Showing posts with label Waist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waist. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017

Conor McGregor: I"m Black From the Waist Down & Mayweather Is a Broke B-tch!

We’re still more than six weeks away from the highly-anticipated Conor McGregor-Floyd Mayweather fight, but the enmity beween the future opponents has already reached a level of absurdity seldom seen outside of Rocky movies or the the spandex-clad world of professional wrestling.

Currently, the fighters are engaged in a “world tour” of press conferences that more closely resemble some odd combination of roast battle and political rally than actual sports media events.

While Floyd has slipped in a verbal jab here and there, it’s mostly been the Conor Show from start to finish.

Like Don Rickles on some heady mix of cocaine and steroids, McGregor has prowled the stage shouting insults at Mayweather to an increasingly riled-up crowd.

In Los Angeles, McGregor mocked Mayweather’s size, strength, and financial woes.

Quite controversially, instructed the boxer to “dance for me, boy,” a remark that many have interpreted as deplorably racist.

In Toronto, McGregor likened Floyd’s love of strippers to Rob Kardashian’s relationship with Blac Chyna, remarking:

“He has 50 stripper bitches on his payroll,” McGregor riffed, egged on by a cheering crowd.

“Even Rob Kardashian only had one.”

Like we said, the whole thing has been quite the spectacle, and fans have been loving every minute of it.

Or at least they were – until last night.

At the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn on Thrusday night, McGregor and Mayweather rose the bonkers bar once again, but the consensus is that this time, they may have entered shark jump mode.

Things got off to a suitably insane start, when Mayweather took the stage draped in an Irish flag, and McGregor greeted the crowd shirtless, save for a full-length fur coat that he claimed was made from 100% polar bear.

(Because he’s “so cold,” of course.)

Things got even more ridiculous from there, thanks to moments like this:

Yes, that’s the Money Man making it rain with one dollar bills.

McGregor seemed unfazed, and the move didn’t excite fans the way Mayweather clearly thought it would.

McGregor responded by insisting that both Mayweather and his friend 50 Cent are both “broke b-tches,” who only pretend to be wealthy.

The evening got even more cringe-worthy when McGregor attempted to bring some levity to the allegations of racism against him:

“Let’s address the race. A lot of media seem to be saying I’m against black people,” Conor told the crowd.

“That’s absolutely f–king ridiculous. Do they not know I’m half black? Yeah! I’m half black from the belly button down.”

Needless to say, McGregor’s “I can’t be racist; I have a giant dong!” gag didn’t go over terribly well.

Backstage, even Conor acknowledged that he and Mayweather are running on fumes at this point.

“By the end of (today), I was kind of just zonked out,” McGregor told reporters.

“I was just chilling on the chair and flexing; hopefully somebody would get me in a nice shot with the coat. But it is getting to that stage like, ‘Let’s get the (expletive) thing wrapped up now, you know what I mean? … Whatever, it’s that time now.”

Thankfully, the May-Mac Tour comes to a close in London tonight.

Let’s hope it ends without anymore endangered animals – or anyone else, for that matter – being skinned alive.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Kim Kardashian Shills for Waist Trainer, Is Officially BACK!

Kim Kardashian is back, people.

It’s been several weeks since the reality star returned to social media, we know. She’s posted a number of photos and a couple Snapchat videos over the past month or so.

But now the ex-sex tape star has truly returned to the life she lived prior to last year’s armed robbery.

The mother of two just shared a new image on Facebook, one that centers on her ample cleavage and tiny waist.

But that’s not all!

It’s just like Kim Kardashian to show off these body parts, of course.

However, it’s even more like Kim Kardashian to shill for a product while doing so.

“I love working out in my @waistgangsociety shaper by @premadonna87 it gives me the extra boost that I need in the gym & keeps my waist snatched,” Kim wrote of the product as a caption.

She then included a discount code and a link to the official website for What a Waist.

We’ve railed against the awful example set by Kardashian and her sisters for years, as they continue to hawk a company and a product that does absolutely nothing.

Note to fans of these stars:

A waist trainer will not help you shed a single pound. Kim is simply making money off your ignorance here. DO NOT PURCHASE THESE RIDICULOUS CONTRAPTIONS.

Elsewhere, Kim seemingly responded to those who think she’s been acting poor in her ongoing series of family photos.

As previously reported, some are under the impression that Kardashian is going too far out of her way to act all normal ever since her return to social media.

It’s nice that she’s stopped posting images of her diamonds and her mansion because that simply invites trouble, as she discovered the hard way in Paris last October.

But it’s silly and a bit insulting to now pretend like she’s just a regular Jane Six Pack, unable to afford makeup or furniture.

Fortunately, Kardashian appears to finally agree.

Consider the following new photo and its affiliated message:

Yup, that’s Kardashian in a private airplane.

“NYFW here we come!!! Thank you @jetluxlife!!! #jetluxlife,” Kim wrote as a caption, once again promoting a company that almost definitely gave her a free ride as a result of this one Instagram post.

Kanye West is scheduled to to reveal new items in his fashion line on Wednesday at New York Fashion Week.

We’ve seen very little of the rapper since his hospitalization last year for a nervous breakdown and even less of Kim and Kanye together in public.

Hence the ongoing rumors of a Kimye divorce on the horizon.

Might this Fashion Week appearance give the couple a chance to shut down that talk?

Might we finally see a return of Kim and Kanye to their natural, rich, well-dressed habitat? It’s been far too long.

The celebrity gossip universe needs you, Kimye. Give us what we want, please.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jenelle Evans Shares Waist Training Pic, Gets Hated On

Jenelle Evans is one of the most controversial women in the public eye at the moment. 

She always seems to be getting hate for something, but does she bring it all on herself?

It sure seems that way. 

The latest drama from Jenelle is a picture that shows her waist training

However, the picture is not even new. It’s actually pretty old. 

Fans were quick to make comments about waist training while being pregnant, but was not pregnant when the picture was taken. 

What the heck would compel her to put the picture up now after all of this time?

It seems the whole reasoning behind the picture was to promote a website that sells items to help waist training. 

In the original Instagram post, Jenelle captioned, “My waist was so tiny waist training with @Littletinywaist cincher. I wore mine 4-6hrs daily under any clothing.”

“You couldn’t see it under clothing. Ladies if you want a smaller waist I recommend it! & it’s very comfortable. Can’t wait to Snap back ! Get yours today at Use code 20off for 20% off #Thankmelater #Waisttraining”

The post was not met with the most positive response from people on Instagram. 

As is always the case with Jenelle, her actions are polarizing. Some people can’t stand to acknowledge that she actually exists, while some worship the earth she walks on. 

Jenelle recently took her kid to the beach during Hurricane Matthew. If that’s not a sign of stupidity, then what is?

There were weather warnings pretty much everywhere you looked, so Jenelle probably went to the beach with the intention of causing controversy. 

That’s sort of what she does when she isn’t promoting products on social media, or filming for Teen Mom 2

Jenelle has been very vocal that she does not like the way she is portrayed on the MTV hit, but actions like these make us think that the producers are not the only ones to blame in all of this. 

It’s time for Jenelle to grow up and make sure she’s doing the right thing for her family. 

There’s only so many times that people are going to rise to the occasion and criticize her for her crazy antics. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Hit the comments below!


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian Brags Over Waist, Asks: Don"t I Look Photoshopped?

Kim Kardahian is just trolling us at this point.

There’s no other explanation.

For months, Kardashian has been desperate to lose all the weight she gained during her second pregnancy.

She’s been talking about it non-stop, she’s been saying how difficult this task is, she’s been setting a horrendous example for new mothers around the world by focusing so very much on her figure.

And this has taken place while other famous new mothers have send inspiring messages that contrast with that of Kardashian.

Anne Hathaway, for example, penned an Instagram post this week that reads as follows:

“There is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy (or ever). There is no shame if it takes longer than you think it will to lose the weight (if you want to lose it at all).”

She added: “Bodies change. Bodies grow. Bodies shrink. It’s all love (don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.)”

After that, Blake Lively appeared on an Australian morning program and was given a compliment over her bikini-ready body.

But she used this opportunity to make plea similar to the one made by Hathaway.

“You don’t need to be Victoria’s Secret ready right away because you just did the most incredible miracle that life has to offer,” Lively said of the pressure on women to shed pounds after giving birth.

Practically speaking directly to Kardashian, she concluded:

“You gave birth to a human being! So I would really like to see that celebrated [instead of the subsequent weight loss.”

Damn right, Anne and Blake!

Let’s compare this to what Kardashian has had to say on the matter, shall we? 

In a series of Snapchat videos on Wednesday, Kim stood inside a department store and bragged over her miniscule figure.

In the most obnoxious way she possibly could.

“You guys, doesn’t my waist look Photoshopped?” she asked while wearing a fitted little black dress and admiring herself in a mirror.

“It’s so crazy! It’s getting small!”

How can anyone watch this video and not want to slack the living heck out of Kardashian?

This is the same person who actually told fans to pray for her weight loss in April.

“It’s a challenge,” she said at the time. “We just got back from our family vacation and every day, we were up early working out.”

Yes, Kim was complaining about the “challenge” of getting up early to hit the gym during a vacation to a five-star resort in Vail, Colorado.

Kim wrote the following as a caption to this rage-inducing footage:

#kim #kimkardashian #kimkardashianwest #kimksnapchat #kimksnapchats #kimkardashiansnapchat #kkw #girls #beauty #london #paris #milan #newyork #la #miami #atlanta #snapchat #kimye #glam #beauty #makeup #kuwtk #fashion #style #ootd #yeezy

Kardashian also shared a Snapchat photo on Wednesday of her weight on the scale (124.6 pounds), revealing that she’s just four pounds from her goal weight.

We have no idea why anyone would care about this.

Nor we are telling Kim not to lose weight if she wants to. We’re just telling her to shut the eff up about it.

On August 8, she wrote a blog entry that talked about her goals about giving birth on December 5:

“I was motivated, but it was tough!.

“It isn’t easy to just bounce back. I was so jealous of women who had these cute little baby bellies and would gain 25 pounds — and then, a few weeks after giving birth, somehow look exactly like they did before they were pregnant …

“That’s not me.”

Hey, Kim: You should instead be jealous of Hathaway and Lively, two women who had a baby and now have enough perspective to not care so much about getting back to any kind of old weight.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Starts Filming Teen Mom 2 Season 8, Continues Waist Training

It feels like we just finished Teen Mom 2 Season 7, but MTV has to shoot a lot of footage to capture all that relationship drama and all those parenting fails (even when Leah Messer is involved), so it’s not surprising that Kailyn Lowry is already back to work.

And by “work,” of course we mean living out her life in the presence of a camera crew.

Lowry posted the above photo on Instagram today and we’re guessing it means TM2 Season 8 is currently in production.

Given the level of fan interest in Kailyn’s divorce from Javi Marroquin, we’re guessing her readjustment to life as a single mom and her efforts to amicably co-parent with her ex will be heavily featured in the popular reality show’s eighth outing.

You can also expect Kailyn’s friendship with Becky Hayter to be a central focus, as fans have been buzzing about the possibility that the two are more than friends for several weeks now.

Exact salaries for the stars of the Teen Mom franchise are kept under wraps, but it’s safe to assume that Kail and company will all be pulling in some major bucks this season.

In fact, these days Kailyn is pulling double duty by fulfilling her endorsement contracts while she’s filming new episodes of the show:

If you follow her on Instagram, you’re probably aware that Kailyn loves waist training.

Or at least she loves getting paid to promote waist training products.

She posted the pic above shortly after her behind-the-scenes photo, along with the following caption:

“I look and feel great in my @Colombianwaist #waisttrainer I wear mine 6 hrs daily & I’m already on the second row! Yay Soon I will be able to fit a size small I started at a Large. I’m loving the results!”

Hey, for all we know, that’s all true.

Just remember that Kailyn’s getting paid to say how great those things are before you shell out for one of your own.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Raylynn: Instagram Star Shows Off 70-INCH WAIST! Real or Fake?

With all due respect to Blake Lively"s Oakland booty, Raylynn, a Georgia resident and body positive Instagram sensation, has a 70-inch waist.

Yes, seventy. And she"s damn proud of it, to boot(y).

Boasting 122,000 fans on the photo-sharing network, Raylynn regularly uploads photos of her insane curves – and hears it from critics.

Accused of using Photoshop to make her arse look bigger, she shut the haters down with new pics – and video – to prove its legitimacy.

One can see why some observers were skeptical.

Not only is she carrying most of her weight on her hips, she boasts a tiny waist and slim shoulders, and the waist measures 70 INCHES!

Raylynn"s proportions may be a result of lymphoedema, a build up of fluid in the tissues, causing them to swell to unusually high levels.

Numerous fans have made reference to Raylynn and the condition in comments on her photos, a;though it"s not clear if she has this.

What IS clear is that she"s loving all of the attention.

Raylynn describes herself as a top PAWG – phat ass white girl – often pokes fun at her own figure and has turned her bod into a business.

You can see exclusive videos and pictures for a special subscription of $ 11.99 a month. Don"t look for any sex tapes or pics, however.

"I"m not a porn star, I"m not going to be a porn star," she said when asked about this. "You"ve got to be talking a million. I have a daughter."

"She doesn"t want to see her mama"s vagina [online]."

"Modelling, advertising, workouts is where I"m heading to shape my figure into a better bigger booty. "I"m a jiggly motherf–ker!"

"I want a tighter butt. Keep the size, but let"s firm it up."

Good plan. Now, for the photos – and video, proving the authenticity of that amazing arse – that you have all been waiting for …

1. Raylynn Pics

Raylynn pics

Raylynn shows off her considerable booty in a nice Instagram collage.

2. Raylynn Pic

Raylynn pic

Raylynn, Instagram model and online phenomenon, showcases the reason why.

3. Raylynn: 70-Inch Waist!

Raylynn 70 inch waist

Wow. That is one giant … let’s just say Sir-Mix-A-Lot would approve of Instagram sensation Raylynn.

4. Raylynn Modeling

Raylynn modeling

Raylynn showing off her assets in a seductive selfie.

5. Raylynn Shows Off Curves

Raylynn shows off curves

Curves may be the understatement of all-time for Georgia Instagram star Raylynn.

6. Raylynn GOT BACK

Raylynn got back

There’s Oakland booty, and then there’s this, which puts pretty much everything else to shame. Raylynn, for that we thank you.

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Friday, June 3, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reveals Size of Her Waist: What Is It?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian shared a photo of her bare butt.

But that wasn’t the only body part this self-absorbed reality star decided to put on display for fans.

For multiple months now, Kardashian has obnoxiously kept followers apprised of her weight loss progress.

She has been determined to get herself back down to her pre-baby weight, which, as we’ve said non-stop, is totally fine and awesome if that’s what she wants to do.

Being so open about the mission, however, is far more annoying, because she makes it sound as if the goal is so darn hard to accomplish… despite her flexible schedule and giant bank account.

Moreover, the extreme focus on post-pregnancy weight loss is setting a bad example for other new mothers around the world.

Still, this hasn’t stopped Kardashian from posting actual pictures of her scale.

She’s down to 132 pounds, folks!

In order to mix it up, meanwhile, Kim went ahead and revealed the size of her waist in a Snapchat video on Thursday.

“26 W!!!” the mother of two wrote as a caption to the above photo of herself getting measured.

She also shared a long-distance self of her sleek stomach in the mirror:

kim faraway

Kardashian says she is 12 pounds away from her goal of weighing the same amount as she weighed in 2010.

She has been open about going on the Atkins diet to assist with this feat because she was paid a lot of money to shill for that diet.

And she’s been open for years about how she also uses a waist trainer because she gets paid a lot of money to name drop the type of waist trainer that she ridiculously straps on every now and then.

Do you sense a pattern here?

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star has said that she weighed 190 pounds at the peak of her pregnancy with son Saint.

She wants to get all the way down to 120 pounds, which is what she clocked in at when she married Kanye West in 2014.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ariel Winter Flaunts Giant Boobs, Tiny Waist on Instagram

As you probably already know, Ariel Winter has giant boobs.

Even if you’re not familiar with the actress from her work on Modern Family, there’s a good chance you’ve seen one of the many viral pics from her increasingly popular Instagram page.

As you can see, there are two good reasons why Ariel is so popular on social media.

We’re talking, of course, about her impeccably clean bathroom and her remarkable taste in hand towels.

But in all seriousness, we’ve seen Ariel’s breasts on a number of occasions, but somehow we’ve never noticed how tiny her waist is before.

What’s really remarkable (aside from the fact that the girl can stand up) is that this is what Ariel’s Barbie-doll like figure looks like after she underwent breast reduction surgery.

Obviously this isn’t quite as epic as when the many Ariel bikini photos that her most recent vacation yielded, but we’re pretty sure the girl could make a burlap sack with arm and head holes look sexy.

Unfortunately, there’s this odd thing that goes on in her IG comments where it appears that her followers are like 50% pervs (natch) and the other 50% are very vocal weirdos with some political agenda to push.

Oddly, there’s a lot of misogyny from a-holes who think Ariel needs to “cover herself up, gosh darn it!”

Never mind that they’re the ones scrolling through an 18-year-old woman’s Instagram page; the more important point here is that she is covered up!

In her most scantily-clad pics she’s wearing outfits that you could see on any beach in America on any of the day in the summer.

(Okay, maybe not in, like…Juneau or something.)

In fact, that’s the case on just about every page on Instagram!

The site has been known to delete breast feeding photos, so you can be pretty sure that hardcore porn isn’t getting through.

And don’t get us started on the ridiculousness of deleting breast feeding photos.

We don’t like to slip into full Andy Rooney/Dennis Miller rant mode right before naptime, and there are some kids on our lawn who need shooing.

Boob rant over.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Posts Waist Training Photo, Continues to Disappoint

As you probably already know, lots of celebrities endorse products on Instagram, and some of them are very well compensated for it.

Curiously, products that promise to tone your midsection are among the most commonly shilled, and dozens of reality stars cash in by pretending they owe their physiques to “flat-tummy teas” and, of course, waist-trainers:

If you’re not familiar with waist training, it’s the practice of squeezing one’s organs into a corset-like contraption in hopes of forcing them into a more pleasing shape.

As you can see, Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry is a proponent – or at least she’s getting paid to pretend she is.

Kailyn has posted waist training pics before, for we were secretly hoping that she was done selling overpriced, ineffective crap to her millions of followers, most of whom are young and impressionable.

But no, like the “Damn, Daniel” kid, she’s back at it again. 

And as usual, she stuck to the corporate script for her caption:

“My waist has never looked so tiny! I wear mine 6 hrs daily & I exercise in mine. Ladies summer is coming!  Get yours today, you’ll be so amazed at the results.”

Yeah, ladies! Summer is coming, so make sure you compress yourself into some leopard-printed Scarlet O’Hara torture device so that you can smush your pancreas out of existence.

The 24-year-old mother of two has lost a lot of weight in recent weeks, to the point that there were rumors about Kailyn struggling with an eating disorder.

We don’t believe that’s the case, but we also don’t think waist training has anything to do with her new physique.

We’re pretty sure Kailyn shed some pounds through the old-fashioned combo of diet and exercise.

Oh, and her wildly expensive butt lift also has a lot to do with her new shape.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kailyn’s slow transformation.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Kardashian-Endorsed Waist Trainer Misleads Women, Women Sue

In the days of yore, women were squeezed into corsets so as to show off a teeny, tiny waistline.

The fact that its modern-day equivalent, the waist-trainer, is so popular is slightly baffling.

Kailyn Lowry, Coco Austin, Snooki, Amber Rose and the Kardashian sisters have made waist trainers a thing, showing them off via Instagram to followers as they work towards a slimmer waistline.

Waist Gang Society makes the “Reshaping Wasteshaper,” which claims to burn “fatty tissue by making you sweat, targets the back, torso, waist and abdomen areas.”

Their site even features an endorsement from Kim Kardashian:

“I’ve been Waist Training with Premadonna from the very start and i love the results i [sic] get.  Keeping the inches off and bringing out the killer curves.”

Some of these nutbags even wear the trainer while working out.

Naturally, some see this advertisement and think that their prayers have been answered.  That is, until they start wearing the trainer and realize it’s all a bunch of hullabaloo.  

So much so that a lawsuit has been filed against Waist Gang Society, according to TMZ, in which the plaintiffs claim that advertising for the product is “misleading.”

The lawsuit quotes a doctor as stating that “Corsets do not cause you to permanently lose fat in the midsection: they cause a re-distribution of the fat and organs in the trunk.” 

None of the celebrities who have promoted the waist trainer are being sued.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

18 Celebrities Who Waist Train and Set a Terrible Example for Fans

Celebrities are known to be trend-setters, but one of the more annoying – and potentially dangerous – trends they"ve been pushing in recent years is wearing a waist "trainer."

We put "trainer" in quotes because it"s a total misnomer. Absolutely no training is taking place by wearing these corsets. Those who wear them are just temporarily cinching their midsections into a slimmer shape with a constrictive, way-too-tight garment.

But while your waist might appear smaller while wearing the trainer, it provides no lasting results. Your feet won"t shrink if you wear tight shoes, and your belly fat ain"t melting away by rocking one of these things, either.

In fact, doctors have warned against the dangers of wearing corsets, explaining that it can impair your breathing and crush your ribs, lungs and internal organs.

Nevertheless, companies are paying celebs top dollar to post an Instagram photo wearing one of these death belts in hopes that fans will follow suit and purchase one for themselves.

Sadly, some stars will do anything for a buck.



1. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian waist training selfie

This is no shock. Kim may have been one of the first to shill for these products on Instagram. Sadly, she wasn’t the last.

2. Blac Chyna

Blac chyna waist trains

Blac Chyna advertises a LOT of products on Instagram, including “vaginal detox pearls.” Those don’t work, and neither does this waist trainer.

3. Kim Zolciak & daughter Brielle

Kim and brielle zolciak waist train

Ugh. This Real Housewife of Atlanta star actually wrote “family that #waisttrains together stays together” when posting this mother-daughter corset photo with her daughter Brielle.

4. Kylie Jenner

Kylie jenner waist training

Well, of course. Kylie does everything her big sis Kim does, so why wouldn’t she waist train on Insta and get paid for it?

5. Farrah Abraham

Farrah abraham waist training photo

When the Teen Mom OG star isn’t picking fights with celebrities for attention, she gets paid by promoting products on Instagram. Not a surprise that she jumped on the waist trainer bandwagon, too.

6. Jessica Alba

Jessica alba looking fresh

Jessica Alba hasn’t promoted waist trainers on Instagram, but she admits to wearing a double corset “day and night” for three months after giving birth. “Imagine taking a big breath and never fully exhaling,” she said on how it felt to wear. “That’s basically the feeling the person has for hours.” Sounds lovely as a panic attack.

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Friday, March 4, 2016

Cheryl Tiegs APOLOGIZES to Ashley Graham: "My Waist Is 37 Inches"

Last week, veteran supermodel Cheryl Tiegs found herself in some hot water over disparaging comments she made about plus-size model Ashley Graham.

Graham had recently made history as the first plus-size model to grace the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

While many considered it a welcome departure from the unattainable, super skinny physique of models past, Tiegs was not a fan.

“Her face is beautiful, beautiful,” said Tiegs. “But I don’t think it’s healthy in the long run.”

“I don’t like that we’re talking about full-figured women because it’s glamorizing them because your waist should be smaller than 35 [inches],” she added.

Tiegs later tried to explain her comments on Twitter, writing, “To clarify re bodyweight. Being anorexic/bulimic/overweight all connected to health problems. I want all to be as healthy as they can.”  

But Graham was not impressed. “People are saying she apologized. But I never heard one,” she said.

Tiegs has now written an open letter to Graham, published on HuffPost in an attempt to explain her thoughts on the issue and officially apologize.

She begins by blaming the media for twisting her words.

“Here is the question that was asked of me: ‘Do you love the fact that we are actually stepping outside our comfort zone of what we know is like the model figure and we are actually using full figured women and making that a thing now?’ 

“This was a generic question, and I said that I did not love it.

“My answer was based on health concerns because of our nation’s increasing problems with weight linked to diabetes, heart issues and cancer. At no time was I thinking of a specific person.”

She continues by saying that her concerns remain centered around health, not standards of beauty.

“I was not equating beauty to weight or size, but unfortunately that is what the media reported in headlines.

“I was trying to express my concern over media images and the lack of education in America about healthy choices, thus the reference to the 35-inch waist as a guideline to health.”

And then came this shocker:

“And by the way, my waist is 37 inches.”

She concludes by apologizing directly to Graham.

“Please accept my deepest apology if you were offended or in any way think I was referring to you. I commend you on the positive influence you have on helping women to love themselves.”

What do you think about Tieg’s comments? Is she expressing valid concerns over health or simply body shaming?

Friday, February 26, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Wears Waist Trainer 6 Hours a Day, Should Have Probably Kept That to Herself

As Teen Mom stars go, Kailyn Lowry is pretty sane and stable.

But sadly, it seems even otherwise level-headed humans are capable of getting caught up in the insanity of waist-training.

If you’re not familiar with waist-training, it’s an idiotic fitness trend endorsed by the Kardashians that doesn’t actually sculpt your waist into a more slender shape, but might cause damage to vital organs.

Now, Kailyn is shilling for a waist-trainer manufacturer (for an undisclosed fee, of course), and she’s either lying to her fans, or she actually buys the company’s BS claims.

“Summer body almost ready,” Lowry captioned the above photo. “Losing more inches off my waist by eating healthy & waist training w/@Colombianwaist. I wear it 4-6 hrs & it’s very comfortable.”

“I recommend it to all Moms that [are] trying to get that pre baby body back or for anyone who wants a smaller waist.”

There’s no denying that she’s is in great shape these days, but we’re guessing that has more to do with Kailyn’s extensive plastic surgery than with some torturous-looking contraption that would make Scarlett O’Hara wince. 

Something tells us not many of her fans can afford that quick-fix.

Oh, well. At least she’s bringing in some extra cash and keeping herself occupied while Javi Marroquin is overseas.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Kim Zolciak and Daughter Bond Over Waist Training, Suck a Whole Lot

You know what they say, right?

A family that waist trains together stays together?

No, really, Brielle Zolciak really does say this in the caption of her latest Instagram photo.

It features Brielle and her sort of famous mother, Kim Zolciak, both donning the totally absurd “weight loss” apparatus made famous by Kim Kardashian and her family.

“family that #waisttrains together stays together,” Brielle writes. “loving our @waistgangsociety comic shaper thanks @premadonna87 for hooking us up!!..

“order yours now from mother & maughter slayageeee we slay!! use code ( Briellekim ) for a special discount.”

We are obligated to now point out that a waist trainer does not help one lose an ounce of weight.

All of these celebrities are being paid a lot of money to endorse a product that accomplishes absolutely nothing.

They are atrocious role models for young women around the world. Please be aware of this.

Brielle Zolciak has been sharing more and more selfies and bikini photos in recent weeks, doing all she can to make like her reality star of a mother.

She suddenly has over 651,000 followers, so she’s doing something right.

And that something typically involves her wearing very little clothing.

Here is a look, meanwhile, at the Kardashian sisters and the way they have espoused the nonsense of waist training over the years.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Waist Training With Blac Chyna!

If you’re not familiar with waist training, it’s the idiotic fitness trend that’s centered around the idea that squeezing your organs like a fistful of Play-Doh will make you look skinnier.

It’s an impossibly dumb concept, but the Kardashians love waist training, and every one of Kim’s sisters (except Kendall) has jumped on board with it on social media. So we suppose it was only a matter of time before Rob got in on the action.

Yes, as you may have heard, Rob is officially in a relationship, and sources say his new girlfriend Blac Chyna is helping him lose weight.

Unfortunately, it seems that in this case “lose weight” means “re-shape his bloated liver so that it resembles an ab.”

“Blac Chyna always brings up how much she loves waist training and hopes that Rob will get in on the trend once he starts losing more weight,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“He also has brought up to Blac that he would like to talk to his sisters about it to make them have a current reason to bond.”

That’s right  – Rob and his sisters will be bonding over binding.

The insider says Blac has convinced Rob that repairing his relationships with his family members is essential to his health:

“To fix his weight he has to heal himself and he realizes that he has to heal his relationships with family and friends,” the source says.

“He’s been very encouraged with Lamar’s progress and he wants to show that he has that determination and power as well.”

So Rob is comparing himself to Lamar now?

We hate to dismiss the seriousness of your struggle, Rob, but it’s important to keep things in perspective.

Lamar had to learn how to walk again; you just have to switch to light beer.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Coco Flaunts Boobs, Waist Trains AND Takes Care of Baby!

Say what you will about Coco Austin, the woman is a master multitasker.

In the latest photo she posted to Instagram, she is wearing a waist trainer, holding her infant baby and taking a selfie.


“Real life candid pic.. Training and watching my baby simultaneously.. The Coco way. Loving motherhood @waistedbykeke #ad,” she captioned the photo.

So to all the new mothers out there who think you can’t care for your child and wear a garment at the same time, Coco proves you wrong.

Like most women who enjoying putting their tremendous breasts on display (if that’s not Coco, I don’t know what is), Coco has come under fire since having baby Chanel back in November.

Fans have criticized her for continuing to wear skimpy clothing, because some folks think moms aren’t supposed to look sexy.

But the buxom blonde had some choice words for her haters.

“I keep reading these stupid articles & ppl commenting that when u become a mother u have to stop dressing sexy.. oh please!” she tweeted, adding: “Me dressing the way I want to will not interfere with me raising my child.”

And who knows, by keeping her boobies out, maybe she’s just trying to whet the kid’s appetite. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Kylie Jenner Posts Christmas Waist Training Selfie, Continues to Cash In on Dumb Trend

If you’re one of Kylie Jenner’s 40 million Instagram followers, you know that the 18-year-old selfie queen loves waist training.

Or rather, she loves cashing in on the idiotic waist training trend by convincing all of her followers that that’s the secret to her and her sisters’ Jessica Rabbit-like physiques.

Sadly, all of the Kardashians have posted waist training photos, so we’re not surprised to see Khloe and Kourtney joining Kylie in the cynical enterprise of shilling useless and possibly dangerous waist training products.

We don’t even blame the girls. All of the Kardashians and their hangers-on have endorsed some kind of crappy product at one point or another, but Kylie is proving to be more marketable (and more shameless) than any of her sisters.

In addition to Kylie’s many waist training selfies, she’s jumped on board with products so ridiculous that even Kris Jenner must’ve been like, “You serious?”

We’ve had entire posts devoted Kylie’s flat stomach secrets (Apparently it’s some expensive tea and, not, ya know – being 18.) 

We’ve seen Kylie sell lip kits to her impressionable young fans, who probably believed a $ 29 box of makeup could serve as a substitute for tens of thousands of dollars of professionally-administered fillers.

Now, we have Kylie and her sisters decked out in Christmas waist trainers, because ’tis the season to take advantage of your young, impressionable fans.

We’re not begrudging Kylie the chance to cash in on her fame, but can’t she does she have to resort to BS-ing the young people who made her famous?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kim Zolciak Shows Off TINY Waist, Gushes Over Scar Removal

Kim Zolciak is at it again.

Between Kim’s mini-stroke and heart condition that torpedoed her chances on DWTS, Kim Zolciak is no stranger to hospitals in recent weeks.

Her latest visit to the doctor was a happier occasion, though, as she had a scar from her hernia surgery and tummy tuck removed. CONGRATS!

In a new Instagram selfie, she can’t wait to show off how proud she is of having that removed … oh and check out her TINY waist and cleave.

“So you all know after the twins I had a hernia and while fixing the hernia I opted to have a tummy tuck as well!” Zolciak captioned the photo.

“My scar is very low and very thin, but I still had a scar.”

“I showed@simonourianmd1 my scar he did coolaser on it ONE treatment and look!!!! You can’t even see my scar!!” she informs us.

After gushing over her “baywatch” attire, Kimberly adds, “THANK YOU to 2 amazing doctors who love what they do and they do it with passion!”

Such passion. Such love for improving society. #blessed

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen the 37-year-old Kim flaunt her body on social media for kind of no reason, and it certainly won’t be the last.

By and large, regarding critics, she has no f–ks to give.

Zolciak freely admits that she’s gone under the knife, but says “I don’t know that I would have had done my stomach if I didn’t have a hernia.”

“I would have had a small incision from having the hernia fixed anyway, so I said, ‘Hell, give me my 16-year-old stomach back while you’re at it."”

“People are always like, ‘Oh she’s had lipo,’ but I’ve never had lipo,” adds the former RHOA star. “I research and I do what works for me.”

That constitutes, in part, a literally unprecedented combination of eating in moderation, drinking water, and wearing a waist-trainer.

And occasional major surgery.

On the bright side, at least she hasn’t passed down her love of gratuitous vanity and public overexposure to daughter Brielle Zolciak.

Oh wait.