Friday, May 27, 2016

Bristol Palin and Dakota Meyer: Back Together! For a Photo at Least!

It’s nearly summer in Alaska.

But that’s not why some ice has apparently thawed in the life of Bristol Palin.

The daughter of former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has shared a photo on Instagram of herself and Dakota Meyer.

Yes, the same Dakota Meyer to whom Palin was engaged last summer… prior to breaking off the engagement mere days before the scheduled wedding… and prior to Bristol then announcing she was pregnant with Meyer’s child.

Actually, Palin did not make this exact announcement.

Full of shame at the time, Palin did confirm she was pregnant for the second time out of wedlock last June.

It was not until this January, in fact, that Meyer actually took a paternity test and we knew once and for all that he is, indeed the father of Palin’s daughter.

Her name is Sailor Grace.

In March, meanwhile, an Alaskan judge ruled that Meyer, who resides in Kentucky, could visit his daughter twice a month for four consecutive days.

A few weeks later, we got our first look at Meyer holding his child.

The photo above, however, is our first look at Meyer and Palin together in a very long time. They are smiling for the camera while little Sailor is held in between them.

“Baby daddy BFF,” Palin wrote as a caption to the image, making it clear that things are going well for this non-traditional family.

The picture was also snapped just a few hours after Bristol’s other former fiance, Levi Johnston, was ordered by a judge to pay $ 61,915.20 in back child support for their seven-year-old son, Tripp.

The 26-year was awarded joint custody of son Tripp in February after filing a petition in 2013.

Back in February, Palin addressed critics with the following post on Instagram:

“Every child deserves two loving parents, so I will continue to encourage that no matter what.

“I have never, and will never, keep them from having a positive relationship with their fathers. I did not ‘lose’ any custody case – my son has always spent most of his time with me and he will continue to do so, he is happy, healthy, and knows both of his parents love him.

“Matthew 5:11.”