Showing posts with label Chen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chen. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Ming Xi, Sui He, Liu Wen, and Estelle Chen

Ming Xi, Sui He, Liu Wen, and Estelle Chen


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Julie Chen: Will She Leave Big Brother, Too?

At this point, Julie Chen is as synonymous with Big Brother as racism, homophobia and stunning evictions.

And yet fans of this long-running reality show are now refreshing their browsers every other minute in order to learn the answer to the following question:

Is Chen about to say goodbye as host?

Questions about Chen’s future on CBS in general are understandably prominent at the moment, considering she just left The Talk.

The veteran panelist did so amidst a sexual misconduct scandal surrounding husband Les Moonves, who just lost his job as CBS President due to allegations that he forced himself upon multiple women a couple decades ago.

In a video message that aired on Tuesday’s edition of The Talk (is that not the dumbest name ever for a program?!?), Chen told viewers that she simply needs to be around her family as much as possible these days.

“Right now, I need to spend more time at home with my husband and young son,” she said rather simply.

We wonder if the intense criticism that came Chen’s way last week also played a role in this decision.

Upon signing off from Big Brother a few days ago, Chen showed obvious support for Moonves by attaching his last name to hers for the first time ever on air.

Social media blew up over this move.

Is it shocking that Chen is standing by her man? Not really.

But many viewers were still aghast over such a public display because Moonves is accused of some pretty heinous stuff.

And he hasn’t exactly denied it, either.

So, this all brings us back to Big Brother.

Chen is expected to stay on as host through the Season 20 finale on September 26.

According to Us Weekly, no decision has been made beyond this episode, with various network executives thinking it’s best if she just goes away.

They figure the less association CBS has overall with Moonves or anyone in his family, the better.

If Chen does leave – and this remains a big IF – season 2 winner Dr. Will Kirby would reportedly be under consideration as her replacement.

The same can be said, according to this tabloid’s sources, of Celebrity Big Brother runner-up Ross Mathews and Big Brother Canada host Arisa Cox.

TMZ, meanwhile, claims that Chen wants to return to Big Brother and that the current plan is for her to do so…

… IF Big Brother is renewed, that is.

Forget Chen’s future on the show, this website writes. The future of the actual show is in question.

So that’s where things stand at the moment. Many unanswered questions are out there.

Would YOU want to see Chen return as host? And would YOU want to see Big Brother return for Season 21?


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Julie Chen To Remain as Host of "Big Brother"

Julie Chen will remain the host of ‘Big Brother’ because CBS won’t ask her to go and she wants to stay … TMZ has learned. CBS insiders tell TMZ the network does not want to punish Julie for her husband Les Moonves’ alleged misdeeds, so…


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Julie Chen: I"m Quitting The Talk Forever!

After her husband was ousted from CBS following allegations of years of sexual misconduct, Julie Chen addressed the scandal on The Talk. It did not go over well.

She then took a “break” from the show, but it now looks like her hiatus will be permanent.

Julie Chen has now announced that she is quitting The Talk for good.

Multiple sources confirm to CNN that Julie Chen is leaving The Talk permanently — that she is quitting the show.

She has been absent from the talk show since last week, stepping back and signing off as Julie Chen Moonves in a display of support for her disgraced husband, Les Moonves.

From what a source tells CNN, Julie isn’t representing this as a retirement — she has other activities in mind.

“She has decided that her main focus needs to be clearing her husband’s name from accusations made 25-30 years ago,” the insider tells CNN.

So she will be allegedly doing that “And tending to her son.”

On Tuesday, September 18, Julie officially confirmed that she is leaving, via a taped message that aired on The Talk.

“I need to spend more time at home with my husband and our young son,” she claimed in the message. “So I’ve decided to leave ‘The Talk."”

Getting emotional, Julie added: “I have been at ‘The Talk’ since the day it started nine years ago, and the cast crew and staff have become family to me over the years.”

“I will always, always cherish the memories we shared,” Julie announced.

“Most important, I want to thank you, the viewers,” Julie said. “For allowing me into your home every day. It was a privilege that I will forever be grateful for.”

Reports say that Julie will continue to host Big Brother through the rest of the season.

But considering that this season ends next week, that does not say much about her planned future at CBS.

It may be that she plans to quit in protest or in solidarity with her husband, Les Moonves.

it is also possible that she is concerned that she will no longer enjoy her former status as the network — and that she has already grown to dislike the stigma of her association with her husband.

Her husband is certainly wealthy enough that the two of them can live in almost comical luxury, and he may receive $ 120 million in a severance package.

Though many fans will be sad to see Julie leave The Talk, others have soured on her in recent weeks.

Obviously, she is not to blame for her husband’s alleged sexual misconduct. Guilt by association is almost always unfair.

But in defending Les Moonves and affirming that she supports him, Julie picked a side. 

That resulted in her getting absolutely demolished on Twitter.

Whether she’s doing it as a true believer or because she wants to cling to her husband’s hefty bank account, a lot of The Talk viewers are less than enamored with Julie these days.

As for the statement that Julie will be trying to defend Les’ name … we’re not sure what to make of that.

She’s not, like, the world’s greatest detective, and we don’t mean that as an insult.

Let’s imagine that Les Moonves is totally innocent of sexual misconduct and also never set out to personally ruin various women’s careers for no conveivable reason beyond capriciousness and spite.

How exactly is Julie going to prove that he’s been framed for this? And how does quitting The Talk free her up to make her case?

Many fans believe that Julie is just using this as an excuse to step back from the camera because she is embarrassed.

Julie certainly seems to be either embarrassed or not interested in hearing anyone else’s opinion.

She has turned off Instagram comments — on posts going back for months.

We understand that the topic is upsetting, but if she wishes to continue to enjoy the privileges of being a public figure, she may want to accept that people who don’t personally work for her are going to have thoughts about her husband.

If she decides to fade from public life along with her husband, well, people may give her a break eventually.

But it’s harder to imagine fans being so forgiving if she really does try to set about proving that her husband is innocent.


Julie Chen Officially Announces Her Exit From "The Talk"

Julie Chen just formally announced she’s leaving “The Talk” and her departing message thanked both her fans and costars. The longtime talk show host and CBS anchor appeared in a pre-recorded video Tuesday at the bottom of the show, where she said,…


Julie Chen Will Announce Tuesday She"s Leaving "The Talk"

Julie Chen will be leaving her daytime gig at “The Talk” … TMZ has confirmed. Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Tuesday’s show will include a videotape of Julie saying she’s leaving the show immediately.   It seemed inevitable…


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Larry King Says Julie Chen Was Right To Stand By Les Moonves

Larry King thinks Julie Chen Moonves was not only right to stand by her man … he sang her praises for doing so — literally. We got Larry and wife Shawn Friday night in Bev Hills leaving Madeo, and Larry said he’s known Les for many many years,…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Julie Chen Shows Support for Husband, Gets Destroyed on Twitter

Julie Chen is married to Les Moonves.

And this is a rather awkward arrangement at the moment.

That"s because Chen is a CBS host, likely best known for emceeing Big Brother; and Moonves is the just-ousted CBS President, who was recently removed from his position due to accusations of sexual misconduct.

Like we said: AWKWARD!

Chen briefly touched on this scandal back when news about it spread, but she hasn"t said very much about it since.

Until the night of September 13, that is.

To close out an episode of Big Brother, Chen signed off in a way that showed support for her husband.

It was subtle, yet also obvious, and social media users have A LOT to say about it.

See what we mean below…

1. What Did She Say?

Julie chen moonves

“From outside the ‘Big Brother’ house…I’m Julie Chen Moonves. Goodnight.” That’s how Chen closed out the latest episode of Big Brother, using her husband’s last name on air for the first time.

2. What Had She Said Previously About the Scandal?

Julie chen appears on big brother

“I have known my husband, Leslie Moonves, since the late ’90s, and I have been married to him for almost 14 years,” read her one statement on the topic. “Leslie is a good man and a loving father, devoted husband and inspiring corporate leader. He has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. I fully support my husband and stand behind him and his statement.”

3. What About on The Talk?

Julie chen kind of addresses les moonves scandal on the talk

This is the only thing Chen told the audience upon her return to The Talk about the scandal hit: “Some of you may be aware of what’s going on in my life the past few days. I issued the one and only statement I will ever make on this topic on Twitter, and I will stand by that statement today, tomorrow, forever.”

4. What is Moonves Accused Of?

Les moonves picture

Forcing himself on to a number of women, kissing them against their wishes, while harassing and verbally abusing them. Multiple women have issued these allegations, saying the incidents took place about 20 years ago.

5. Has Moonves Denied These Charges?

Les moonves photo

Yes, but he’s also said the following: “Throughout my time at CBS, we have promoted a culture of respect and opportunity for all employees, and have consistently found success elevating women to top executive positions across our Company. I recognize that there were times decades ago when I may have made some women uncomfortable by making advances. Those were mistakes, and I regret them immensely.”

6. What Does Twitter Have to Say About Chen’s Support?

Les moonves

A lot, as you might imagine. Scroll down to find out more…

View Slideshow

Julie Chen Returns to Hosting "Big Brother" in Wake of Les Moonves Exit

Julie Chen is back in her natural habitat at “Big Brother” — which she returned to hosting this week without addressing her husband’s resignation from CBS. Thursday’s episode opened with a cheery Julie front and center recapping the previous…


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

"Big Brother" Star Dan Gheesling Says Julie Chen Might be Replaceable

One of the most famous “Big Brother” contestants says the show’s longtime host, Julie Chen, might be expendable with Les Moonves now gone — but the show is rock solid.  Dan Gheesling — who won season 10 and was the runner-up…


Monday, September 10, 2018

Julie Chen Absent From "The Talk" to Be with Les Moonves

Julie Chen is taking time off her gig on CBS’ “The Talk” to be with husband, Les Moonves, who just resigned from heading up the network amid sexual misconduct allegations, and Sharon Osbourne says people at CBS — including the ladies at “The Talk”…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Julie Chen (Kind Of) Addresses Les Moonves Scandal on The Talk

For a co-host of The Talk, Julie Chen does not have very much to say.

On Monday afternoon, viewers tuned in to this lame program in order to see what the long-time anchor would say about husband Leslie Moonves.

Moonves, of course, is the embattled CBS CEO who is accused of sexually harassing and abusing a minimum of six years during his tenure in the entertainment business.

In a damning story by Ronan Farrow in the New Yorker, Moonves is painted as a Hollywood executive who abused his power on multiple occasions over the years.

For example, Emmy-nominated actress Illeana Douglas, likely best known for her role on Six Feet Under, told Farrow that Moonves once forcibly kissed her and pushed her onto a sofa.

She eventually exited the awkward situation, but was then punished by the network for not going along with Moonves" gross behavior.

She is one of a multitude of women who relay similar stories to the aforementioned publication.

In response to these allegations, Moonves has flat out admitted to making women feel uncomfortable over the years, but denied ever pressuring them to do anything against their will.

Chen, meanwhile, said the following on the day these accusations came to light:

I have known my husband, Leslie Moonves, since the late ’90s, and I have been married to him for almost 14 years.

Leslie is a good man and a loving father, devoted husband and inspiring corporate leader.

He has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. I fully support my husband and stand behind him and his statement.

She had to address the topic to open the latest episode of The Talk, though, right?

Yes. And she did. Sort of.

"Some of you may be aware of what’s going on in my life the past few days," Chen said, adding:

"I issued the one and only statement I will ever make on this topic on Twitter, and I will stand by that statement today, tomorrow, forever."

Oh, so that"s it? Really?!?

This is a topic that goes far beyond Moonves, of course, as countless Hollywood stars and higher-ups have been accused of similar crimes and actions.

CBS is in the middle of investigations the allegations against Moonves and we can"t imagine there"s any way he keeps his job.

Check out Chen"s lame response to the scandal here.

Julie chen kind of addresses les moonves scandal on the talk

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Julie Chen Heartbroken Over Keaton Jones, Mom Makes Things "Murky"

Julie Chen’s a solid multitasker — she pulled no punches for Kimberly Jones while showing major compassion for Keaton getting bullied. We got the “Big Brother” and ‘Talk’ host leaving Craig’s in WeHo Monday night, and asked her if…


Julie Chen Heartbroken Over Keaton Jones, Mom Makes Things "Murky"

Julie Chen’s a solid multitasker — she pulled no punches for Kimberly Jones while showing major compassion for Keaton getting bullied. We got the “Big Brother” and ‘Talk’ host leaving Craig’s in WeHo Monday night, and asked her if…


Friday, February 24, 2017

Julie Chen Knows How Women Can Get Equal Pay (VIDEO)

Julie Chen has mastered the art of negotiating … she knows the first and most important rule for women — and for that matter, men — when they’re not getting what they want from their boss. Julie was leaving Craig’s in WeHo Thursday night when…
