Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Johnny Depp: Drunken Assault on Amber Heard Revealed?

On Friday, Amber Heard requested a restraining order against Johnny Depp, claiming that her estranged husband had violently assaulted her and left her with facial bruising and other injuries.

Several of Depp’s high profile friends and exes expressed their skepticism about Heard’s version of events, with some even going so far as to accuse the actress of blackmailing Depp

Heard’s attorneys responded by issuing a statement indicating that Heard plans to file assault charges against Depp.

Her legal team now claims that she had only declined to do so on the night of the alleged attack in hopes of protecting “her privacy and Johnny’s career.”

Now that Depp’s team has publicly accused her of lying, however, it seems that all bets are off.

Not only will Heard be filing a police report that could result in serious criminal charges for the 52-year-old actor, her lawyers have claimed that the attack that took place last week (during which Depp allegedly struck Heard in the face with an iPhone) was not an isolated incident.

So perhaps it’s no coincidence that sources supporting Heard have started coming forward with shocking allegations about Depp’s brutish behavior throughout the 15-month marriage:

“Johnny has been drunk for most of their relationship. He often wakes up drinking and he does not stop until he blacks out,” an insider close to the couple tells Radar Online. 

Just two months after Depp married Heard, he was photographed with a cast on his hand that was reportedly the result of an accident on set.

The source claims that was merely a story cooked up by Depp’s agency, and the reality of the situation was much darker:

“The real reason Johnny broke his hand is because he tried to hit Amber and he hit a wall instead!” the insider says.

“Johnny can be dangerous and unpredictable when he is drinking, and he was often drinking when they were together.”

In court documents, Heard claimed that Depp was “barely ever sober” over the course of their marriage, and she filed a restraining due to her fear of what he may be capable of while intoxicated:

“Amber was legitimately afraid for her life,” says the source.

“The only reason that she is even taking legal action now is because she really believes that she was in danger.”