Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Amber Heard: Lying About Johnny Depp Assault, Bodyguards Claim

As you’ve probably heard, Amber Heard has accused Johnny Depp of abuse, claiming that the 52-year-old actor threw a drunken tantrum and physically assaulted her in their home on Saturday night.

Heard says Depp smashed various objects around the apartment and threw her iPhone at her face, resulting in visible facial bruising.

Celebrity reactions to Heard’s accusations have been mixed, as most stars believe the actress is telling the truth, while many have pointed out that there are some significant holes in her story.

One star who falls into the latter category is the comedian Doug Stanhope, who penned a guest column for The Wrap yesterday in which he argued that Heard is blackmailing Depp

Stanhope says he was at Depp’s home on the day of the alleged assault, and the actor basically predicted that Heard would go to great lengths to make him look bad in the press.

Now, the former couple’s bodyguards are corroborating Stanhope’s story, saying that they were the only eyewitnesses to the altercation – and Heard’s version of events doesn’t add up.

The guards, two security veterans named Jerry Judge and Sean Bett, say that stood outside Amber and Johnny’s apartment during the argument in order to give them space.

At one point they heard Amber scream, “Stop hitting me!” and they bolted back inside – where they saw Depp standing an estimated 20 feet away from Heard.

Thus far, Judge and Bett have only told their story to TMZ, but they’ll be asked to testify next month when Amber seeks a permanent restraining order against Depp.

The guards insights into the couple’s relationship could prove damaging, as they both insist that throughout the relationship, it was Heard who flew into violent rages, often throwing bottles and smashing furniture.

Sounds like the drama surrounding the case won’t be subsiding any time soon.

And in the end, the public is sure to have a much, much lower opinion of at least one of these two.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.