Thursday, May 12, 2016

Scott Disick: SHADING Kourtney Kardashian on Instagram?

Scott Disick’s relationship with Kourtney Kardashian was always rather turbulent, but let’s face it, he primarily brought that on himself.

His drinking, his temper and his overall asshattery finally prompted Kourt to kick him out for good last year, and it was a long time coming.

But through a new Instagram post, he is seemingly suggesting that his ex deserves some of the blame for their relationship’s downfall.

The self-proclaimed Lord recently shared a meme of two fictitious serial killers (Jason from Halloween and Michael Myers from Friday the 13th) in bed together.

The headline reads, “When you’re in a relationship and you’re both crazy.”

Scott Disick Instagram post - serial killers

Scott also wrote a caption of his own: “I know the feeling!”

Sounds personal.

While it’s possible he’s talking about one of his new lovers – two weeks ago he was rumored to be dating Megan Blake Irwin, but two weeks before that it was Christine Burke – we don’t think any of those “situations” would qualify as “relationships.”

In other words, he’s talking about Kourtney.

And saying she’s crazy.

SHE’S crazy.


Like the time she smashed a mirror when her kid slept in the next room or the time she trashed that hotel suite or the time she screamed at an old man for bumping into her on the street.

Oh, wait. That wasn’t Kourtney. That was Scott.

Listen, we know relationships are complicated and it takes two to tango and all that jazz.

But of all the people on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kourtney is 100 percent the most sane.

So I hope like hell Scott’s not trying to get into Kourt’s head by trying to imply that, heh-heh, you know we’re both crazy, babe!

Because she’s not. YOU’RE crazy, Scott. 

Get a grip.