Showing posts with label Meyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meyer. Show all posts

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Camille Grammer and David Meyer: Married!

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Camille Grammer has been through so much, but she’s found her way back to happiness.

In 2017, Camille became engaged to then-boyfriend David C Meyer.

Now, the two of them are married!

People reports that Camille and David’s wedding took place at a private beach club in Hawaii.

The ceremony took place on Saturday, October 20.

“This is my next chapter,” Camille gushed to People.

Despite some real trials in her life, Camille has finally found her happiness.

As she tells People: “I’m so excited to start our life together.”

The wedding featured some familiar names.

Fellow Real Housewives Teddi Mellencamp, Dorit Kemsley and Lisa Rinna were among the guests.

Kyle Richards was a bridesmaid.

Camille’s daughter, 16-year-old Mason, was also a bridesmaid.

Camille’s son, 14-year-old Jude, also played a role in the ceremony, walking his mother down the aisle.

Camille had more to say about her new husband, explaining what made her so sure that he is the one.

“I love the way he loves me,” she says.

Of that love, she continues: “It means so much to me.”

“And,” Camille concludes. “I know we will honor our commitment to each other for the rest of our lives.”

If you’re not sure of that, many would suggest that marriage is not a good idea.

Camille began dating David Meyer in 2016.

David is an attorney, and he has two sons of his own.

The two of them really hit it off.

Camille and David were then engaged last year, after one year of dating again.

For her to go from first date to a wedding in two years, after all that she’s experienced, must mean that she is truly confident that he is the one.

Camille has been less than lucky in love, both with her famous ex Kelsey Grammer and worse.

Her relationship with Dimitri Charalambppoulos ended in a restraining order after a horrific incident in a hotel room.

According the allegations, Dimitri responded to an argument with Camille with extreme and brutal violence.

She also very famously battled Stage 2 cancer.

Fans were glad to see her return to the Real Housewives franchise, but even gladder to see that she survived those harrowing ordeals.

It’s a joy to see that she’s found real happiness.

Camille is known for hurling zingers on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

She’s also known for her incredible body. Seriously — she and Lisa Rinna in particular put other MILFs to shame.

For many, the first thing that comes to mind when they think of Camille are the videos of her dancing — which is why we included them.

Love and happiness are never guaranteed and they can be frustratingly difficult to acquire, let alone retain.

We’re glad that she got hitched and that it went off without a hitch, so to speak.

We wish the couple and all of their children many years of happiness.


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Bristol Palin vs. Dakota Meyer: The Feud Explodes!

Remember a week ago when Dakota Meyer said things between himself and Bristol Palin were “the best [they’ve] ever been.”

Well… a lot can change in a week.

dakota v. bristol

On this past Monday’s episode of Teen Mom OG, viewers watched Bristol and Dakota basically end their marriage, as both sides apologized for their mistakes and both acknowledged Meyer’s PTSD had become too much for the relationship to handle.

It seemed as though the divorce was mutual and, hey, at the time, maybe everything was amicable.

In a new MTV-sponsored video, however, Palin advised viewers not to rush into relationships and pregnancies, telling her audience the following:

“I got engaged and pregnant within a month. Planned a wedding. And I was like, ‘I can’t get married.’ Called off the wedding. Went through the whole pregnancy by myself.

“Friggin sucked.”

That scenario does sound like it would friggin suck.

And Palin made it sound even worse when she said she felt guilty that her second child essentially had no father and, as a result…

“I got back together with him. Got married right away. Had another baby right away. And then we got divorced just recently.”

Meyer, however, has taken EXTREME exception to this portrayal of both himself and the situation between him and Palin.

He grants Bristol the basic facts of her pregnancies, but points most of the blame in her direction when it comes to the decisions she made and the way she handled it all.

“Yes, we got pregnant right after our engagement,” he captioned a photo of himself and his daughter Sailor, 2.

“We planned a wedding with our families and friends and Bristol decided to leave me a week prior. I spoke with her family every month and made it clear I would be the father of my child.

“I reached out to her before Sailor was born and asked what the plan was to co-parent. She told me to go through the courts to establish paternity.”

Moreover, Meyer argues, if Bristol felt so guilty… if she actually wanted him in the picture… why wasn’t he invited to the birth of his child?

“I found out my child was born on Twitter,” he wrote this week in response to Bristol’s video, adding:

“Can you imagine being a dad and not being allowed to be at your child’s birth? She denied my paternity until it could be proven, at which point Sailor was born.

“For Bristol to state that Sailor didn’t have a dad is laughable.

“What really happened is Bristol kept our daughter from having a father present at birth and until the courts ruled that I was her father.”

Meyer concluded his angry post like this;

“I can promise you this, Sailor and Atlee always had a dad, and always will have a dad.”

Pretty straightforward and to the point from Meyer.

And we can understand why he’s so upset here.

Palin is doing what all Teen Mom cast members almost have to do: stir up drama.

She and Dakota can’t just have a friendly divorce and pleasant co-parenting arrangement and nothing more because why would viewers tune in each week?

But Meyer is a veteran.

He suffers from anxiety and depression and constant nightmares because everyone in his platoon except for himself was killed years ago in a battle in Afghanistan.

This is anything but your run-of-the-mill Teen Mom or reality show fodder.

After all he’s been through, Meyer isn’t about to sit back and let his life story be turned into a ratings or publicity-grab by his ex-wife.

And, really, can you blame him?!?


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Urban Meyer Made Strip Club Rule After "14 OSU Recruiting Trip

Ex-Ohio State WR coach Zach Smith blew stacks at a strip club with another OSU coach and at least 1 high school coach during a recruiting trip in 2014 … and afterwards, Urban Meyer threatened his job.  It’s all in the Ohio State…


Urban Meyer Made Strip Club Rule After "14 OSU Recruiting Trip

Ex-Ohio State WR coach Zach Smith blew stacks at a strip club with another OSU coach and at least 1 high school coach during a recruiting trip in 2014 … and afterwards, Urban Meyer threatened his job.  It’s all in the Ohio State…


Ohio State Suspends Urban Meyer Three Games After Investigation

Ohio State has suspended head football coach Urban Meyer for 3 games without pay after an investigation determined he permitted misconduct to continue surrounding ex-WR coach Zach Smith.  However, school officials state neither…


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Dakota Meyer: THIS Is Why I Had to Divorce Bristol Palin!

As we learned earlier this month, Bristol Palin is divorced from Dakota Meyer.

But while she moves on with her life and prepares to get paid big bucks to join Teen Mom, her ex-husband, Dakota, is still reeling from the split.

Now, he is opening up to his followers on why they divorced and how he’s getting through it.

Dakota took to his Instagram Stories to reply to some fan questions that he had received.

“Why did you and your wife get a divorce?” one fan asks Dakota. “You seemed so cute together.”

That’s a heavy question, but he managed to keep his reply brief.

“She wasn’t happy with me,” Dakota writes. “So it’s for the best.”

If you’re not getting along, it makes sense that you’d split. He managed to answer that without spilling any family secrets.

Dakota Meyer Instagram Stories Divorce Advice 01

“I know this is a personal question,” another fan asked during his ask-me-anything. “But any advice for those going through a divorce?”

The newly divorced dad did not mind answering.

“Take it one day at a time and focus on you,” Dakota replies.

“You can try everything and give the person all you have,” Dakota says grimly. “And if they don’t choose to see good in you it’s out of your control.”

That is a very healthy thing to say, but also kind of sad.

“Know when enough is enough,” Dakota advises.

Dakota Meyer Instagram Stories Divorce Advice 02

Another fan asks: “What is it that helped you keep moving forward after those dark times?”

“Both of my girls have got me through so much,” Dakota replies.

“But Sailor is what turned me into a man,” he says of his elder daughter.

Sailor Grace was born in 2015. Atlee Gray was born to the couple in 2017.

“And,” he reveals, Sailor “made me not just want to be better but to make the commitment I’d do whatever it took to be the best dad ever.”

Dakota Meyer Instagram Stories Divorce Advice 03

Dakota answered other questions, and one fan even asked if he would consider getting married again.

His reply is a simple: “hell no.”

Many newly divorced people feel a similar sentiment, but often they find themselves repeating past mistakes after they begin to miss the feeling of being married.

Perhaps Dakota, if he does marry, will choose someone better next time.

(If your ex is Bristol Palin, whoever comes next has to be an improvement, right?)

Dakota filed for divorce from Bristol in late January.

In his divorce filing, he cited “discord or conflict of personalities.”


The documents say that this conflict “destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.”

In other words, it sounds like things were heavily toxic and that their union had become a contentious battlefield. That’s no way for a marriage to work.

A lot of fans may still be scratching their heads and wondering why Bristol Palin is joining Teen Mom.

Sure, she was a teen mother back in the day — but so were plenty of people’s grandmothers. That doesn’t mean that a little old octegenerian is likely to join the cast.

Obviously, showrunners decided that they needed someone just as toxic and universally reviled as Farrah Abraham.

And for that, you can look no further than Bristol.


Friday, August 3, 2018

Urban Meyer Knew About 2015 Zach Smith Incident and Lied to the Media

Urban Meyer admits he knew about the 2015 Zach Smith domestic violence incident — but lied to the media when asked about it on BIG10 Media Day last month.  But the catch … Meyer says he followed proper protocol behind the scenes and…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Beanie Wells Says Urban Meyer Should Be Fired If He Knew About DV Allegations

Ohio State University legend Beanie Wells says Urban Meyer should be FIRED if he lied about having knowledge of the domestic violence allegations against his assistant coach. We talked to Wells — a superstar at Ohio St. from ’06-’08 under Jim…


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Ohio State Puts Urban Meyer On Administrative Leave Amid Domestic Violence Scandal

Ohio State has placed head football coach Urban Meyer on administrative leave in the wake of reports that he lied about having knowledge of a 2015 domestic violence allegation surrounding an OSU assistant coach.   OSU issued a statement…


Ohio State Puts Urban Meyer On Administrative Leave Amid Domestic Violence Scandal

Ohio State has placed head football coach Urban Meyer on administrative leave in the wake of reports that he lied about having knowledge of a 2015 domestic violence allegation surrounding an OSU assistant coach.   OSU issued a statement…


Bristol Palin Finally Confirms Divorce from Ex-Husband Dakota Meyer

It took several months, but Bristol Palin has finally confirmed she and Dakota Meyer are no longer husband and wife … and she’s single. TMZ broke the story in February … the couple called it quits less than 2 years after their wedding and were…


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer: It"s Over!

It appears to all be over for Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer.

The couple, who are parents to a pair of young children and who have been married for fewer than two years, are going their separate ways, according to various media outlets.

Neither side has spoken publicly about the split, but insiders tell People Magazine that Meyer moved out of the family’s Austin, Texas home around Christmas and filed for divorce about two weeks ago.

The sweet photo above, which was also shared around Christmas late last year, is the last social media image we can find of the stars together.

Despite no confirmation from either half of this estranged twosome regarding the alleged break-up, Meyer and Palin have stopped following each other on Instagram.

That says it all these days, doesn’t it?

Meyer did share a video of himself and his children just yesterday, however, making us believe there may not be much bad blood between the ex-spouses.

They share a nine-month daughter named Atlee Bay and a two-year old named Sailor Grace.

Bristol, of course, is also the mother of a nine-year old boy named Tripp.

She sky-rocketed into the spotlight back in 2008 as a result of getting pregnant with him because she was only a teenager at the time… she wasn’t married… and her mother was running for Vice President.

After giving birth to her first child, Bristol eventually ended her relationship with his father, some dude named Levi Johnston.

She became a spokesperson for various conservative causes over the years and even appeared on Dancing with the Stars.

Palin’s romance with Meyer, meanwhile, has been up and down from the beginning. 

They got engaged in March of 2015, only for Bristol to then call off the wedding just days before it was scheduled to take place in May of that year.

Just a few weeks later, however, Bristol announced she was pregnant once again. And she didn’t sound particularly happy about it.

“Honestly, I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one,” Palin wrote at the time, adding:

“When life gets tough, there is no other option but to get tougher.”

After she reunited with Meyer, many assumed that he was the child’s father and that Bristol wasn’t aware she was pregnant until AFTER she had called off the wedding.

Hence her less-than-enthusiastic attitude while confirming the news.

But it all seemed to work out for the pair after they got back together, got married and even had another child together.

That was just nine months ago.

“Life is full of ups and downs but in the end, you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be,” Bristol and Dakota gushed after tying the knot, telling Entertainment Tonight:

“We are so happy to share with loved ones the wonderful news that we got married!

Hard work and God’s grace are the foundation of our new life together. With the love and support of our family, we know we can get through anything.”

Well, maybe not anything, as it turns out.

We do wish both Palin, Meyer and their kids the best of luck, though.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bristol Palin and Husband Dakota Meyer Split

Bristol Palin and husband Dakota Meyer have called it quits … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the pair — who married in 2016 and have two daughters together — tell us the two no longer live under the same roof. We’ve done some checking and…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Tobey Maguire & Jennifer Meyer Back Together ... At Least for a Night

Tobey Maguire and Jennifer Meyer split up over a year ago but you could never tell from this photo. Tobey came out to support his estranged wife Thursday night at a launch party at the Sunset Tower hotel in WeHo for an event celebrating her jewelry…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Dakota Meyer SLAMS Dan Bilzerian Over Las Vegas Shooting Video!

This might be the most random feud that we’ve ever seen. But it’s 2017 and nothing makes sense anymore.

The horrific shooting Las Vegas that left nearly 60 people dead and more than 500 injured has engendered a lot of conversations about gun control, public safety, and terrorism.

But it’s also prompted this weird feud. This is not the time, guys.

Dakota Meyer has military experience, but his role in the armed forces isn’t why he’s famous.

He’s the husband to Bristol Palin, which makes him Sarah Palin’s son-in-law.

(Seriously … he wasn’t born into the Palin clan — he willingly married into it. Can you imagine?!)

And then there’s Dan Bilzerian.

The professional poker player got rich by gambling and now he shows off his wealth by, well, owning a lot of guns, parading a lot of hot women around him in various states of undress, and being an internet personality.

Basically, Bilzerian is cashing in on hypermasculine fantasies by living out the dreams of your average male failure and, therefore, earning their respect and admiration.

(Well … at least he appears to live it out. It might be a bit much to suggest that Bilzerian actually has sex with every hot model featured in his very staged-looking photos)

Bilzerian also makes a habit of making anti-feminist statements, associating with truly terrible people like Floyd Mayweather, and generally coming across as a huge douche.

You’d think that, as different as their lifestyles might be, politics alone would put Dan Bilzerian and Dakota Meyer on the same side.

But not this time.

Dan Bilzerian filmed the mass shooting in Las Vegas. Or, at least, what he experienced of it.

In the (very upsetting — there are no “good” videos from that event) video, Dan describes his experience as he flees the massacre.

“A girl just got shot in the head. This is so crazy.”


Dan claims that he is headed to retrieve one of his guns, which would be almost comical if this weren’t such a serious subject.

“Had to go grab a gun. I’m f—ing heading back. [Expletive] it’s so crazy — some kind of mass shooting. [Explective] guy had a heavy caliber weapon for sure. Saw some girl f—ing get shot in the face right next to me, her brains f—ing hanging out. Stupid-a– me didn’t bring a gun.”

The self-proclaimed King of Instagram then updated his followers.

“They got one of the guys. I’m headed back. I don’t think there’s much I can do.”

There was never anything that Dan could do, of course. Even if he were as badass as he’d like his followers to believe.

The shooter was in a hotel room. Did Dan intend to just start shooting into windows of the Mandalay Bay?

There’s a lot to criticize there. Care to see what struck a nerve with Dakota Meyer?

Meyer took to Instagram to vent his frustration with the man.

“This is why children shouldn’t classify heroes by their followers or their photos. @danbilzerian this is what kills me about people like you. Always playing ‘operator dress up’ and so so tough when the cameras are on.”

That is fair. Dan got rich gambling and it’s not inaccurate to describe so much of what Dan does as playing dress-up.

Having a sizable gun collection is a sign of all sorts of issues and insecurities, but it’s not an indication of military prowess.

“A woman just got shot in the head and you are running away filming that’s not what operators do. Please stop trying to be someone your not. People are dying, you’re running away not helping them and pretending it’s worthy of a video is disgusting.”

We do have an issue with that last bit.

In that … most people absolutely should run away from a shooting in most situations.

Staying in the area will just make you another person for law enforcement to need to protect.

Even if you die, law enforcement will need to determine that you’re dead or they will very likely want to treat you as an injured person who is in danger of being shot again or injured in a crossfire.

But Dan Bilzerian’s brand means that he has to pretend, to his followers, to be a brave, manly hero or he’ll majorly lose face with them.

His lame excuses in the video are fairly self-evident. The fact that he felt a need to broadcast them at all is, honestly, a little sad.

So we are, against our will, forced to agree with Dakota Meyer, here.



Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tobey Maguire & Jennifer Meyer Spend the Holidays Together (PHOTO)

Tobey Maguire and Jennifer Meyer whipped themselves up for a Christmas miracle. Tobey and Jennifer — along with their 2 kiddos — reunited for the holidays as they caught a flight Monday out of LAX. They broke up back in October, and they’ve…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Courteney Cox & Jennifer Meyer -- Double-Dip Buds (VIDEO)

Courteney Cox and Jennifer Meyer must’ve had quite the appetite because they took a mini restaurant tour, and made sure to hit the highest profile spots. The ladies first hit up Catch Tuesday night. It’s the hottest new dining spot in…


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Bristol Palin & Dakota Meyer: MARRIED!

Well, this is a one heckuva gosh darn surprise, you betcha!

Last month we learned that Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer are back together after separating last year.

Yesterday, it was announced that Bristol and Dakota are engaged (for the second time).

And just moments ago, the happy couple revealed to the world that they’re married, via a joint statement issued to Entertainment Tonight:

“Life is full of ups and downs but in the end, you’ll end up where you’re supposed to be,” the Meyers wrote.

“We are so happy to share with loved ones the wonderful news that we got married!”

Well, we guess the heart wants what it wants.

And sometimes it thinks it wants something, then it changes its mind, makes the other heart take a paternity test, and then decides that it does in fact want it wanted in the first place.

Yes, to say Bristol and Dakota have endured a rocky road to the altar would be putting it very, very mildly.

Bristol called off her wedding to Dakota just days before the couple was scheduled to exchange vows in May of last year.

Interestingly, the couple’s families still gathered for what must have been one hell of an awkward barbecue in Kentucky on the day that the nuptials were supposed to take place.

Sarah Palin was reportedly spotted screaming at Dakota at the shindig, leading many to believe the Marine Corps veteran had cheated on her daughter.

Bristol and Dakota battled over custody of daughter Sailor Grace, and at one point, things got so ugly that Bristol forced Dakota to take a paternity test.

According to reports that we find incredibly hard to believe, the couple grew close again during Meyer’s visits to Alaska to see his daughter.

And today they dropped a wedding bombshell on us all.

So … congrats? We’re gonna hold out and see how this thing goes before we get too excited, dontcha know.

Bristol Palin: Engaged to Dakota Meyer... Again?

Excuse us, Bristol Palin, is there something you would like to tell us?

No, not about how black people need to suck up all possible examples of racism.

But about your love life.

We’re wondering because a new Instagram photo has sparked talk that Bristol is once again engaged to Dakota Meyer.

Just take a look at the picture featured above. Now take a close look at Bristol’s left ring finger.

Is that not a very large diamond?

Meyer shared the image on his social media account and included with it a seemingly revealing caption. It reads:

“On one hand, we know that everything happens for a reason, and there are no mistakes or coincidences.

“On the other hand, we learn that we can never give up, knowing that with the right tools and energy, we can reverse any decree or karma.

“So, which is it? Let the Light decide, or never give up? The answer is: both.”

Profound stuff from the U.S. Marine.

Meyer and Palin were engaged last year… until Bristol called off the wedding just days before it was scheduled to take place.

Not long after that, Palin announced she was pregnant with her second child.

Most people assumed Meyer was the father, but it wasn’t confirmed for several months.

Of late, meanwhile, the exes have been spending a lot of time together.

We got a glimpse of Meyer holding his daughter in late March; and then the pair shared a photo of themselves and their baby together at the end of May.

Earlier this month, Palin agreed to have daughter Sailor Grace’s last name changed to Meyer, after the father of one filed a court petition.

So we’re just gonna go ahead and call it now: these two are totes back together!