Friday, May 27, 2016

Ben Affleck Spends BIG Bucks on Bling to Win Jennifer Garner Back!

It’s been almost a year since Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner announced their separation, but neither party has pulled the trigger and filed for divorce yet.

Interestingly, the couple announced that they’d be pulling the plug on their marriage just days before their tenth anniversary.

That means, of course, that we’re now approaching Ben and Jen’s eleventh anniversary, and surprisingly, Ben is treating as an occasion for celebration.

Sources close to the couple tell OK! magazine that Ben shelled out big bucks to mark the occasion with an 11-carat diamond ring for Jen

Apparently, the ring is more than just a gift; it’s also Affleck’s way of signaling to Garner that he’s serious about giving their marriage another go:

“Not-so-subtly popping his ‘new vows’ question, Ben presented Jen with a whopping 11-carat diamond — one carat for each year since their marriage,” says one insider.

Despite rumors of Ben cheating with nanny Christine Ouzounian, it’s not all that surprising that Jen may be considering giving him a second chance.

Affleck and Garner have definitely taken the “conscious uncoupling” route, often being photographed together on family outings in the months since their separation.

There have even been reports of Ben and Jen attending marriage counseling together after they announced that they were through.

So from the very start it seemed as though the couple couldn’t continue the way they were going, but were far from ready to give up on one another.

The situation has given rise to rumors that Ben messed up so bad that Jen had to teach him a lesson by kicking him to the curb.

Given the density of the wall that these two have built around their personal lives, we’ll likely never know for sure, but it definitely looks as though Sad Affleck may soon be a thing of the past.