Showing posts with label Bilzerian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bilzerian. Show all posts

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Dan Bilzerian Searched Police Truck Amid Vegas Shooter"s Gunfire

Dan Bilzerian frantically searched inside a LV police truck Sunday night as terrified concertgoers ducked for cover from the hail of bullets. Dan — the gun enthusiast getting roasted on social media for running away from the massacre — is…


Dan Bilzerian Asks Cop For His Gun During Vegas Shooting in Insane Video

On Sunday night, 59 people were killed and hundreds more were injured in the deadliest mass shooting in American history.

Video and photographs from the attack chronicle an unimaginably horrifying scene with victims falling in the street and heroes dragging the wounded to safety.

But one video that"s gained a tremendous amount of traction on social media focuses neither on the shooter nor the innocent civilians who were gunned down, but instead reveals the unexpected involvement of a controversial internet celebrity.

Dan Bilzerian"s Instagram page has nearly 23 million followers thanks to the 36-year-old"s talent for presenting a lifestyle that reflects an archetypal male fantasy.

Based on his social media uploads, it appears that Bilzerian spends most of his time hanging out with scantily clad models and firing off massive guns.

Bilzerian"s weapon arsenal is the stuff of legend, but it seems the professional poker player found himself unarmed and off-guard when Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd at a country music festival earlier this week.

Previous video of Bilzerian at the shooting seemed to show him fleeing the scene and resulted in widespread criticism.

Bristol Palin"s husband Dakota Meyer slammed Bilzerian as a "coward" in a scathing social media post.

Now, however, new video has emerged that shows Bilzerian running toward the scene of the attack and attempting to assist police in bizarre fashion.

Without question, it was foolish of Bilzerian to interfere with police attempting to bring down an active shooter, and we"re sure many will argue that the interaction captured on video was nothing more than a publicity stunt from a man who"s made a living marketing himself as a gun-toting badass.

That theory may never be proven or disproven, but the video below does seem to verify Bilzerian"s argument that he wasn"t as blindly concerned with his own safety as Meyer and others claimed.

Check it out:

Dan bilzerian asks cop for gun during vegas shooting in insane v

Dan Bilzerian Begs Vegas Cops, Give Me a Gun and I"ll Help!!!

Dan Bilzerian begged cops to hand him a gun as the Las Vegas shooter sprayed bullets at concertgoers … and it resulted in a heated confrontation. Dan — who flaunts his arsenal of weapons — has been skewered on social media for running from…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Dan Bilzerian Tweets Photo of Stephen Paddock"s Bloody Corpse

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, 59 people were killed and hundreds more were injured on Sunday night when a gunman by the name of Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd at a country music concert in Las Vegas.

The mass shooting was the deadliest in US history, and Americans are outraged that an individual civilian was able to perpetrate such a senselessly destructive act of terrorism.

In the days since the tragedy, there’s been a great deal of discussion about what role the media should play in helping the public to process it.

Some feel Paddock’s name shouldn’t be mentioned publicly, as notoriety he receives might serve to encourage copycat gunmen.

Others feel that we should thoroughly investigate Paddock’s motives in order to carry on a more informed conversation about gun violence and mental illness in America.

What both sides can agree on is that the media should in no way glamorize Paddock’s horrific actions or create an environment that distracts from the crucial issues at the heart of this matter.

Unfortunately, in the age of the 24-hour news cycle, many outlets find it difficult not to inundate their audience with a steady barrage of new information that ends up distracting from the fact that dozens of innocent Americans have lost their lives.

Yesterday’s odd interview with Paddock’s brother (above) is one example of the worsening media circus.

And the involvement of Dan Bilzerian is undoubtedly another.

Bilzerian is a professional poker player and internet celebrity with a social media following of several million.

The 36-year-old Vegas resident was present at the concert and posted shocking video of the shooting on his Instagram page.

Bilzerian was applauded by some for documenting the madness of the scene and denigrated by others for focusing on shooting video instead of helping the wounded.

Today, Bilzerian followed the graphic footage up with yet another controversial social media post, this one featuring a photo of the bloodied corpse of Paddock, who killed himself with a gunshot wound to the head.

For obvious reasons, we’ve chosen not to share the photo here.

Bilzerian’s tweet has met with a mixed response from his followers, with some castigating the Instagram star for using shock value to draw media attention, and others praising him for publicly humiliating a monster.

“It was f–ked up he murdered people… and took so many lives. He deserves whatever embarrassment his corpse gets,” wrote one follower.

“No, actually there r these things called morals and ethics … respect the dead,’” commented another.

The post has sparked a contentious debate with hundreds arguing for each side.

Obviously, the issue of whether Bilzerian is morally justified in posting the image will never be definitively settled, but it seems undeniable that such actions distract from the vitally important conversation that we should be having as a nation this week.


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Dakota Meyer SLAMS Dan Bilzerian Over Las Vegas Shooting Video!

This might be the most random feud that we’ve ever seen. But it’s 2017 and nothing makes sense anymore.

The horrific shooting Las Vegas that left nearly 60 people dead and more than 500 injured has engendered a lot of conversations about gun control, public safety, and terrorism.

But it’s also prompted this weird feud. This is not the time, guys.

Dakota Meyer has military experience, but his role in the armed forces isn’t why he’s famous.

He’s the husband to Bristol Palin, which makes him Sarah Palin’s son-in-law.

(Seriously … he wasn’t born into the Palin clan — he willingly married into it. Can you imagine?!)

And then there’s Dan Bilzerian.

The professional poker player got rich by gambling and now he shows off his wealth by, well, owning a lot of guns, parading a lot of hot women around him in various states of undress, and being an internet personality.

Basically, Bilzerian is cashing in on hypermasculine fantasies by living out the dreams of your average male failure and, therefore, earning their respect and admiration.

(Well … at least he appears to live it out. It might be a bit much to suggest that Bilzerian actually has sex with every hot model featured in his very staged-looking photos)

Bilzerian also makes a habit of making anti-feminist statements, associating with truly terrible people like Floyd Mayweather, and generally coming across as a huge douche.

You’d think that, as different as their lifestyles might be, politics alone would put Dan Bilzerian and Dakota Meyer on the same side.

But not this time.

Dan Bilzerian filmed the mass shooting in Las Vegas. Or, at least, what he experienced of it.

In the (very upsetting — there are no “good” videos from that event) video, Dan describes his experience as he flees the massacre.

“A girl just got shot in the head. This is so crazy.”


Dan claims that he is headed to retrieve one of his guns, which would be almost comical if this weren’t such a serious subject.

“Had to go grab a gun. I’m f—ing heading back. [Expletive] it’s so crazy — some kind of mass shooting. [Explective] guy had a heavy caliber weapon for sure. Saw some girl f—ing get shot in the face right next to me, her brains f—ing hanging out. Stupid-a– me didn’t bring a gun.”

The self-proclaimed King of Instagram then updated his followers.

“They got one of the guys. I’m headed back. I don’t think there’s much I can do.”

There was never anything that Dan could do, of course. Even if he were as badass as he’d like his followers to believe.

The shooter was in a hotel room. Did Dan intend to just start shooting into windows of the Mandalay Bay?

There’s a lot to criticize there. Care to see what struck a nerve with Dakota Meyer?

Meyer took to Instagram to vent his frustration with the man.

“This is why children shouldn’t classify heroes by their followers or their photos. @danbilzerian this is what kills me about people like you. Always playing ‘operator dress up’ and so so tough when the cameras are on.”

That is fair. Dan got rich gambling and it’s not inaccurate to describe so much of what Dan does as playing dress-up.

Having a sizable gun collection is a sign of all sorts of issues and insecurities, but it’s not an indication of military prowess.

“A woman just got shot in the head and you are running away filming that’s not what operators do. Please stop trying to be someone your not. People are dying, you’re running away not helping them and pretending it’s worthy of a video is disgusting.”

We do have an issue with that last bit.

In that … most people absolutely should run away from a shooting in most situations.

Staying in the area will just make you another person for law enforcement to need to protect.

Even if you die, law enforcement will need to determine that you’re dead or they will very likely want to treat you as an injured person who is in danger of being shot again or injured in a crossfire.

But Dan Bilzerian’s brand means that he has to pretend, to his followers, to be a brave, manly hero or he’ll majorly lose face with them.

His lame excuses in the video are fairly self-evident. The fact that he felt a need to broadcast them at all is, honestly, a little sad.

So we are, against our will, forced to agree with Dakota Meyer, here.



Monday, October 2, 2017

Dan Bilzerian Films "F-cking Crazy" Las Vegas Massacre

Dan Bilzerian is a social media personality with over 23 million Instagram followers.

He"s risen to viral fame for being a professional gambler, who once hurled a porn star off a roof; for having a massive gun collection; and who proudly supported Donald Trump for President last year.

"In an age of pussified political correctness, you have to respect the people who remain unfiltered," Bilzerian captioned a photo of himself and The Donald in December of 2015.

We say all this as a preface to the video below.

It"s a collection of the videos Bilzerian filmed on Sunday night – and later uploaded to Instagram – while he was on hand for the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

As tragically documented, a shooter named Stephen Paddock opened fire with a semi-automatic weapon very early Monday morning at a Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas, killing 50 people and injuring over 400 others.

Paddock is believed to have taken his own life immediately after committing this act of terrorism; while police found eight weapons in his hotel room at the Mandalay Bay after identifying the culprit and tracking down his location.

The shooting took place at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival.

"F-ck, this girl just got shot in the f-cking head," Bilzerian says at the outset of the footage below. "So f-cking crazy."

As the gunfire continued to ring out (other witnesses have said it went on for 10 or 15 minutes), Bilzerian apparently went back to his residence in order to arm himself.

"So I had to go grab a gun. I"m f-cking headed back. It"s f-cking so crazy – some kind of mass shooting," he says in a video added about an hour after the first.

"F-cking guy had a heavy caliber or whatever… Saw a girl got f-cking shot in the face right next to me."

In the third and fourth videos, Bilzerian realizes he can"t exactly do much, telling followers:

"I don"t think there"s much I can do."

We"ve culled all four videos into one piece of footage. Check it out here:

Dan bilzerian films las vegas massacre chronicles f cking crazy

Dan Bilzerian Witnesses Women Shot in Head During Vegas Massacre

Dan Bilzerian was recording on his cell phone as bullets rained down while fleeing the Route 91 Festival in Vegas, and he witnessed a horrific scene … a woman getting shot in the head.  Dan posted this video Sunday night as concertgoers…


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Dan Bilzerian Wins Multi-Million Dollar Bicycle Race Bet!

Yesterday, we reported that professional poker player/hedge fund bro Dan Bilzerian had embarked on a 300-mile bicycle ride, with the intention of pedaling from his home in LA to the Las Vegas city limits in just 48 hours.

Many doubted that such a feat could be accomplished by a 35-year-old with a notoriously hedonistic lifestyle and four heart attacks in his recent past (Full disclosure: We were among the doubters.), 

But to the shock of many (and the dismay of at least a few high-rollers), Bilzerian has completed his journey well ahead of schedule, having reached the famous “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign this morning.

No official announcement has been made yet, but investor Bill Perkins, who bet Bilzerian $ 1.2 million that he couldn’t complete the trip in time posted the following tweet several hours before the deadline:

“@DanBilzerian 25 miles away, controversial van removed 100ish miles out, no doubt Dan smoked this on a few drugs & adrenaline #EgoMotivation”

The “controversial van” refers to a vehicle that Bilzerian had traveling in front of him in order to create a slipstream.

The divisive “King of Instagram” also traveled with a masseuse, two chefs, a team of medical professionals and a full police escort.

In addition to his wager with Perkins, Bilzerian reportedly had more than $ 1 million in side-bets on the line.

If he had died on the road (a legitimate possibility due to his aforementioned health issues), Bilzerian’s private jet would’ve been handed over to entrepreneur and Paris Hilton sex tape star Rick Salomon. 

Bilzerian – who claims he hadn’t been on a bike for nearly two decades prior to accepting the challenge – trained for several weeks with cycling legend Lance Armstrong in exchange for making a $ 25,000 donation to the charity of Armstrong’s choice.

So if you’re considering attempting such a stunt yourself, remember that you probably can’t afford a team like Bilzerian’s – or the millions in bets that no doubt helped inspire him to reach the finish line.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dan Bilzerian Begins LA-to-Vegas Bike Ride With Millions in Bets on the Line

If you’re not familiar with Dan Bilzerian, just imagine if a syringe full of anabolic steroids came to life, inherited a ton of cash, developed a complex after realizing its only 5’5″, and started an Instagram page to prove to the world that despite outward appearances, it’s actually a total badass.

If that’s too abstract, just think of any 35-year-old bro who copes with his insecurities by calling everyone p–sies and risking his life with insane stunts:

That’s Bilzerian embarking on a 300-mile bike ride from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.

Why? Well, as we learned earlier this month, the professional poker player and self-proclaimed “king of Instagram” recently bet hedge fund manager Bill Perkins $ 1.2 million that he could complete the trek in less than 48 hours.

Factoring in his many side-bets – including one with entrepreneur and frequent Pam Anderson spouse Rick Salomon in which he put his private jet on the line – Bilzerian has several million at stake.

In fairness, that’s pretty badass  – or at least at would be, were it not for two mitigating factors:

  1. Bilzerian is traveling with two chefs, a masseuse, doctor, bike mechanic, army of assistants and full police escort for a retinue that totals over two dozen.

  2. Bilzerian has suffered four heart attacks in recent years, which kinda makes this whole venture less badass and more dumbass.

“I don’t know how I’m going to feel,” recently told The Hollywood Reporter. “I think it’s physically doable, but obviously it’s going to be hell.

“I understand I could die out there. I’ve got to be on point.”

Obviously, we don’t think it’s the greatest idea for “Blitz” to be putting his life on the line, but it’s nice that no LA porn stars will be thrown from any roofs for the next couple days.

Plus, he’ll probably be too tired when he gets back. Bonus.

We’ll keep you updated on Bilzerian’s progress over the next 48 hours.

Dan Bilzerian Begins LA-to-Vegas Bike Ride With Millions in Bets on the Line

If you’re not familiar with Dan Bilzerian, just imagine if a syringe full of anabolic steroids came to life, inherited a ton of cash, developed a complex after realizing its only 5’5″, and started an Instagram page to prove to the world that despite outward appearances, it’s actually a total badass.

If that’s too abstract, just think of any 35-year-old bro who copes with his insecurities by calling everyone p–sies and risking his life with insane stunts:

That’s Bilzerian embarking on a 300-mile bike ride from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.

Why? Well, as we learned earlier this month, the professional poker player and self-proclaimed “king of Instagram” recently bet hedge fund manager Bill Perkins $ 1.2 million that he could complete the trek in less than 48 hours.

Factoring in his many side-bets – including one with entrepreneur and frequent Pam Anderson spouse Rick Salomon in which he put his private jet on the line – Bilzerian has several million at stake.

In fairness, that’s pretty badass  – or at least at would be, were it not for two mitigating factors:

  1. Bilzerian is traveling with two chefs, a masseuse, doctor, bike mechanic, army of assistants and full police escort for a retinue that totals over two dozen.

  2. Bilzerian has suffered four heart attacks in recent years, which kinda makes this whole venture less badass and more dumbass.

“I don’t know how I’m going to feel,” recently told The Hollywood Reporter. “I think it’s physically doable, but obviously it’s going to be hell.

“I understand I could die out there. I’ve got to be on point.”

Obviously, we don’t think it’s the greatest idea for “Blitz” to be putting his life on the line, but it’s nice that no LA porn stars will be thrown from any roofs for the next couple days.

Plus, he’ll probably be too tired when he gets back. Bonus.

We’ll keep you updated on Bilzerian’s progress over the next 48 hours.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dan Bilzerian Hangs With Donald Trump, Thinks You"re a P--sy

You obviously know that Donald Trump’s bid for the White House is somehow still trundling along, but did you know that Dan Bilzerian is also running for president?

It’s true. Bilzerian’s campaign has thus far consisted of him posing for photos with anonymous, surgically-enhanced boobs and selling “Bilzerian 2016” t-shirts that you can purchase for the set of boobs in your life, but technically, he’s running for president.

Of course, like just about everything else in Bilzerian’s life, his “presidential campaign” is clearly a joke, which helps explain the photo above.

Not surprisingly, the Internet’s most famous professional bro is throwing his support behind the bro-iest candidate in history (sorry, Warren “Hard-On” Harding), Mr. Donald John Trump

“In an age of pussified political correctness, you have to respect the people who remain unfiltered,” Bilzerian captioned the above photo.

We won’t be the first to point out that it’s a bit hypocritical to call other people p–sies as you pose with a fruit plate and bottled water with another guy who was born wealthy, but it bears repeating.

But really, we can’t even hate on this.

A Trump-Bilzerian ticket would not only be endlessly entertaining, it would make perfect sense.

They both failed their way to the top; they’ve both been involved in some seriously shady business dealings over the years, and they’ve both (unsuccessfully) attempted to portray themselves as self-made men despite inheriting millions.

And for those of you hoping that 2016 would see the election of our nation’s first woman president, Trump and Bilzerian spend so much time over-compensating for something that we’re guessing they’re pretty damn close, ya know?