Showing posts with label Rejoices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rejoices. Show all posts

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Demi Lovato Flaunts MASSIVE Cleavage on Instagram, Internet Rejoices

At some point in the past year or so, Demi Lovato became one of the hottest celebrities on the planet.

It’s not as if this development happened entirely out of nowhere–Demi was always attractive, but while no one was paying attention, she somehow attained previously unimaginable levels of smoke show-ness:

Maybe it happened when Demi got sober.

Maybe what we’re seeing is the positive benefits of removing Wilmer Valderrama from one’s life.

(Fact: Mila Kunis is the only member of the cast of That ’70’s Show that it’s okay to be attracted to.)

Whatever Demi’s doing, it’s working.

Demi Lovato swimsuit pics are nothing new, but it’s not hard to see why this is one of her most popular to date.

Despite going live less than 24 hours ago, Demi’s bathing suit selfie is already creeping up on 3.5 million likes.

Those are “break the internet” numbers.

As a general rule, anything that’s posted online that doesn’t involve kittens will attract haters and trolls.

So it’s possible that Demi has set some kind of record by posting such a popular pic without drawing any real criticism.

We suppose there might be some trash talk in the comments section somewhere, but it’s been buried by marriage proposals and declarations of undying love.

“I love you so deeply, I would die for you,” wrote one fan.


You get the idea.

Sadly, the image wasn’t accompanied by any info about how we might all be more like Demi.

“In [heart emoji] with this bathing suit…” Lovato captioned the pic.

That’s not gonna help us get rid of our post-holiday guts, Demi!

Fortunately, we know a little bit about how the 25-year-old singer stays in such incredible shape.

Demi’s battled eating disorders and addictions in the past, but these days she’s militantly devoted to maintaining her physical and mental health.

Demi was recently awarded a blue belt in  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and she’s reportedly dating a mixed-martial artist.

So yes, she looks incredible, but more importantly, she can kick ass.

We’re beginning to understand all those marriage proposals on her IG page.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Kendall Jenner Dances in Lingerie, Internet Rejoices

While her sisters seem content to hold only the vaguest of job titles (media personality, brand ambassador, etc.), Kendall Jenner is making a name for herself as a model.

Okay, so it"s not thought- or labor-intensive career field, but at least she"s doing something that doesn"t involve just living her life in front of a camera crew.

There were some bumps along the way, and in the early days of Kendall"s modeling career, we heard reports about the other ladies not taking her seriously.

We were shocked, but mainly by the news that models occasionally take each other seriously.

Anyway, these days, things are going much more smoothly.

Kendall"s modeled for Victoria"s Secret and a number of other A-list brands, and she"s dancing around in her underwear like someone who"s been at it for half a century.

But, ya know, without looking like someone who"s been dancing in her underwear for half a century.

Her latest choreographed semi-nudity comes to us courtesy of La Perla, a brand that"s getting some serious mileage out of its partnership with Kenny J.

Not only is she wearing their lingerie in a new series of print ads, they also did one of those behind-the-scenes videos for Instagram.

The idea is for the models to pretend they don"t know they"re being filmed, so that people think they would be having that much fun in overpriced underwear even if they weren"t being paid for it.

It"s a very high-concept project, but there"s semi-nudity involved, so we"re cool with it:

Kendall jenner dances in lingerie internet rejoices

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ariel Winter Flaunts Boobs in See-Through Top, Instagram Rejoices

If you follow Ariel Winter on Instagram, then you’re probably not baffled by the fact that a teenage sitcom actress has an astonishing 3 million followers.

There are a few simple reasons for this.

Chief among them is the fact that Ariel has giant boobs and and seems to enjoy putting them on display.

Boobs, as you may know, are the one thing (two things?) the Internet loves more than cats and the Cash Me Ousside Girl, so Ariel really hit the SEO lottery at birth.

Fortunately for her fans, she’s well aware of this and takes full advantage of her good fortune on a regular basis.

The photo above is a still from a GIF that Ariel posted over the weekend, and we’re pretty sure it holds the power holds the power to make you forget about everything from your Trump-induced malaise to that dumb Oscar envelope mix-up that everyone can’t stop talking about.

At least for about 2.5 seconds, anyway:

Not surprisingly, the post generated a good deal of praise and more than a few marriage proposals.

“Damn you are fine!” commented one user.

“She is America’s prettiest lady,” wrote a fan, who we’re assuming conducted exhaustive research on the subject.

There was the occasional hater in the mix, but that’s pretty much the case with all things on the Internet, always.

Ariel’s only 19, but she’s been in the business for nearly a decade.

We’re sure she’s learned how to brush the dirt off her shoulders with panache.

To our minf exciting news here is that Ariel is harnessing the power of the animated .GIF, which is a platform that’s brought cleavage selfies to new heights of creative expression.

With .GIFs, boobs come to life like framed photos in Hogwarts.

But despite our unfortunate choice of simile, we’d like to take this opportunity to discourage Ariel from posting more sexy Harry Potter cosplay pics.

We’re usually in favor of cleavage in all its forms, but it’s weird enough that a woman who rose to fame playing a geeky middle-schooler on Modern Family is now rivaling Kate Upton for the title of Internet’s Favorite Boobs.

Throw Harry Potter in the mix on top of it, and it’s all just too confusing.

We might have start sending Ariel our therapy bills.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Milo Yiannopoulos Resigns from Breitbart, Twitter Rejoices

Milo Yiannopoulos is a douchebag of the highest degree. Just a terrible, terrible person.

After building a career on being reprehensible and bigoted and disgusting, it turns out that endorsing pedophilia was what ultimately crossed the line for his supporters.

"In the homosexual world particularly," Milo said in a recently resurfaced video, "some of those relationships between younger boys and older men — the sort of "coming of age" relationships — those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can"t speak to their parents."

In the same video, he also said "I"m grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn"t give nearly such good head if it wasn"t for him."

He"s been seeing the fallout from those statement for the past few days, and now the backlash has gotten so bad that he"s resigned from his position as senior editor at Breitbart.

In his statement, he explained that "I would be wrong to allow my poor choice of words to detract from my colleagues" important reporting."

But whatever his reasoning, the point is that his career is falling apart.

And Twitter could not be more excited.

1. Milo’s Statement

Milos statement

Milo did a press conference to discuss his resignation, but here’s the gist of it.

2. "This Decision is Mine Alone"

This decision is mine alone

You keep telling yourself what you need to, Milo.

3. Get a Haircut

Get a haircut

Solid advice, really.

4. The Dream

The dream

Hey, here’s hoping he fades away. Recent evidence proves we’re not that lucky though.

5. Not the White House!

Not the white house

It is a current trend for the lowest of the low to get employed there, huh?

6. Sorry, Breitbart Still Sucks

Sorry breitbart still sucks

Milo’s not THAT powerful.

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Justin Bieber Returns To Instagram, Internet Rejoices at Shirtless Pics

Justin Bieber was not lying when he told fans that he would not hesitate to shut down his Instagram account. 

Bieber closed the account down back in August after fans persisted to send hurtful comments to Sofia Richie. Yes, Sofia was just one of the girls Justin dated in 2016.

As seems to be the norm with Bieber’s relationships, they just don’t stand the test of time. That’s probably down to just how busy the young singing sensation is. 

Thankfully, Justin made his return to Instagram on Friday and threw in some shirtless pictures to make it up to the fans who missed his updates for those months he was MIA. 

“SOO MUCH CONTENT,” Bieber captioned as he showed off his toned body and many tattoos. 

Does this mean he’s about to use his Instagram to start marketing horrible products to people?

Quite possibly. Stars have a knack for that and it’s pretty desperate. 

However, the shirtless pictures were not his first post back on the social media site.

That honor went to the T-Mobile Super Bowl ad that found the star doing a variety of dances as he urged people to send videos of them dancing. 

“Let me see your #unlimitedmoves,” the 22-year-old captioned to his 77 million followers. 

How long will Justin be able to stay on Insta this time?

Will he wind up in another relationship and shut it down?

The comments to Sofia were horrible over the summer. No one wanted to see Bieber happy, so they lashed out. 

Even Selena Gomez joined in the fun and it kicked off another feud between the pair. 

With Justin complaining that people need to leave Sofia alone, Selena seemed to think Justin should not even be drawing attention to all the drama. 

As you probably expected, Justin flipped out and claimed that Selena only used him for fame. 

What do you think about this?

Sound off below!


Monday, January 30, 2017

Justin Bieber Gets Destroyed By NHL Player; Internet Rejoices

Believe it or not, Justin Bieber is actually a pretty skilled hockey player.

The Biebs says he laces up the skates every chance he gets, and he’s displayed his talents in the past by posting videos of impressive plays to social media accounts.

But there’s a difference between schooling your friends in a pick-up game and actually taking the ice against guys who play for a living – a lesson Justin learned the hard way during this week’s NHL All-Star Celebrity Shootout:

That’s 6’6″ 220-pound former NHL defenseman Chris Pronger clearly enjoying the hell out of laying out a brutal body check on Bieber.

As you can see, Justin didn’t find the experience quite as enjoyable.

“I was giving him a little back massage in the corner,” Pronger said of the hit, which has been celebrated far and wide on social media.

Pronger actually went pretty light on Bieber, but the singer clearly didn’t appreciate the punishment.

Not surprisingly, the epic photo has made Pronger something of an Internet folk hero.

Pronger successfully pinned one of the celebrity world’s most notorious douche nozzles to the boards, even the head of the NHL’s Department of Player Safety got in on the act with a joke tweet that many believed to be legit:

“The Department of Player Safety will have a hearing tomorrow morning with Chris Pronger for his Check from Behind on @justinbieber,” Damian Echevarrietta tweeted.

Fortunately, he was kidding, and there’s no chance of Pronger being disciplined for his heroic deed.

To make the story even better, there’s an inspirational element to Bieber having his face smushed into the glass for our entertainment.

Pronger hasn’t played since 2011 due to severe post-concussion syndrome.

Though he’s not officially retired, he’s not expected to return to hockey.

The 42-year-old former MVP has said in in interviews that there was a time when he was unable to skate, and that he believed he would never be able to play hockey with his kids.

So for many fans, just seeing the man back on the ice was a treat.

The fact that he flattened Bieber was just the icing on the cake.

The sweet, sweet icing on the cake…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mitt Romney Dines with Donald Trump, Twitter Rejoices

In late November of 2016, Mitt Romney met with Donald Trump in New York City to discuss his possible role as Secretary of State.

The two dined together at a restaurant in Trump Tower.

And the Internet reacted to one particularly awkward photo with memes, jokes and commentary galore. 

See what we mean below…

1. How Did I Get Here?

How did i get here

And how do I now get OUT of here?

2. One of Us

One of us

Romney has trouble relating to the average American while running for President in 2012. But he totally gets us now.

3. Waiter?


Man. If only they had shared a $ 5 shake.

4. Smile, Mitt. Just Try to Smile.

Smile mitt just try to smile

Nope, sorry. Can’t do it.

5. This is Scary

This is scary

But not any scarier than Trump’s Twitter account.

6. HIM, Really?!?

Him really

What does he have that I didn’t have?

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Friday, August 19, 2016

Nina Dobrev, Julianne Hough Post Naked Butt Photo, Instagram Rejoices

It seems like it was just last week that we were reporting on how quiet Nina Dobrev has been on social media lately.

In all likelihood, that’s because it was just last week. 

Fortunately, in the days since, Nina has taken action to prove that she’s just as engaged with fans (and just as selfie-happy) as ever.

First we were blessed with the truly epic Nina Dobrev bikini photo above.

Now, Nina has taken things a step further, and her legion of loyal fans have basically knelt before her in thanks.

No, we’re not saying Nina is returning to Vampire Diaries for Season 8.

(Although amazingly, that remains a possibility.)

We’re talking about something far more epic.

Nina and longtime friend Julianne Hough decided to drop trou for an Instagram belfie for the ages.

Yes, that’s Hough, Dobrev and an unnamed third butt on vacation in Idaho.

That’s right – Idaho.

The bikini pic above was taken in Ontario, and now Nina is stripping down and posting pics in the Land of the Potato.

She’s really performing a public service by bringing her hotness to the coldest parts of North America.

Many of Hough’s Instagram followers have joked that the girls are looking at a “full moon,” but we won’t bother to point out to you, the learned THG reader, that that’s clearly the sun.

We’re sure Neil deGrasse Tyson is headed to Hough’s page to set the record straight as we speak.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Nina Dobrev Posts Insane Bikini Photo; Instagram Rejoices

Nina Dobrev has been keeping a relatively low profile ever since she left The Vampire Diaries.

Fortunately, she still blesses us with the occasional social media gem like this:

We’ve seen Nina in a bikini before, but it’s nice to get this reminder of how happy and healthy she is.

Right, we’ll keep telling ourselves that’s why we love this pic.

Anyway, it may look like Nina is in exotic foreign locale, but that’s only true in the most technical sense.

Apparently the photo was taken in Muskoka, Ontario.

So it definitely qualifies as foreign.

“Exotic” … maybe not so much.

As for what Nina’s been up to lately, it seems her life has quieted down since she broke up with Ian Somerhalder and quit the show in which they co-starred.

There were rumors that Dobrev was dating Ruby Rose, but either the reports were bogus or the romance quickly fizzled.

Insiders say Dobrev is single these days, so feel free to head to Muskoka, Ontario to plead your case.

But you’ll want to hurry, as it’ll probably start snowing there some time this week.

Bikini season isn’t very long for our neighbors to the north.

Fortunately, Nina is helping them take full advantage of it.

We’re pretty sure this qualifies as missionary work.

The girl’s gonna be able to write off the cost of that swimwear as a charitable contribution.

Watch The Vampire Diaries online at TV Fanatic to relive some of Nina’s finest moments.

Nina Dobrev Posts Insane Bikini Photo; Instagram Rejoices

Nina Dobrev has been keeping a relatively low profile ever since she left The Vampire Diaries.

Fortunately, she still blesses us with the occasional social media gem like this:

We’ve seen Nina in a bikini before, but it’s nice to get this reminder of how happy and healthy she is.

Right, we’ll keep telling ourselves that’s why we love this pic.

Anyway, it may look like Nina is in exotic foreign locale, but that’s only true in the most technical sense.

Apparently the photo was taken in Muskoka, Ontario.

So it definitely qualifies as foreign.

“Exotic” … maybe not so much.

As for what Nina’s been up to lately, it seems her life has quieted down since she broke up with Ian Somerhalder and quit the show in which they co-starred.

There were rumors that Dobrev was dating Ruby Rose, but either the reports were bogus or the romance quickly fizzled.

Insiders say Dobrev is single these days, so feel free to head to Muskoka, Ontario to plead your case.

But you’ll want to hurry, as it’ll probably start snowing there some time this week.

Bikini season isn’t very long for our neighbors to the north.

Fortunately, Nina is helping them take full advantage of it.

We’re pretty sure this qualifies as missionary work.

The girl’s gonna be able to write off the cost of that swimwear as a charitable contribution.

Watch The Vampire Diaries online at TV Fanatic to relive some of Nina’s finest moments.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ariel Winter Celebrates Her Independence With Bikini Pics, Instagram Rejoices

Over the weekend millions of Americans guzzled domestic beer, grilled tubes of mystery meat and blew stuff up to celebrate the anniversary of the original Brexit.

We’ve done a lot of questionable things with our freedom over the centuries (Good luck explaining Hammer pants to your grandkids!), but surely we can all agree that Ariel Winter bikini photos might be the crowning achievement of 240 years of American gumption:

Sure we’ve seen Ariel’s huge boobs on countless occasions, but this time they’re celebratory, patriotic boobs!

The actress posted the photo on the left with a caption reading, “Will always look back at this #4thofjuly #fireworks #family #friends #beach”

So will we, Ariel. So will we.

The pic on the right had some lengthy caption about celebrating the birthday of “the most amazing twins on the planet.”

Amazingly, that’s not just Ariel’s nickname for her boobs.

As you can tell, Ariel and her swimwear collection had quite a holiday.

We think it’s important to take time to thank her for paying it forward by sharing her boobs joy with the world.

Sadly, Instagram didn’t exist in 1776 (we looked it up), but if it did, our founding fathers could have saved a lot of time by just emailing a link to these selfies instead of putting a bunch of words down on parchment just to have John Hancock take up all the best signing space like it’s a freakin’ birthday card.

When you think about, those breasts send the exact same message:

Freedom is awesome, and outlandish tariffs on tea and other imported goods will not be tolerated!

Or something.

“Who has time for history when there are boobs to look at?” – Benjamin Franklin*

*Not actually a quote from the Benjamin. Don’t go blaming us if your summer school social studies class again.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Emily Ratajkowski Posts Cleavage-y Bikini Photos, Internet Rejoices

Emily Ratajkowski is on vacation.

That might not seem like the wonderful news if you’re currently watching the minutes of your summer tick by in a cubicle somewhere, but fortunately, when EmRat goes on vacay, her Instagram page becomes the happiest place on Earth:

As you can see, there are at least two reasons why this photo is fantastic.

We’re talking, of course, about that giant Huck Finn straw hat and that crystal clear water.

Sure, the sight of Emily Ratajkowski’s giant boobs is nothing new, but we don’t want to live in a world where it’s not worth acknowledging every damn time!

They’re like the “Star Spangled Banner.”

We will happily rise and remove our hats for those girls every time.

But lest you think that Emily’s bikini selfies are only worthwhile due to her famous breasts, allow us to present an argument to the contrary:

Again, Emily Ratajkowski’s butt is a fairly common sight on the Internet these days, but that doesn’t mean we’ll ever grow tired of it.

We suppose when you’re a model who travels to exotic locales and takes half-naked photos for a living, the line between a work trip and a vacation becomes kinda blurred.

As far as we can tell, Emily is traveling for pleasure this time.

Fortunately, she takes her work on the road with her.

And for that, we are eternally grateful.

Emily Ratajkowski Posts Cleavage-y Bikini Photos, Internet Rejoices

Emily Ratajkowski is on vacation.

That might not seem like the wonderful news if you’re currently watching the minutes of your summer tick by in a cubicle somewhere, but fortunately, when EmRat goes on vacay, her Instagram page becomes the happiest place on Earth:

As you can see, there are at least two reasons why this photo is fantastic.

We’re talking, of course, about that giant Huck Finn straw hat and that crystal clear water.

Sure, the sight of Emily Ratajkowski’s giant boobs is nothing new, but we don’t want to live in a world where it’s not worth acknowledging every damn time!

They’re like the “Star Spangled Banner.”

We will happily rise and remove our hats for those girls every time.

But lest you think that Emily’s bikini selfies are only worthwhile due to her famous breasts, allow us to present an argument to the contrary:

Again, Emily Ratajkowski’s butt is a fairly common sight on the Internet these days, but that doesn’t mean we’ll ever grow tired of it.

We suppose when you’re a model who travels to exotic locales and takes half-naked photos for a living, the line between a work trip and a vacation becomes kinda blurred.

As far as we can tell, Emily is traveling for pleasure this time.

Fortunately, she takes her work on the road with her.

And for that, we are eternally grateful.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Ariel Winter Flaunts HUGE Boobs at Coachella, Internet Rejoices

Ariel Winter is the Internet’s obsession of the moment, and we can think of at least two reasons why…

Yes, if you weren’t aware, Ms. Winter has huge boobs.

In fact, she recently underwent a breast reduction surgery, and they’re still really, really, really quite large.

Ariel attended Coachella over the weekend, and like the many other celebs who decamped to Indio, CA to shell out major bucks for VIP tickets so they could rock out to bands they’d never heard of, she rocked a flesh-baring rich hippie look.

At this point in her career, however, Ariel could stack a dozen flower crowns on top of a four-foot tall Native American headdress, and everyone’s eyes would still go right for the assets that have made her a living legend on Instagram.

Her followers’ somewhat troubling (The girl’s only 18.), but equally understandable obsession really kicked off when Ariel wore a low-cut dress on Easter Sunday and posted some revealing photos of it on social media.

Shortly thereafter, Ariel went on a spring break vacation in the Bahamas, and the resulting photos of her butt in a bikini were an instant hit because the Internet is basically a globally-connected creepy uncle.

Over the weekend, Ariel shared the pics from her Coachella experience, and by now, she certainly knows what kind of response she’ll get.

Maybe she enjoys the attention; maybe it weirds her out, but whatever the case, she shouldn’t have to refrain from posting whatever kind of pics she wants just because her followers have the mentality of a late-’80s Howard Stern.

We encourage Ariel to keep posting pics like this one for as long as she feels like it.

Not because of her Jessica Rabbit-like curves (although we’re certainly fans of those), but because it’s her right, and in today’s age of sex tapes and dick pics, this is downright tame by comparison.

Besides there are way worse things one can get into at Coachella.

We’ll start worrying when Ariel starts posting pics of her popping Molly with Lindsay Lohan.

Til then, we’ll just assume that she’s doing fine.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bella Thorne Posts Cleavage Close-Up; Internet Rejoices

If you follow Bella Thorne on Instagram, you know the woman posts something awesome just about every day, and today was no exception.

Yes, after a few weeks in which photos of Bella’s butt stole the show, the focus is back on her boobs, and we doubt anyone is complaining.

Bella’s workout selfies are the stuff of Internet legend, and this time, the actress/Instagram star has cut right to the chase with a close-up of her Spandex-clad cleavage.

Bella extolled the virtues of praciticing yoga and living a healthy lifestyle in the caption, writing:

“Today was the day I finally noticed results !!! And what’s even better is: I FEEL good & healthy. I now feel like I can do more in my day and helps me fall asleep easier at night!”

Well, whatever she’s doing, it certainly seems to be working.

Not only is she clearly in great shape, but the Instagram community is responding very favorably to her revealing pics.

In fact, Bella will probably hit 10 million followers sometime in the next few months.

Not bad for an 18-year-old actress with no major hits to her name.

We can’t imagine what the appeal must be. Must be her taste in filters.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Bella Thorne Posts Photos of Her Butt, Internet Rejoices

It’s possible that you don’t follow Bella Thorne on Instagram, which means you’re using the Internet all wrong, but fear not – we’re here to help.

We here at THG keep a vigilant watch on Bella’s IG page for purely professional reasons so that we can keep you updated on important developments, like new photos of her butt.

Obviously, workout selfies are Bella’s new thing, and she’s been posting a lot of them lately, but as you can see, she still dresses her butt up and takes it out on the town sometimes, too.

According to the caption, the image on the left shows Bella getting ready for her friend’s dinner party, which is funny for a few reasons:

  1. The girl clearly subsists on a diet of mineral water and looking at pictures of food in magazines, so the idea of her attending a dinner party boggles the mind.

  2. Unless this shindig is at Hef’s house, the other guests will probably have some questions about the semi-nude teenager at the table. For example: “Why is that teenager semi-nude?” and so forth…

We kid Bella, of course. The girl already has a billionaire bully out there talking trash about her, and the last thing we want to do is make matters worse.

Obviously, she looks amazing in both photos, even the one where you can’t see her face. 

How’s that for a compliment? And people say chivalry is dead!