Saturday, May 28, 2016

JoJo Fletcher Reveals Top 3 Frontrunners on The Bachelorette!

On the season premiere of The Bachelorette, we met all 25 of JoJo Fletcher"s suitors, and they made quite an impression.

There was the guy who came as Santa Claus, the former NFL quarterback, the dude in the kilt and, of course, the one who got drunk and took off his clothes and flexed.


Now, JoJo Fletcher speaks to ET and reveals her top three frontrunners after the first group date at a firefighter academy.

Sorry, folks, it wasn"t drunk naked man.

"I would say three people that stood out to me so far has been Jordan, Luke, and I kind of picked up on Robby today," she admitted, sounding a little surprised.

"Robby was a little dark horse for me the first night, but after seeing him today, I have a good feeling about him."

We knew JoJo felt an instant connection with Jordan on the first night, as he was the only one she shared a sexy kiss with.

Okay, she gave a peck to that one guy who kinda dared her to do it, but I"ve exchanged hotter kisses with my dog.

Rumors swirled earlier this week, alleging JoJo knew Jordan in advance of the show, but while she admitted to knowing who he was, she claimed they had never met.

During the premiere, Luke came out on a unicorn, giving a nod back to JoJo"s arrival on The Bachelor in a unicorn mask. 

The trick apparently helped to earn him favorite status, and he said he and JoJo "had a connection today" after the firehouse date.

"Dark horse" Robby seems to have redeemed himself from a poor impression he left during the first episode, and our bachelorette is pleased she gave him another shot.

"I think honestly the first night he was so nervous. So nervous he couldn"t say anything," JoJo explained. "And then today he"s just totally himself, and it"s great."

If you really can"t wait to see if these three wind up in the top at the season"s end, check out The Bachelorette spoilers.

Take a peek inside their date below:

Jojo fletcher reveals top 3 frontrunners on the bachelorette