Showing posts with label Spend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spend. Show all posts

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Will Spend Thanksgiving With Tristan Thompson, Continue to Disappoint Fans

Folks, if you’re still holding onto a shred of hope that Khloe Kardashian will dump Tristan Thompson, it may be time to give that up.

Despite the fact that Tristan was caught cheating on Khloe will she was pregnant with his child, it looks like these two are gonna ride this thing out.

For a while there, it looked as though Khloe was dropping hints about kicking her unfaithful baby daddy to the curb.

These days, however, it’s more apparent than ever that these two are planning to stick it out.

In fact, TMZ is reporting that Khloe will travel to Cleveland next week to spend Thanksgiving with Tristan and his family.

Obviously, spending Thanksgiving with your significant other’s loved ones is a solid indication that you’re in a committed relationship.

But spending Thanksgiving in Cleveland — well, that’s next level.

Khloe had the option of chillin’ on the beach in Calabasas, and instead, she’s slogging off to the shores of beautiful Lake Erie.

And it you don’t live in the Northeast or Midwest, then you might not be aware of it, but winter came early this year.

We’re sure Khloe has all kinds of fashionable attire for colder climates, but we’re also sure she’d prefer to be at home, raking in a nice payday for hanging out with her sisters in the presence of an E! camera crew.

Of course, True’s mama might be accustomed to the frigid temps by now.

After all, Khloe has been spending quite a bit of time in Cleveland lately.

She’s attended several recent Cavs home games, and her presence seems to be having a positive effect on Tristan.

Thompson has been killing it on the court lately and looked especially dominant in his team’s win over Charlotte Tuesday night.

So in the end, it looks like everything is coming up roses for Khloe and Tristan.

Of course, it’s still very early in the NBA season.

Tristan has a lot of away games ahead of him.

Which means lots of time away from Khloe … and lots of opportunities to cheat.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Sinead O"Connor: I Don"t Want to Spend Time with White People Ever Again!

Sinead O’Connor has been a controversial figure for a few decades, now.

She has recently converted to Islam and goes by Shuhada’ Davitt, but that is not the source of his latest controversy

The issue is a tweet in which she says that she never wants to “spend time with white people” ever again.

“I’m terribly sorry,” Sinead’s tweet begins.

She continues: “What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it.”

“But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again,” she writes.

That is such a head-scratcher, but she does offer a strange definition of “white people.”

In parentheses, she writes: “(if that’s what non-muslims are called).”

We don’t claim to be experts in theology, but that word would probably be kafir, not “white people.”

“Not for one moment, for any reason,” Sinead makes clear. “They are disgusting.”

Regardless of her religious adherence, Sinead O’Connor is very, very white.

Converting does not change that, and she’s hardly the only white Muslim — which makes her statement so much stranger.

Unfortunately, that was only one tweet of many.

Sinead followed up her controversial tweet:

“Interesting to see if Twitter bans this when it allows people like Trump and Milbank spew the satanic filth upon even my country,” she wrote.

Twitter has not, as of Wednesday afternoon, done anything of the sort to her tweet.

On top of that, the 51-year-old folk singer seemed eager to get into heated religious discourse.

“How come so called christian and jewish theologians,” her question begins.

She interrupts herself to claim: “(the christian theologians being atheists and satanists actually in practice, though they know it not).”

Sinead continues: “never talk about the smashing of their enemies babies heads on rocks which in all over their psalms?”

What she means to ask is why don’t members of other Abrahamic faiths who claim that Islam is violent because of the Qur’an when their own holy books have similar content.

She then promptly answers her own question. 

“BTW if one IS an intelligent theologian and has taken the journey,” she tweets.

“One would know there is no more talk of ancient violence in the Q’ran as the Tanukh, the Bible, or The sodding Mahabarata,” she writes.

The Tanakh (which stands for Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim) is the holy book of the Jewish people, known as the Old Testament in Christianity.

The Mahabharata is one of the oldest Sanskrit texts of India, and describes the Bharata dynasty.

“And,” she concludes. “Its ALL EQUALLY IRELLEVANT TO OUR TIMES.”

Which makes one wonder why she brought up old-timey scriptural violence in the first place.

So, there are a few obvious things to unpackage.

Her tweet isn’t racist, exactly, it’s just hostile, prejudiced, argumentative, and deeply confused.

She is a white woman, in terms of what that term actually means.

If she’d said that she didn’t want to hang out with non-Muslims ever again, that would be prejudiced and obnoxious.

But remember that she has been making impulsive and sometimes offensive statements for decades.

Just one year ago, Sinead O’Connor recorded a disturbing video in which she shared that she was suicidal.

She probably converted in the hopes that it will bring her peace, but lashed out online because she cannot help herself.

Sinead O’Connor has been an outspoken critic of organized religion for a very long time.

Unfortunately, her confrontational approach is sometimes off-putting, even to those who share her views.

At the end of her Twitter rant, she did at least acknowledge how bizarre her social media messages have been.

“Final word,” she wrote. “If its ‘Crazy’ to care. Then by all means, spank my ass and call me Fruity loops : )”

We hope that she is getting whatever help and support she needs in this time.

Perhaps her newly found religious community can help.


Monday, October 29, 2018

Justin Bieber: I"m Working Less to Spend Time With My Wife!

Justin Bieber has had a rough few weeks. 

The 24-year-old singer has reportedly been struggling in the aftermath of ex Selena Gomez’s breakdown.

By struggling, we mean he’s allegedly been feeling guilty about his relationship with Hailey Baldwin because he thinks Selena still has feelings for him

There’s been a lot of change for Justin of late. 

He got married to Hailey in a top-secret ceremony in September, confirming that two could agree on the fact that they are totally in love. 

However, it sounds like they’ve found something they simply cannot agree on:

Their work commitments. 

According to a new report by PEOPLE, Bieber has scaled back his commitments, noting that “he doesn’t seem ready to record new music yet” because “he just wants to hang out with Hailey.”

It’s not uncommon for newlyweds to want to spend a lot of time with each other. There’s always a honeymoon period, and while it sounds like Justin is still in that phase, it sounds like Hailey is not. 

How very awkward. 

“Hailey actually seems more ready to work than he does,” the report continues, adding that the duo are “not on the same page when it comes to work.”


We need to remember here that Bieber has been the spotlight ever since 2007 when Scooter Braun happened to click on one of his Youtube videos by accident. 

That seems like a lifetime ago, right?

It’s crazy to think that Bieber may not be as big as he is today if Braun did not click on that video. 

Yes, he has appeared as a featured artist on recent music, but those songs don’t have the same addictive ring to them that the hitmaker’s own music has. 

But what’s really holding Justin back from hitting up the recording studio with his big comeback record? 

“He’s been on the go for a long time, and he’s enjoying a laid-back season of life,” a tipster dished to PEOPLE, adding:

“He is enjoying time with the woman he loves, and doesn’t want anything to get in the way of that.”

With Justin attempting to steer clear of work for the foreseeable future, his wife Hailey is not, and was recently unveiled as the new face of Tommy Hilfiger. 

Way to go, Hailey!

Despite reports that her knack for work is causing some issues in their marriage, Baldwin had only kind words to say about her new husband in October’s issue of Harper’s BAZAAR

“He is incredible,” the 21-year-old told the publication, adding:

“He crushes everything. Every song, every feature. It’s crazy to see what he does. I’m always blown away.”

“Over the past year, I’ve had more attention on me than I’ve ever had in my life. It’s easy to not think about your mental health or your physical health because you keep pushing, pushing, pushing. Before this year, I wasn’t balancing anything,” she continued. 

He wants a break, and everyone’s entitled to that, but Justin’s behavior of late has also been a huge cause for concern. 

There have been multiple occurrences in the last few months that have fans worried about his wellbeing. 

In August, just one month before his wedding, he was spotted shopping shirtless and looking disoriented in Tribeca before being spotted bawling his eyes out on the West Side Highway bike path the same day. 

It remains to be seen whether one working while the other chills out will cause a divide in their relationship, or if their young marriage is strong enough to weather any storm. 

Time will tell, we guess!

What are your thoughts on this?


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sarah Palin"s Son Track to Spend Year in Custody After Domestic Violence Arrest

Sarah Palin’s oldest son’s arrest for allegedly hitting a woman he lives with is a violation of a deal he struck for a separate assault case … so a judge sending him to a halfway house. Track Palin was arrested last week on domestic violence…


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Allen Crabbe Says He"d Rather Spend NBA Cash Saving Schools Than Buying Cars

Brooklyn Nets star Allen Crabbe tells TMZ Sports … cutting a 6-figure check to save an L.A. school was a “no-brainer” — because giving back to the community is more important than ballin’ out.  We broke the story … Crabbe…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Steve Bannon Steps Down From Breitbart to Spend More Time With Bottle of Gin

Throughout Donald Trump’s unexpected ascendancy from walking punchline to walking punchline with nuke codes, political strategist and oily sack of potatoes discovered in the back of the cupboard on moving day Steve Bannon was one of the president’s most trusted and influential advisers.

Of course, Trump aides have proven to have roughly the same shelf life as Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers at Hogwarts, so it came as no surprise when Bannon was booted from the White House back in August.

What followed, however, was an unexpectedly abrupt downfall befitting a man who once favorably compared himself to Darth Vader and Satan.

Bannon delivered that quote to The Hollywood Reporter’s Michael Wolff, who’s made headlines this week thanks to his controversial book Fire and Fury, which details his experiences inside the Trump White House.

In the most widely-circulated passage, Wolff reveals that Bannon described a 2016 meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and group of influential Russians as “treasonous.”

Bannon later attempted to walk back his remark, claiming that he only meant to label disgraced campaign manager Manafort as a traitor, not the president’s son.

However, the damage had been done, and Bannon soon found himself atop the Donald’s ever-lengthening sh-t list.

Of course, falling out of favor with the human throbbing forehead vein that occupies the White House means that Bannon has also lost the support of his army of alt-right trolls, and the race to cut ties with the man once dubbed the most powerful figure in American politcs began in earnest this week.

Yesterday, Bannon was unceremoniously axed from his position as head of far-right media outlet Breitbart News.

“Breitbart News has decided to end its relationship with Stephen K. Bannon, therefore he will no longer host on SiriusXM since our programming agreement is with Breitbart News,” reads a statement posted on the company’s flagship website.

Bannon attemptes to downplay the termination and paint it as a mutual decision, but there’s no denying that it’s a socking fall from grace for a man who was frequently referred to as “President Bannon” just a few short months ago.”

“I’m proud of what the Breitbart team has accomplished in so short a period of time,” Bannon said in response to his dismissal.

The move came as a surprise even to many within Breitbart, who reportedly learned of Bannon’s departure in the company’s Slack chat.

As recently as last month, the company was still publicly praiaing Bannon’s influence on modern conservatism and crediting him with helping to shape the 2016 presidential election via as host of his own satellite radio show.

“As I have said all along, everything I brought to the Trump campaign came directly from the listeners I spoke with every morning on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM’s Patriot channel,” Bannon said at the time.

A spokesperson for Breitbart has confirmed that Bannon will no longer serve as host of the outler’s popular call-in show.

No replacement has been announced, but at press time, the racist blowhard who’s always drinking alone at your local dive bar was still available for the position.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans & David Eason: Did They Spend Christmas Together?

For several weeks now, rumors about Jenelle Evans and David Eason getting divorced have been circulating non-stop on social media.

The couple has no one but themselves to blame for this, as the reports began when David changed his Facebook relationship status to "It"s complicated," and then deleted his account entirely.

Jenelle swears all is well, but fans have their doubts.

Now, Mrs. Evans-Eason is taking steps to prove to her haters that she"s still very much in love.

1. Christmas Morning With the Easons

Jenelle evans christmas photo

Jenelle Evans celebrated Christmas with her kids, step kids, and husband, David Eason. The couple has been the subject of rampant divorce rumors in recent weeks.

2. David and Kaiser

David and kaiser

Jenelle’s embattled husband seemed to be in the holiday spirit. Photos posted by Jenelle show him playing with Kaiser, her son from a previous relationship.

3. Jace Scores Big

Jace scores big

Even Jenelle’s oldest son Jace was on hand for what looked to be a very merry Christmas. Jenelle’s mother, Barbara Evans, still has primary custody of the boy.

4. What’s Really Going On Here?

Dave and jenelle eason

Jenelle’s sunny depiction of her holiday is being seriously side-eyed by many of her followers. The Christmas Day photos come on the heels of what was reportedly the most difficult rough patch she and David have encountered in their tumultuous marriage.

5. Jenelle and David On the Rocks

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

Rumors that Jenelle and David were on the verge of calling it quits began when he indicated as much with his Facebook activity. Fans pounced, and Jenelle quickly went into damage control mode.

6. The Cause Of It All

Jenelle evans with andrew lewis

The drama reportedly began when MTV aired a special about Jenelle’s exes. David was reportedly upset by the affectionate way in which his wife described some of her past relationships.

View Slideshow

Friday, December 15, 2017

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott: Fighting Over Where to Spend Christmas!

After hearing that Travis Scott can’t deal with Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy hormones and has even turned to Kanye for advice on how to deal with Kylie, it’s not a huge surprise to hear that the expecting couple is fighting.

Especially since they apparently can’t agree on where to spend Christmas (which is in just 10 days). Travis and Kylie haven’t been dating long, so this is in fact their first Christmas while also being their last before the baby’s born.

Will this pair of expecting parents split before they even name their daughter?

Kylie Jenner is pregnant with Travis Scott’s baby, and the news has turned Kylie’s life upside down.

She’s a 20-year-old hottie who’s accustomed to looking a certain way.

Now, she’s apparently so insecure about her radically transformed pregnant body that Kylie just plans to hide out for a while — possibly until the baby’s born.

And perhaps even for a while after.

(Kylie totally deserves a break, since she’s spent a decade as one of the most famous humans on the planet, but it’s sad to hear that she’s doing this because of body image issues)

Kylie’s still been surrounded by her family and her closest, most trusted friends. Anyone else, and she might worry about someone betraying her by snapping photos of her baby bump.

One person who hasn’t been spending as much time with her lately has been Travis Scott. He’s still touring. One imagines that he planned these concerts earlier this year and had zero plans to impregnate his then 19-year-old girlfriend. He might have not even been seeing Kylie yet.

As we mentioned when we discussed Kylie Jenner’s reported misgivings about the pregnancy, Travis Scott is probably going to stay busy with performances, off-and-on, right up until the due date.

While it’s nice for Travis to plan on spending time with his newborn, Kylie wants to see him here and now.

Being there for your child should always be your first priority, but you should also be there for your girlfriend.

HollywoodLife reports that Christmas threatens to tear the couple apart.

According to their source close to the couple:

“The one thing they’re having a little friction over right now is where to spend Christmas day.”

That’s a big decision for any serious couple.

“He wants to be in Houston with his family and he wants her to come with him.”

Travis has reportedly offered to fly Kylie to Houston on a private jet (which is nice, though seriously how else would she get there?)

If Kylie and Travis remain a couple in the long term, they could set up plans to alternate between their respective families on holidays. But this is their first Christmas.

Kylie, whose feelings are doubtless amplified by pregnancy hormones, is broken up about it.

“She’s trying to keep her cool about it, but she will be hurt if he doesn’t spend Christmas with her and the family.”

Kylie lives very, very close to many of her relatives. She’s probably needing to feel near them even more than usual right now.

And Kylie doesn’t want to do Christmas separately.

“They’re not going to have New Year’s together because he has a show in Miami.”

It sounds like she’s accepted that he won’t be with her to ring in 2018, at least.

“So, she’s hoping that she’ll get to have him with her for Christmas.”

It makes sense. Honestly, beyond emotional neediness and craving the familiar, she may just be nervous about traveling and being away from her family at this stage of her pregnancy.

“She feels like it’s only fair.”

Of course, while we don’t have the same inside scoop on Travis’ thoughts, we can imagine how he sees this.

He’s already spending time away from his whole family. Some while touring, some while spending time with Kylie.

Sure, Travis and Kylie went to Houston and we’re sure that they visited Travis’ family then, but we don’t imagine that he sees his family as regularly as Kylie sees hers.

And once their baby’s born, he’ll be spending even less time outside of Calabasas. He might see this as a great time to spend some quality time with his family before the overwhelming duties of being a new parent begin.

That’s a fair point, too.


Monday, November 27, 2017

Javi Marroquin & Briana DeJesus: Did They Spend Thanksgiving Together?

The reports that Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus are dating have been circulating for several weeks now, and the rumored couple isn’t doing much to clear things up.

Last month, Javi said he and Briana are dating, but she refuted that statement in an interview just a few days later.

Shortly thereafter, however, Briana tweeted about wanting to marry Javi, though that comment may have been made in jest.

These two are sending so many mixed signals that our clearest indications of what’s going on between them might come from Javi’s ex-wife, Kailyn Lowry.

Kailyn has expressed her belief that Briana is only dating Javi as a form of revenge, so … we guess that’s evidence that they are romantically involved?

We’re not sure anyone knows what’s going on here, and that includes Javi and Briana.

But one thing is certain–they’re spending a lot of time together while they figure out if they want to be more than “friends with benefits.”

Yesterday, Javi posted the following photo on Instagram:

“No plans are the best plans. Had a good time with you #makingmemories,” he captioned the pic.

Dog filters? Cheesy hashtags? Hanging out without plans?

These two might be hesitant to make it label themselves, but we’re gonna go ahead and make it official on their behalf–Javi and Briana are dating.

Obviously, the apparent seriousness of their relationship has raised a lot of questions:

Have they met each other’s kids? Will we be seeing them all coupled-up on the next season of Teen Mom 2?

And, of course, this time of year, one can’t look at Javi and Briana’s Instagram-documented without wondering if they’re Javiana will be spending the holidays together.

The fact that the selfie above (which has racked up a whopping 75,000 likes in less than 24 hours) was posted over Thanksgiving weekend was not lost on Javi’s followers.

Did they spend the holiday together or just the latter part of the weekend?

Did Briana travel to Delaware to see Javi, or did he hop a plane to Orlando to spend time with her?

Their Instagram pages offer no indication, but based on some recent tweets from Javi, it seems he caught a plane somehwere late last week.

He hasn’t confirmed it on social media, but our guess would be he flew to Florida and spent the entire long weekend–including Thanksgiving Day–with Briana and her family.

If that’s the case, then it’s pretty clear these two are well beyond the “just hooking up” stage.

Of course, Javi’s not the only one moving on, as Kailyn is dating Dominique Potter these days, and the relationship appears to be getting serious.

But that doesn’t mean, of course, that Lowry is happy for her ex.

In fact, we’re guessing she’d prefer to see him posting cozy, couple-y dog filter-photos with just about anyone except Briana.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from Javi’s rollercoaster love life.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Accusers Spend Thanksgiving Holiday Together

Three of Harvey Weinstein’s most vocal accusers — Rose McGowan, Asia Argento, Annabella Sciorra — spent part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend together chowing down on a meal prepared by Argento’s boyfriend and celeb chef Anthony Bourdain.…


Harvey Weinstein Accusers Spend Thanksgiving Holiday Together

Three of Harvey Weinstein’s most vocal accusers — Rose McGowan, Asia Argento, Annabella Sciorra — spent part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend together chowing down on a meal prepared by Argento’s boyfriend and celeb chef Anthony Bourdain.…


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez Spend Saturday at Hillsong Church

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez spent much of the day Saturday in prayer. Justin and Selena spent a good chunk of the day at a Hillsong Church service in Downtown L.A.  Both are active members of the church.   As we previously…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Johnny Depp: Did His Sister Spend All His Money?!

Over the recent holiday weekend, you may have seen the occasional headline about Pirates of the Caribbean 5 making a “boatload of cash” or finding “box office gold.”

Truth be told, the movie did better than expected overseas, but actually underperformed in America.

Granted, that distinction doesn’t matter much in our modern media landscape, especially as Russia moves more plastic soldiers into Washington as part of the batsh-t game of Risk that is life in 2017.

Anyway, the upshot is that the latest entry made enough money to ensure that Pirates 6: Yes, Seriously will hit theaters sometime around 2016.

It’s great news for the franchise’s anchor, Johnny Depp, who’s been struggling with some financial issues lately.

And by that we mean you may soon find him standing near a burning trash can, passing a pint of MD 20/20 back and forth with his fellow bedraggled scarf enthusiasts.

Obviously, we kid, and Johnny is actually doing fine in the money department by regular folk standards.

The recent reports of Depp being on the verge of bankruptcy are not exaggerated (in fact, they’ve been confirmed by various court documents), but he’s only in danger of going Hollywood broke, not actual broke.

Sell a couple islands, churn out some Nic Cage-quality direct-to-DVD garbage, and Depp will be fine,

Still the question remains of what the hell happened to all his money, and on that score, there are two conflicting stories.

Currently, Depp is suing his management team, claiming that TMG mishandled his funds and failed to warn him that he was living beyond his means.

The firm is countersuing with a claim that Depp ignored repeated warnings that his extravagant lifestyle (which included a $ 30,000 a month wine budget) would drive him to the brink of financial ruin.

Now, new revelations made by a former TMG employee and published by The Hollywood Reporter could shed new light on how Captain Jack’s treasure chest wound up so bare.

The employee claims that Depp’s Christi Dembrowski was permitted to spend her brother’s money at will, and TMG was afraid to stop her due to her infamous temper.

The employee has even provided an internal memo in which Dembrowski is described as a “nasty bitch.”

The revelation could benefit either side, as it confirms both that TMG didn’t do everything it could to protect Depp’s assets, but also that Depp and his family spent recklessly and frivolously.

For much of this court battle, it’s seemed as though the scales were tipping ever so slightly in TMG’s corner.

But earlier today, Team Depp fired back with some incendiary accusations that could tilt the case in the actor’s favor.

For starters, Depp’s lawyers claim the firm used his assets to secure $ 40 million in loans without his knowledge.

Additionally, the actor claims TMG execs were negligent with his funds, citing as an example a case in which they forgot to cancel the lease on a hospice house for his late mother, costing Depp $ 350,000.

So what’s the takeaway from all of this?

Mainly that Depp swaggering around with a parrot on his shoulder will be the last sight you see before the sun expands and engulfs the Earth, bringing an end to human existence as we know it.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Rob Kardashian: See? I DO Spend Time With My Daughter!

When we first learned that Blac Chyna was pregnant with Rob Kardashian’s baby, a lot of folks took to social media to express some very obvious concerns.

Chief among them was the fact that Rob and Blac were a terribly mismatched, ill-fated couple, and they’d only been together a few months when she got pregnant.

But beyond that, were fears about Rob’s ability to raise a child.

After all, this was a man who’d spent the previous several years self-destructing in alarming fashion.

When he met Chyna, Rob was diabetic, obese, semi-reclusive, and coping with a number of severe emotional issues with compulsive overeating and substance abuse.

None of this is to shame Rob, as millions of Americans struggle with one or more of these issues, but it’s not hard to see why so many were concerned by the prospect of Rob becoming a father.

These days, as little Dream Kardashian approaches the 5-month mark, some fan predictions have come true (Rob and Blac are broken up, seemingly for good this time.), while others have thankfully been proven wrong.

By most accounts, Rob is a capable and devoted father, and he enjoys posting photos of his beloved baby girl.

Rob posted the image above on Instagram yesterday, in order to celebrate the LA Dodgers’ Opening Day.

“My dodger baby,” Rob wrote in the caption.

It’s a cute pic made all the more adorable by the fact the Dodger hat is Rob’s signature accessory.

The image comes on the heels of Rob opening up about his hopes for Dream on Sunday’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

“I want our baby to learn the type of Armenian values that dad always put onto us growing up,” Rob told Khloe at one point.

Unfortunately, the episode also featured a scene in which Kris Jenner and company encouraged Rob to take better care of himself so that he can “be around for Dream” in the future.

It didn’t go well:

“When my mom and my sisters gang up on me, it doesn’t really motivate me. It pushes me away,” Rob told the camera.

So yeah, Rob is not without his problems, but he does seem to be trying, which is more than we could say about him two years ago.

Sometimes kids help their more than parents help their kids.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tobey Maguire & Jennifer Meyer Spend the Holidays Together (PHOTO)

Tobey Maguire and Jennifer Meyer whipped themselves up for a Christmas miracle. Tobey and Jennifer — along with their 2 kiddos — reunited for the holidays as they caught a flight Monday out of LAX. They broke up back in October, and they’ve…


Saturday, December 10, 2016

Donald Trump Insists He"ll Spend "Zero Time" Producing "Apprentice" (VIDEO)

Donald Trump is trying to shut down all the buzz about him being an executive producer of “Celebrity Apprentice” while he’s in the White House. The Prez elect said, “I have NOTHING to do with The Apprentice except for fact that I conceived it with…


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Walt Disney -- Where There"s a Will, There"s a Way to Spend $60k! (DOC + PHOTO GALLERY)

Mouse House fans will be able to get their hands on a rare piece of memorabilia when Walt Disney’s last will and testament — or the first draft, anyway — auctions off for an estimated $ 60k! The will was drafted in August 1941 and includes…


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Justin Bieber -- Spend New Year"s With Me For $500k

Justin Bieber’s New Year’s Eve concert will be a full baller experience — yachts, Lambos, penthouses and tickets — but only for one fan with a half million bucks to burn. The Ultimate VIP Package for Justin’s Miami gig includes tix for you, 9…


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Andrei Kirilenko -- Made $100 MILLION In NBA ... Here"s How to Spend It (VIDEO)

You’ve heard it a million times before — athletes who make a FORTUNE only to blow it on dumb (awesome) stuff like cars, booze, clothes and strip clubs (looking at you, Antoine Walker).  Enter Andrei Kirilenko — who made more than $ 100…


Andrei Kirilenko -- Made $100 MILLION In NBA ... Here"s How to Spend It (VIDEO)

You’ve heard it a million times before — athletes who make a FORTUNE only to blow it on dumb (awesome) stuff like cars, booze, clothes and strip clubs (looking at you, Antoine Walker).  Enter Andrei Kirilenko — who made more than $ 100…
