Monday, May 30, 2016

Amber Heard: Cheating on Johnny Depp With Cara Delevingne?

Hollywood’s messiest divorce is not going away anytime soon.

Last Friday, Amber Heard, 30, filed for a restraining order from Johnny Depp, accusing him of domestic abuse.

Welp, things are getting more complicated, because a new source alleges that Heard – who is bisexual – has been spending a lot of time with British model Cara Delevingne, 23.

Amber’s friendship with Cara, which grew closer and closer over time, brought about the beginning of the end for her marriage to Johnny,” a source told The Sun.

“They used to party together a lot and made no attempt to hide the fact that they were quite flirty.”

The 23-year age difference between Depp and Heard was never more apparent than when she hung out with younger friends.

Depp finds Delevingne “obnoxious and disrespectful and would ask his staff to warn him when she was going to be around,” the source added.

“He didn’t like quite a few of Amber’s friends, but he took a particular dislike to Cara… It was the friendship with her that really started to drive him insane.”

“Amber always made her bisexual tendencies quite obvious, but that would spark furious rows with Johnny, who hated how indiscreet she was being… On one occasion he even screamed at her, ‘You’re making a fool of me.”‘

Heard filed for divorce from Depp last week, just a few days before claiming he hit her with his eye phone.

It was a shocking allegation to some of Depp’s nearest and dearest, particularly his ex-girlfriend, Vanessa Paradis.

“In all the years I have known Johnny, he has never been physically abusive with me and this looks nothing like the man I lived with for 14 wonderful years,” Paradis wrote in a letter obtained by TMZ.

Not so, according to Heard.

“He has a short fuse,” the actress claimed.

“He is often paranoid and his temper is exceptionally scary for me as it has proven many times to be physically dangerous and/or life threatening to me.”