As you’ve almost certainly heard by now, Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that left her hospitalized earlier this week.
Scores of celebrities have showered Lovato with love and support on social media, and we’re sure the show of support from her A-list friends has been a much-needed source of strength.

Now, Lovato’s longtime colleague Justin Bieber has become the latest to speak out on the situation.
And some fans aren’t totally thrilled with his response.
In a video obtained by The Blast, Justin comments on Demi’s recent difficulties in a way that some have described as callous and insensitive.
“It’s very sad. I haven’t talked to her, but my prayers go out to her and her family,” Bieber told the outlet.
Obviously, the first part of Bieber’s response is boilerplate stuff that could have come from the mouth of any publicist.
It’s what came next that pissed some people off:
“I thought she was sober, that’s terrible, right?” Justin continued.
Now, that may not sound so bad in context, but the pull quote many media outlets relied consisted of nothing more than “I thought she was sober.”
We suppose it’s not hard to see how that comment, taken by itself, could be interpreted as subtle shade-throwing.
After all, Demi’s latest single is entitled “Sober,” but even a cursory glance at the lyrics would reveal that the song is her way of dealing with her recent fall from the wagon.
Add to that the fact that Justin is living clean these days — devoting himself to his faith and his relationship with Hailey Baldwin — and it’s easy to understand how some fans might have taken his remarks as a bit smug and self-satisfied.
To be clear, we don’t think Justin meant to throw any shade, but we can see how some might have interpreted it that way.
Meanwhile, Demi’s loved ones are reportedly doing their best to convince her to seek in-patient treatment, but thus far, they’ve had no luck.
“The thing about an addict is that you become so good at hiding it,” one insider says of the situation.
“She’s a really smart girl,” the source adds.
“When she had work commitments, she could pull it together. But that’s how she’s always been, and this might not be her rock bottom.”
The insider goes on to say that Demi’s loved ones are aware that they could take steps toward forcing her into treatment, but they know from past experience that such an approach would be ineffective.
“Demi has to want to get help. She can’t be forced into rehab or treatment,” the source alleges.
“It won’t work.”
Sounds like Demi’s road to recovery will be tougher than previously thought.
We wish her all the best during this tremendously difficult time.