Showing posts with label Begs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Begs. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Blac Chyna: Her Mom BEGS Rob Kardashian to Let Her See Dream

Blac Chyna may be difficult to understand, but if you"re familiar with Blac Chyna"s mom, everything about her starts to make sense.

Just a few days ago, Chyna"s mom took to Instagram to issue a desperate plea for Rob Kardashian to let her FaceTime with sweet baby Dream.

When he didn"t oblige, she issued an angry threat to the entire Kardashian family. We have both videos here for you to watch.

Tokyo toni

Tokyo Toni, whose real name is Shaman Jones-Hunter, is Blac Chyna"s mother.

She and her daughter are clearly estranged. So much so that she has not seen her grandbaby, Dream.

"Hey, Rob," Tokyo says in an Instagram video, taking on the tone of leaving a voicemail. "This is me, Tokyo."

"Unfortunately," she continues. "Things still haven"t changed since we last spoke."

"As far as Chyna is concerned," she laments. "Things still haven"t gotten better since you told social media about it."

Rob with his dream

"Is it any way possible," Tokyo asks. "That you could let me see Dream?"

Tokyo suggests that she could do this "through FaceTime or send me a video to my DM or anything."

"I don"t even know how the baby sounds," Tokyo confesses.

"It"s absolutely ludicrous," she says of the situation.

"But," she explains. "This is the only way I can get through to you."

Tokyo elaborates that she does not have any recent phone numbers.

Tokyo toni on her grind photo

That last-ditch effort to plead with Rob, who is not even on Instagram, to hook her up with a Dream video was not successful.

A few days later, she returned with another Instagram video, striking a much less congenial tone.

"This message," Tokyo shares. "Is for Chyna, Rob, Kris, Kim, and the rest of them weirdos in California."

So much for the last video"s olive branch, huh?

"All you b–ches, all of y"all b–ches, can kiss my whole ass," Tokyo announces.

Dream kardashian on the swing

"I"m not gonna miss a motherf–king wink of f–king sleep," Tokyo informs them.

"I put my hand out there," Tokyo says. "I put my ass out there on the line to contact you sons of b–ches."

"And you all know," she accuses. "That I"ve been trying to see Dream and King."

"But guess what, b–ch?" Tokyo asks. "I give up!"

That"s a hell of a twist for this very angry video to take.

Blac chyna lipgloss be poppin

If her earlier video had the vibe of a voicemail, this follow-up has the feel of an aspiring Batman villain who"s just taken their first hostages.

"But I"mma tell you this," Tokyo warns. "None of y"all"s secrets are motherf–king safe with me, b–ch."

"Yeah," Tokyo continues. "I talked to Rob for a whole motherf–king year, bitch."

"But you could find it to make a phone call to me, Kris?" Tokyo asks.

It is clear that her intention is for Kris to toss and turn at night, unable to sleep, wondering what her useless idiot of a son blabbed to Chyna"s mom.

"I"mma put all you b–ches out there, now," Tokyo promises.

Tokyo toni glam photo

Blac Chyna"s mom is a real piece of work, huh?

As the kids say, we been knew.

From her transphobic rant against Caitlyn Jenner to angrily announcing to Chyna that she was a "statutory rape baby," Tokyo says whatever she likes.

It really makes you understand why Chyna is the sort of person who might try to throw a stroller at a stranger at an amusement park.

It also makes you understand why she might not allow her children, Dream and King, anywhere near their maternal grandmother.

Blac chyna her mom begs rob kardashian to let her see dream

Friday, October 5, 2018

Mike Sorrentino Begs Judge For Leniency, Receives Prison Time Anyway

It’s a sad day for Jersey Shore star and reality TV icon Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino.

As we reported earlier, Sorrentino has been sentenced to eight months in prison in connection with a string of legal troubles that began back in 2014.

At that time, Mike and his older brother Marc were indicted for failure to pay taxes on $ 8.9 million in earnings.

Additionally, the brothers were accused of covering up their crimes by filing false tax returns in connection to Mike’s business ventures.

In April of 2017, Mike was hit with additional charges of tax evasion and structuring funds to avoid currency transaction reports.

Under the terms of his plea deal, Sorrentino was only forced to plead guilty to one count of tax evasion, but that proved to be enough to land him behind bars.

Mike’s attorneys argued that he played a minimal role in the financial conspiracy masterminded by his brother (who has already been sentenced to two years in prison).

They also noted that Sorrentino has worked hard to overcome the substance abuse issues that plagued him as a young adult.

Speaking on his own behalf, Sorrentino made a heartfelt plea for leniency that ultimately fell on deaf ears.

“I am deeply sorry. I will forever regret the decisions I made,” he told the court.

“I overcame my demons in 34 months,” Sorrentino added.

“I was in almost a full year of treatment. I lost everything in a short period of time. I was immature. Everything came overnight.”

Sorrentino joked that he “doesn’t even speed anymore” before listing the ways in which he’s served his community over the course of the past three years.

“I have a new team of professionals helping me. I work at two rehabs to share my story,” he said.

“I volunteer at the police department. I warn kids of the dangers of substance abuse. I want to continue to be a positive role model in my community.”

But despite Mike’s obvious remorse, his good works, and the endorsement of his Shore castmates — all of whom were present in the courtroom today — the judge denied Sorrentino’s request for probation and a fine and his only penalties.

In addition to jail time, Mike will be forced to serve 500 hours of community service and pay a $ 10,000 fine within 30 days.

He has already paid $ 123,913 in restitution.

There’s no word yet on when Mike will begin serving his sentence, but it currently looks as though he will not be appearing in the planned third season of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bill Cosby Begs Wife: Get Me Out of Prison Before I Die In Here!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Bill Cosby was sentenced to 3-10 years in prison yesterday after being convicted of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand.

The disgraced comedy legend was handcuffed and taken into custody shortly after the judge delivered his sentence.

It’s been less than 24 hours since he was imprisoned, but already, Cosby’s booking photo has become a viral sensation, and reports about his first day behind bars are being gleefully shared on every social media platform.

(A report from TMZ that Cosby’s first meal will include Jell-O has proven particularly popular.)

Naturally, Cosby took advantage of his first opportunity to place a phone call, and insiders confirm that he contacted his wife of 54 years, Camille Cosby.

Now, a new report Radar Online claims that Cosby spent most of his time on the phone imploring Camille to do everything in her power to get him out of jail.

Bill Cosby Booking Pic

“They took my cane, tie and shoelaces because they think I will harm myself,” Cosby reportedly told his wife.

A witness who listened in on the call, says Cosby complained about the conditions and led his wife to believe he was in immediate physical danger:

“He said he had a stale hotdog bun thrown at him and he fell down a few steps because he wasn’t being guided,” the source recalls.

“He told Camille, ‘Grab the checkbook and hire anyone and everyone’ who could get him out as soon as possible.”

Obviously, as a lifelong serial rapist, Cosby is deserving of absolutely zero sympathy.

But if the idea of a mostly-blind 81-year-old grandfather living out what might be his final years in state prison strikes you as tragically pathetic, fear not.

Life is easier for rich people everywhere — including prison.

Cosby will likely serve his sentence in a relatively cushy facility for “low risk” inmates, and a team of lawyers will descend on the place every time a guard so much as looks at him askance.

Fortunately, his treasured “legacy” has been thoroughly decimated, and Cosby’s many victims can hopefully rest easier knowing justice has somewhat been served.

And with any luck, Camille Cosby will soon see the value in being free of her monstrous husband.


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tekashi69 Begs Judge for Mercy, Says He"s Obeyed Child Sex Plea Deal

Tekashi69’s throwing a Hail Mary in hopes of avoiding prison time in his child sex case … TMZ has learned. Tekashi filed a letter with the judge in the case, explaining why he thinks he should get off with probation. You’ll recall, prosecutors…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

XXXTentacion Murder Suspect Begs Judge to Let Him Outta Jail

One of the suspects in XXXTentacion’s murder case is swinging for the fences … trying to convince the judge to let him outta jail, despite being indicted for first degree murder. According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ … Robert…


Friday, August 10, 2018

Younes Bendjima SWEARS He Didn"t Cheat, Begs Kourtney to Take Him Back!

After two years together, it’s over between Kourtney Kardashian and Younes Bendjima. And, with accusations of cheating, things are turning ugly.

Younes is adamantly denying that he ever cheated on his favorite MILF.

He still hopes that Kourtney will take him back. He sitll loves her.

HollywoodLife reports that a source close to Younes says that he hopes to reconcile ASAP and go back to having hot cougar sex with Kourt.

“Younes is denying he ever cheated on Kourtney,” the insider says.

Cheating rumors arose after he was spotted looking cozy — but, genuinely, just cozy — with Jordan Ozuma.

The source continues: “He swears he has only been loyal to her since the moment they first met.”

Younes is faithful to Kourtney, the insider says, “and has done nothing wrong.”

“He still loves her a lot,” the source continues. “And can’t believe it is over.”

The two of them just finished their sexy Italian vacation together and now they’re done. That totally sucks — for both of them.

“He has been apologizing,” the insider says. “Trying to explain any misunderstandings.”

That can be difficult to do. Especially if someone has already decided that you are not trustworthy.

“And,” the source reveals, Younes has been “begging Kourtney for a second chance.”

Kourtney admittedly did not “catch him cheating red-handed,” the source admits.

So, she merely suspects that he cheated on her.

But it sounds like she has more than a couple of partying pics, as the insider says that “she had enough evidence to believe that he was not being faithful.”


What’s more, the source says, is that Kourtney resented becoming “the worried girlfriend constantly checking up on her boyfriend and his friends on social media.”

When it comes to Jordan Ozuna, she has made it very clear that there was no funny business going on between them.

“Younes and I are not involved romantically at all,” Jordan said after photos of the two at a party surfaced.

“We were both invited to Mexico for a mutual friend’s birthday party with 13 other people,” Jordan explained.

“It was nothing more than friends having fun at the beach,” Jordan clarified. “No, we aren’t romantically involved in any way, shape or form.”

That’s probably true. But it might not make a difference with a split this ugly.

Ultimately, this may come down to Kourtney’s feelings.

Reports say that a major source of strain between the two was their age difference.

Sure, Younes is a mature guy, but he’s still well over a decade Kourt’s junior. They’re just at fundamentally different stages of their lives.

That might not always be the case for two people of their respective ages (Kourtney is 39 while Younes is 25), but Kourtney is a mother of three and Younes is an aspiring supermodel.

Their lives are on different tracks, and though they may both be hot and though they may have even hotter sex, that doesn’t mean that they are compatible in the long term. No matter how much they may wish otherwise.

It’s sad to see them break up. But they’ll always have their happy, sexy memories.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Demi Lovato BFF Dani Vitale Begs Fans to Stop Sending Death Threats

In the aftermath of Demi Lovato’s overdose and hospitalization, her backup dancer and bff Dani Vitale received death threats from Demi’s own fans.

See, fans think that, because Demi was partying after celebrating Dani’s birthday, that Dani and other friends are somehow to blame for her relapse and overdose.

Dani has finally broken her silence and is imploring Demi’s fans to stop sending death threats to the ones who love Demi the most.

Demi Lovato’s guitarist thinks that Demi’s friends are to blame for her relapse and overdose. Dani Vitale says that no, they all love and care about Demi.

“I care about Demi just like all of you do,” Dani writes on Instagram.

It’s worth noting that she turned off comments on the post. We can only imagine the sort of vitriol that she might otherwise receive under her words.

“I have not said anything about this situation until now,” Dani acknowledges.

Just because you don’t write about it on social media doesn’t mean that you don’t care. Obviously.

Dani explains that her silence is “because her recovery has been of the most importance.”

Dani Vitale message to Demi Lovato fans

“I was not with Demi when the incident happened,” Dani clarifies.

She shouldn’t have to defend herself, of course, but perhaps that explanation will put people’s minds at ease.

“I am with her now,” Dani writes. “And will continue to be because she means the world to me just as she does to all of you.”

Danie emphasizes: “There is no need for any negativity towards the ones who care about Demi at this time.”

“There is too much of it in this world as it is,” she explains. She’s right about that.

Dani’s heart goes out to Demi’s fans, many of whom are young and have never dealt with such a sudden health crisis in a pop star.

“I know you’re all feeling lost without her at this moment in time,” Dani writes.

“Remember,” Dani implores them. “That you have always been a community of Lovatics who LOVE.”

Sometimes, a lot of people forget right and wrong when they’re looking at a screen instead of a person’s face.

Writing a message on social media is not the same as screaming into a void.

Dani asks: “Please remember that when you take out your phones and start typing.”

That’s good advice for anyone, not just for Lovatics.

“Remember that we all love her more than we can ever put into words,” Dani reminds the world.

“Please,” Dani concludes. “Continue to send her love during her recovery.”

Of course.

The sad truth of the matter is that there are cases in which friends are at least partly to blame for an overdose.

Factors like peer pressure aside, if someone provides the wrong dosage or the wrong drug, or if they simply fail to check on a person, that person has not been a good friend and may even bear some responsibility for an overdose.

When people who know very few of the facts of an overdose decide that they know exactly what happened, that’s a problem.

To make matters worse, well, they really should not be sending death threats. To anyone. They should not be bombarding Demi’s loved ones with hate now or at any other time.

And, again, Dani literally wasn’t even there for the overdose.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Tekashi69 Begs Mexico For World Cup Spot, "I"m Deadass Good"

Tekashi69 claims to be “so deadass” good at soccer — he thinks Mexico should put him on the roster to face Brazil in the World Cup.  And, yes … it’s all on video! The rapper put his rainbow hair in a bun and hit the pitch to show off his…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Down to 98 Pounds as Family Begs Her to Stop Dieting (Report)

With all that’s been going on in the lives of Kim and Khloe Kardashian, it’s easy to forget about the comparatively drama-free existence of their eldest sister, Kourtney.

For years, Kourtney’s love life was the stuff of intense public interest, but these days, things have settled down considerably.

She’s still dating Younes Bendjima, and it seems that everything’s going well.

But that doesn’t mean Kourtney’s life doesn’t hold its share of challenges still.

The mother of three turned 39 last month, and those who know Kourtney best say the rapid approach of the big 4-0 is causing her considerable anxiety.

Kourtney has always prided herself on her flawless physique, and it seems she’s now having a hard time maintaining her ideal figure.

Insiders say Kourtney’s enthusiasm for exercise and dieting has developed into a full-blown obsession.

According to a report published today by Radar Online, Kourtney is down to 98 pounds and shows no signs of relenting in her weight loss efforts.

“She’s obsessed with portion control and eating only ‘clean food,"” one source tells the outlet.

The insider says Kourtney also drinks a gallon of water and exercises for three hours every day.

She also holds herself to a strict regimen of supplements, which includes “collagen supplements, daily probiotic shots and apple cider vinegar, which she believes speeds up metabolism, and everything is twice a day.”

This is not the first time that Kourtney’s diet has been a subject of scrutiny, and once again family and friends are deeply concerned about her health.

For his part, Bendjima has reportedly urged Kourtney to ease up on the dieting and exercise.

“Younes tells her she should have more curves, but she’s gone nuts and doesn’t know when to stop,” says the insider.

Well, “you should have more curves” probably isn’t something a person who’s struggling with body image issues needs to hear, but we guess it’s good that someone is urging Kourtney to go easy on herself.

After all, she really doesn’t need to lose any weight.

Kourt already shed 160 unwanted pounds when she finally dumped Scott Disick.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Man Spills Soda on a Stranger in a Public Bathroom, Begs Twitter for Help

On Thursday, May 10, an unthinkable tragedy struck.

A man, while using a public bathroom stall — already in what most would consider dire circumstances just for being there — had a container of soda with him.

Which he apparently spilled in an explosive manner, dousing not only the floor … but the shoes of another man in that restroom.

One can only imagine Twitter user Joe Grabinski"s horror.

But, since humans sadly do not come equipped with self-destruct buttons — though the only socially acceptable response to this situation would be to promptly cease existing — he had no options left but to remain silent and immobile within the stall.

And, of course, to crowdsource some advice from Twitter.

The resulting thread details the advice that he received, and the remainder of his journey of humiliation and shame.

Take a look.

1. Disaster strikes

Soda horror 01 soda drops

Lacking the matches and accelerant needed to politely immolate himself in apology, Joe did the next best thing: asked Twitter for advice.

2. The first rule: do NOT exit the stall

Soda horror 02 you live there now

For the moment, he at least has a degree of anonymity. That will change if he walks out that door. He needs to remain unseen in a state of quantum uncertainty (I know that this isn’t what that means) for as long as possible.

3. Chad asks the question that we all immediately wondered

Soda horror 03 why even bring it in there

You don’t bring a DRINK into the bathroom with you!! You leave it with a friend or you finish it or you throw it out. Maybe if you’re just checking your hair in the mirror, but CERTAINLY not if you’re going to take a seat in the stall.

4. To Joe, this was apparently new advice

Soda horror 04 lesson learned

Not to sound like a germophobe, but microscopic fecal particles are flying all over those public bathrooms at all times. Also, everywhere else inside of every building, including your home, but nowhere with as much concentration as in a bathroom. No drinks need to be in there.

5. Chad points out that the floors are already bad

Soda horror 05 floors sticky enough

Joe didn’t have any business making them worse.

6. Chad even demonstrates his alternative

Soda horror 06 cocktail demo

Please don’t do what Chad did, either. It’s more polite, but someone could slip something into your drink. Finish it, leave it with a trusted friend, or abandon it. Don’t take it into a public restroom.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Fans: Sarah Drew Begs You to Be Nicer to Kelly McCreary

Just last month, Sarah Drew departed from Grey’s Anatomy

Since then, some of her fans have apparently been harassing her friend and colleague who continues to act on the long-running ABC drama.

Sarah is speaking out … and pleading with her fans to be kind.

Taking to Twitter, Sarah Drew writes to her followers:

“I need to say something to some of you.”

Note that she is not blaming everyone for the actions of bad apples.

“I say ‘some’ because I know that many of you are not participating in this.”

She acknowledges that fans are, of course, passionate about the media that they consume.

“Look, I know these characters mean so much to you — believe me, they mean a lot to me, too — but I do not feel defended when you attack my friends.”

Some of her fans have been giving Kelly McCreary a very hard time.

“My beautiful, loving, loyal sister, Kelly, is a brilliant, fiercely talented team player who ALWAYS shows up and dedicates herself to the stories she is asked to tell.”

Actors should not be attacked for the roles that they play. Obviously.

“Please stop attacking her for doing her job.”

She implores them to remember that the actors are friends.

“When you hurt her, you hurt me.”

She hopes that people will support McCreary as they supported her.

“When you show kindness to her, you show kindness to me.”

She then has a message that we should all take to heart.

“Please be Kind.”

See, Sarah Drew’s character on Grey’s Anatomy, for those of you who haven’t watched the series since the Bush Administration, was in a relationship with Jesse Williams’ character.

A lot of fans, as they watch a show, grow attached not only to characters but to relationships. These fans are known as “shippers,” whether the relationship that they adore is canon or exists only in their hopes and dreams.

Now that Drew’s character has departed from the series, Kelly McCreary’s character is in a relationship with Williams.’

Though these fans, of course, are perfectly aware that these are fictional characters played by actors, sometimes, when you’re passionate about something, it can be easy to blur the lines.

And they’ll send real hate to real people.

Drew is absolutely right for speaking up in defense of her friend. Obviously.

One of the problems with the ready accesibility of actors these days is that they can see their fans at their worst.

For every few dozen people who just tweet politely at their faves, there is some bad apple who tries to ruin social media for everyone else.

A lot of people don’t realize that they are sexually harassing their favorite celebrities. Telling your friend that you’re crushing on a hot actor is one thing. Tweeting to them what you’d like to do with them is … something else.

Livetweeting can then become a hazard, because people might tag an actor as they tweet their hate at a character.

That’s not appropriate. it’s harassment. It’s toxic. It’s also, quite frankly, embarrassing.

It may be that what has fans really upset is the shocking departures of two beloved actors — and their characters.

But that wasn’t McCreary’s fault.

There were also people who tried to blame series star Ellen Pompeo, claiming that her hard-fought salary increase was responsible for the series thinning its cast to save money.

That has been widely dismissed as absurd.

Sometimes, when fans are angry, they blame the wrong people.

We just wish that social media did not make it so easy for them to lash out. Please think before you tweet.

Please be kind.


Monday, April 16, 2018

NFL Wife Begs Court to Punish Husband Roy Miller In Domestic Violence Case

The wife of former NFL lineman Roy Miller says she thought she was “going to die” in front of her children when her husband attacked her in 2017 … and she’s begging the court to throw the book at him.  As we previously reported, Miller –…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Nick Gordon"s GF Begs Judge to Free Him From Domestic Violence Case

Nick Gordon’s girlfriend — the one he was arrested for beating — has fired off a letter to the judge saying it was all her fault. Laura Leal filed docs in Seminole County, Florida … and they include the letter asking the judge to lift the…


Monday, January 29, 2018

TMZ Live: Meek Mill: Court Clerk Begs For Cash

ON TODAY’S SHOW Grammys: Lorde Feels Dissed By Awards Show Kylie Jenner: Brand New Mega Mansion French Montana: Global Citizen Ambassador Omarosa Joins “Celebrity Big Brother”


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Larry Nassar Begs Judge to Stop Witness Statements, "Mental Health" Concerns

Scumbag convicted sexual predator Larry Nassar wrote a letter to the court begging to end the witness statements … saying the terrible stories of sexual assault are damaging his mental health.  Don’t worry … the judge shot his pathetic ass…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Courtney Stodden Begs and Pleads to Reunite with Husband

This not exactly just in:

Courtney Stodden isn"t the most emotionally stable woman on the planet.

We mean no harsh judgment by this statement.

We"re just stating a fact that Stodden herself has pretty much owned up to, such as when she shared a troubling portrait of herself on Instagram late last year and wrote as a simple caption:


That was the first we had heard from Stodden since August, when she opened up about her split from husband Doug Hutchison.

"Our relationship is really interesting to say the least because there are so many emotions," Stodden said at the time, adding of the actor to whom she was married for six years:

"We are both heartbroken I guess and it’s hard to be in each other’s orbit because of that heartbreak."

In case you forgot, Stodden rose to fame after marrying Hutchison at the age of 16… when he was at the age of 51.

She is also famous for often taking her clothes off online and for trying to establish herself as an actress or a singer.

At the moment, however, she"s nothing more than a heartbroken woman.

She has shared a very emotional video on Instagram that opens as follows:

“So, obviously, I’ve been crying – again. I just want to be honest with you guys about some things. Me and my husband have been going through a really rough time – separation, and ultimately divorce, coming up in a week.

"I’ve, at the last minute, realized that I don’t want it and I want to try to make things work.”

It sounds like the divorce papers are not yet signed, and that Stodden hopes they never are.

“Ever since we’ve been separated and he’s moved away, I’ve been really depressed and I’ve realized that I don’t deserve him,” Stodden continued, crying.

“I love him so much and I need him back in my life. I just need him to come help me and be with me and I love him.”

As a caption to the video below, Stodden wrote:

So basically this is what I’ve been dealing with in my life … it’s been rough. To say the least. Everyone goes through shit … this is mine. You aren’t alone.

Watch and feel sorry for Courtney below:

Courtney stodden begs and pleads to reunite with her husband

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Andy Cohen Begs Giancarlo Stanton to Pick the Cardinals, We"ll Worship You!!

Here’s Andy Cohen schooling MLB on how to pitch soon-to-be-traded Giancarlo Stanton on playing for your baseball team … layin’ it all on the line for the superstar slugger. FYI, it looks like the Stanton sweepstakes is down to…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Darius McCrary Begs Court for Child Support Break

Darius McCrary is struggling so hard to get a role, he’s only made $ 500 over the last year … according to docs he’s filed.  Darius says he can no longer afford to pay child support to his estranged wife, Tammy Brawner. In the docs he says his…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Dan Bilzerian Begs Vegas Cops, Give Me a Gun and I"ll Help!!!

Dan Bilzerian begged cops to hand him a gun as the Las Vegas shooter sprayed bullets at concertgoers … and it resulted in a heated confrontation. Dan — who flaunts his arsenal of weapons — has been skewered on social media for running from…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Anthony Weiner Begs Judge For Mercy So He Can Make Good with Huma, Son

Anthony Weiner says he’s turned a corner in his recovery, and he’s asking a judge to show leniency when he’s sentenced for sending obscene material to a minor. Weiner fired off the letter to the judge in his case, saying, “I am 345 days off my…
