Showing posts with label Destroyed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Destroyed. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gerard Butler Finds Malibu Home Burned, Destroyed by California Wildfires

Gerard Butler came home to find what many Californians are discovering in the middle of raging wildfires across the state — his home has been burned to ashes. The “300” star posted a devastating photo Sunday showing his Malibu home burnt to a…


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Angela Simmons Says She"s Destroyed Over Murder of Baby Daddy Sutton Tennyson

Angela Simmons says she’s hurting bad in the wake of her baby daddy’s murder. Angela is reeling from the death of ex-fiance, Sutton Tennyson, who was shot and killed Saturday at his home. It appears his death was the result of a home invasion…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Ex-BET Host Terrence J"s $200,000 Car Destroyed as Driver Hits and Runs

A car registered to the former host of BET’s ‘106 & Park’ was totaled in a crash and the driver fled the scene … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Terrence J’s black McLaren hit a parking meter after his GF Jasmine Sanders…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Julie Chen Shows Support for Husband, Gets Destroyed on Twitter

Julie Chen is married to Les Moonves.

And this is a rather awkward arrangement at the moment.

That"s because Chen is a CBS host, likely best known for emceeing Big Brother; and Moonves is the just-ousted CBS President, who was recently removed from his position due to accusations of sexual misconduct.

Like we said: AWKWARD!

Chen briefly touched on this scandal back when news about it spread, but she hasn"t said very much about it since.

Until the night of September 13, that is.

To close out an episode of Big Brother, Chen signed off in a way that showed support for her husband.

It was subtle, yet also obvious, and social media users have A LOT to say about it.

See what we mean below…

1. What Did She Say?

Julie chen moonves

“From outside the ‘Big Brother’ house…I’m Julie Chen Moonves. Goodnight.” That’s how Chen closed out the latest episode of Big Brother, using her husband’s last name on air for the first time.

2. What Had She Said Previously About the Scandal?

Julie chen appears on big brother

“I have known my husband, Leslie Moonves, since the late ’90s, and I have been married to him for almost 14 years,” read her one statement on the topic. “Leslie is a good man and a loving father, devoted husband and inspiring corporate leader. He has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. I fully support my husband and stand behind him and his statement.”

3. What About on The Talk?

Julie chen kind of addresses les moonves scandal on the talk

This is the only thing Chen told the audience upon her return to The Talk about the scandal hit: “Some of you may be aware of what’s going on in my life the past few days. I issued the one and only statement I will ever make on this topic on Twitter, and I will stand by that statement today, tomorrow, forever.”

4. What is Moonves Accused Of?

Les moonves picture

Forcing himself on to a number of women, kissing them against their wishes, while harassing and verbally abusing them. Multiple women have issued these allegations, saying the incidents took place about 20 years ago.

5. Has Moonves Denied These Charges?

Les moonves photo

Yes, but he’s also said the following: “Throughout my time at CBS, we have promoted a culture of respect and opportunity for all employees, and have consistently found success elevating women to top executive positions across our Company. I recognize that there were times decades ago when I may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances. Those were mistakes, and I regret them immensely.”

6. What Does Twitter Have to Say About Chen’s Support?

Les moonves

A lot, as you might imagine. Scroll down to find out more…

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Madonna Gets DESTROYED for Bizarre, Self-Serving Aretha Franklin Tribute

The 2018 MTV Video Music Awards proved that both Jennifer Lopez and Madonna pretty much never age or change.

The former was honored with a lifetime achievement award at the ceremony and also put on an incredible performance that showed off her dance moves and her ridiculous body.

The latter, meanwhile, stood on stage and was tasked with paying tribute to Aretha Franklin, the truly legendary singer who passed away last week from cancer.

But most viewers think she made this tribute all about herself.

Following a video of Franklin’s “I Say a Little Prayer” on a big screen, members of the audience – including Lopez and Camila Cabello – were reduced to tears as they remembered the iconic artist.

Madonna then spent her segment in front of the crowed rambling on about the impact Franklin had on her career.

This maybe, possibly could have worked.

Madonna could maybe, possibly have brought everything back around and used her tale as a way to depict the enormous impact Aretha had on the entire music industry.

Instead, though, she barely even mentioned Franklin by name.

At one point, for example, Madonna shared her experience at an audition where she sang Franklin’s “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman” in a last-minute decision after she had failed to bring sheet music or prepare another song.


She explained that she ended up belting out this track “by heart,” acapella.

And then said that the two men for whom she was auditioning didn’t believe “some skinny-ass white girl” was going to “[sing] a song by one of the greatest soul singers that ever lived.”

No one watching had any idea what this had to do with Franklin herself. It just sounded like Madonna giving herself a great deal of props.

Social media was quick to erupt with criticism for the strange, self-serving way in which The Material Girl essentially ignored the entire point of this Franklin tribute.

down on madonna

Madonna did end up saying at least a few nice words about Franklin.

She concluded her rambling speech as follows:

“I want to thank you, Aretha, for empowering all of us. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Long live the queen.”

But the damage had already been done.

Some folks are even calling for an apology to be issued, as explained by these two individuals on Twitter:

I hope the vmas plan to issue a public apology for allowing Madonna to disrespect Aretha Franklin’s legacy like that #VMAs.

“I’m so lost. I thought Madonna was supposed to be paying homage to Aretha but I all heard was her paying homage to herself.

more Madonna slamming

Come on, you are probably thinking.

Could this have been all THAT bad?

Welp, we’ve posted snippets of Madonna’s speech below. Go ahead and find out for yourself!


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Klay Thompson Destroyed By Little Girl In Pop-A-Shot in China

Klay Thompson took a break from celebrating his Warriors championship in China this week to get his ass whooped in pop-a-shot … BY A BALLER ASS LITTLE GIRL!! The video is incredible … a kid half of Klay’s size hits shot after shot after shot –…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mark Ingram Destroyed By Military Attack Dog!

Here’s your NFL savage hit of the week … courtesy of a U.S. military attack dog that just BLEW UP Mark Ingram!!! The Saints running back decided to go 1-on-1 with the dog during a USO visit with troops in Venice, Italy. Don’t worry, Ingram was in…


Monday, April 2, 2018

Arie Luyendyk and Lauren Burnham: Utterly Destroyed for April Fool"s Pregnancy Joke!

Note to Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham:

There are appropriate April Fool’s Day jokes to make regarding pregnancy…

… and there are inappropriate April Fool’s Day jokes to make regarding pregnancy.

Next time, ask The Hollywood Gossip for advice, okay?

On Sunday, the most controversial Bachelor-based couple of all-time stepped in scalding hot water when it joked that Burnham was expecting.

It wasn’t just a mere, passing joke, either.

It can replete with an alleged baby bump photo and everything.

“Secrets finally out, we have a bunny in the oven! @laurenburnham91,” Arie wrote on Twitter alongside an image of a female, presumed to be his fiancee, clutching what looked like a baby bump.

See for yourself here:

Not even two hours later, however, Arie let followers in on his unoriginal joke.

APRIL FOOLS, he quickly Tweeted, barely even giving the prank time to go viral.

But it went viral enough, apparently, because plenty of Internet users found it incredibly offensive and insensitive — and they let Arie and Lauren have it online.

Big time.

“You both are disgusting,” wrote one individual, adding:

“As someone who struggles with fertility and would love nothing more than to have a baby this is so offensive.”

That was the basic theme of all the backlash; how Arie and Lauren turned a serious personal issue for millions of women into a source of parody.

“Come on. be better than that,” another person wrote, explaining herself thusly:

“it’s not a joke for many struggling families to get pregnant, it’s extremely expensive and it’s heartbreaking. I wish nothing but the best for Arie and Lauren but this is not funny, it’s cruel.”

Here’s a look at a few similar opinions shared on social media about this topic:

Arie, of course, is no stranger to receiving hate over the Internet.

He selected a different woman from Lauren on the finale of The Bachelor this season, only to them dump her in the most dramatic fashion possible and then propose to Lauren a night after said finale aired.

It was bonkers!

And while some may think the reaction to their April Fool’s Day prank was a bit over-the-top, it’s understandable why so many people have simply had it with this couple.

They’d be best served to just remain silent for awhile.

Instead, they are in our face at all times with televised marriage talk and very bad jokes.

Nor do Arie and Lauren appear to be feel guilty about this distasteful Tweet, either.

Seemingly in response to the backlash, backlash, Arie shared the above photo of a recipe on his Instagram story and wrote;

“Sorry if you were offended, but we really are making a Dutch Baby.”

That’s just painfully insincere and even more painfully unfunny.

We wonder now how fans will react when Lauren really does get pregnant, a development she expects to happen at some point with her lame fiance.

“We’re both very excited about marriage and starting a family,” Burnham previously told People Magazine.

“If we get lucky, maybe we’d have twins!” Arie said in this same interview.

And if we get lucky, maybe we’ll never hear from Luyendyk again.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Jessica Simpson Shows Off Lips, Gets Destroyed on Instagram

Jessica Simpson thought she was sharing a harmless selfie.

She thought she was encouraging fans to work out

She thought she was giving them a look at her workout.

"#ShowMeYourSteps," the former singer wrote as a caption to the first photo listed below, adding: "#Niners #GucciGlasses #JSTheWarmUp."

But the Internet can be a cruel place.

And, as you can see below, social media followers aren"t focused on Simpson"s calorie burning, but rather on a certain body part that stands out in this initial photo…

1. Hello, Lips!

Jessica simpson lips selfie

Jessica Simpson is receiving a lot of flak for this selfie. Followers are aghast over her very plump lips.

2. Quack! Quack!

Duck face

The general consensus from critics is that Simpson’s lips make Kylie Jenner’s lips look thin and natural.

3. Let’s Be Frank


There was no beating around the bush here. Various critics came right out with how they feel.

4. This is a New Hashtag

Awful things

#AwfulThings, huh? Again, no beating around the bush here.

5. What… is… Happening?

Mouth question

We all know the answer, don’t we? It rhymes with schastic murgery.

6. Reject the Injections!

Down with injections

Fans are pleading with Jessica. Do you agree that she looked better before?

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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Justin Bieber: Destroyed, Devastated and Broken by Selena Gomez!

Justin Bieber may put on a brave and very handsome face.

But it’s all an act at the moment, according to a new report.

In reality, the singer is a sad, beaten, desperate young man who just wants to spend the rest of his life with the woman he loves.

For once, however, Bieber is being forced to ask himself the following:

Does Selena Gomez really love me back?!?

This question is reportedly being asked by Justin in response to the break he’s been forced to take with Selena.

As you undoubtedly heard back in November, Gomez and Bieber decided to give their romance yet another try after the former underwent a kidney transplant and the latter realized how much he really did care for her.

Since then, we’ve heard reports of Gomez and Bieber attending couples therapy together and seeming very serious about their reconciliation.

So… why are they on a break?

Why are they still in contact, and presumably still planning on resuming their sexual activities, yet are currently not seeing each other very often?

One insider points the finger of blame at Selena’s mother, who remains angry at Bieber over the way he treated her daughter back in the day.

“Selena and Justin decided to take a break mainly because of Selena’s mom and her disapproval of Justin,” Us Weekly wrote this week of the latest between the artists.

This source went on to say that Gomez just needs some time right now to make sure her mom is okay with everything.

It would make sense. It would be very sweet of Selena.

But it’s complete BS, Radar Online alleges!

Someone tells this website that Gomez simply needed to walk away from Bieber because he was getting overbearing.

“Selena just felt like Justin was smothering her all the time and she could not deal with his constant questioning,” claims this anonymous source.

That would be quite the 180, huh?

In the past, it was always Bieber telling Gomez that he needed a hiatus because she was coming on too strong.

“Justin is a train wreck right now and he is begging her to just stay,” Radar adds.

“He feels like he changed his whole life for her and became the person she wanted him to be all along.”

Wow. Heavy stuff.

And it’s sort of echoed by People Magazine.

This publication doesn’t come out and paint Bieber as a broken soul in the same manner as Radar.

But it does cite issues between the superstars that go beyond one parent’s disapproval.

“They have their own issues and are always on and off,” says a source about the couple, adding:

“She wouldn’t base her relationship off of what her mom thinks.”

This said, the same insider says he or she wouldn’t be surprised of Justin and Selena got back together within “a week.”

And that basically sums these crazy kids up, doesn’t it?

They have their problems. They sometimes go their separate ways, but let’s face:

When push comes to shove and boots get to knocking, they will always find their way back into each other’s arms.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Ariana Madix: Brittany Cartwright & Jax Taylor Almost Destroyed My Relationship!

Lisa Vanderpump and all of her messy TV children are back.

Vanderpump Rules‘ season six premiere showed us a lot of drama … including some “troubles” between Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright.

Not to be outdone, Ariana Madix and Tom Sandoval have also been shown to be having relationship struggles. And they’re laying the blame for their issues directly at the feet of Jax and Brittany.

Back when we first heard about Jax Taylor cheating on Brittany Cartwright, Tom Sandoval seemed to try to distance himself from that narrative.

For a quick refresher:

Jax and Brittany have of course been together for ages, but Jax was accused of cheating on her with Faith Stowers.

And then it appeared that Faith Stowers’ period was late — suggesting that she might be pregnant with Jax’s baby.

Both Ariana and Tom expressed disbelief.

As entertaining as most of us find the idea of Jax Taylor, of all people, being happily monogamous for two years, it looks like at least some of his fellow Vanderpump Rules stars believe that he’s remained loyal to Ariana.

But while some believe that Jax has been faithful, others believed that he’d been filling Faith.


To no one’s surprise, Katie Maloney was quick to bash Jax, suggesting that he should just find a girl who won’t mind his alleged cheating.

All caught up?

Well, Ariana Madix and Tom Sandoval were clearly also struggling in their relationship, but we don’t know where that storyline is going, exactly.

In an interview with TooFab, they try to explain a little about that without, you know, spoiling their entire season’s storyline on Vanderpump Rules.

They start off by talking about the drama between Jax and Brittany.

“We can’t obviously give away too much,” Ariana says. “But they are together now, as you can see on social media … it’s a lot.

You can hide a lot from social media, but people can pretty much tell if you’re still together or not.

(Also, and maybe this is a generational thing, but I love when people refer to something as “a lot.” It tells you that something will be intense and probably messy without giving any details)

“So just gird your loins for that one.”

That line could mean anything from “Faith fabricated a pregnancy just to destroy Brittany’s life!” to “Brittany is staying with Jax and has promised to help raise his lovechild once Faith gives birth.”

But, you know, probably something between those extremes.

Ariana then gets into how Jax and Brittany’s problems weren’t limited to each other.

“It’s like a ripple effect.”

That makes sense. 

“Anything that happens with any one couple, somehow ripples into all of the other people.”

When a bunch of people are close, whether they’re friends, family, frenemies, coworkers, or costars, everyone’s lives (and drama) can become interconnected.

And, specifically, Ariana says that she and Tom felt those effects.

“I think you see in the trailer that Tom and I went through some stuff so I’ll go ahead and say that that had something to do with it.”

That is … incredibly vague, Ariana.

But that’s her job.

For a scripted series, actors play characters who aren’t them at all, and are free to divulge almost everything from their personal lives.

For a reality series, though, your personal lives are the storyline. You have to keep personal details under wraps.

It it fair for Ariana and Tom to blame Jax and Brittany and that couple’s “ripple effect” for their own relationship problems?

Perhaps it will all make more sense once we’ve seen a lot more of this season.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Megyn Kelly Debuts on Today, Gets Destroyed on Twitter

Megyn Kelly has left Fox News for NBC.

This move took place at the outset of 2017, but it was truly made official when she debuted as the host of an hour of The Today Show on September 25.

"The truth is, I"m kind of done with politics for now," she said to open her new gig. "You know why, right? We all feel it, it"s everywhere. And it"s just gotten so dark."

Well, yeah. But it"s also sort of important.

And you can"t just snap your fingers and go from Serious Conservative Commentator on Fox News to Jovial and Innocuous Morning Personality on NBC.

But Kelly is trying. And this is how Twitter responded to those efforts after her first show…

1. In a Word?

In a word


2. Old Megyn Kelly, Meet Old Taylor Swift

Old megyn kelly meet old taylor swift

You’re both dead.

3. This Show Needs a Name Change

This show needs a name change

Just come out and be honest, NBC.

4. Warm and Fuzzy?

Warm and fuzzy

How about Transparent and Lame?

5. So, Uhhh, That Happened

So uhhh that happened

Let’s just try to smile through it.

6. Goodbye, Fear!

Goodbye fear

Hello, Hope!

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Joel Osteen Refuses to Open Church to Hurricane Victims, Gets DESTROYED on Social Media

Joel Osteen is a celebrity pastor and author who spreads the word of God from inside a converted NBA arena that holds nearly 17,000 people.

He also sucks. A LOT.

Allow us to explain why…

Osteen’s Lakewood Church is located in the Houston area, where Hurricane Harvey made landfall over the weekend and where thousands upon thousands of people are now homeless as a result of extreme flooding.

In response, various local businesses have opened their doors to displaced residents, doing all they can to be of assistance.

Consider this Tweet and this inspiring photo from Gallery Furniture, for example:

mattress store

But Osteen has not followed helpful suit.

Despite teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ (who did say a few things about helping your fellow man, right?), Osteen has refused to offer his giant church as shelter to those desperately in need.

For what possible reason?

Initially, representatives for Lakewood Church said the facility was closed due to flooding in the area.

Except… there is no flooding in the area.

A number of photos have since cropped up on social media that make it clear cars are parked right outside the building and the streets look relatively calm and safe.

osteen church

After these photos made their Internet rounds and Osteen was slammed by bad press, he amended his church’s original statement and claim.

“We have never closed our doors,” Osteen said in a statement, adding:

“We will continue to be a distribution center to those in need. We are prepared to house people once shelters reach capacity. Lakewood will be a value to the community in the aftermath of this storm.”

Lakewood is a nondenominational church that hosts about 52,000 attendees weekly and is one of the largest congregations in the United States.

Osteen has penned a number of self-help and religious books and is worth about $ 50 million, according to reports.

He’s under extreme fire for not doing more to help his community during this extraordinarily difficult time.

“#Houston’s Joel Osteen has a net worth over $ 50m and a church that holds 16,800 but this is all he’s offering,” Tweeted Mark Elliott, with a link to a picture of the preacher’s packed Lakewood Church.

Hurricane Harvey has dumped around 40 inches of water on Houston and neighboring areas.

More rain is expected this week.

The reported death toll is somewhere between five and 10, but damage caused by floods is incalcuable.

The city will need years to recover.

“Victoria & I are praying for everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey,” Osteen Tweeted on Saturday. “Please join us as we pray for the safety of our Texas friends & family.”

Residents do not need prayers, however. They need food, shelter and hope.

joel tweet

It’s perhaps worth noting that this church has previously been active in relief efforts, including sheltering displaced victims during Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

We’ll keep readers apprised of the situation and we urge everyone to do everything you can to assist those affected by this catastrophic storm.

You can follow this link to donate to the Red Cross, for instance. Any amount will help.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Courtland Rogers: Jenelle Evans is a Monster Who Destroyed My Life!

Jenelle Evans doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to her love life.

And if you know anything about the girl, then you know that that’s probably the biggest understatement of all time.

In the seven years since we were first introduced to her, Jenelle has literally never had a solid, healthy relationship.

She was impregnated for the first time by Andrew Lewis, a serious douchebag who treated her badly and abandoned her and Jace.

From there, we saw her get with Kieffer, who was a horrific influence on her and who eventually introduced her to heroin.

Then there was Gary Head, who was arrested for assaulting her, then Kieffer again, then probably some more Gary.

We’re painfully familiar with Nathan Griffith and his history of assaulting girlfriends — he was arrested for assaulting Jenelle, too — and her current guy, David Eason, also has a history of assault.

And in the middle of all those lovely specimens, there was Courtland Rogers.

Courtland and Jenelle’s torrid affair happened while Teen Mom 2 was taking a break from filming, so we never had the opportunity to see much of their dynamic on camera.

But we do know that they both loved heroin, they got married, and they got into a whole mess of trouble together.

And thanks to Jenelle’s new memoir, Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom, we also have more details on one of the most appalling moments of their relationship:

Jenelle’s miscarriage.

In the book, she wrote that while she was pregnant, Courtland found some texts that she exchanged with another guy — possibly Gary.

She said that he became upset and began questioning if he was even the father of her child, and then he “slapped me around a few times, then started punching me in the gut.”

The next day, she lost the baby — and as Courtland said at the time, she banned him from her hospital room as she was being consoled by Gary.

It’s a pretty horrific story, right?

And according to a new interview Courtland just did with Radar Online, it’s not even true.

“Dude,” he begins. “When I read that she’s getting married to David, I thought ‘This is her second wedding. You were married to somebody who you destroyed their life and left."”

“Jenelle’s done it to every one of us,” he continues. “Jenelle is like a hurricane. She is horrible. Everybody gets destroyed.”

“If people don’t know that now it’s sad. It happened to me.”

He has a little bit of a point — as we said, the girl has never dated a good guy, probably in her whole life.

But it’s not like she cast some magical spell on them that turned them from nice people into abusive, drug-addled jackasses. Everything can’t be blamed on her.

About her abuse allegations, Courtland says “I never in my life have hit her. I never even touched her.”

“If we were ever fighting I made sure she wouldn’t hit me. I never swung or hit her or anything. That is the God’s honest truth.”

And just in case you’re not getting his point here, he clarifies that “No, I never hit her in a million years. I never ever physically hit her in that type of manner.”

“I swear to God. Not drunk. Not high. Not sober. It never happened.”

What actually happened, he claims, is that Jenelle faked her miscarriage.

“She was with Gary,” he says, “and she sent me that picture of food coloring in her bath tub and tried to say it was her drug use at the time that cause her to have a miscarriage.”

“She was cheating on me with Gary.”

“We were arguing, she left,” he recalls. “She ended up not coming back. She called me and let me know she was with Gary and then sent me the picture.”

“She was with him for three days. The next day Gary called me and told me she took the abortion pill.”

But, as bad as their relationship was, Courtland says that “I ain’t gonna lie. I miss her sometimes.”

Who are these people and why are they the way that they are?

Thankfully, even though he still misses her, he says that “It ain’t nothing like that. I don’t miss money. I’ve always had money.”

Still, “I actually loved her. Like, a lot. It wasn’t MTV I loved, or the shoes I was wearing. It broke my heart.”

“I would have never thought this is what she would have thought or that or that she would have put about me in her book.”

So what’s the truth here? Did he beat Jenelle and cause her miscarriage? Is he totally innocent like he says — did Jenelle even have a miscarriage at all?

It’s hard to say, because it’s not like anyone in this situation is exactly trustworthy.

Really, the only thing we know for sure is that this is a remarkably terrible situation — but we wouldn’t expect anything else when it comes to Jenelle Evans.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Macklemore"s Destroyed Maybach Revealed in First Pics After Collision

There’s no doubt Macklemore is lucky to be alive when you see what’s left of his Maybach after a head-on collision with an alleged drunk driver. TMZ obtained these pics of the wreckage — Mack’s 2016 Mercedes-Maybach is sitting in a tow…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Richard Simmons Can"t Sue, Reputation Wasn"t Destroyed After Transitioning Story

Richard Simmons’ reputation wasn’t destroyed after a story ran he was transitioning to a woman and that’s why he can’t sue … so claims the National Enquirer. The Enquirer’s parent company — American Media — filed docs saying the fitness guru’s…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chris Christie Gets Destroyed At Mets Game After Great Foul Ball Catch

Chris Christie made a helluva catch, snagging a foul ball at Tuesday’s NY Mets game … and the reaction was pretty much what you’d expect. BOOOOOOOOOOO!! But fans weren’t the only ones lighting up the NJ Governor — Christie also got…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Johnny Galecki Thanks Firefighters on Ruins of Destroyed Home

Remember when Johnny Galecki’s home was consumed by a raging wildfire

It blazed through Galecki’s primary residence and has destroyed countless other homes and firefighters continue to combat the blaze — one all too common in Southern California’s dry climate.

He’s gone out of his way to thank firefighters, and now he’s shared a photo of what little remains of his home.

You may remember that Galecki vowed to only return to where his home once was when it was safe to do so and not before.

You’d think that this would be common sense.

Unfortunately, some people don’t have a lot of that.

They’ll go into condemned buildings and, yes, try to sneak around within a blazing wildfire or immediately in its wake.

The charred ruins of a house are not a safe place to be.

Unless the site has been cleared by experts.

In the photo below, you can see that it was definitely safe, as he’s hugging a firefighter. …

While standing on all that remains of his former home.

It’s hard to imagine losing your home like that.

You can barely tell that a house once stood there.

Yes, he’s rich, but this is his primary residence

He captioned the photo: 

“Thank you to the brothers and sisters of @calfire It is the profound risks that you accept and the sacrifices you and your families make that keep us safe.”

But he didn’t just thank the brave firefighters.

“Thanks also to the many of you who have reached out in support. It is far from lost on us here. #muchlove #movingforwardstronger”

Remember, celebrities are always conscious of the fact that they have innumerable fans.

Countless fans have reached out with their sympathies and support.

Galecki, of course, says that he is less concerned with his own losses.

(Again, he has a lot of money)

He’s more concerned about others in the area who’ve lost their homes to this same devastating fire.

Even for people whose homes are insured for fire, money matters.

Not every insurance policy pays enough.

Plus there are other expenses.

You can replace the home and perhaps even most of the things in it.

But you also need a place to live in the mean time — home construction can take months.

That’s especially challenging when a wildfire is still blazing, you know?

To say nothing of the priceless and irreplaceable items — like art, photographs, or other things of sentimental value.

Johnny Galecki acknowledges that a lot of people might think that he’s crazy for living in what some would describe as a desert hellscape.

(Me — I’m the one who would describe it that way)

But he loves living there.

Not just the climate, but living in the country, surrounded by nature.

(That part, I get … though don’t you wonder how he gets food delivered out there?)

And we guess that the others who lost their homes feel the same way.

The fact that he cares more about their losses than his own really speaks volumes about his character, you know?

No wonder Kaley Cuoco’s still crazy about him.


Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner: Destroyed by the Osbournes!

Kendall Jenner probably wishes she were starring in another Pepsi commercial right about now.

At least the reality star could blame her management team and the company behind that product for the much-maligned ad.

But Kendall and sister Kylie Jenner are the ones who have affixed their names to their fashion label and they’re the ones facing every ounce of criticism for a recent, extremely poor decision.

In case you have not heard about it by now…

… Kendall and Kylie released a line of t-shirts this week from their “Rap vs. Rock” collection.

The pieces of attire featured Kendall or Kylie’s faces superimposed over the heads of such musical icons as Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls, Metallica and Michael Jackson.

Yes, these items really are as distasteful as they sound.

They earned an immediate rebuke from Biggie’s mother, who wanted to make it VERY clear that no one associated with her son’s estate played any role in the creation of these shirts.

She also wanted to make it very clear to the Jenners just how inappropriate their actions in this case were.

“The disrespect of these girls to not even reach out to me or anyone connected to the estate baffles me,” wrote Voletta Wallace on Twitter, adding:

“I have no idea why they feel they can exploit the deaths of 2pac and my Son Christopher to sell a t-shirt.

“This is disrespectful, disgusting and exploitation at its worst!”

This sums it up as well as can be.

Even after the Jenners apologized (below), Biggie’s estate basically said it wasn’t enough. Some sort of legal action may still ensue.

And even if nothing else comes of this scandal in a legal sense, Kylie and Kendall will continue to feel the wrath of those in disbelief that they’d appropriate such cultural icons in this manner.

For example, among the musicians whose face is covered by a Jenner for this clothing line is Ozzy Osbourne.

And you better believe wife Sharon and daughter Kelly have something to say about that.

sharon response

“Girls, you haven’t earned the right to put your face with musical icons,” wrote Sharon as a caption to the above image, concluding with the perfect kicker:

“Stick to what you know…lip gloss.”

Kelly Osbourne, meanwhile, simply mentioned her “#CurrentMood” on Instagram, letting her own unique image do all the talking:

kelly response

And then there’s Paris Jackson, who is friendly with Kendall… but who is also pissed.

“as a huge fan of zeppelin, the doors, floyd.. i mean these bands literally helped shape who i am today,” she wrote in a series of Tweets that also read as follows:

“i can’t condone this ‘fashion.’ legends like these who completely changed our world today, not just the music world, should be respected and honored. not turned into this…

“pink floyd is not chanel. led zeppelin is not michael kors. metallica is not givenchy. don’t get it twisted. #bandsnotbrands #RESPECTMUSIC.”

pj tweets

The reactions from the Osbournes and from Jackson came not long after Kendall issued a mea culpa on social media.

It reads:

These designs were not well thought out and we deeply apologize to anyone that has been upset and/or offended, especially to the families of the artists.

We are huge fans of their music and it was not our intention to disrespect these cultural icons in any way.

The tee shirts have been pulled from retail and all images have been removed.

We will use this as an opportunity to learn from theses mistakes, and again we are very sorry.

The only real positive out of this for Kylie is that it’s given the Internet something to talk about other than her fairly obvious boob job.

Just look at the following evidence!
