Showing posts with label Keaton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keaton. Show all posts

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Tyron Woodley to Keaton Jones: Your Parents Are Trash, Get Away From Them

UFC champ Tyron Woodley dropped bombs on Keaton Jones’ parents in the newest episode of ”The Hollywood Beatdown” – explaining why they’re even worse for him than his bullies at school.  Woodley says Keaton’s dad…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Rampage Jackson to Keaton Jones: World"s Gone Soft, Kick Your Bullies" Asses!

If Keaton Jones REALLY wants to get bullies off his back, Rampage Jackson says there’s only one way he can get the job done. “I would kick somebody’s ass!” Rampage told TMZ Sports. “You fight — you go down swingin’ — they ain’t gonna kill you,…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Keaton Jones" Father: An Imprisoned White Supremacist

The public’s knowledge of Keaton Jones began with a viral video of a crying, bullied middle school boy whose mother, for whatever reason, decided to record his misery and broadcast it to the internet.

Then the world saw those photos of Keaton’s mom with a Confederate flag. And of Keaton himself beside a Confederate flag. And there were other, troubling posts. Suddenly, the “sad, bullied boy” sounded like a sad story of a different, much more racist variety.

Well, photos of Keaton Jones’ father have surfaced, and it looks like Keaton’s mom’s racism pales in comparison to his father’s.

The very viral story of Keaton Jones starts off as incredibly sympathetic. A bullied child in tears, confessing to his mother that he was afraid to go to lunch because of bullying?

It’s heartbreaking. And, even with everything that we now know about his parents, we feel sorry for him. Just … maybe not for the reasons that his mother thought that we would when she decided to post her child’s emotional pain for public consumption.

Because on top of photos with the Confederate flag — which is about as anti-American a symbol as I can think of — there were some alarming posts from Keaton Jones’ mother, Kimberly Jones.

She had a lot of negative things to say about NFL players kneeling for the National Anthem, a controversy that has powerful racial undertones.

Her apparent suggestion that perhaps people would be less likely to complain about inequality if only they had been beaten as children was alarming to say the least.

Keaton Jones and his mother addressed the backlash … sort of … with Kimberly Jones trying to dismiss the Confederate flag photos as her poor attempt at humor.

(Incidentally, Kimberly’s daughter tried to defend her mother in a now-deleted tweet and basically undercut her mother’s defense)

But where, you might ask, is Keaton Jones’ father?

TMZ found Keaton Jones’ dad, and Shawn White is in prison where he clearly belongs.

If Shawn White’s tattoos, hand gestures, criminal history, and social media history are any indication, the guy is a full-blown white supremacist.

In the photo above, you can see Shawn White (far right) with some other men, making a symbol that is apparently not “the shocker” but in fact a white power symbol.

(So apparently he associates with others of his ilk)

When Shawn White (and we cannot get over that being his name, considering the hateful path that he chose in life) was free, as recently as 2015, he posted upsetting posts like:

In case that’s too subtle … and it says “ARYAN,” in case that atrocious blue-on-black is too hard to read … Shawn White’s other posts are also pretty horrific.


“Holy F–k I Love Being White!”

“Keep Calm and be White Pride.”

White is locked up because of a probation violation following a 2012 conviction for aggravated assault. And, bad news folks, but he’s scheduled for release some time next year.

In case you thought that maybe White had accidentally shared some posts in poor taste or perhaps as a tone-deaf inside joke with some friends … the guy also has some scary tattoos.

A tattoo on his chest reads “Pure Breed.”

The tattoo on his stomach reads “White Pride.”

As you look at the photos of this 36-year-old man, remember that he apparently believes that he is genetically superior to the majority of the human race.


While it’s not clear how close Keaton Jones is with his father (he doesn’t share his dad’s last name, and no one can find any record of Kimberly and Shawn having gotten married), they were photographed together just a few years ago.

There’s a theory that perhaps Keaton Jones was bullied less over his appearance and more over spouting racism that he would have picked up at home, but we don’t know that.

We’d say that Keaton Jones deserves our sympathy. His mother — who, on top of everything else, was clearly once in some sort of relationship with Shawn White — cannot be a good influence, and his father is even worse.

It’s everyone’s hope that Keaton Jones and his siblings will rise above their upbringing and be immeasurably better people than their parents.

Considering what we know about Kimberly Jones and Shawn White, that’s not setting the bar too high.


Keaton Jones" Estranged Father Is a Jailed White Supremacist

Social media pages belonging to Keaton Jones’ estranged father are littered with white supremacy propaganda, although he hasn’t posted in a while … because he’s locked up in a Tennessee jail. The father’s name is Shawn White and his…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Julie Chen Heartbroken Over Keaton Jones, Mom Makes Things "Murky"

Julie Chen’s a solid multitasker — she pulled no punches for Kimberly Jones while showing major compassion for Keaton getting bullied. We got the “Big Brother” and ‘Talk’ host leaving Craig’s in WeHo Monday night, and asked her if…


Julie Chen Heartbroken Over Keaton Jones, Mom Makes Things "Murky"

Julie Chen’s a solid multitasker — she pulled no punches for Kimberly Jones while showing major compassion for Keaton getting bullied. We got the “Big Brother” and ‘Talk’ host leaving Craig’s in WeHo Monday night, and asked her if…


Keaton Jones/Mother Address Video Backlash, Cries of Racism

On Tuesday morning, Tennessee middle school student Keaton Jones became an Internet hero after he explained, tearfully, on camera that he"s been the victim of horrible bullying for several weeks now.

Just a few hours later, the mother of Keaton Jones became an Internet villain.

In an odd story that sort of sums up the craziness of 2017, Jones sobbed into his mother"s phone that he was afraid to go to lunch due to the way he was treated by fellow students.

He then tried to be strong and tried to send a positive message of hope to other victims of bullying.

You can watch the video here:

It quickly went viral, with celebrities from all industries sending Keaton positive thoughts and inviting him to special events such as UFC pay-per-views and big-time movie premieres.

It appeared to be a sad story, but also an uplifting one with a happy ending.

However, later on Tuesday, Internet sleuths delved into the social media history of Keaton"s mother, Kimberly, and discovered a few controversial posts.

There was a Facebook photo, for instance, of the family posing with Confederate flags.

As a result, GoFundMe placed a campaign on pause that had raised $ 57,000 for Keaton and his loved ones.

There are now questions over whether the entire video was set up by Kimberly just to make her family lots of money.

In response to this scandal, both Keaton and his mom sat down for a pair of interviews this week.

“The only two photos – the only two photos on my entire planet that I am anywhere near a Confederate flag. It was ironic,” Kimberly told CBS News this morning, adding that there was no racist intent behind the images.

“I’ve said I spent most of my life being bullied and judged because I wasn’t racist…

“It was meant to be ironic and funny … I am genuinely truly sorry. If I could take it back, I would.”

Keaton says in the original video that bullies "make fun of my nose. They call me ugly. They say I have no friends."

And the 11-year old reiterated those claims to CBS, basically saying the video was his idea:

"I had enough of it. They had said that someone was going to beat me up in lunch so I texted my mom and I said, ‘What do I do here?’"

This is one of the controversial photos in question, shared by Kimberly earlier this year:

Talking to The Today Show, she said:

"Yesterday [Keaton] was a hero. You know, the world loved us. Today, the world hates us…

"I"m trying really hard to think that I was trying not to get caught up in the positives. So, we"re not going to get caught up in the negatives." 

It"s unclear at the moment what will happen to the money earmarked for the Jones"s on GoFundMe.

But Kimberly’s daughter, Lakyn, defended her mother in a now-deleted Twitter post, writing:

“To those who think my mother is a racist, she is not. She is a southern woman who loves where she’s from. She believes in equality and doesn’t want any harm done to ANYONE.

"This is about bullying and my brother. Not her. Please leave it alone.”

Watch excerpts from the Today interview with mother and son below:

Keaton jones and mother address bullying backlash accusations of

Keaton Jones" Mother Defends Confederate Flag Photos

Keaton Jones’ mother is defending her social media posts with the Confederate flag and insisting she and her family are not racists. Kimberly Jones told ‘GMA’ the photos were intended to be “extreme” and “ironic and funny.” Kimberly said she would…


Keaton Jones" Mother Defends Confederate Flag Photos

Keaton Jones’ mother is defending her social media posts with the Confederate flag and insisting she and her family are not racists. Kimberly Jones told ‘GMA’ the photos were intended to be “extreme” and “ironic and funny.” Kimberly said she would…


Al Sharpton Wants Keaton Jones to Teach Mom Tolerance

Rev. Al Sharpton says support for Keaton Jones should come with a big string attached … now that it appears Keaton’s mother has strong views about racism and the confederate flag. Sharpton was outside NBC Studios in NYC when he told us…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Bullied Student Keaton Jones GoFundme Page On Hold, $58k Left Hanging

There’s a big hiccup in online fundraising efforts for Keaton Jones — one GoFundMe page has been shut down altogether, and another’s on hold with nearly $ 60,000 unspoken for. GoFundMe tells us the page labeled “Stand Up for Keaton,” which was…


Kailyn Lowry: Shading Keaton Jones on Twitter?!

Over the weekend, a Tennessee middle school student named Keaton Jones captured the hearts of millions thanks to a viral video in which the distraught … tearfully describing the bullying he’s endured at the hands of his classmates.

If you have yet to see Keaton courageously tell his tale, you can check out the full clip below:

Pretty heartwrenching stuff, right?

Not surprisingly, Keaton’s story has earned him the sympathy and support of hundreds of celebrities, many of whom have posted encouraging messages and even offered to meet with him.

But as is the case with just about everything in 2017, this situation isn’t as simple as it seems.

The video was recorded and uploaded by Keaton’s mother, Kimberly Jones, who presumably would’ve cleaned up her social media accounts had she known that her son was about to go viral.

Kimberly has allegedly posted several photos in which she’s seen waving an Confederate flag.

Not only that, some of her status updates are painfully ironic tone in the hours since she’s become an anti-bullying advocate:

Kimberly Jones Photo

“Dear butt hurt Americans, If you aren’t bleeding, no bones are sticking out & you can breathe, STOP crying! For the love, some folks clearly never picked a switch,” Jones recently wrote.

“And before y’all start talking to me about metaphorical, emotional, financial or historical blood & brokenness, Don’t. Join a group.”

Now, skeptics are calling for an immediate halt on donations to the GoFundMe page set up by Keaton’s mother until the situation can be sorted out.

Many beliebe that Mrs. Jones is at best an opportunist, and at worst a scam artist.

It seems one of those people is Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry:

In a since-deleted tweet, Lowry wrote, “People are really quick to throw money around before knowing the situation.”

She also retweeted an article about MMA Joe Schilling, who says he reached out to Kimberly and was shocked with the reply he received.

Kimberly Jones Messages

Schilling says that he offered to meet with Keaton and was appalled to find that his mother simply wanted cash.

Mrs. Jones has not spoken publicly about the allegations, but a source close to the situation says Schilling was communicating with a fake Instagram account.

Obviously, no matter how this situation plays out, Keaton is indisputably a victim here.

The question that remains is whether he’s being victimized by his classmates, or his bigoted parents.

Whatever the case, the support for Keaton highlighted the very best of humanity, while the allegations against his mother reminded us of the very worst.

Many have suggested that until the matter is sorted out, those who wish to offer their support to those whose lives have been affected by bullying can contribute to the fundraiser for the family of Ashawnty Davis, an elementary school girl who chose to take her own life rather than endure another day of bullying.


Bullied Student Keaton Jones" Mom Facing Backlash Over Confederate Flag

Photos and words posted by Tennessee student Keaton Jones’ mother have many people questioning whether she deserves any of the sympathy generated by Keaton’s viral video. Kimberly Jones’ Facebook page reportedly features several photos of herself…


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Michael Keaton -- Good Genes or Good Docs?

The spotlight is on Michael Keaton’s good looks! Here’s a 36-year-old version of the young ‘Batman’ hunk at a party for the L.A. Kings back in 1987 (left) and 30 years later … the award-winning actor and father at a Hollywood…


Monday, January 9, 2017

Michael Keaton Takes Sarcastic Jab, I"m "Horrible" for Saying "Hidden Fences" (VIDEO)

Michael Keaton beat himself down for saying “Hidden Fences” instead of “Hidden Figures” while presenting at the Golden Globes … but he was dripping in sarcasm. We got Keaton outside Madeo in West Hollywood after the Globes, and he apologized…
