Monday, January 29, 2018

Audrey Roloff: Shading Jacob Roloff Engagement in Passive-Aggressive Instagram Post?

With Little People, Big World star Jacob Roloff engaged to Isabel Rock, fans of the famous TLC family are by and large thrilled.

And, just as predictably, his sister-in-law Audrey Roloff is being accused of trying to upstage Jacob and Izzy’s announcement.

Jacob and Audrey

Some fans quickly accused Audrey of igniting controversy and trying to sabotage the happy couple with her most recent post on Instagram.

Did she really do such a thing, though?

This much is true: Jacob and Isabel had been engaged – publicly, anyway – for all of a few hours when Audrey posted her latest message.

In it, she offered relationship advice (as she often does), specifically about not rushing into a relationship, which raised some eyebrows.

The notion that she somehow posted this particular message as a shot at Isabel may be a stretch, but the timing was curious.

Audrey Roloff captioned the image below:

“Some words on dating from a Christian perspective…”

“Let’s just say you recently hurried into a relationship, dabbled with sexual intimacy, and then became emotionally attached.”

“The main problem with this scenario is that it blinds you to red flags. It’s the classic ‘love at first sight’ trap.”

“You begin to see the person you are dating as the ‘the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe."”

“(If you don’t get that reference, please go watch The Lego Movie after you finish this book. It’s sure to solve all your dating problems).”

“As time passes, your friends and family may raise concerns, but you won’t be able to rationalize with them because all you will see is perfection.” 

“This is a titanic problem,” she goes on.

“The recipe for a healthy dating relationship calls for generous servings of insight from the people who love and care about you.”

“Don’t be that girl who started dating someone and then fell off the face of the earth. Couples who do this are usually hiding shame, guilt, fear, or pride.”

“Allow your friends to see into your relationship and speak truth and affirmation. Allow them to raise red flags.”

“Their honestly may sting, but it could also be what prevents some deep wounds. #beating50percent #journeyofjerandauj

Audrey’s messages can come across self-righteous and preachy, and often rub fans the wrong way. This one was no exception.

“Would be great if Audrey would not destroy the moment with her dumb post on IG,” said one fan, pointing out the timing aspect.

“The timing when she posted (right after they announced the engagement) and what she said there sounds like it’s about Izzy.”

“Hope they will be happy,” said another fan about Jacob Roloff and his fiancee. “Because someone [is] clearly not happy about this.”

Yet another Roloff Instagram follower accused Audrey of “always trying to upstage others and sabotage people’s happiness.”

(Audrey has reportedly blocked these two followers.)

Still more critics accused her of deleting comments that portray her in a negative manner and “liking” Jacob’s post after the fact.

As in only as a minor form of damage control.

One disgruntled fan even went so far as to call Audrey “very egoistic girl” of whom their opinion “completely changed after that.”

To be fair, most of Roloff’s fans showed their appreciation for her words of wisdom on Instagram and did not jump to conclusions.

While Audrey gushing about her lifestyle (using God to make money, critics might say) may be off-putting, perhaps that’s all it is?

In other words, maybe it’s not about Jacob?

There have been rumors floating around for months that Jacob and Audrey don’t get along, allegedly due to contrasting views on religion.

Audrey is all about her faith, which goes without saying, while Jacob does not appear to be as strong a believer, at least publicly.

Still, they were all smiles during Jacob’s 21st birthday recently, leading us to believe they had quashed any beef that existed.

What do you think of her message?
