Showing posts with label Disappoint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disappoint. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Will Spend Thanksgiving With Tristan Thompson, Continue to Disappoint Fans

Folks, if you’re still holding onto a shred of hope that Khloe Kardashian will dump Tristan Thompson, it may be time to give that up.

Despite the fact that Tristan was caught cheating on Khloe will she was pregnant with his child, it looks like these two are gonna ride this thing out.

For a while there, it looked as though Khloe was dropping hints about kicking her unfaithful baby daddy to the curb.

These days, however, it’s more apparent than ever that these two are planning to stick it out.

In fact, TMZ is reporting that Khloe will travel to Cleveland next week to spend Thanksgiving with Tristan and his family.

Obviously, spending Thanksgiving with your significant other’s loved ones is a solid indication that you’re in a committed relationship.

But spending Thanksgiving in Cleveland — well, that’s next level.

Khloe had the option of chillin’ on the beach in Calabasas, and instead, she’s slogging off to the shores of beautiful Lake Erie.

And it you don’t live in the Northeast or Midwest, then you might not be aware of it, but winter came early this year.

We’re sure Khloe has all kinds of fashionable attire for colder climates, but we’re also sure she’d prefer to be at home, raking in a nice payday for hanging out with her sisters in the presence of an E! camera crew.

Of course, True’s mama might be accustomed to the frigid temps by now.

After all, Khloe has been spending quite a bit of time in Cleveland lately.

She’s attended several recent Cavs home games, and her presence seems to be having a positive effect on Tristan.

Thompson has been killing it on the court lately and looked especially dominant in his team’s win over Charlotte Tuesday night.

So in the end, it looks like everything is coming up roses for Khloe and Tristan.

Of course, it’s still very early in the NBA season.

Tristan has a lot of away games ahead of him.

Which means lots of time away from Khloe … and lots of opportunities to cheat.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: Scott Disick Can See Our Kids, But He"ll Disappoint Me

Co-parenting with a man often described as a sex-crazed alcoholic who is actively spiraling to his death doesn’t sound like the easiest thing, but it sounds like Kourtney’s still trying to make it work.

For the children.

And only for the children — because Kourtney’s bracing herself for disappointment every step of the way.

This isn’t just about Scott Disick’s rampant partying back in May.

Scott’s string of bad behavior has been going on for months, with Bella Thorne but also with various other young women.

Most recently, as we mentioned, was a report that Scott Disick was groping a pair of young women while “sloppy drunk” in a Hamptons bar before yelling his desire for a blowjob.

Does anyone remember when Scott Disick used to be snarky but charming?

We remember.

But it’s been a while.

Lately, Scott Disick touching Bella Thorne’s boob ostensibly to hide her nipple is about as gentlemanly as he seems to get.

It’s sad.

As we’ve mentioned, TMZ reports that a source close to Kourtney and Scott says that the two are making it work.

Kourtney has apparently laid out some ground rules for co-parenting.

First, Scott needs to stop with his “hard partying,” which sounds a little ambiguous.

Like, doing coke would be hard partying, but how much alcohol constitutes “hard partying,” exactly?

And if she could trust Scott’s judgment on how much partying is too much partying, then they wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place, right?

Second of all, Scott has to respect that Kourtney is dating Younes Bendjima, a super hot younger model.

Now, no one should judge Kourtney for enjoying her life in that manner.

Scott Disick, of literally all people in the world, has zero right to judge Kourtney for that or just about anything.

But since Scott’s (non-chemical) weakness lately seems to be teenage models who are just this side of legal adulthood, he doesn’t even have enough high ground to point out Younes’ age — 23.

This can’t be easy for either of them, between hurt feelings on both of their parts and Scott Disick’s self-destructive impulses that he cannot seem to resist.

But apparently the couple recently spent time together with their children in Nantucket.

The big priority there was apparently that they wanted to show the children how dedicated they were to getting along.

That’s super sweet.

We’d be less amazed at the apparent sweetness if they were moving back in together purely for the children.

It’s one thing to put on your “game face” and spend a few days with your ex and the children you share.

But when people who shouldn’t still be together — and Scott’s behavior this summer and spring has convinced us that he and Kourtney can probably never return to what they once were — try to “make it work” full-time … it doesn’t do the kids any favors.

In those situations, the parents are miserable and the children pick up on it.

Whether the parents are fighting all of the time or cold to each other or whatever, the kids know.

In many cases, they end up blaming themselves for their parents’ misery.

A vacation, on the other hand, is just the right amount of time that two reasonably mature adults (or even Scott Disick!) can be their best selves for a little while.

Of course, TMZ wasn’t specific about exactly when they did this co-parenting vacation.

So … we don’t know if the Nantucket adventure was before or after Scott Disick reportedly called out his desire for head in a bar.

It may be that he was letting loose after being on his best behavior on vacation.

But we wonder if, in his desire to get blown, he’s blown his chance at the next family outing.

But Kourtney may have expected this, as an insider tells HollywoodLife.

“She wants nothing more than to have him live by his word, but she still has it at the back of her mind that he will disappoint her.”

That’s understandable.

It’s been pretty clear from Scott’s string of behavior that, regardless of his intentions, he’s likely to disappoint. Maybe a few times.

“Kourt needs to have him in her life because of the kids since they always ask for him, but she still thinks he will mess up again. She hopes not, but he has disappointed her before so she expects it again.”

Realistic expectations are actually so important.

So maybe he hasn’t blown it, after all.

Honestly, the best thing for him might be to have a little hope, even if it isn’t of getting back with Kourtney.

Maybe time with his kids can reach him in a way that nothing else can.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Posts Waist Training Photo, Continues to Disappoint

As you probably already know, lots of celebrities endorse products on Instagram, and some of them are very well compensated for it.

Curiously, products that promise to tone your midsection are among the most commonly shilled, and dozens of reality stars cash in by pretending they owe their physiques to “flat-tummy teas” and, of course, waist-trainers:

If you’re not familiar with waist training, it’s the practice of squeezing one’s organs into a corset-like contraption in hopes of forcing them into a more pleasing shape.

As you can see, Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry is a proponent – or at least she’s getting paid to pretend she is.

Kailyn has posted waist training pics before, for we were secretly hoping that she was done selling overpriced, ineffective crap to her millions of followers, most of whom are young and impressionable.

But no, like the “Damn, Daniel” kid, she’s back at it again. 

And as usual, she stuck to the corporate script for her caption:

“My waist has never looked so tiny! I wear mine 6 hrs daily & I exercise in mine. Ladies summer is coming!  Get yours today, you’ll be so amazed at the results.”

Yeah, ladies! Summer is coming, so make sure you compress yourself into some leopard-printed Scarlet O’Hara torture device so that you can smush your pancreas out of existence.

The 24-year-old mother of two has lost a lot of weight in recent weeks, to the point that there were rumors about Kailyn struggling with an eating disorder.

We don’t believe that’s the case, but we also don’t think waist training has anything to do with her new physique.

We’re pretty sure Kailyn shed some pounds through the old-fashioned combo of diet and exercise.

Oh, and her wildly expensive butt lift also has a lot to do with her new shape.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kailyn’s slow transformation.