Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Hated On by His Own Fans!

Who says everyone on the planet despises the Kardashians?

Okay, perhaps they do.

But we have evidence below that at least a few hundred people in Cleveland, Ohio despise cheating even more.

On Wednesday night, Tristan Thompson played a home game for the Cavaliers against the New York Knicks.

The contest meant very little from a professional standpoint because the Knicks were eliminated from playoff contention months ago and the Cavs were basically locked into the Eastern Conference three-seed.

However, it means a lot for the celebrity gossip world, as it was our first chance to witness how the public would respond to Thompson following multiple reports of his infidelity.

(If you somehow missed it, there"s pretty clear evidence that Thompson has slept with other women on at least two occasions, both while Khloe Kardashian was pregnant with his daughter.)

And the answer was obvious:

Cavs supporters are on Team Khloe!

Social media is buzzing with photos of fans at the game showing their love and affection for Kardashian, which has to at least make her feel a little good.

There"s actually been talk that Khloe is already in labor with the couple"s first child, but we cannot confirm such chatter.

What we can confirm is that Thompson may have a difficult stretch ahead of him.

The Cavs open their first round playoff matchup against the Indiana Pacers at home this Sunday.

They then travel to Indiana for at least two games – and if the following video is indicative of how his own fans greet Thompson, you can imagine the jeers he will hear on the road, can"t you?

Oh, and Cleveland lost last night by a score of 110-98, with Thompson earning a minus-24 in 30 minutes of action.

Watch him get introduced to the crowd below:

Tristan thompson booed at home in first game since cheating scan