Thursday, April 12, 2018

Lamar Odom to Khloe Kardashian: Let"s Get Back Together!

Prior to hooking up with Khloe Kardashian and then cheating on Khloe Kardashian, Tristan Thompson was known for being one of the NBA’s best rebounders.

Which is ironic.

Because a new report states plainly that Khloe’s ex-husband would love to be Kardashian’s romantic rebound.

Indeed, Lamar Odom reads the same websites as you do and is well aware of what’s going on.

Of what has apparently been going on for months.

On Wednesday, the Internet nearly exploded over various reports that Thompson has stepped out on his pregnant girlfriend on at least two occasions:

1. There’s surveillance footage of him kissing one woman and being groped by another in Washington D.C. last October.

2. There’s also surveillance footage of him entering a New York City hotel with a woman (allegedly named Lani Brown) who he had been making out with earlier in the night.

The latter incident took place just two weeks ago.

With Khloe actually living in Tristan’s Cleveland home and awaiting the birth of their first child, Us Weekly alleges that Odom has a message for her:


“Lamar would absolutely get back together with Khloe, and realizes he wasn’t the best person he could be while they were together,” this tabloid insider says.

Odom, who also played professional basketball for a living, has admitted himself to cheating on Khloe during their marriage.

He has also admitted to battling a substance abuse problem throughout their romance, one that nearly took his life a couple years ago after he overdosed at a brothel in Las Vegas.

Khloe remained by her former husband’s side while he recovered from this experience, and the two have always been very public about their love for each other.

“Lamar feels terrible for Khloe. He wasn’t sure if he should reach out and see how she’s doing. He feels for her,” People Magazine also says of Odom.

So… is there a chance the ex-spouses could actually reconcile?

Sure. There’s always a chance.

But Khloe is due to welcome a daughter any day now.

The daughter belongs to Thompson, of course, making everything rather complicated.

Thankfully, Odom is reportedly woke enough to realize that asking to reunite with a woman about to give birth to another man’s child is a little… weird.

“It’s incredibly upsetting for Lamar, and he wants to call her but doesn’t have a phone number for Khloe,” the Us Weekly source alleges, adding:

“He could call Kris, but doesn’t want to intrude because she is about to give birth.”

Good non-call there, Lamar.

You’ve gotta give Khloe some time here.

Like, months and months of time, if not years and years of time.

Her heart is broken over Thompson’s actions and her vagina will soon be in a lot of pain due to the whole birthing process.

We somehow doubt she’ll be anxious to jump back into bed with anyone any time soon.

Kardashian and Odom got married on September 27, 2009, just one month to the day after they met (and nine days after getting engaged).

However, the marriage fell apart after the former Los Angeles Lakers player’s cheating scandal and drug relapse, which led Kardashian to file for divorce in 2013.

“Love is blind … Lamar was so great at making me feel like I was the only one and I’m this princess. I never speculated cheating,” Khloe told Howard Stern in 2016 of Odom’s infidelity.

She added at the time:

“It is humiliating on any level, but I found out he was cheating on me the majority of our marriage, I just didn’t know.”

Seriously, poor Khloe Kardashian, right?

Let’s hope she dumps Tristan the zero and eventually finds her way to a hero, someone who will treat her the way she deserves to be treated – and/or at the very least, does not have sex with any other woman.

Is that asking too much, fellas?

Just keep it in your pants.
