Showing posts with label CloseUp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CloseUp. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2018

Clay Matthews is Ready for His Close-up After Softball Injury Face Surgery

Less than 2 months after taking a softball to the FACE — and undergoing surgery — Clay Matthews is back in front of the camera … looking as beautiful as ever!  Remember, the NFL star caught a comebacker to the grill while playing in a…


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Kylie Jenner Shares Extreme Close-Up of Her "Pretty Girl"

Kylie Jenner really is making up for lost time.

For nearly her entire pregnancy, the 20-year old reality star stayed far from the spotlight. So far away, it was jarring.

But now that she’s a mother, Jenner has not been shy about posting pictures of herself or her first-ever child, Stormi Webster.

It all started, of course, with this snapshot of little Stormi’s fingers clutching her mommy’s thumb.

Not only was it adorable, it was record-breaking: the photo has become the most-Liked picture in the history of Instagram.

From there, Kylie gave us a look at Stormi’s toes, sharing a video that depicted new parent and tiny baby having a few sweet bonding moments together.

Check it out here:

From there, we got our first real glimpse at Stormi, as Jenner stood in a tracksuit and cradled the one-month in her arms late this week.

Because the is the Internet, Kylie got dragged pretty hard for the image (seriously, you won’t believe the reason why), but that doesn’t take away from how cute the baby herself clearly is.

And this now brings us to Kylie’s latest social media share, a Snapchat picture that is our clearest and closest shot yet of young Stormi.

The newborn is sucking on a purple pacifier in this photo, while Kylie has included some flames atop her head via a Snapchat filer.

“My pretty girl,” Jenner wrote as a caption.

Kylie and boyfriend Travis Scott welcomed Stormi, their first child, on February 1.

The little girl weighed in at 8 lbs., 9 oz. and arrived at 4:43 p.m. local time, for those keeping track at home.

Previously on Instagram Stories, Kylie shared a photograph of baby Adidas tracksuits the company had sent over as gifts for Stormi.

We have a feeling this small one will not be lacking in the accessory department.

While Jenner has been pretty candid in giving fans glimpses into her world as a parent so far, she still wants to protect Stormi from the tabloids and from becoming too famous too quickly. 

A source has told People Magazine that the Kylie Cosmetics mogul, “is very protective of Stormi and of introducing her to new people and the outside world.”

This is one way in which even the harshest Kardashian-Jenner critics must give these women props.

Kim and Kourtney have set a positive example for Kylie with the way they have raised their children so far, only sharing a few images and videos along the way.

You don’t see Saint on any magazine covers or Penelope getting her own E! spinoff or anything.

We’d have to imagine that Khloe Kardashian, when she soon has her first child, will take this same approach.

Say what you want about this family, but we salute them for their parenting skills and decisions.


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Kylie Jenner Shares First Close-Up Shot of Stormi

Kylie Jenner just gave the world the first real good look at her baby … with some added Snapchat effects. Kylie posted a quick close-up video of Stormi — about 4 seconds of cute, cooing baby goodness … sure to set the internet on fire. Travis…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Floyd Mayweather -- I"m Ready for My Close-Up ... Gets Role In Jamie Foxx Flick (VIDEO)

Floyd Mayweather … actor???  Yep … and it’s all thanks to Jamie Foxx.  Floyd just locked up a role in Jamie’s new movie, “All Star Weekend” — and the two are already gellin’ on the L.A. set.  We’re told Floyd is playing himself…


Friday, June 24, 2016

Kim Kardashian Shares Adorable Close-Up of Saint West

We really hate it when Kim Kardashian makes it impossible for us to make fun of her.

This happens every now and then, such as on those occasions when the reality star sounds smart about gun control.

It also happens when Kim stops shilling for any product that will cut her a check, puts her clothes on and reminds us all that she’s a mother of two precious children.

One of them is named Saint West.

He was born on December 5 and Kim and her famous husband have done a solid job of keeping him away from the spotlight.

Saint has never appeared on a tabloid magazine cover nor can you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and expect to see an episode centered on this baby.

But Kim did go ahead on Thursday and shared a new photo of her seven-month old on social media.

Kardashian initially shared the image via Snapchat and then also posted the pic on Instagram and Twitter.

As you can see above, it depicts Saint wearing white and lying on a white satin blanket, his little fingers poking into his mouth.


“Saint is my twin!,” Kim tweeted after captioning the shot with an angel emoji.

Over the last couple years, of course, Kim and Kanye West have shared plenty of North West photos with the world. She’s also adorable:

But Saint has been kept mostly on the DL since his birth late last year.

“Saint looks more like Kim especially the eyes. He’s so cute!” wrote a fan online, to which Kardashian replied:

“Yeah we have the same eyes. Def a good mix of both of us but he is more me, I think.”

This marks just the third time Kim has shared a photo of her son with fans.

Here’s a look at the first two:

Upon further analysis, Kim added:

“I mean North’s baby pics look like mine too but Saint I think looks more like me and North like Kanye.”

We have no joke to make here.

Please go back to stripping down and saying dumb stuff, Kim.

We don’t know how to react when you simply come across like a caring, normal parent.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bella Thorne Posts Cleavage Close-Up; Internet Rejoices

If you follow Bella Thorne on Instagram, you know the woman posts something awesome just about every day, and today was no exception.

Yes, after a few weeks in which photos of Bella’s butt stole the show, the focus is back on her boobs, and we doubt anyone is complaining.

Bella’s workout selfies are the stuff of Internet legend, and this time, the actress/Instagram star has cut right to the chase with a close-up of her Spandex-clad cleavage.

Bella extolled the virtues of praciticing yoga and living a healthy lifestyle in the caption, writing:

“Today was the day I finally noticed results !!! And what’s even better is: I FEEL good & healthy. I now feel like I can do more in my day and helps me fall asleep easier at night!”

Well, whatever she’s doing, it certainly seems to be working.

Not only is she clearly in great shape, but the Instagram community is responding very favorably to her revealing pics.

In fact, Bella will probably hit 10 million followers sometime in the next few months.

Not bad for an 18-year-old actress with no major hits to her name.

We can’t imagine what the appeal must be. Must be her taste in filters.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Rob Kardashian Shares Closeup Pic of New Flame Blac Chyna!

Wowsa, this new Rob Kardashian-Blac Chyna relationship is escalating FAST.

Just two days ago, Blac posted a photo to Instagram of herself in the amorous embrace of what definitely turned out to be Rob Kardashian’s arm.

Everyone went bonkers because she’s been in a very public feud with Rob’s sister Kylie Jenner, who is dating Blac’s ex-fiance and baby daddy Tyga.

Word on the street is that the entire Kardashian-Jenner clan is furious at Rob, and Kylie and Khloe even hinted at their rage on social media.

Rob, on the other hand, is having a great deal of fun with this.

Yesterday he posted a meme suggesting that Blac was pregnant with his child. Possibly (hopefully) a joke, but geez.

Today, he posted an extreme close-up of Blac’s face, the likeness of which some are comparing to his sister Kim Kardashian, captioning the pic with nothing but a key emoji.

Key to his heart? Key to the enigma of why he deleted all his Instagram posts? Key to a cabinet filled with cronuts?

Rob’s relationship with Blac reportedly began when he direct messaged her two weeks ago. Since then, the two have been hanging out, working out together and even moved in together, according to TMZ.

Some say Blac is using him to get back at Kylie, but the sole Kardashian brother doesn’t seem to mind.

Oh Rob, we know you’re totally f**king with us with your posts, but thanks for keeping us gossip writers employed.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kim Kardashian Posts Cleavage Close-Up, Complains About Feeling Like Crap

In case you somehow haven’t heard, Kim Kardashian hates being pregnant. Actually, that’s an understatement. The woman really, really despises every second of it, and she wants the whole world to know.

Fortunately, Kim has found a way to combine her two current passions – complaining and posting revealing photos on Instagram.

Yes, you’ve seen Kim Kardashian’s boobs before, but have you seen them while she’s nine months pregnant? 

Yeah, come to think of it, she probably posted a similar pic when she was knocked up with North.

But have you seen them while she’s nine months pregnant and full of mucous? We think not.

Kim posted the above photo earlier today, with a caption reading, “37 WEEKS x SINUS INFECTION x FLU = [frowny face Emoji]”

Yes, these days it seems that Kim is accomplishing the astonishing feat of out-complaining Kanye West.

Of course, she actually has reason to gripe, as she’s ben struck ill in the midst of an already-difficult pregnancy, while Kanye is presumably still pissed that Beck won a Grammy.

Anyway, Kim’s taken a lot of crap for complaining, and she’s even been accused of faking her pregnancy problems, but we think she’s entitled to kvetch a bit.

She recently revealed that her baby is breech, and she’s admitted to suffering from delivery anxiety. 

She’s got real problems, and frankly, she’s not a woman who’s used to dealing with real problems.

Hopefully, Yeezy will forget about his own problems long enough to buy Kim that $ 1 million push present she’s been asking for.