Showing posts with label Shading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shading. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Justin Bieber: Shading Demi Lovato After Overdose?!

As you’ve almost certainly heard by now, Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that left her hospitalized earlier this week.

Scores of celebrities have showered Lovato with love and support on social media, and we’re sure the show of support from her A-list friends has been a much-needed source of strength.


Now, Lovato’s longtime colleague Justin Bieber has become the latest to speak out on the situation.

And some fans aren’t totally thrilled with his response.

In a video obtained by The Blast, Justin comments on Demi’s recent difficulties in a way that some have described as callous and insensitive.

“It’s very sad. I haven’t talked to her, but my prayers go out to her and her family,” Bieber told the outlet.

Obviously, the first part of Bieber’s response is boilerplate stuff that could have come from the mouth of any publicist.

It’s what came next that pissed some people off:

“I thought she was sober, that’s terrible, right?” Justin continued.

Now, that may not sound so bad in context, but the pull quote many media outlets relied consisted of nothing more than “I thought she was sober.”

We suppose it’s not hard to see how that comment, taken by itself, could be interpreted as subtle shade-throwing.

After all, Demi’s latest single is entitled “Sober,” but even a cursory glance at the lyrics would reveal that the song is her way of dealing with her recent fall from the wagon.

Add to that the fact that Justin is living clean these days — devoting himself to his faith and his relationship with Hailey Baldwin — and it’s easy to understand how some fans might have taken his remarks as a bit smug and self-satisfied.

To be clear, we don’t think Justin meant to throw any shade, but we can see how some might have interpreted it that way.

Meanwhile, Demi’s loved ones are reportedly doing their best to convince her to seek in-patient treatment, but thus far, they’ve had no luck.

“The thing about an addict is that you become so good at hiding it,” one insider says of the situation.

“She’s a really smart girl,” the source adds.

“When she had work commitments, she could pull it together. But that’s how she’s always been, and this might not be her rock bottom.”

The insider goes on to say that Demi’s loved ones are aware that they could take steps toward forcing her into treatment, but they know from past experience that such an approach would be ineffective.

“Demi has to want to get help. She can’t be forced into rehab or treatment,” the source alleges.

“It won’t work.”

Sounds like Demi’s road to recovery will be tougher than previously thought.

We wish her all the best during this tremendously difficult time.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Justin Bieber: Shading Selena Gomez for Faking Happiness?

The 2018 MET Gala has come and gone, leaving us all with photos and fond memories of extraordinary outfits like Rihanna’s and Zendaya’s. Also, a lot of disappointments.

Justin Bieber was not in attendance, but that didn’t stop him from posting a curiously cryptic tweet early the following morning.

Was the Biebs throwing shade at the MET Gala … or just at Selena Gomez herself?

Justin Bieber reportedly believes that it’s God’s plan for Selena Gomez to take him back.

He is a devout Christian from a family of devout Christians (check his mom’s Instagram from time to time; she’s been known to post End Times materials).

So it absolutely make sense that he would view major life events such as the biggest relationship of his life through a religious lens.

But, in the mean time, the two have been broken up since March.

And a lot of fans can’t help but wonder if Justin was referring to Selena when he wrote this:

Justin Bieber

“Hey world that glamorous lifestyle you see portrayed by famous people on Instagram don’t be fooled thinking their life is better than yours.”

That’s almost a sentence.

“I can promise you it’s not.”

While plenty of commenters pointed out how much money would improve their lives, others guessed at the timing of Justin’s post.

This was early in the morning, following the MET Gala.

And Justin’s ex, Selena Gomez, had attended.

We absolutely adore Selena Gomez, but while her dress is fine, it doesn’t really meet the assignment of the MET Gala.

Rihanna came out dressed like a stylish, sexy pope. Zendaya’s outfit was so inspirational that people have been drawing fanart of her as a warrior.

Chadwick Boseman, Cardi B, Ariana Grande, and others really lived up to and exceeded our expectations.

But some wonder if Justin saw these photos — the official ones, and the personal ones posted to social media — and grew jealous of the happy expressions.

Maybe he wasn’t so much speaking to fans as he was reminding himself that a smiling photograph does not equate to happiness.

And, indirectly, telling himself that Selena isn’t necessarily happy without him.

That’s what some fans interpreted his cryptic PSA to mean, anyway.

Let us consider, for a moment, that he was not referring specifically to Selena.

Perhaps he was making a broader statement.

Perhaps he was blasting many fellow celebrities — and we should note that Selena was not his only ex at the MET Gala.

(Hailey Baldwin, of course, attended arm-in-arm with Shawn Mendes)

Some celebrities go through awkward phases during which they reject many of the trappings of fame because they’re “fake” or whatever.

Or maybe Justin was really just trying to assure people at home that beautiful famous people have bad days, too.

There is also a chance that Bieber, though not a Catholic, took offense at the Gala’s Catholicism motif.

Though the Vatican approved it and even loaned a number of items for the event, a number (who were not aware of this) tried to raise an uproar and allege “cultural appropriation,” which this is not.

(For so many reasons, dressing like Catholic art with the official approval of the Vatican is not cultural appropriation)

Maybe Bieber was offended that people were using some pieces of Christian imagery as a costume.

But that, too, is just fan speculation.

That’s the problem with cryptic tweets — they leave people wondering what you really mean.

One of Justin’s biggest hits was “What Do You Mean,” so … he should understand that.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Cressida Bonas Posts Racy Pic: Is She Shading Meghan Markle?

We’re just months away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and the royal couple is no doubt dealing with all the little hiccups and headaches that comes with planning such a massive ceremony.

There’s the guest list, the menu, the bridesmaid dresses, and of course, the thirsty-ass exes trying to steal the bride’s shine.

We kid.

That’s a photo that Harry’s former girlfriend Cressida Bonas posted on Instagram this week, and despite what the comments section seems to think, it has nothing to do with Meghan.

As you can see, Cressida’s not rocking much in the way of actual clothing.

“By the wonderful Mike Figgis @figgismike,” she captioned the photo, giving credit to the filmmaker best known for directing 1995’s Leaving Las Vegas.

So clearly, “washed-out and sorta sad-looking” is Mr. Figgis’ aesthetic.

That’s not a knock against Cressida, who’s a gorgeous woman, but rather against Figgis for having her dress like a sullen teen with a Hot Topic gift card and generally going for a “dead-eyed fentanyl chic” aesthetic.

Cressida and Harry broke up back in 2014.

The split was reportedly amicable, and she’s all but faded from the British tabloid headlines in the years since.

However, she’s back in the news these days, thanks to rumors that Cressida might be invited to Harry and Meghan’s wedding.

Yes, Harry and Cressida have reportedly remained friendly, and sources say Meg is totally cool with allowing Bonas to be in attendance on her big day. 

But that hasn’t stopped random online trolls from reading way too much into this pic and posting some truly disgusting comments on Cressida’s pic:

“Highly doubt [Meghan] is jealous of a used mattress, c-m dumpster! Cressida dumped Harry, she isn’t the gold digger,” wrote one fan.

“The beautiful Meghan is the only one” commented another.

Yes, despite the fact that Harry and Cressida have been broken up for nearly four years and there’s no indication that Bonas and Markle are in any sort of competition, haters continue to pit them against each other.

It’s stuff like this, and the sausage party that is the list of 2018 Grammy winners, and … well pretty much all of the news to come out of Hollywood in the past six months that reminds you that society still has a long, long way to go in terms of its treatment of women.

Of course, it’s not like Cressida or Meghan needed to be reminded.

Both have been targets of the notoriously brutal British tabloid press at various times, which means they’re all too aware of how they’re regarded by certain male-dominated by the publications.

We know the royal family is an archaic institution, but that doesn’t mean the media outlets who cover it can’t get with the times.


Audrey Roloff: Shading Jacob Roloff Engagement in Passive-Aggressive Instagram Post?

With Little People, Big World star Jacob Roloff engaged to Isabel Rock, fans of the famous TLC family are by and large thrilled.

And, just as predictably, his sister-in-law Audrey Roloff is being accused of trying to upstage Jacob and Izzy’s announcement.

Jacob and Audrey

Some fans quickly accused Audrey of igniting controversy and trying to sabotage the happy couple with her most recent post on Instagram.

Did she really do such a thing, though?

This much is true: Jacob and Isabel had been engaged – publicly, anyway – for all of a few hours when Audrey posted her latest message.

In it, she offered relationship advice (as she often does), specifically about not rushing into a relationship, which raised some eyebrows.

The notion that she somehow posted this particular message as a shot at Isabel may be a stretch, but the timing was curious.

Audrey Roloff captioned the image below:

“Some words on dating from a Christian perspective…”

“Let’s just say you recently hurried into a relationship, dabbled with sexual intimacy, and then became emotionally attached.”

“The main problem with this scenario is that it blinds you to red flags. It’s the classic ‘love at first sight’ trap.”

“You begin to see the person you are dating as the ‘the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe."”

“(If you don’t get that reference, please go watch The Lego Movie after you finish this book. It’s sure to solve all your dating problems).”

“As time passes, your friends and family may raise concerns, but you won’t be able to rationalize with them because all you will see is perfection.” 

“This is a titanic problem,” she goes on.

“The recipe for a healthy dating relationship calls for generous servings of insight from the people who love and care about you.”

“Don’t be that girl who started dating someone and then fell off the face of the earth. Couples who do this are usually hiding shame, guilt, fear, or pride.”

“Allow your friends to see into your relationship and speak truth and affirmation. Allow them to raise red flags.”

“Their honestly may sting, but it could also be what prevents some deep wounds. #beating50percent #journeyofjerandauj

Audrey’s messages can come across self-righteous and preachy, and often rub fans the wrong way. This one was no exception.

“Would be great if Audrey would not destroy the moment with her dumb post on IG,” said one fan, pointing out the timing aspect.

“The timing when she posted (right after they announced the engagement) and what she said there sounds like it’s about Izzy.”

“Hope they will be happy,” said another fan about Jacob Roloff and his fiancee. “Because someone [is] clearly not happy about this.”

Yet another Roloff Instagram follower accused Audrey of “always trying to upstage others and sabotage people’s happiness.”

(Audrey has reportedly blocked these two followers.)

Still more critics accused her of deleting comments that portray her in a negative manner and “liking” Jacob’s post after the fact.

As in only as a minor form of damage control.

One disgruntled fan even went so far as to call Audrey “very egoistic girl” of whom their opinion “completely changed after that.”

To be fair, most of Roloff’s fans showed their appreciation for her words of wisdom on Instagram and did not jump to conclusions.

While Audrey gushing about her lifestyle (using God to make money, critics might say) may be off-putting, perhaps that’s all it is?

In other words, maybe it’s not about Jacob?

There have been rumors floating around for months that Jacob and Audrey don’t get along, allegedly due to contrasting views on religion.

Audrey is all about her faith, which goes without saying, while Jacob does not appear to be as strong a believer, at least publicly.

Still, they were all smiles during Jacob’s 21st birthday recently, leading us to believe they had quashed any beef that existed.

What do you think of her message?


Monday, December 11, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Shading Keaton Jones on Twitter?!

Over the weekend, a Tennessee middle school student named Keaton Jones captured the hearts of millions thanks to a viral video in which the distraught … tearfully describing the bullying he’s endured at the hands of his classmates.

If you have yet to see Keaton courageously tell his tale, you can check out the full clip below:

Pretty heartwrenching stuff, right?

Not surprisingly, Keaton’s story has earned him the sympathy and support of hundreds of celebrities, many of whom have posted encouraging messages and even offered to meet with him.

But as is the case with just about everything in 2017, this situation isn’t as simple as it seems.

The video was recorded and uploaded by Keaton’s mother, Kimberly Jones, who presumably would’ve cleaned up her social media accounts had she known that her son was about to go viral.

Kimberly has allegedly posted several photos in which she’s seen waving an Confederate flag.

Not only that, some of her status updates are painfully ironic tone in the hours since she’s become an anti-bullying advocate:

Kimberly Jones Photo

“Dear butt hurt Americans, If you aren’t bleeding, no bones are sticking out & you can breathe, STOP crying! For the love, some folks clearly never picked a switch,” Jones recently wrote.

“And before y’all start talking to me about metaphorical, emotional, financial or historical blood & brokenness, Don’t. Join a group.”

Now, skeptics are calling for an immediate halt on donations to the GoFundMe page set up by Keaton’s mother until the situation can be sorted out.

Many beliebe that Mrs. Jones is at best an opportunist, and at worst a scam artist.

It seems one of those people is Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry:

In a since-deleted tweet, Lowry wrote, “People are really quick to throw money around before knowing the situation.”

She also retweeted an article about MMA Joe Schilling, who says he reached out to Kimberly and was shocked with the reply he received.

Kimberly Jones Messages

Schilling says that he offered to meet with Keaton and was appalled to find that his mother simply wanted cash.

Mrs. Jones has not spoken publicly about the allegations, but a source close to the situation says Schilling was communicating with a fake Instagram account.

Obviously, no matter how this situation plays out, Keaton is indisputably a victim here.

The question that remains is whether he’s being victimized by his classmates, or his bigoted parents.

Whatever the case, the support for Keaton highlighted the very best of humanity, while the allegations against his mother reminded us of the very worst.

Many have suggested that until the matter is sorted out, those who wish to offer their support to those whose lives have been affected by bullying can contribute to the fundraiser for the family of Ashawnty Davis, an elementary school girl who chose to take her own life rather than endure another day of bullying.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi: Who is Shading Them Now?

Emily Maynard tuned in to watch The Bachelor finale on Monday night, along with the live After the Final Rose special.

And, upon seeing Nick Viall interact with his chosen suitor, Vanessa Grimaldi, the former Bachelorette star had only one thing to say about the couple.

HA! Good luck getting married!

Maynard didn’t use these exact words, of course.

But she made her feelings on the future of Viall and Grimaldi pretty well known over Twitter.

“They look like me and you know who. Yikes!!,” Maynard wrote in response to fellow season 15 Bachelor contestant Ashley Spivey, who sarcastically quipped during the After the Final Rose special:

“Y’all. Nick and Vanessa are just too real, so passionate and they are so open. Things are great! #ATFR #TheBachelorFinale.”

maynard message

For those unaware:

Maynard made her reality TV debut on season 15 of The Bachelor.

She proceeded to win and get engaged to Brad Womack.

During their own After the Final Rose interview, however, Maynard and Womack were widely mocked for their lack of chemistry. The tension was obvious from the outset.

“Watching [the season back], it was tough,” Maynard said during their special. “I look so boring … I’m sorry he gets mad when I say that.”

To absolutely no one’s surprise, Maynard and Womack did not make it down the aisle.

After the break up, Maynard became The Bachelorette… where she accepted Jef Holm’s proposal at the conclusion of Season 8.

The couple split up in October 2012 – and Maynard is now happily married to Tyler Johnson, with whom she shares baby sons Kyle and Jennings.

The ex-reality star also has a daughter, Ricki, from her previous relationship with late fiancé Ricky Hendrick.

So Maynard does have some experience in this arena when she speaks her mind.

Viall and Grimaldi, meanwhile, are aware that the odds are against them.

Few duos that get together in this fashion ever stay together, but Nick and Vanessa swear things are going well so far.

“You can never make people happy. At the end of the day, we are focusing on our relationship,” Grimadli said this week.

“It’s so easy to focus on the negative, which sometimes I do, and Nick tries to get me out of it. But it’s the world that we’re living in.”

How very true, isn’t it?

The Internet isn’t exactly a place where users send their well wishes to strangers.

It’s often quite the opposite, as Grimaldi and Viall now know well.

To their credit, Nick and Vanessa were at least aware of their awkward interactions throughout the After the Final Rose special on Monday night.

“I hope we came across as in love and passionate tonight,” Nick said in response to widespread sentiment that they looked awfully unhappy side by side.

“The reality is – we joke about it, but it’s true – we don’t know what it’s like to go to the movies together, to spend time together in the real world.

“Our relationship has been based off of stressful situations.”

And this is the rub. This helps explain why so few Bachelor and Bachelorette couples make it down the aisle.

For months, nearly all of their exchanges are contrived; they’re either outright scripted or they take place within some alternate reality of ABC programming, which sends the stars on exotic dates and sticks microphones in their faces at all times.

It’s shocking any couples from the franchise get married at all.

“We’re taking baby steps,” Grimaldi told host Chris Harrison about getting hitched.

“I think we’re still in the process of really getting to know each other … we’re very optimistic about what the future holds.”

Are YOU optimistic, though? Sound off below and vote:

Will Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi end up together?


Friday, August 26, 2016

Lorde: Shading Taylor Swift on Instagram?!

In 2013, Lorde released what could reasonably be called one of the best pop albums in recent memory.

Pure Heroine was a smash with critics and audiences alike, selling over three million copies and earning near-universal acclaim.

Since then, Lorde has toured the globe and blown TV audiences away with stunning award show performances, but she has yet to release any new recorded material.

Recently a “fan” adopted a particularly snotty tone to ask the 19-year-old New Zealander about her lack of musical output, and things got weird very quickly:

It all started when the Lorde non-believer inquired on Instagram:

“Do you think we will ever get another album or should we just give up on you as an artist?” 

Understandably peeved, the artist shot back:

Give up on me if you want to! I’m an artist, I write a record when I have enough special stories to tell, and it’s all me, every melody every lyric, not some team who just start the machine up every eighteen months like clockwork.

“The record is written, we’re in the production stages now. I’ve worked like a dog for a year making this thing great for you guys.”

Now, on the surface that may seem like a simple case of Lorde venting some frustration.

But as many have pointed out, the singer’s most famous friend does record an album roughly every 18 months, and has been accused of assembling a team of master tunesmiths to craft her intensely personal, deeply confessional songs:

Yes, many are interpreting Lorde’s comment as a subtle shot at Taylor Swift.

It’s a bit of a stretch, but it’s not hard to see why folks might read so much into the remarks, what with Taylor’s recent squad problems and all.

Add to that the fact that these two were formerly so tight that Lorde used to call Taylor her role model, but now they haven’t been photographed together in nearly a year, and it’s not hard to see why folks think their friendship is over with.

After all, Lorde certainly wouldn’t be the first friend to jump ship on Taylor in recent months.

Sources say the mega-star’s diva-like behavior has all but decimated her former clique.

So is it possible that Lorde and Taylor are no more?

We certainly hope not.

These two should really stick together just for the sake of that epic bra-mance name.

(That’s a bromance between two women. Get with the times!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Farrah Abraham: SHADING Maci Bookout After Giving Birth??

Maci Bookout just welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world with her fiance Taylor McKinney.

The Teen Mom OG star made the announcement on Twitter, as is customary for celebrities these days.

“Mr. Maverick Reed has officially made his debut and completed our family,” Maci tweeted. “So much love, so many blessings!”

She received a number of well wishes in response, most notably from her co-stars Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell.

Amber shared a photo of Maci and baby to Twitter along with a congratulatory note.

“Congratulations @MaciBookoutMTV love you!!” she tweeted.

Similary, Catelynn Lowell tweeted out her happiness to her co-star as well.

“@AmberLPortwood @MaciBookoutMTV miss you two ladies! Maci congratulations on that precious prince,” she wrote.

However, looking over to the last in the Teen Mom OG clan, Farrah Abraham, we see nothing.

Not a simple “Congrats,” no baby emoji, nothing to celebrate this precious moment in her co-star’s life.

It’s not the biggest surprise, as Farrah and Maci have reportedly been on the outs for some time.

Last year, reports surfaced that Maci quit the reality show after hearing that Farrah would be returning.

In response, Farrah called Maci a “fake, f–ked up, piece of s–t person.”

However, earlier this year, Farrah congratulated Maci on her engagement to Taylor, and the universe was befuddled.

But the love didn’t last (could it have been – gasp – fake?), because Maci later hinted that Farrah would not be invited to her wedding this year.

And now, with Farrah refusing to offer up her congratulations for Maci, it seems this feud is still very much alive.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Scott Disick: SHADING Kourtney Kardashian on Instagram?

Scott Disick’s relationship with Kourtney Kardashian was always rather turbulent, but let’s face it, he primarily brought that on himself.

His drinking, his temper and his overall asshattery finally prompted Kourt to kick him out for good last year, and it was a long time coming.

But through a new Instagram post, he is seemingly suggesting that his ex deserves some of the blame for their relationship’s downfall.

The self-proclaimed Lord recently shared a meme of two fictitious serial killers (Jason from Halloween and Michael Myers from Friday the 13th) in bed together.

The headline reads, “When you’re in a relationship and you’re both crazy.”

Scott Disick Instagram post - serial killers

Scott also wrote a caption of his own: “I know the feeling!”

Sounds personal.

While it’s possible he’s talking about one of his new lovers – two weeks ago he was rumored to be dating Megan Blake Irwin, but two weeks before that it was Christine Burke – we don’t think any of those “situations” would qualify as “relationships.”

In other words, he’s talking about Kourtney.

And saying she’s crazy.

SHE’S crazy.


Like the time she smashed a mirror when her kid slept in the next room or the time she trashed that hotel suite or the time she screamed at an old man for bumping into her on the street.

Oh, wait. That wasn’t Kourtney. That was Scott.

Listen, we know relationships are complicated and it takes two to tango and all that jazz.

But of all the people on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kourtney is 100 percent the most sane.

So I hope like hell Scott’s not trying to get into Kourt’s head by trying to imply that, heh-heh, you know we’re both crazy, babe!

Because she’s not. YOU’RE crazy, Scott. 

Get a grip.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Yolanda Foster SLAMS Rebecca Romijn for Shading Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner

Yolanda Foster went on the attack after she heard that former supermodel Rebecca Romijn had shaded her daughter, Gigi Hadid, and BFF Kendall Jenner.

Earlier this week, Romijn claimed that Hadid and Jenner were “not true supermodels.”

Romijn had suggested that Hadid and Jenner had only achieved success in the industry because of their large social media following, not because of their hard work or talent.

Foster, a former model herself, was having none of this.

Mama bear took to Twitter to scold Romijn for the unflattering words about her daughter.

“Kind, hard working and they accomplished more at half your age in the fashion industry @KendallJenner @GiGiHadid,” tweeted Foster.

“It’s THEIR hard work and daily commitment to their profession that got them where they R today #NoParentsInvolved,” she added.

Oddly enough, Foster launched her defense in response to what seemed like an apology from Romijn.

After the media reported on Romijn’s comments, she tried to explain that she wasn’t talking about Hadid or Jenner.

“Hey @kendalljenner @gigihadid don’t believe the #clickbait. Never talked smack about you. Both amazing & beautiful,” Romijn tweeted.

However, when a Twitter user brought up Romijn’s defensive comment, Foster shot back with: 

“Did you even bother to see what she said on entertainment tonight? No need 2 throw shade on hard-working children.”

To be clear, Romijn did not mention the young models by name, but was responding to a question ET posed about “the new generation of models such as Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid.”

“No one has proven yet that numbers of followers translates to revenue,” Romijn said. “So it is frustrating.”

She went on to claim that many others in the industry echo her sentiments.

“I know a lot of people — legitimate fashion people — can’t stand it.” she continued.

Earlier this month, designer Calvin Klein shared similar thoughts about Kendall Jenner, saying he would never use her in his ads if he were still in charge of the company.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Rob Kardashian: SHADING Blac Chyna on Instagram??

It’s only been a month since Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna became a couple, and their relationship cycle seems to be moving faster than a category 5 hurricane.

chyna and rob

They’ve reportedly moved in together, and engagement rumors started circling earlier this week after Blac flaunted a diamond ring on her finger and posted a pic of Rob to Instagram, writing in the caption, “Missing Bae” along with a diamond ring emoji.

But is the decline of this relationship nearing as fast as its ascent?

We gotta wonder, because Rob just posted this meme to Instagram:

Rob Kardashian meme shading Blac Chyna?

Is he talking smack about Blac? ALREADY?? And what’s with the cry face emojis?

Up until now, Rob has expressed only positive sentiments about his new lady love.

Many skeptics initially believed their union was nothing more than a play by both parties to get back at Rob’s family, but sources close to the sock designer have claimed that it’s a real relationship and he “adores” her.

Rob has been known to throw subtle shade on social media without clarification, leaving fans scratching their heads over what he’s really trying to say.

But there’s only one person we know of who he’s sleeping with, so it certainly seems as though his target is clear.

Perhaps Rob is feeling insecure after sources claim Blac is just using him to get attention. Or maybe he’s a little jelly that Drake wants to tap Blac ass.

Whatever the case, we can’t wait to see Blac’s reaction. We’re fairly certain it WON’T be subtle.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Azealia Banks and Her Beefs: Who"s She Shading Now?

Azealia Banks may earn money as a singer, but the controversial artist is really more of a fighter.

Over the years, Banks has clashed with Nicki Minaj, Perez Hilton… and the entire continent of Australia.

Is she seriously this angry? Is she just trying to get attention? Perhaps a little bit of both?


1. Azealia Banks Slams Perez Hilton with Homophobic Slur, Tells Blogger to Kill Himself

Azealia banks on stage

Look, no one likes Perez Hilton. But telling the blogger to kill himself?!? We’d never go there. But Banks had no problem laying into Hilton in just such a manner back in 2013.

2. Azealia Banks SLAMS Eminem on Twitter: You Beefed With Your Mom, Dude!

Azealia banks slams eminem on twitter you beefed with your mom d

Azealia Banks attacked Eminem on Twitter today. She seems to be hoping that the A-list emcee will reply in the form of a diss track.

3. Azealia Banks on Iggy Azalea: Satan in the Form of Mayonnaise!

Azealia banks image

Banks also found time in December 2014 to start a feud with Iggy Azalea. Yes, she really did liken her to Satan.

4. Azealia Banks Slams Kendrick Lamar on Twitter: Shut Your Face!

Azealia banks rapping

Kendrick Lamar opened up to an issue of Billboard magazine about his tough life in Compton. For some reason, Banks had a problem with the rapper talking to a “white” publication in this manner.

5. Azealia Banks Slams Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar and Pharrell in Playboy Interview

Azealia banks playboy photo

Yes, Banks posed in Playboy and yet no one talked about her naked body because she was too busy taking issue with “nonthreatening black [people] such as Pharrell and Lamar. She also thinks Kanye tries too hard to be accepted by the “white world.”

6. Azealia Banks Bashes BET Awards, Nicki Minaj

Azealia banks in london

Banks thinks it’s a “joke” that Minaj keeps winning Best Rap Album at the BET Awards. She seems to either hate Nicki or be very jealous of her.

View Slideshow

Monday, September 14, 2015

Blake Lively Under Fire For Shading Taylor Swift — But Don"t Worry, It"s All A Misunderstanding! See Blake"s Explanation HERE!

Well here’s one feud that wasn’t!

Blake Lively poked a little fun at Taylor Swift on Instagram recently, but the actress has now officially put all the feud rumors to rest with a more recent post on the social network!

[ Photos: Blake Lively’s Style Evolution ]

Basically, it all started Friday when Lively uploaded a shot to Insta of her “crew” (below), including John Legend, and teased that the squad was covering Swift’s mega-hit Bad Blood:

…soooo, turns out this WASN’T a video shoot for John Legend’s cover of Bad Blood 😄😉 @lorealparisofficial blew it out for this one. My #pinkobsession is exposed now💖 Ok your turn. I won’t tell! 🙊 #AlsoTurnsOutJohnLegendIsntCoveringBadBlood Time to start a petition! 🙋A photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Sep 10, 2015 at 7:07pm PDT

Some fans saw that and thought it was low-key shade at T-Swift, though — especially since she’s taken heat from elsewhere because of that song and video.

So, Lively posted an update to Instagram late Saturday night, showing several of her family members in a backstage picture with Swift and writing about how she was not throwing shade at the super star singer!

Lively wrote in the pic:

“Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll” #obsessed Look how rad she is here making my niece Heather feel like a rock star. Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4eva”

Whoa!! We hope you know about this, Ryan Reynolds!! LOLz!

Ch-ch-check out the pic dismissing the shade rumors (below):

Umm whoever thought I was throwin shade clearly doesn’t know I have a “Taylor Swift Please Be My Wife Voo Doo Doll” #obsessed Look how rad she is here making my niece Heather feel like a rock star. Love my Canadian family almost as much as I love Taylor Lively. I mean Swift. Ok, FIIINE we can hyphenate our last names. Xo Blake Swift-Lively 4evaA photo posted by Blake Lively (@blakelively) on Sep 12, 2015 at 9:35pm PDT

Whew. Glad we got all that sorted out.

[Image via C.Smith/FayesVision/WENN.]