-guess every move I make, diminishes any confidence I may or may not have left and causes me to stay guarded at all times,” Kail tells the tabloid.

Lowry says the constant criticism has permanently damaged her self-esteem and led her to pursue drastic measures in efforts to alter her appearance.

Last week, Kailyn canceled a plastic surgery appointment just hours before she was scheduled to go under the knife again.

“I wanted to get surgery because of this, but at the last minute, I realized I don’t want to go through it again and I think I can lose weight on my own, so I canceled,” Lowry said.

With an unmistakable tone of despair, Kailyn says she’s struggling to come to terms with the fact that the abuse will likely never stop:

“I don’t think there is anything I can do to help this. It’s not going to go away,” she says.

“I think it’s getting progressively worse. … I’m probably the most hated mom on the franchise.”

Something to think about next time you’re gearing up to tweet something nasty at your least-favorite reality star.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of the many ways in which Kail is really not that bad.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Mike Tyson Hated "Punch Out" When It Debuted ... 30 Years Ago!

Mike Tyson says he was definitely NOT a fan of “Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out” when it was first released for Nintendo … 30 YEARS AGO!  Yep, it was Oct. 18, 1987 when Little Mac began his 8-bit quest for boxing supremacy … taking on guys like…


Monday, October 16, 2017

D.L. Hughley Says Colin Kaepernick Is More Hated Than O.J.

D.L. Hughley says there’s someone America hates MORE than O.J. Simpson, and that man is Colin Kaepernick, who Hughley thinks is getting the major shaft from NFL owners, and the American public. As we previously reported, Kaep is gearing up to file…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Rachel Lindsay: Oh Yeah, Vanessa Grimaldi and I Hated Each Other

Vanessa Grimaldi won Nick Viall’s heart and hand on The Bachelor — well, until they broke up, anyway. But the thing about winning a competition is that some people make friends along the way, and others make enemies.

It’s been rumored for a long time that Rachel Lindsay was among the enemies that Vanessa made. Or, at the very least, that the two of them didn’t get along.

This week, Danielle Lombard confirmed that the two didn’t like each other. And Rachel Lindsay is providing even more details.

So, earlier this week, the stunningly beautiful Danielle Lombard did a Reddit AMA.

(AMA means Ask Me Anything, by the way)

You’d expect the standard questions about Danielle Lombard and Dean Unglert and, you know, their whole love triangle mess in Paradise.

But remember, Danielle Lombard didn’t make her Bachelor debut on Bachelor in Paradise. That’s … well, that’s not how it works.

There have been rumors for ages that Rachel and Vanessa got along about as well as two wet cats in a burlap sack.

Danielle basically confirmed it:

“Vanessa called Rachel something that was extremely derogatory. From what I heard it was bad. Vanessa had to be separated for the rest of the show.”

Obviously, that is vague but ominous.

Like, Danielle did a great job of not filling in the blank with a word that she’d heard in rumor form.

If Vanessa Grimaldi had used a slur, for example, she probably should have been removed from the show immediately.

(Rachel Lindsay was the first-ever black Bachelorette, and remember that there was even a racist contestant within her own season)

Naturally, everyone wanted to know what exactly was said, but Danielle was relying upon hearsay even to tell that much.

She didn’t want to put words into anybody’s mouth.

Thankfully, Rachel Lindsay was willing to at last break her silence on the conflict.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Rachel Lindsay shares exactly what went on between her and Vanessa.


“One thing I know about Danielle [Lombard] is that she’s not a liar.”

That’s a great way to start off.

“But I do want to set the record straight on what happened between Vanessa and I.”

That should be “Vanessa and me,” but that’s beside the point.

“Being in the Bachelor mansion is a true test of your character. It’s a high-stress, low-sleep situation, and I learned all I needed to know about Vanessa during that time.”

We can only imagine.

Rachel says that she avoided Vanessa in order to avoid drama, but that it didn’t quite work out and that Vanessa pulled her aside and confronted her.

“Vanessa told me that I used ‘aggressive’ tones with her, and I was very upset by that.”

If you’re not aware, words like “bossy” and “aggressive” are thrown at black women as a way of exploiting stereotypes. People using those words usually hope to make the women shut down and be quiet out of fear of “confirming” stereotypes. It’s a hateful thing.

There’s no telling if Vanessa was aware of this, but Rachel certainly was.

“There are so many stereotypes placed on African-American women.”

And as for that “derogatory word” we heard about …

“She called me a ‘bully’, and for her to use that phrase was offensive to me. She had no examples to match it. … I also felt as a special education teacher who works with children, she was using the word frivolously.”

That’s certainly a derogatory word to call someone, but it’s thankfully not a slur.

(That is an odd way for someone who should know better to talk … but some people are very different at work than they would be on reality television)

When Rachel Lindsay spoke to Vanessa about her behavior, Vanessa didn’t apologize but instead doubled down.

“She told me, ‘No, you’re a bully, and I told Nick that."”


“This was an assassination on my character. After I’ve faced uphill battles for my entire life and worked to prove myself in my career. I told Nick, ‘I’m going to let bygones be bygones."”

That was the right attitude. If she’d tried to make trouble, maybe she wouldn’t have landed her role as the Bachelorette. Maybe she wouldn’t have ended up with Bryan Abasolo.

She mentions that she waited until now to share this because of that gig, but also because Vanessa and Nick were engaged. Obviously, things have changed.

And now we know.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Amy Roloff Hits the Road with Boyfriend, Gets Hated on By Fans

The countdown is on for fans of Little People, Big World.

Any day now, Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff will welcome their first child into the world…

… and a great many people on the Internet absolutely cannot wait!

But these same people now find themselves wondering:

Why don’t the Roloffs themselves seem particularly excited?!?

They aren’t referring to Audrey herself, of course; Roloff is clearly psyched to become a mother.

But Matt Roloff recently left on a business trip and Zach jetted out of town to visit Tori’s grandparents, meaning a couple of Audrey’s close loved ones were willing to risk that they’d be gone for the blessed event.

Both Matt and Zach traveled on airplanes, however.

So they have mostly avoided scrutiny because it would be easy to just hop on a return flight if Audrey went into labor.

HOWEVER, Amy Roloff has been sharing photos on Facebook and Instagram of a road trip she’s embarked on with boyfriend Chris Malek.

And many Little People, Big World followers haven’t been shy in letting Amy know how they feel about her decision to hit the literal road right around the time her granddaughter is due.

“Amy, I’m so disappointed with you,” wrote one individual, adding:

“I thought you were smarter than you are showing. No man could keep me away from my family with a ‘special delivery’ so close! FAMILY before anything or anybody!” 

This is the main reason Amy is facing backlash.

Matt left on business, that can’t really be helped. Zach left to see family at least.

But Amy drove away with a lover whose presence in her life has often been a source of contention among viewers.

“I love your show so much, but I have to say this really takes me by surprise big time,” wrote another critic, explaining why as follows:

“Your granddaughter can be born any minute. I don’t understand why you would leave now? I’m sorry, but it seems so wrong.”

Is this disdain really warranted?

First, Audrey isn’t actually due until August 31.

Second, it’s not as though grandparents are expected to be in the delivery room when the baby is born.

Third, first-time mothers are often in labor for a very, very long time; we’re talking 24 hours or more.

Amy will probably have ample opportunity to make it back once she learned her grandchild is on the way.

Because she’s too nice to lash out too hard at these strangers online, Amy simply replied to the ongoing negative feedback as follows:

“Just because I and my family put our lives on TV doesn’t mean respect decency and kindness goes out the window,” she wrote on Facebook.

“Matt is away, Zach and Tori and myself. We love Jer and Auj and can’t wait to meet baby girl. She could arrive early, on time or late.

“We’ll all be there to love her bunches.”

That’s all we need to hear. We see no reason not to believe her.

You keep enjoying your life, Amy, and just please post lots of adorable granddaughter photos once she’s born. Thanks!


Friday, August 25, 2017

Taylor Swift Under Fire: Why Is "Look What You Made Me Do" So Widely Hated?

In the three years since her last studio album was released to record-breaking sales and rapturous reviews, Taylor Swift has endured two high profile breakups and a string of increasingly ugly celebrity feuds.

For the past several months, she’s kept a low profile, spacing out her social media posts and refusing to acknowledge the petty shade thrown by her detractors.

When we first learned that Taylor had new music on the way – and that she planned to address her haters in song form – the anticipation from fans couldn’t have been much higher.

Unfortunately, while the single released last night delivered on the expected drama, it also met with mostly negative reactions from both actual music critics and the self-appointed variety who love to sound off on Twitter.

Taylor has become an easy target over the past year, and we all know how much the angry social media hordes love to dogpile celebs struggling with public image crises, but in this case, the attackers have a point.

Not only is “Look What You Made Me Do” lazy and uninspired (We wish we were joking when we say portions of the melody were lifted from Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy”.) it sends a troubling message about the importance of smiting your enemies.

With lyrics like “I got mine, but you’ll all get yours” sounding like they were ripped from the manifesto of a disgruntled postal worker with an NRA membership, the song is an impassioned ode to the power of poisonous grudges.

“I got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined,” Taylor sings at one point, giving us a taste of what Arya Stark would sound like if she developed a taste for awkward rhyme schemes.

Sadly, the whole single is like this, and Taylor seems painfully unaware that her edgy new image feels as forced and unnatural as that British accent Madonna rocked for a while.

Naturally, the lines that have garnered the most attention are the ones that seem to be directed at specific rivals.

Taylor has beefed with Katy Perry, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Diplo, Calvin Harris, and many others in the years since 1989 marked what might be looked back on as the high point of her career.

Her forthcoming album will likely address all of those feuds, indirectly or otherwise, but fans who have painstakingly unpacked the lyrics believe that “Look What You Made Me Do” is aimed primarily at Kanye.

At one point, Taylor sings, “I don’t like your tilted stage,” which could be a play on un-level playing field imagery … or a very specific reference to the lopsided floating platform West performed on during his most recent tour.

Many have pointed out that Taylor’s album hits stores on the tenth anniversary of the death of Kanye’s mother.

In all likelihood, that’s nothing more an unfortunate coincidence.

Fortunately for Taylor, it’s not like Kanye’s the type of egomaniac who thinks everything is about him.

J/k, he’s probably in the studio penning a diss verse over the beat of Tupac’s “Hit ‘Em Up” at this very moment.

But the biggest problems with “Look What You Made Me Do” have less to do with the mental gymnastics Taylor performs in order to position herself as the eternal victim, and more to do with the structural problems of the song itself.

It’s a slapdash effort that Swift would’ve been wise to pawn off on a lesser-known artist, as it’s simply a poor fit for her.

The song’s most embarrassing moments are saved for its final seconds, when, after crooning, “I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me” several times, Taylor ratchets up the goth-y angst with a cringe-worthy spoken word snippet:

“I’m sorry, but the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now,” the singer breathlessly murmurs.

“Why? Oh, because she’s dead.”

Hopefully the new Taylor has access to a Ouija board, because she desperately needs to recruit her old self as a writing partner.


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Megyn Kelly: Hated at NBC Due to "Diva-like" Behavior?!

When the world first learned that Megyn Kelly would be headed to NBC, many wondered how the Fox News firebrand would fit in with at a far more mainstream network.

At first, it didn’t look like Kelly would fare particularly well outside of the right wing bubble in which she’d made a name for herself.

In the first episode of her Sunday night newsmagazine, Kelly interviewed Vladimir Putin, and many accused her of lobbing softball questions at the Russian president.

A few weeks later, Kelly found herself at the center of an even greater controversy when she interviewed Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist who is perhaps best known for his theories that the Sandy Hook massacre was faked by the government and Hillary Clinton is personally responsible for dozens of murders.

Kelly’s show is currently on hiatus, and with a mixed response from critics and disappointing ratings, its return remains uncertain.

Not helping matters is the fact that Kelly has reportedly made some powerful enemies at her own network.

Many expected that the former lawyer’s political beliefs would bring her into conflict with her co-workers.

But it seems her ego and wild demands have created much larger problems than her ideology.

“People are outraged over her divalike ways,” a network source tells Page Six.

“They wonder, ‘When does NBC stop throwing money at her?’”

It seems despite the fact that NBC has hired a full-time staff for Kelly’s show and spent an outrageous sum of money building a new studio space, the 43-year-old anchor is far from satisfied.

Sources say she’s poached staff from the Today show and insisted on barnstorming in “real America” cities such as Dallas and Denver in order to shore up support for her fledgling series.

“She’s working sunup to sundown every day — some days, two cities a day,” says the source.

Another NBC insider insists there’s nothing out of the ordinary about the work Kelly’s doing in order to save her show, telling Page Six:

“It’s a standard affiliates tour, which many new NBC News anchors have done before her. There’s huge excitement for ‘Megyn Kelly Today’ in these markets, and it’s a great thing that the show is covering people and places outside of New York City.”

As is so often the case with this sort of thing, we’re left with two conflicting versions of events.

We may never know for certain which is more accurate, but if Kelly’s show doesn’t appear on NBC’s fall schedule, the absence will speak volumes.


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Kevin Durant Isn"t Hated in Oklahoma, Says Senator

Dear Kevin Durant,  Not everyone in Oklahoma hates your guts. In fact, one of the most powerful people in the state is welcoming you back with open arms … Senator Jim Inhofe.  “Kevin Durant would be welcome back in Oklahoma any time…


Kevin Durant Isn"t Hated in Oklahoma, Says Senator

Dear Kevin Durant,  Not everyone in Oklahoma hates your guts. In fact, one of the most powerful people in the state is welcoming you back with open arms … Senator Jim Inhofe.  “Kevin Durant would be welcome back in Oklahoma any time…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Mehgan James: Rob Kardashian"s New Girlfriend HATED ON By His Sisters!

Everybody makes some relationship choices that their families don’t exactly love. Some … more than others.

Rob Kardashian, after years of virtual seclusion, seems to be making up for lost time when it comes to romantic entanglements. And the rest of the Kardashian clan don’t seem to be loving it.

People reports that Rob Kardashian is dating Mehgan James, a 26-year-old who previously dated a player for the Denver Broncos — which we’re to understand means that we was a football player.

So you might look at this and see a TV personality who might like to date men with a little bit of fame and a lot bit of money.

The thing is that Rob’s fellow Kardashians apparently have some concerns.

You might say that they’re … kind of meh about it.

“They hope it’s short-lived, because she seems like drama as well,” a source told People, explaining that the Kardashians aren’t happy with Rob’s new relationship.

“Now that Rob finally got away from the Chyna drama, they don’t want him to start another destructive relationship.”

Now that the chaotic whirlwind finally seems to be behind him, they don’t want to watch him set himself up for stress and heartbreak yet again with another ill-conceived romance.

We totally get it.

First of all, the family’s still getting over Rob’s breakup with Blac Chyna.

And while co-parents Rob and Black Chyna seem to be getting along much better now, the messy end to their messy relationship entailed so much tangled drama, especially since Kylie was — and seems to somehow be always — dating Chyna’s ex, Tyga.

It’s hard for them to see Rob immediately dive into a new relationship that seems doomed to fail.

And in that family, one person dating somehow involves everyone.

Which might not be such a problem if so many of them weren’t meddlesome — looking at you, Khloe.

They’re just not eager to see Rob find a new way to make his life more difficult.

Poor guy kinda has a knack for that.

And for diving in headfirst with his eyes closed.

Though, let’s be honest — they wouldn’t have minded at all if the Chyna drama had brought on a major long-term ratings boost.

If they thought that Mehgan had the potential to drive up ratings — in a world where a reality star sits in the White House — they’d have served Rob up to her on a silver platter.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jenelle Evans Shares Waist Training Pic, Gets Hated On

Jenelle Evans is one of the most controversial women in the public eye at the moment. 

She always seems to be getting hate for something, but does she bring it all on herself?

It sure seems that way. 

The latest drama from Jenelle is a picture that shows her waist training

However, the picture is not even new. It’s actually pretty old. 

Fans were quick to make comments about waist training while being pregnant, but was not pregnant when the picture was taken. 

What the heck would compel her to put the picture up now after all of this time?

It seems the whole reasoning behind the picture was to promote a website that sells items to help waist training. 

In the original Instagram post, Jenelle captioned, “My waist was so tiny waist training with @Littletinywaist cincher. I wore mine 4-6hrs daily under any clothing.”

“You couldn’t see it under clothing. Ladies if you want a smaller waist I recommend it! & it’s very comfortable. Can’t wait to Snap back ! Get yours today at Use code 20off for 20% off #Thankmelater #Waisttraining”

The post was not met with the most positive response from people on Instagram. 

As is always the case with Jenelle, her actions are polarizing. Some people can’t stand to acknowledge that she actually exists, while some worship the earth she walks on. 

Jenelle recently took her kid to the beach during Hurricane Matthew. If that’s not a sign of stupidity, then what is?

There were weather warnings pretty much everywhere you looked, so Jenelle probably went to the beach with the intention of causing controversy. 

That’s sort of what she does when she isn’t promoting products on social media, or filming for Teen Mom 2

Jenelle has been very vocal that she does not like the way she is portrayed on the MTV hit, but actions like these make us think that the producers are not the only ones to blame in all of this. 

It’s time for Jenelle to grow up and make sure she’s doing the right thing for her family. 

There’s only so many times that people are going to rise to the occasion and criticize her for her crazy antics. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Hit the comments below!
