Showing posts with label Viall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viall. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Nick Viall and January Jones: Dating!

We guess that Nick Viall won’t be giving Corinne Olympios that second chance after all.

As bizarre of a match as this is, Nick Viall is dating … January Jones. It’s Bachelor villain meets X-Men villain.

And it looks like things got started not too long after Nick and Vanessa Grimaldi parted ways. Whoops.

Getting a date with your celebrity crush isn’t easy. Usually, anyway.

It helps if you’re also a celebrity. Specifically, if you’re a famously gorgeous celebrity actress who happens to gush about her own celeb crush while on television.

Speaking to James Corden, January Jones revealed that she is a Bachelor superfan, saying:

“You don’t know if you like him or if he’s a scumbag, but that’s why I’m attracted to him, maybe”

Most people might not be turned on by being called a scumbag, even if they’re called attractive in the same breath.

Nick Viall is clearly not most people.

(It probably doesn’t hurt that January Jones is almost absurdly gorgeous on top of being a talented actress with roles on Mad Men and in X-Men First Class)

According to Page Six, that’s how Nick Viall and January Jones met. Well, it’s how they ended up going out for drinks.

Their source claims:

“They’ve been dating for about two months.”

And it started with her confession to James Corden.

“She went on ‘The Late Show’ in ­mid-November and said Nick had reached out to her and tried to get her to lip-sync battle with him.”

That would have been interesting to see. Emphasis on would have.

“She declined, but then he asked her out to a drink and she accepted. They’ve been seeing each other since.”

Of course, if Nick Viall was already trying to do a lipsync battle with her, perhaps there was already some mutual attraction.

But let’s take a look at this timeline.

Back in August, Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi broke up.

If you’re still shocked when Bachelor couples break up … we don’t know what to tell you. Most of them do.

It’s almost like reality television’s cameras don’t prompt people to be their most authentic, honest selves! (Who knew?!)

Also, their split after 5 months was, by our count, Nick Viall’s fourth failure to find love through the Bachelor franchise. Yikes.

We can, at least, guess with reasonable confidence that pining after January Jones isn’t what ended things for Nick and Vanessa Grimaldi. It sounds like this new relationship started a couple of months later.

Maybe this romance with January Jones is exactly what he needs to actually have a successful romance?

Or maybe the Bachelor cameras weren’t the only problem, and Nick Viall was the common factor that ended things again and again.

We hope not.

Not for the notorious Bachelor villain’s sake, but for the sake of January Jones.

She maybe wasn’t my first choice to play Emma Frost, but she’s great and she doesn’t deserve heartbreak.

And let’s not forget that January Jones has a young son, folks. Dating gets more complicated when someone involved has kids.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Corinne Olympios to Nick Viall: Want a Second Chance? Let"s Talk!

Corinne Olympios may not have won The Bachelor, but that’s not to say she is completely ruling out giving Nick Viall a second chance. 

“If I saw him getting back to the way he was when I first stepped out of the limo, I would seriously consider giving him a chance,” the controversial contestant dished to Entertainment Tonight on Tuesday, October 24. 

I would meet up with him, have coffee, talk to him and see how he is. He just broke up with his fiancée; it can’t be easy,” she continued. 

If you watch The Bachelor online, you will already know that Corinne put on quite the show for the cameras and was painted as the villain of the season. 

While that may have been a good way to raise her profile, it resulted in her doing everything and anything to grab Nick’s attention, and it certainly seemed like she was more of a novelty for producers because she was giving them a lot of material to weave together. 

Corinne was clipped before the end of the season, and Nick bid adieu to her after the hometown dates episode of the series. Corinne has been very public about her thoughts on being let go. 

Simply put, she felt like Viall made a huge mistake, and with him and Vanessa Grimaldi calling their engagement off, maybe she was right. 

“We clearly had strong chemistry, I was falling so hard, and I remember when he changed completely,” she told ET.

“I went up to him, cameras not rolling, and was like, ‘I just want to give you a hug before the night ends,’ which is something we normally did. He was like, ‘K, well, I’m gonna go give out this rose now.’

“I was like, ‘Whoa.’ It was a slap in the face, like, ‘I’m too busy for you right now.’ I don’t know why he got like that. … I feel like [in the beginning] I saw a different side of him than what [he] shows right now.”

Maybe Nick was just spoiled for choice on the set of the series. All of the women were vying for his attention, and while Corinne was a little out there, she was fun to watch. 

It’s no surprise that she’s calling Nick out on his behavior because he was initially seen as a villain when he first appeared on The Bachelorette

A lot of fans voiced their displeasure at his casting as The Bachelor because they felt like he had enough chances and there must be something wrong with him. 

As for Corinne, she followed up The Bachelor with a stint on Bachelor in Paradise that almost got the show canceled. 

She and DeMario Jackson had an alcohol-fueled romp in the pool, and it shut production down for days an investigation went on to establish who was at fault because Corinne alleged that she could not remember what happened. 

That’s not to say she and DeMario fell out in the aftermath. In fact, they have been photographed together several times since the scandal rocked Bachelor Nation. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Kaitlyn Bristowe: I Wanted to Send Nick Viall Home SOONER!

Kaitlyn Bristowe may have gotten her happily ever after with Shawn Booth after The Bachelorette, but that doesn’t mean that her season went exactly the way that she wanted it to.

In fact, Kaitlyn says that there was one thing in particular that she’d never planned on — and that was keeping Nick Viall around as long as she did.

There have been no shortage of breakups of Bachelor couples.

In many cases, people have found that the person they got to know on reality television isn’t the same when the cameras aren’t rolling.

In others, the fact that the cameras were rolling at that they were all on a timetable doesn’t give them time for honest communication before they get engaged.

And their celebrity status afterwards makes it hard for their relationship to continue even after the season airs.

And, obviously, some couples just drift apart.

You can look at the breakup of Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins, whose relationship was strangled by a lack of honest communication thanks to the relentless presence of cameras in their lives.

(Ben was on Kaitlyn’s season — that will come up in a moment)

Then you have breakups like the one between Josh Murray and Amanda Stanton, that involved Josh calling the police.

Their split seemed like it would have happened even if they’d just met over Tinder or whatever.

But, despite all of the things that can and so often do go wrong in relationships, Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth are still together.

Not married, but they’re together.

So what, in Kaitlyn’s view, went wrong with her season?

On her own podcast, titled Off The Vine, Kaitlyn Bristowe revealed that she never intended for Nick Viall to make it to the final two.

For some time, Kaitlyn knew that she wanted to be with Shawn Booth.

(Clearly, he was the right choice, as they’re still happily together)

She had also decided that Ben Higgins would be the last man she sent home.

As you remember, Ben came in third, not second, and it was Nick Viall who was Kaitlyn Bristowe’s final breakup.

Nick Viall ended up going on and getting engaged to Vanessa Grimaldi (though they of course have broken up).

Kaitlyn doesn’t say why things ended up the way that they did, but it’s interesting that her own decisions didn’t quite match up with her own plans.

Kaitlyn may have gotten her happy ending, but that doesn’t mean that she’s turned her back on the Bachelor Nation.

Recently, when it was finally revealed that Rachel Lindsay had made the controversial choice of settling with Bryan Abasolo, Kaitlyn posted this message to Instagram.

“Attention Rachel and [Bryan Abasolo]. Today will be one of the best days of your life. When you can finally be out in the real world hand in hand.”

She actually referred to Bryan as “Jerome,” which had been Rachel’s code word for her unnamed fiance.

We suspect that Kaitlyn wrote this out in advance. Or maybe she just didn’t want to spoil things for those who hadn’t seen it yet.

“I honestly don’t think you need advice because you seem to be on cloud 9 and you’re smart af, but here’s mine for what it’s worth.”

Awwww, that is so cute.

“Do not listen to outside voices. People will try and bring you down, I’m not sure why…But they do.”

We, at least, don’t want to bring down Rachel Lindsay.

We don’t understand her choice, but we want her to be happy.

“As long as you surround yourselves with people who love you, and remind each other that they come first, you will be ok. You both have our full support. #TheBachelorette”

This was from her and from Shawn Booth.


We’re not sure what lesson to take from this.

Kaitlyn isn’t alleging a conspiracy by the Bachelorette producers or anything.

It just sounds like she had a hard time letting Nick go before the end. Harder than she’d anticipated.

Nick Viall’s been on one Bachelor show or another about a million times (approximately), so he’s clearly good at winning hearts.

But … he’s also seemingly done with reality television. For a little while, at least.


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Vanessa Grimaldi, Nick Viall Break Silence on Breakup of the Century

Vanessa Grimaldi has spoke out for the first time since her split from The Bachelor star Nick Viall, and he’s responded in kind … literally.

As in he also spoke out, as she did. With kind words.

“It’s okay to feel broken. It’s okay to cry,” she captioned an Instagram photo of herself overlooking a pond, literally leaning on a friend.

“It’s okay to lean on a friend,” she continued.

“In the end, it will always be okay.”

Deep stuff for hard times there.

Viall, 36, and Grimaldi, 29, broke up Friday, five months after their proposal on ABC, and 3-4 months later than many felt a split would occur.

“It’s with a great amount of heartbreak for the both us as we have decided to end our engagement,” they said in a joint statement.

“We gave this relationship our all and we are saddened that we did not get the fairytale ending we hoped for,” the duo lamented.

“We will continue to be there for each other no matter what. This hasn’t been an easy decision, however, as we part ways,” they said.

“We do so with lots of love and admiration.”

That’s good at least, but it’s 0-4 for Viall, who appeared on two previous seasons of The Bachelorette and Season 3 of Bachelor in Paradise.

This winter was his turn as the man doling out the roses, picking Vanessa Grimaldi over Raven Gates and Rachel Lindsay on The Bachelor.

Even before getting engaged, Viall and Grimladi struggled with conflicting priorities and deciding where they would continue their relationship.

To put it mildly, Nick is more into the whole fame/celebrity aspect of the show than Vanessa, a special ed teacher from Montreal, Quebec.

Following the Nick Viall-Vanessa Grimaldi split, a source close to them said they were never on the same page and doomed from day one.

It wasn’t just that he loves life in L.A. and had no interest in moving to Canada, although that was a factor. The two just weren’t compatible.

“Their friends knew the relationship wouldn’t last,” said the source. “It was a mismatch from the start. She’s super fun, bubbly and outgoing.”

“He’s more of a serious personality.”

Nick, the insider said, “is more introverted. She would try to bring him out of his shell, but he’s just not as comfortable in big groups.”

As for Viall, he’s handling the split “okay,” the source added, noting that “it wasn’t an overnight decision, and they’re amicable.”

“In times that aren’t great, you have to kind of spend time with your loved ones,” Viall told celebrity news magazine Us Weekly.

“I’m lucky enough to have friends outside of L.A. I’m heading back to Chicago this weekend, which I think will be good for me.”

“I’m trying to stay positive, being around friends and family. And you know, what helps me is just kind of believing in yourself.”

“It helps me stay positive.”

“It’s obviously easy to get insecure and feel bad about yourself. You get in your head about things when things aren’t working out for you.”

“I still love her very much. I’m not afraid to say that,” he added on Monday night. “I like to try new things, get out of my comfort zone.”

I know I have a lot of work to do,” Viall conceded.

“It’s fun to try [new life experiences] though, and I always appreciate the opportunity to try new things and that’s been a lot of fun.” 

“I’m always trying to stay busy, especially right now with things,” Nick added, saying that he’s been leaning on “my friends, my family.”

“Vanessa and I are still very much each other’s support system. We’re trying to do that and it’s a challenge at times,” he added.

“We still realize that we’re there for each other.”

They gave it their best, at least. Here’s how Nick and Vanessa rank among Bachelor couples by longevity … the bar was set low:


Monday, August 28, 2017

Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi: Why Did They Split?

The Bachelor stars Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi called off their engagement Friday, five months after he proposed on the hit show.

While the news was heartbreaking, it didn’t exactly come as a surprise to many viewers … or sources who knew the couple best.

News of Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi breaking up was not a shock to one friend of the brunette beauty. In fact, it felt almost overdue.

“Vanessa is extremely close to her family in Montreal, and is very connected to her community and her work there,” the source said.

“Moving to Los Angeles,” where Nick has officially taken up residence, “or elsewhere long term was never really on the table for her.”

“Unfortunately,” laments the source, despite some of his comments, “it seems as though Nick never had any intention of moving to Montreal.”

“Vanessa’s not really into the whole fame thing,” the source adds. “She’s had some fun with it, but that’s not what she’s about.”

“Ultimately, they want different things.”

Raise your hand if you’re surprised.

Anyone? Hello? Not one hand?!

We don’t know Nick personally, so we can’t comment on whether his intentions were pure, but to any viewer, this much was pretty obvious:

He, more than most Bachelor or Bachelorette stars, was enamored with the publicity, fame, spotlight and career opportunities that resulted.

Contrast that with Vanessa, who was at the opposite end of the spectrum, and it’s sort of a small wonder they lasted as long as they did.

Nick went immediately from The Bachelor to Dancing With the Stars, which wouldn’t be the kiss of relationship death in and of itself.

That almost seemed like the goal for him, however, to use The Bachelor as a jump-off point to build his own brand and life in Los Angeles.

Grimaldi, meanwhile, always felt like a fish out of water there and missed Canada, where the source believes she’ll be back in no time.

An additional insider added that “Vanessa is an extremely down-to-earth girl and truly wanted that happily-ever-after with Nick.”

“They both put in a lot of work in the relationship and care a lot for each other,” the source continued, somewhat defending Viall.

“However, time proved that they were better off parting ways in the end. It wasn’t the distance or the limelight [that caused this].”

“They just weren’t the best match for each other.”

Fellow members from Bachelor Nation questioned the couple’s compatibility as Vanessa seemed to keep them all at a distance.

Jasmine Goode and Danielle Lombard, two women who also sought Nick’s roses on The Bachelor, said she went radio silent.

Goode said that was highly unusual for her:

“I think Taylor talks to [Vanessa], I think Danielle [Maltby] does. I’ve seen [Vanessa] here and there. There’s no hard feelings, you know?”  

As for whether Goode thought Viall was just acting, she said “sometimes” felt that way, or at least, “I think he was just playing it up, you know?”

Lombard, a.k.a. the Hottest Woman Alive on Bachelor in Paradise, added that she has not heard from Vanessa since the season ended.

“Vanessa and I don’t have a great relationship and I think after things happened with Nick, we just parted ways,” she explained.

“In terms of whether or not I [thought] their relationship would last, I don’t know,” she said, adding that body language might say a lot.

“I think their relationship is very different than other, past Bachelor Nation couples,” she added. “They seem to be a little bit more serious.”

“At least compared to what I’ve seen from Rachel [Lindsay] and Bryan [Abasolo], or Kaitlyn [Bristowe] and Shawn [Booth].”

“Yeah, it seems a lot less playful.”

Many fans were calling this the moment Nick and Vanessa came out on the After the Final Rose special following his season finale.

They seemed … less than happy.

Sometimes we read too much into such appearances, which are both emotional and awkward. Doesn’t look like this was one of those times.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi: It"s Over!

After weeks of rumors, it’s now been confirmed that Bachelor stars Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi have broken up.

The split has long been anticipated by fans of the series, but Nick and Vanessa maintained that despite frequent reports to the contrary, all was well within their relationship.

Today, Grimaldi and Viall confirmed that after a whirlwind romance that began in front of millions of viewers, they have decided to call off their engagement.

“It’s with a great amount of heartbreak for the both us as we have decided to end our engagement,” the couple told E! News in a joint statement.

“We gave this relationship our all and we are saddened that we did not get the fairytale ending we hoped for.”

They added that the decision to split was mutual and their mutual affection remains intact:

“We will continue to be there for each other no matter what. This hasn’t been an easy decision, however, as we part ways, we do so with lots of love and admiration for each other,” their statement read.

As recently as last month, Nick and Vanessa reported that they were loving life as a high-profile, co-habiting couple in Los Angeles.

“We’re just not really spending a lot of time apart,” Nick told E! at a charity event on July.

“She’s spending a lot of time out here in L.A. and we’ll keep doing that.”

The couple said at the time that they also made frequent trips to Grimaldi’s hometown of Montreal.

As fans of the series know, Bachelor breakups are nothing new, and couples who hit it off on the ABC series rarely make it to the altar.

But despite the so-called “Bachelor curse,” Nick and Vanessa reportedly never had any doubts that they would be successful in their efforts to make their romance work.

“They don’t hide the fact that this is all very new. But they’re putting in the work,” a source recently said of the couple.

“They want this relationship to succeed.”

Viall popped the question with the help of a $ 100,000 engagement ring on The Bachelor Season 21.

Despite widespread skepticism, both parties maintained that their romance was the real deal.

Unfortunately, fans didn’t need any of those persistent Bachelor spoilers to know this relationship wouldn’t last.

Details of the breakup remain scarce, but insiders say the situation wasn’t helped by Grimaldi’s thirst for fame and reported jealousy over Nick receiving the majority of the spotlight.

Whatever the reason, Nick and Vanessa have now joined the very long list of Bachelor/Bachelorette couples who just couldn’t keep the romance going off camera.


"The Bachelor" Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi Call Off Engagement

‘Bachelor’ stars Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi didn’t even make it to the 6 month mark. They’ve broken off their engagement, but in true Hollywood fashion … they’re doing everything they can to make it seem amicable. They released a joint…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi: Is it Over?!

You don’t need The Bachelor or The Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that these relationships rarely work out after the show. To wit …

The inevitable breakup of The Bachelor’s Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi may have already taken place, according to reports.

Not that this would be surprising, if proven to be true … but should we stick a fork in the couple’s romance yet, though, or no?

Recent reports of trouble in paradise come from celebrity gossip magazine In Touch, which offers up the following dispatch:

The couple recently attended a friend’s wedding in Mexico and a witness noticed they “looked miserable” on the flight home.

Maybe air travel just sucks and that’s all there is to it?

Nick, 36, and Vanessa, 29, who announced their engagement back in March after The Bachelor finale, looked miserable after that too.

Since then, they’ve revealed that they are in no rush to get married – a theme he’s repeated in multiple interviews throughout the spring.

“Like Vanessa and I said, it’s too early for us right now,” the perennial reality star said. “We’re still just doing a lot of new things together.”

Before the finale, insiders say Vanessa was having some serious regrets, especially after seeing his behavior on the hit ABC show.

“Not only was she hurt by what she [saw play out on television], but she was so embarrassed by his behavior,” the insider said.

“Nick is already very sweet and loving toward her in private, but [she saw] how much of a playboy he is, thanks to the show.”

The couple moved to L.A., far from her native Canada, for Nick’s newfound acting and modeling (and Dancing with the Stars) career.

Is she jealous of her future husband’s fame?

Vanessa, a special ed teacher who’s now trying to get acting work, “absolutely hates that Nick [gets] more attention than her,” a source said.

“She has a manager and an agent,” the insider says of Grimaldi, but unlike fiance Nick, “her career hasn’t gotten off the ground.”

Before being cast on The Bachelor, Vanessa was an aspiring actress, making her acting debut on an episode of Blue Mountain State.

The beautiful brunette was also on Being Human and Ascension before getting into teaching, a job highlighted as she courted Nick.

As for Viall, he’s made it very clear that his days of being an account executive for Salesforce are now in the rear view mirror.

“Well, I’ve been able to do some other stuff as a result of being on [TV] so many times,” he said. “I don’t do the software thing anymore.”

“I’m lucky enough to have my own thing.” 

How long will he have a fiancee, though?

It’s not looking good for Nick and Vanessa’s engagement, that’s for sure, and she’s reportedly given him a (hilarious) ultimatum.

“Vanessa has told Nick,” the source said, “that if he doesn’t help her get more deals, she’ll tell the public their relationship is fake.”

We give it 3-4 more months tops.


Friday, May 12, 2017

"Bachelor" Stars Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi Eyeing DTLA to Call Home

Nick Viall and fiancée Vanessa Grimaldi are ready to put down roots, and we’ve learned they’re sticking in La La Land. We’ve learned the ‘Bachelor’ couple’s been looking in the trendy South Park neighborhood in downtown L.A. — just a few…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Vanessa Grimaldi and Nick Viall: Moving in Together!

You don’t need The Bachelor or The Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that the couples from the franchise rarely last long. Case in point:

The Bachelor’s Vanessa Grimaldi and Nick Viall were subject to romantic obituaries pretty much the moment the reality show ended.

For now, at least, they’re having the last laugh.

At GBK Production’s Pre-MTV Movie & TV Awards event at the LUXE Hotel last night, Vanessa told E! all about life and love in L.A.

The Canadian beauty, 29, said she has officially left her hometown of Montreal, Canada to be with the 36-year-old reality star staple.

Vanessa, a special education teacher, said that finding a “middle ground” was important when deciding where to settle down with Nick.

In the end, she said, “my family was very supportive of the idea of moving. I’m still bringing and carrying on my work from home with me.”

“I’m still planning on teaching. I’m still planning on being part of that life that I had in Montreal,” she adds. “It was a decision we both made.”

“We’re both very happy about that decision. Both of our families are very happy that we’re together and we’re starting our life together.”

How has it been adjusting to L.A., especially with Nick taking on yet another reality show gig as soon as their love story stopped filming?

“Los Angeles is great. I’m here with Nick and Dancing With the Stars was an amazing part of the post-Bachelor experience,” she said.

“So we’ve been really busy … I haven’t had the chance to discover L.A. that much,” she adds, though the DWTS cast has been welcoming.

“I love the entire crew of Dancing With the Stars. Peta [Murgatroyd] and Maksim [Chmerkovskiy] are great,” as well as Bachelor Nation.

Those people roll deep in L.A. these days.

“We went out to dinner with Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell once,” Vanessa revealed, “and Jade Roper and Tanner Tolbert as well.”

“Ashley Iaconetti showed me around town,” Vanessa also told E! “Ali Fedotowsky has messaged me a couple of times, too.”

And her real family has stayed close, too.

“I FaceTime my family every day and my nephew every morning but I’m going back to Montreal to visit family and friends in a couple of weeks.”

Nick, who’s made such a big deal about being a proud American, “is going to be coming back with me too so I’m excited about that.”

As for the couple’s ideal night together?

“Staying home in your pajamas and not having to put curlers in your hair and make up and having to dress up and put up a push-up bra.”

“Nick cooking shirtless isn’t a bad date,” she says.

“I discovered his cooking skills like the morning after we got engaged. He was making me his delicious French toast.”

“Just staying home and lounging is nice.”

With Nick eliminated on last week’s Dancing With the Stars results show, there should be some nice lazy mornings in their future too.

So while we’re not willing to eat a full serving of crow just yet, from the sounds of it, maybe these lovebirds do stand a chance after all.

What do you think: Will it last?


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi: Will Their Wedding Be Televised?!?

Nick Viall chose Vanessa Grimaldi as the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his fifteen minutes of fame with, but does that mean they’re going forward with a televised wedding?

Surprisingly, it seems like there’s a possibility the duo could keep their wedding behind closed doors and well away from the reality TV cameras. 

Nick opened up to Mario Lopez about the potential wedding and the fact that a lot of Bachelor Nation couples don’t make it down the aisle. 

“There’s always a possibility. The thing about the wedding shows is that there’s a lot of Bachelor engaged couples — they don’t always do weddings.”

It’s very true, but also pretty refreshing that they are not rushing into things. It would be easy to plan the wedding and have it completed swiftly, but the couple wants to ensure they are in their relationship for the right reasons. 

“Vanessa and I are just focused on our relationship — when we decide it’s time for us to take that next step, we’re just going to plan a wedding, and if the show wants us, great, and if not … We’re not really focused on whether it’s going to be televised or not.”

His comments definitely leave hope for the wedding to be televised, but it kind of makes us think he’s saying if the opportunity arises, and the timing is right, he will do it. 

Nick has become a staple of ABC’s reality TV slate, appearing on two seasons of The Bachelorette, one season of The Bachelor and one season of Dancing With the Stars. 

Now, there have been rumors that Nick and Vanessa’s relationship had already hit the rocks, but Nick’s comments should help shut the naysayers up. 

What do you think about this?

Would you watch a televised wedding?

Hit the comments!


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Nick Viall Exposes Fiancee On "DWTS" But She Seems Fine At After-Party (VIDEO)

‘Bachelor’ star Nick Viall’s big rhumba finish on ‘DWTS’ with fiancée Vanessa Grimaldi was very revealing … damn near TOO revealing. Nick scored a new personal record for his dance to Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You”. It’s…


Monday, April 10, 2017

Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi"s Steamy Makeout Interrupts "DWTS" Rehearsal (VIDEO)

If anyone had doubts ‘Bachelor’ star Nick Viall and fiancee Vanessa Grimaldi were the real deal this footage from Sunday’s “Dancing with the Stars” rehearsal should put those to bed. Nick’s dancing the rhumba to Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of…


Friday, March 31, 2017

Vanessa Grimaldi: Dumping Nick Viall For Michael Rosenbaum?!

Vanessa Grimaldi and Nick Viall are the subject of a couple of interesting rumors this week, both hinting at the duo’s imminent demise.

Is there anything to either story, though?

As THG reported earlier this week, signs that Nick and Vanessa are already over or on the verge of a breakup are everywhere already.

The Bachelor finale wasn’t even a month ago, but they’ve done little to inspire confidence that this is going to work over the long haul.

That said, there’s a lot of information and misinformation out there pertaining to what, or who, exactly might lead them to pull the plug.

Gossip Cop blew the whistle on this one, but one tabloid claimed she’s still hung up on her former beau, Smallville’s Michael Rosenbaum.

OK! asserts that they dated long-distance for over a year before she went on the show, and that there’s no doubt she’s still into him.

No doubt? Really?

An alleged insider hears “whispers” that the 29-year-old Canadian beauty is thinking about dumping Nick and getting back with Michael.

Of course, you don’t have to be an official member of the Gossip Law Enforcement community to know there’s zero evidence of this.

A second report, meanwhile, is slightly more believable; Us Weekly says she’s “having a hard time” with Nick on Dancing With the Stars.

Yet not entirely for the reasons you think.

“Nick rehearses a lot,” says a friend, and “they fight about it,” which we certainly can see after she moved to L.A. to live with him for this.

Then there’s this juicy tidbit, however: “Vanessa’s not used to the attention being mostly on Nick,” notes the source. “It’s taking a toll.”

Yes, according to this report, Vanessa is SO JEALOUS of Nick and the fact that he’s getting all the attention from an ABC reality show.

For the fifth time in three years.

Somehow, we’re not buying that either, since Grimaldi seems like the type who would prefer a return to Canada for a low-key lifestyle.

She asked him this on The Bachelor, and he said this week that they haven’t been back there since. Now it bugs her that Nick is famous?

Nick, for his part, has been bitten by the fame bug and that is an infectious disease unlikely to be cured anytime soon in Viall’s case.

Now a professional reality star, for lack of a better term, he wants to act, model and do his L.A. thing, and that’s his top priority in life.

Bottom line: 

There are loads of reasons Nick and Vanessa will break up, but we wouldn’t put too much stock in sensationalized tabloid rumors either.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi: Is It Already Over?

If the start of the public phase of Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi’s relationship is any indication, they may not be long for this world.

As a couple, that is. They seem to be in fine health.

Obviously, if you saw Nick and Vanessa’s After The Final Rose interview after The Bachelor season finale, you cringed all the way through it.

Juan Pablo and Nikki Ferrell aside, it’s challenging to think of a more awkward public debut than Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi made.

Since then, Nick has gone on to appear on Dancing With the Stars, and despite William Shatner calling for his ouster, he’s kept quiet.

Neither he nor Vanessa have given us much of an indication of the current status of their relationship, but a new interview may be telling.

The newly engaged couple will not be walking down the aisle anytime soon, The Bachelor star said this week when asked by Us Weekly.

“No, no,” Nick said regarding his wedding plans.

“Like Vanessa and I have said, it’s too early for us right now,” Nick told the magazine (as The Bachelor spoilers predicted long ago).

“We’re still just doing a lot of new things together.”

“We’re very open about the fact that we have a long way to go, and we’re excited about that journey,” Viall acknowledges.

Is that a bad thing, or harbinger of doom?

Absolutely not. Recent Bachelor duos Ben Higgins and Lauren Bushnell and Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth have gone that route.

Ben and Lauren have done so more publicly, but both pairs are together and working on their relationship despite not rushing marriage.

Why the assumption that Nick and Vanessa can’t do the same, and that his lack of interest in wedding plans is somehow a bad sign?

Part of the skepticism comes from the fact that Vanessa and Nick have no home base (Vanessa’s from Montreal and Nick’s from Milwaukee).

He’s clearly bitten by the fame bug and wants to act, model and do whatever else professional reality stars do for a living in L.A. now.

It remains to be seen how thrilled Vanessa is with that.

“She’s living with me [right now],” said Nick this week.

Alluding to her immigration status, he adds, “we’re still working through the visa stuff so she may have to pop back to Montreal at some point.”

“While we’re in L.A., we’re living together,” he said. 

The pair recently enjoyed a date night in his hometown of Milwaukee at a basketball game, but have yet to visit her family in Canada.

“Vanessa hasn’t been able to do that yet,” Nick said.

“And I haven’t had a chance to go to [see her family in Montreal] outside of the show. So I think we’re just focused on that right now.”

This, more than anything, is a red flag to us.

Bachelor romances are up against it in the best of circumstances, and Nick’s motives … well, they don’t seem like the best of circumstances.

Will he do what it takes to be with Vanessa and make her happy, or will his career come first? Or will she accept and support the latter?

Time will tell, Bachelor Nation. Time will tell.

Do you think Nick and Vanessa will actually walk down the aisle at some point? Vote in the poll and hit the comments below …


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Nick Viall vs. William Shatner: Unexpected Feud Alert!

As The Bachelor this past season, Nick Viall had to overcome drunk women, surprise announcements and the criticism that came along with having slept with, like, 37 past franchise contestants.

But that was nothing.

Viall handled it well.

He’s now up against a far stronger foe than anything he faced on The Bachelor: William Shatner.

For hilarious reasons that remain unknown, the beloved ex-Star Trek actor has made it his mission to get Viall kicked off Dancing with the Stars.

Prior to the Season 24 premiere airing on Monday night, Shatner Tweeted the following:

“My goal for #DWTS is to knock Bachelor Nick out ASAP. Who is with me?”

He later added: “Whoever your favorite is – just not Nick- make the 10 phone calls for them.”

Was Shatner on Team Rachel Lindsay or Team Raven Gates and is angry that Viall proposed instead to Vanessa Grimaldi on The Bachelor finale?

It’s unclear.

Along with partner Peta Murgatroyd, Viall earned a surprisingly decent a score of 24 out of 40 from the judges on Monday evening.

He then told Us Weekly after the show that Grimaldi has been “very supportive” throughout the journey.

The same can most definitely NOT be said about Shatner, however.

“How do we get #BachelorNation to not vote for Nick?” he Tweeted after the premiere.

When a fan said that Nick actually ought to win so that he doesn’t return on future seasons – a reference to the four Bachelor franchise programs he’s already appeared on – Shatner replied:

“No! He needs to go next week.”

The guy is not messing around.

shat tweets

And he apparently uses the Internet to watch The Bachelor online every week or his television set to watch it during regular hours.

Shatner is clearly well aware of Viall’s history and reputation.

shat tweets2

Shatner also referred to Viall as “Vile,” asked for his elimination to be Shatner’s “birthday present” and denied that he was bullying the reality star in any way.

As for Peta?

Shatner has no problem with her.

“Peta, you know I love you. Congratulations on becoming a mommy,” he wrote at one point. “Just can’t cheer you on this season. Love to Maks & Shia.”

What was left for Viall to say about this onslaught? Not much.

So he just went with a sad face emoji in response:

viall reply

What do you think of Shatner’s all-out war on Nick Viall?

Is it deserved? Is it over the top? Is it funny? Is it cruel?

We somehow doubt Viall will win Dancing with the Stars, or even come close, so Shatner can probably sit back, relax and just enjoy the show.

There are other DWTS controversies he can weigh in on instead if he so chooses.

Choose a side in this unexpected feud and then scroll through the following photos to determine who you think will come out on top at the end of Season 24…
