Showing posts with label Cressida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cressida. Show all posts

Monday, January 29, 2018

Cressida Bonas Posts Racy Pic: Is She Shading Meghan Markle?

We’re just months away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and the royal couple is no doubt dealing with all the little hiccups and headaches that comes with planning such a massive ceremony.

There’s the guest list, the menu, the bridesmaid dresses, and of course, the thirsty-ass exes trying to steal the bride’s shine.

We kid.

That’s a photo that Harry’s former girlfriend Cressida Bonas posted on Instagram this week, and despite what the comments section seems to think, it has nothing to do with Meghan.

As you can see, Cressida’s not rocking much in the way of actual clothing.

“By the wonderful Mike Figgis @figgismike,” she captioned the photo, giving credit to the filmmaker best known for directing 1995’s Leaving Las Vegas.

So clearly, “washed-out and sorta sad-looking” is Mr. Figgis’ aesthetic.

That’s not a knock against Cressida, who’s a gorgeous woman, but rather against Figgis for having her dress like a sullen teen with a Hot Topic gift card and generally going for a “dead-eyed fentanyl chic” aesthetic.

Cressida and Harry broke up back in 2014.

The split was reportedly amicable, and she’s all but faded from the British tabloid headlines in the years since.

However, she’s back in the news these days, thanks to rumors that Cressida might be invited to Harry and Meghan’s wedding.

Yes, Harry and Cressida have reportedly remained friendly, and sources say Meg is totally cool with allowing Bonas to be in attendance on her big day. 

But that hasn’t stopped random online trolls from reading way too much into this pic and posting some truly disgusting comments on Cressida’s pic:

“Highly doubt [Meghan] is jealous of a used mattress, c-m dumpster! Cressida dumped Harry, she isn’t the gold digger,” wrote one fan.

“The beautiful Meghan is the only one” commented another.

Yes, despite the fact that Harry and Cressida have been broken up for nearly four years and there’s no indication that Bonas and Markle are in any sort of competition, haters continue to pit them against each other.

It’s stuff like this, and the sausage party that is the list of 2018 Grammy winners, and … well pretty much all of the news to come out of Hollywood in the past six months that reminds you that society still has a long, long way to go in terms of its treatment of women.

Of course, it’s not like Cressida or Meghan needed to be reminded.

Both have been targets of the notoriously brutal British tabloid press at various times, which means they’re all too aware of how they’re regarded by certain male-dominated by the publications.

We know the royal family is an archaic institution, but that doesn’t mean the media outlets who cover it can’t get with the times.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Prince Harry: Dating Chelsy Davy AND Cressida Bonas?!

Last week, we reported that Price Harry and Chelsy Davy are back together.

Many were taken aback by the news, as it came on the heels of reports that Harry and Cressida Bonas had gotten engaged.

Now, the UK tabloids are doing their best to sort out the sexy mess that is Harry’s love life, and the best they’ve come up with is: he’s not engaged – and he might banging both Chelsy and Cressida.

But not at the same time. As far as we know.

Anyway, the story goes: Harry was planning to celebrate his 31st birthday in London with Chelsy Davy over the weekend. It seems that at the last minute, the playboy prince called an audible and spent the day on a boat with Cressida Bonas.

The ever-reliable UK tabloids had it on good authority that he’d made arrangements to hang out with Chelsy on his birthday, but it’s been verified that he marked the occasion with Cressida.

So who’s polishing Harry’s scepter these days? Both of them? Neither? Some different hot blonde that we don’t even know about yet?

Given how private Harry is about  who he’s shagging, there’s a good chance we’ll never know for sure, but our best guess is that he’s remained friends with both of his exes and made time for Chelsy and Cressida during his b-day weekend.

How disappointingly non-scandalous.