Showing posts with label Weiner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weiner. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Anthony Weiner & Huma Abedin Call Off Divorce: What Could Go Wrong?!

These days, Anthony Weiner is serving a prison sentence for sexting a teenage girl at the nadir of what’s surely one of the most rapid and infuriating political downfalls in recent memory.

There was a time–not all that long ago–when the former congressman seemed to have it all, including the love of his beautiful and equally successful wife, top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

What made his many discgraces so much more frustrating than most was not only the fact that he targeted a minor, but also that he seemed to receive countless second chances, only to repeatedly betray the trust of his supporters and his impossibly merciful wife.

Eventually, of course, both the public and and Abedin could take no more of dishonesty and depravity, and he lost it all.

His political career went up in flames.

He was sentenced to 23 months in prison.

And in what may have been the most painful loss of all, Abedin filed for divorce

But now it seems that Weiner may once again be on the receiving end of Abedin’s compassion.

The New York Post is reporting today that the Weiner and Abedin have officially withdrawn their pending divorce case.

According to the newspaper, Abedin was scheduled to appear in Manhattan Supreme Court this afternoon for a compliance conference.

Instead, her attorney submitted paperwork signed by both her and Weiner, agreeing to remove their case from the sourts … for now.

Lawyers for Abedin says this doesn’t mean she’s had a change of heart, insisting that she Abedin simply needs more time to work out a settlement with Weiner before the case goes before a judge.

“In order to ensure the proceedings have a minimal impact on their child, the parties have decided to attempt to reach a settlement swiftly and privately,” says attorney Charles Miller.

For a professional opinion, the Post consulted with divorce attorney Michael Stutman, who is not involved with the case.

Stutman confirmed that the withdrawal does not necessarily mean that Abedin and Weiner have called off their divorce.

He says that they may have decided to postpone the hearing for tax or other economic reasons, or to allow them more time to work out a custody agreement for their 6-year-old son.

Of course, with how much Weiner has gotten away with over the years, we won’t be convinced Huma is really leaving him until the papers are signed.


Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner Settling Divorce Out of Court

Huma Abedin and convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner signed docs to call off their divorce — but they’re still done … they’re just taking a quieter approach.  Hillary Clinton’s trusted aide, Huma, had a divorce hearing…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Anthony Weiner To Begin Serving Prison Sentence for Sexting Minor

Anthony Weiner will begin serving his prison sentence Monday for sexting with a 15-year-old girl. Weiner was sentenced to 21 months for the crime of transferring obscene material to a minor. He’ll serve his time at the Federal Medical Center in…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Anthony Weiner & Huma Abedin Take Son to School Ahead of Prison Stint

Anthony Weiner is soaking up his last days of daddy duty before his nearly 2-year prison sentence begins … and his estranged wife, Huma Abedin, is even hanging with him. Nothing warm and fuzzy about it — just co-parenting — but Huma and…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Anthony Weiner Frightened of Prison Beatdown Because of Pedophile Label

Anthony Weiner will probably be viewed as a pedophile and therefore a major target for violence by other inmates … and THAT’S why he wants to avoid serving time in a hardcore Brooklyn prison. Weiner’s lawyer damn near begged the judge NOT to…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Anthony Weiner is a "Danger to Our Society" ... Disgusted NYer Writes to Judge

Anthony Weiner deserves “no mercy” and got exactly what he deserved … according to at least one of his fellow New Yorkers, who took the time to write to the judge in Weiner’s case. An anonymous citizen wrote a letter, obtained by TMZ, to Judge…


Anthony Weiner Complains He Got Harsher Sentence Because He"s Famous

Anthony Weiner was done dirty by the judge who gave him 21 months in prison … at least that’s how he and his lawyers see it. In fact, Weiner’s team thinks he shouldn’t have gotten ANY time behind bars, especially because the judge acknowledged…


Anthony Weiner to Serve Prison Time For Sexting Teen Girl

The strange case of Anthony Weiner has taken yet another shocking turn.

While the consensus amongst legal experts seemed to be that Weiner would be able to avoid jail time by accepting a plea deal and probation, today, the disgraced former congressman was sentenced to 21 months behind bars for exchanging illicit text messages with a minor.

It was around this time last year that news of Weiner “sexting” with a 15-year-old girl went public.

Back in May, Weiner pled guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor and memorably broke down in tears before a judge.

Today, he was back in court to receive a sentence that shocked many.

Prosecutors in the case lobbied hard for prison time, arguing that Weiner’s interactions with the youth go beyond the mere exchange of explicit words.

“Transmitting obscenity to a minor to induce her to engage in sexually explicit conduct by video chat and photo—is far from mere ‘sexting,’” prosecutors wrote.

“Weiner, a grown man, a father, and a former lawmaker, willfully and knowingly asked a 15-year-old girl to display her body and engage in sexually explicit conduct for him online,” they continued.

“Such conduct warrants a meaningful sentence of incarceration.”

Weiner’s downfall began in 2011, when he resigned from Congress after accidentally tweeting a lewd photo that he had apparently intended to send to a woman with whom he was engaged in an affair.

Weiner attempted a political comeback in 2013, running for mayor of New York City in a campaign that was eventually derailed by yet another sexting scandal.

After initially announcing that she had forgiven her husband and hoped to move forward with their marriage, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin filed for divorce from Weiner earlier this year.

Attorneys for Weiner argued that the 53-year-old was a slave to his own compulsive behavior, but no longer presents a threat to others, following several months of intensive therapy.

The judge didn’t see it that way, handing down a sentence only slightly less harsh than the 27 months recommended by prosecutors.

A spokesperson for Weiner’s legal team says they will appeal the sentence.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Anthony Weiner Gets 21 Months in Prison

Anthony Weiner learned his fate … he’s going to federal lockup for just under 2 years. The ex U.S. Congressman was sentenced in Manhattan for transferring obscene material to a minor. Prosecutors had recommended a 27-month sentence, and the…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Anthony Weiner Begs Judge For Mercy So He Can Make Good with Huma, Son

Anthony Weiner says he’s turned a corner in his recovery, and he’s asking a judge to show leniency when he’s sentenced for sending obscene material to a minor. Weiner fired off the letter to the judge in his case, saying, “I am 345 days off my…


Friday, September 8, 2017

Anthony Weiner: The 15-Year-Old Girl He Sexted Speaks Out!

Anthony Weiner is gross. That is not new information.

Last year, it came out that his latest sexts had been directed at a minor — a 15-year-old girl. That was next-level disgusting.

Well, in the video that you"ll see below, that 15-year-old girl is showing her face to the public for the first time. And this story is a little complicated, because it seems like she wanted this to happen.

Anthony weiner 2013 museum of tolerance

Reputable members of the psychiatric community might not consider "Sex Addiction" to be a real thing, but it"s clear that Anthony Weiner has some issues.

Some would say that he has impulse-control issues, and they wouldn"t be wrong.

But others point the blame at a famous man abusing his position and his fame and the patience of his wife simply because he can.

That"s not a psychiatric ailment, that"s just being a creepy douchebag.

Whatever the reason, Anthony Weiner went from being a dick to his wife by sharing his dick with other women to being irredeemable scum.

Because Anthony Weiner started sexting with a minor. Just because it was over the phone doesn"t make it okay.

Oh, and he tainted the 2016 election in the process, as if the decades of anti-Hillary rhetoric and the year being cursed to its core needed any help plunging the US into years of madness.

Anthony weiner is sweating

Now, before we get into this girl — whom we will leave unnamed, because she"s 15 — we need to make something clear:

Even if she was fishing for sexting messages from Anthony Weiner, that in no way excuses him.

(Legally, there are entrapment laws when law enforcement is involved — though even then, if someone"s willing to go along with a fake plan to blow up a bridge, should those people really be running around free?)

You probably remember a brief note about how the minor whom Anthony Weiner had been sexting had been deliberately baiting him.

It"s a difficult topic to address, because there are so many angles.

Anthony weiner smirks

She"s a minor, and we never want to blast a minor for doing awful stuff, because they"re

And, indisputably, Anthony Weiner was the villain here.

In terms of this girl"s intentions, though, it looks like her desire to expose a sexual predator wasn"t to get that fiend off of the streets.

Even in the short Inside Edition preview video below, the girl name-drops Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton"s aide, Huma Abedin is a political staffer and an extraordinarily accomplished woman.

She is also Anthony Weiner"s long-suffering wife.

(She was, anyway — Huma Abedin finally filed for divorce)

It sounds like the reason that this girl targeted Anthony Weiner, of all of the compulsive pervs out there, was to sabotage Hillary Clinton"s campaign.

You might think "but the husband of her aide … he had nothing to do with her campaign."

But you"d be forgetting that 2016 was a very strange time and a very contentious election where facts didn"t seem to matter, but inflammatory associations did.

Anthony weiner enters court

From this video, we don"t know that this girl is specifically a Trump supporter.

When she started messaging Anthony Weiner, the GOP still had an array of hopeful candidates. Maybe this girl thought that she was helping Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz win the Presidency.

(That"s still not a good thing, but … yeah)

We have to wonder if she"ll comment on how it feels that, by getting Anthony Weiner busted for sexting her, she got a man who famously bragged about sexual assault elected to the White House. Trump is also notorious for walking into beauty pageant changing rooms simply because he owns them.

Anyway, she"s still 15. We look forward to finding out what she thinks about all of this when she"s 20 or 25. You can gain a lot of wisdom before adulthood.

Though, again, Anthony Weiner is a creep and that lack of wisdom that 15-year-olds have is exactly why you"re not allowed to send them pictures of your dick.

Anthony weiner the 15 year old girl he sexted speaks out

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin Come Together for Walk with Son

Anthony Weiner and estranged wife Huma Abedin are going their separate ways, with one big exception. The divorcing couple were walking their 5-year-old son, Jordan, Monday in New York City, and judging from the snapshot, they’re trying to get along…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Huma Abedin FINALLY Files for Divorce from Anthony Weiner

Huma Abedin is wasting no time in getting rid of her loser husband, Anthony Weiner. 

According to ABC, Huma has filed for divorce from the disgraced politician, and the divorce was not contested. 

Three sexting scandals was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Huma, who previously announced she was separating from Anthony late last year. 

Naturally, it was only a matter of time before she filed for divorce from Anthony, who seemed to think it was alright to throw his weiner around outside of their marriage. 

In confirming her split in 2016, Huma also released a statement, confirming the news, while asking for privacy. 

“After long and painful consideration and work on my marriage, I have made the decision to separate from my husband.”

“Anthony and I remain devoted to doing what is best for our son, who is the light of our life.”

“During this difficult time, I ask for respect for our privacy.”

Anthony’s life has been turned upside down by his knack for getting a little too vulgar during sexting sessions. 

Things took a shocking turn when it was confirmed that he was sexting with a 15-years-old. 

That was not his first instance of sexting, but it was the most shocking. 

Previously, he was running for mayor of New York City when 22-year-old Sydney Leathers came forward about her digital relationship with the man. 

She then took to the porn industry with her take on her relationship with him. 

However, Weiner subsequently got hot and heavy over text messages with the 15-year-old after she sent him a direct message about a book she was writing on him. 

The girl and her father opened up to Daily Mail about the severity of the text messages. 

One of them reads: “I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week.” 

Unsurprisingly, Weiner was summoned to court to answer for his crimes and opted to plead guilty. He was charged with transferring obscene material to a minor. 

He was allegedly crying and remorseful for his crimes, and per the terms of his plea deal, he would spend 21 to 27 months in jail, give up his iPhone and pay a fine of up to $ 350,000. 

A judge will determine the sentence they see fit, but something tells us Anthony and his weiner will be going away for a long time. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Friday, May 19, 2017

Huma Abedin Files to Divorce Anthony Weiner

Huma Abedin has finally filed to divorce Anthony Weiner … and it appears his guilty plea for texting a 15-year-old girl was the last straw. Huma filed divorce docs in NYC, according to the NY Post. The news comes just hours after Weiner…


Huma Abedin Files to Divorce Anthony Weiner

Huma Abedin has finally filed to divorce Anthony Weiner … and it appears his guilty plea for texting a 15-year-old girl was the last straw. Huma filed divorce docs in NYC, according to the NY Post. The news comes just hours after Weiner…


Anthony Weiner Pleads Guilty to Sexting Teenager, Cries in Court

Anthony Weiner entered a plea of guilty in a New York City courtroom this morning.

He also broke down into a puddle of tears.

The totally and completely disgraced congressman agreed to serve prison time today and also to register as a sex offender after admitting to a judge that he sent lewd and seductive text messages to a 15-year old girl.

Officially, Weiner was charged with transferring obscene material to a minor.

Multiple sources have confirmed that the ex-politician cried and apologized, throwing himself on the mercy of the court as much as he possibly could.

According to the terms of Weiner’s plea deal, he will serve 21 to 27 months in jail… surrender his iPhone … and pay a fine of up to $ 350,000.

A judge will determine at a later date precisely what the sentence will be.

Back in November, Weiner checked into sex rehab after he once again ended up in the news because the FBI flagged numerous references to Hillary Clinton on Weiner’s computer.

These references were brought to the attention of authorities because Weiner was married at the time to Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

This was merely the latest chapter in what has been a very long and extremely sordid history for Anthony Weiner.

In 2011, Weiner resigned from Congress after inadvertently tweeting a sexually explicit photo of himself.

Well, he texted it on purpose to a young girl who was not his wife.

He just didn’t mean for it to go viral.

In 2013, Weiner returned to the political arena via a failed campaign for mayor of New York City.

It was cut short when it was revealed that Weiner had been sexting Sydney Leathers, a young woman who went on to anchor an adult film based on her involvement with the disgraced politician.

We’re not making any of that up.

In September, it started to become clear that Weiner really might spend time in prison.

And now it appears as if that really will be the case.

In court today, Weiner admitted his “destructive impulses” had destroyed his professional and personal lives.

He said he has a sickness “but I do not have an excuse” – and acknowledged to the judge that he’d hit “rock bottom.”

The pathetic excuse for a human being added he’s “committed to making amends to all those I have harmed.”

We’re pretty sure it’s too late when it comes to his ex-wife and the entire Democratic party.

But, hey, you never know!

Good luck with that Anthony.


Anthony Weiner Weeps in Court, Pleads Guilty to Sexting 15-Year-Old Girl

Anthony Weiner shed tears in federal court as he entered a guilty plea for sexting a 15-year-old girl, and agreed to serve prison time, and will also have to register as a sex offender. The oft-disgraced Congressman appeared before the judge…


Anthony Weiner Likely to Become Registered Sex Offender in Plea Bargain

Anthony Weiner has apparently struck a deal in a criminal case in which he allegedly sent obscene texts to an underage girl, and the likely result is that he will become a registered sex offender. Weiner is due in federal court Friday and according…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hillary Clinton Emails Specifically Targeted in Anthony Weiner Search Warrant

The Anthony Weiner search warrant has just been released, and it details the type of info authorities were gunning to get … and the warrant mentions Hillary Clinton by name. Weiner is under investigation for allegedly sending sexual texts to a…


Hillary Clinton Emails Specifically Targeted in Anthony Weiner Search Warrant

The Anthony Weiner search warrant has just been released, and it details the type of info authorities were gunning to get … and the warrant mentions Hillary Clinton by name. Weiner is under investigation for allegedly sending sexual texts to a…
