Showing posts with label Complains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Complains. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2017

Anthony Weiner Complains He Got Harsher Sentence Because He"s Famous

Anthony Weiner was done dirty by the judge who gave him 21 months in prison … at least that’s how he and his lawyers see it. In fact, Weiner’s team thinks he shouldn’t have gotten ANY time behind bars, especially because the judge acknowledged…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Donald Trump Complains About "Covfefe," Twitter Explodes

Donald Trump has done it again.

Insult a world leader? Fail to hold his wife"s hand? Make absolutely no sense when trying to discuss a pressing piece of administration policy?

Probably. He probably did all of these things just in the last few minutes.

But the President also Tweeted the following message on Tuesday night "despite the constant negative press covfefe."

That was it. That was all he wrote… and he didn"t even delete the unfinished typo for six hours.

Following yet another Twitter debacle, users jumped on to their own social media pages and went to town on the Commander-in-Chief-and-Really-Terrible-Tweeter.

Here"s a look at some of the best, most BIGLY responses to Trump"s complaints over poor "covfefe."

1. This Tweet Was Sent at 9:06 EST

This tweet was sent at 9 06 est

Trump was clearly trying to type the word “coverage,” but that isn’t even close. Plus, he didn’t finish the sentence anyway. And then he left it up for over six hours!

2. Was He Trying to Spell "Coverage?"

Was he trying to spell coverage

James Corden isn’t so sure.

3. Thank You, The Donald!

Thank you the donald

We’ve been wondering about this for years.

4. Wait, Is This True?

Wait is this true

Can we pop our champagne?!?

5. Jared Fails to Compute

Jared fails to compute

The Kush needs more information before acting against the interests of his country.

6. Whey They Go Low, We Go…

Whey they go low we go

… high? Nope. Who are we, Michelle Obama?!?

View Slideshow

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Complains About New Relationship: He"s Stringing Me Along!

It’s been seven months since we first learned that Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are getting divorced, and by the standards of a reality show split, the whole thing has been relatively drama-free.

Sure, Kailyn seemed less than thrilled when Javi started dating someone new, but that’s to be expected.

And now it looks as though despite her initial difficulties with letting go, Kailyn is moving on herself.

Unfortunately, as Javi learned when he broke up with Cassie Bucka, rebound relationships can be tough.

If her latest tweets are any indication, it seems Kailyn is having a tough time with her new relationship.

“Can someone tell me why people will do relationship things with someone but claim they don’t want a relationship?” Kailyn tweeted yesterday.

When a fan replied, “Everyone wants the perks of a relationship, but no one wants the commitment,” Kailyn answered:

“Right cause they wanna do dirty sh*t on the low lol.”

Another fan offered this explanation:

“BC he’s waiting for something better to come along. You’re the side girl before there was even a main girl.”

Kailyn replied:

“I feel like that’s saying ‘I like you enough to act like your gf/bf until someone who might be better comes along."”

Yeesh. Sounds to us like Kailyn might be taking this one a bit too personally.

We’re not sure what she means by “relationship stuff” or “benefits,” but it sounds like a pretty standard situation where one person is looking for a booty call situation and the other is holding out for a situation.

The booty call party very rarely has his or her mind changed, so if the relationship person isn’t cool with that. they should probably just move on.

And by that we mean, move on from the relationship, not from anything else.

You see there’s been talk lately of Kailyn quitting Teen Mom 2, and we’d like to once again discourage her from considering that option.

We understand that right now fans are a bit too focused on your divorce, girl, but that’ll pass.

Plus, having to get a real job after becoming rich and famous in your teens would totally suck ass.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Single College Girl Complains About Dorm Sex, Receives Heartfelt Apology

One’s freshman year of college can be a confusing, awkward and lonely time.

This is true across the board, for anyone…

… whether or not one’s dorm neighbor is practically shaking one’s walls with the loud screams and moans of her never-ending sex life.

For Jenna Levine, however, a 19-year old freshman at Syracuse, the combination of being single and being reminded of how her neighbor is anything BUT single recently became too much to handle.

loud noises

Levine has gone viral after she simply had to do something about yet another rowdy intercourse romp taking place close to her room.

The student chose to alert her neighbor to this uncomfortable situation by shoving a note under her her fellow freshman’s dorm door that asked her to please “make it nasty at a lower volume.”

Levine then shared a picture of her plea on Twitter, along with the caption, “college is weird.”

This is what the kind request said in full:

Please have sex a little more quietly please. Some of us are trying to nap and not be reminded of how alone I am … feel free to make all the love you want.

Just please, make it nasty at a lower volume. Thank you!

Perfect, right? Perfect and also sort of heartbreaking.

Incredibly, Levine didn’t just get a response from the girl in Room 338.

She got an understanding, gentle, sympathetic response that made us think there’s hope in this world for compassion after all.

First, the apologetic note in reply came with a candy bar…

note under door

Second, it read as follows:

I’m so so incredibly sorry about that. I didn’t realize how loud I was being, and ya know, sometimes having loud sex is low key kinda hot but obviously at your cost, which I apologize so sincerely for.

I’m so so sorry, hope this hasn’t been occurring too often, and thanks so much for the incredible and hilarious card.

I will for sure try to keep it nasty at a significantly lower level. And hey, don’t worry, you’re not alone forever. The right person will come along when the time comes. I was single for 18 years.

Haha. Once again, I apologize so sincerely and deeply.

Amazing, right?!? Especially when you compare this exchange to similar types of exchanges in the past:

As you can see above, asking someone who lives nearby to bang a bit quieter does not always work out well.

It can lead to an hilarious exchange, sure, but this time it lead to a heartfelt exchange.

And, we’d like to think, a lifelong friendship. Or at least something these two can laugh about in the bathroom one day.

Take a look below at the apologetic response message in full detail:

sex apology note

Seriously, please keep the faith, Jenna.

You will absolutely find that perfect someone. You clearly deserve it.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Lena Dunham Complains About Sushi & Jason Bourne, Probably Needs a Nap

Lena Dunham. The very name conjures images of the ultimate precious snowflake – a being who thrives on a steady diet of inherited privilege, manufactured outrage, and reassurances that she’d totally be this successful even if she hadn’t been born with wealth and connections most young people would kill for.

The last time Lena held her breath and stamped her little feet until society reluctantly agreed to fork over a 16th minute of relevance, she was complaining about Kanye West’s “Famous” video.

Now, this feels a bit like the time we had to begrudgingly applaud Donald Trump’s comments about Caitlyn Jenner’s right to use the bathroom in Trump Tower, but Dunham had a point there.

Some say the Kanye video was exploitative to the point of being criminal.

Pretty much everyone agrees it was just plain damn creepy.

So we’re with Lena on that one, but yesterday she squandered whatever goodwill she might have built up with two of her most eyeroll-inducing tantrums to date.

No, she’s not protesting Justin Bieber lyrics again, but her latest pet causes might be even more ridiculous.

We’ll take these in order of least to most ridiculous so that you have time to judge for yourself if you have the constitution for Dunham’s most foolish “controversy” to date.

She kicked things off yesterday with a complaint about Jason Bourne.

Yes, she has a problem with the fictional spy portrayed by Matt Damon, and no, it’s not the fact that his new movie isn’t titled Bourne Again.

Lena reposted (then quickly deleted) an Instagram call to arms encouraging fans to deface promotional art for the new Bourne film, because some of the posters portray Matt Damon holding a gun.

“Good idea … let’s go,” Dunham wrote before dozens pointed out that such action is 100% guaranteed to have zero effect on gun violence and will at best just get some impressionable kids arrested.

And we’re talking about kids who will get arrested and go to jail, Lena, not arrested and dropped off at their brownstone for a stern lecture followed by a warm mug of fair trade “healing cocoa.”

Okay, if you endured that, you might be able to handle the truly ridiculous Lena outburst of the week.

In this one, she claims that serving sushi in a college dining hall amounts to cultural appropriation, and the kids at her alma mater should rise up in passionate protest of … California rolls. Seriously:

“There are now big conversations at Oberlin, where I went to college, about cultural appropriation and whether the dining hall sushi and banh mi disrespect certain cuisines,” Dunham said in a recent interview.

The press reported it as, “How crazy are Oberlin kids?” But to me, it was actually, ‘Right on."”

She continued, “I understand them. I also have entirely too much time on my hands and parents who ruined me at a young age by indulging every shrieking nonsense monster I birthed out of my mouth like Melisandre in Season 2 of Game of Thrones.”

Okay, we may have made that last quote up.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Keeping Up With The Kardashians: Khloe Complains That Rob Won"t Pick Up Her Phone Calls

The past several episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians show a divide between once-close siblings, Khloe and Rob Kardashian.

After learning that he proposed to his pregnant girlfriend, Blac Chyna, Khloe was all kinds of furious.

Now, in a clip previewing Sunday"s episode, Khloe just wants to repair her relationship with Rob.

While sitting outside with Lamar Odom, Khloe admitted she felt disconnected from her brother.

"Call Rob," Lamar suggested.

"I mean he probably won"t answer my phone call," Khloe said as she dialed Rob on her phone..

Khloe was shocked when Rob answered their Facetime call.

"I am really surprised that Rob answered the call because even though Lamar"s calling him it"s from my phone," Khloe explained during her one-on-one interview.

"It does make me smile because at least I know he"s finally gonna answer one of my phone calls."

"You getting married soon daddio?" Lamar asked Rob.

"Yeah—I don"t know how soon but first comes love then comes marriage, you know," Rob answered.

The two men, who also had a close relationship before Khloe and Lamar split, agreed to grab dinner together later that week.

"I have always loved Lamar and Rob"s relationship and bond and I want them to hang out," Khloe said during her one-on-one, "but you know I still want my time with Rob.

"He hasn"t had any one-on-one time with me, Rob hasn"t attempted to do anything with me."

Since that episode was filmed, Khloe seems to have moved back her anger over Rob and Blac.

In fact, Blac was at her 32nd birthday party, which was thrown at a Los Angeles Dave & Buster"s.

A source told Us Weekly back in May that “The baby brought them together.

"Rob is having a baby, which is huge and she needed to be there for him. It was the right thing to do.”


Khloe kardashian rob wont pick up my phone calls

Monday, May 9, 2016

Rumer Willis Complains About Her Jawline, Needs To Shut Up

If given the opportunity to pose for Vanity Fair, one can be assured that they will look superb.

This is apparently not good enough for Rumer Willis, who is furious with Mark Williams and Sara Hirakawa for allegedly altering photos taken of her and her sisters for the magazine.

Rumer publicly accused the photographers of making her jawline “smaller,” and took to Instagram to shame them.

“Any friends of fans of mine who posted this I would appreciate if you took it down,” Willis wrote last week.

“The photographer Photoshopped my face to make my jaw smaller and I find it really offensive for anyone to try and change the way you look so drastically. I love the way I look and I won’t support anyone who would feel a need to change the way I look to make me beautiful.

“Whether or not they realize it, it is a form of bullying, which I won’t stand for.”

Categorizing the move as a form of bullying is a stretch, and some could be forgiven for accusing Willis of using the term loosely.

Williams and Hirakawa immediately issued a rebuttal to The Cut

“The retouching that was done to the photograph was only done to resolve some distortion with using a wide angle lens for a group shot, and not to alter or modify anyone’s face,” the joint statement read.

We used a wide angle lens, and it might’ve made Rumer’s chin look smaller from the higher angle that we shot the image. We did correct for the optics of the lens slightly as people’s heads get distorted through the wide angle lens.

We certainly did not intend to change the way she naturally looks. Our intention was to capture the special bond between Rumer and her sisters.

It saddens us that Rumer feels the way she does about the image and hope she understands that there was never any intention with it to alter her appearance. We should make clear that this image was an outtake and was not published in Vanity Fair or nor did they ever see it.

tl;dr – Willis shouldn’t be ashamed of this photo.  Even if it is an outtake, it’s stunning.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kim Kardashian Posts Cleavage Close-Up, Complains About Feeling Like Crap

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Kim Kardashian hates being pregnant. Actually, that’s an understatement. The woman really, really despises every second of it, and she wants the whole world to know.

Fortunately, Kim has found a way to combine her two current passions – complaining and posting revealing photos on Instagram.

Yes, you’ve seen Kim Kardashian’s boobs before, but have you seen them while she’s nine months pregnant? 

Yeah, come to think of it, she probably posted a similar pic when she was knocked up with North.

But have you seen them while she’s nine months pregnant and full of mucous? We think not.

Kim posted the above photo earlier today, with a caption reading, “37 WEEKS x SINUS INFECTION x FLU = [frowny face Emoji]”

Yes, these days it seems that Kim is accomplishing the astonishing feat of out-complaining Kanye West.

Of course, she actually has reason to gripe, as she’s ben struck ill in the midst of an already-difficult pregnancy, while Kanye is presumably still pissed that Beck won a Grammy.

Anyway, Kim’s taken a lot of crap for complaining, and she’s even been accused of faking her pregnancy problems, but we think she’s entitled to kvetch a bit.

She recently revealed that her baby is breech, and she’s admitted to suffering from delivery anxiety. 

She’s got real problems, and frankly, she’s not a woman who’s used to dealing with real problems.

Hopefully, Yeezy will forget about his own problems long enough to buy Kim that $ 1 million push present she’s been asking for.