Showing posts with label Supremacist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supremacist. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Jemele Hill: I Still Think Trump"s a White Supremacist

Jemele Hill says her opinion on Donald Trump has NOT changed — she still believes he’s a white supremacist … but she probably wouldn’t ever tweet that again.  The ESPN star appeared on “The View” on Wednesday and was asked about the tweet…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

TMZ Live: Florida Shooting: Suspect Reportedly Trained With White Supremacist Group

ON TODAY’S SHOW Cardi B: Pregnancy Could Cost Her Millions  Lil Pump: Arrested After Shooting Home Intruder  Spice Girls: Contract Signed For Reunion! Nelly Speaks Out: I’m Innocent!


Alleged Shooter Nikolas Cruz Trained with Florida White Supremacist Group

The man who allegedly shot and killed 17 people at his former high school reportedly trained with a local white supremacist group in Florida before the massacre. Jordan Jereb — the leader of the white supremacist group Republic of Florida (ROF) –…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Keaton Jones" Father: An Imprisoned White Supremacist

The public’s knowledge of Keaton Jones began with a viral video of a crying, bullied middle school boy whose mother, for whatever reason, decided to record his misery and broadcast it to the internet.

Then the world saw those photos of Keaton’s mom with a Confederate flag. And of Keaton himself beside a Confederate flag. And there were other, troubling posts. Suddenly, the “sad, bullied boy” sounded like a sad story of a different, much more racist variety.

Well, photos of Keaton Jones’ father have surfaced, and it looks like Keaton’s mom’s racism pales in comparison to his father’s.

The very viral story of Keaton Jones starts off as incredibly sympathetic. A bullied child in tears, confessing to his mother that he was afraid to go to lunch because of bullying?

It’s heartbreaking. And, even with everything that we now know about his parents, we feel sorry for him. Just … maybe not for the reasons that his mother thought that we would when she decided to post her child’s emotional pain for public consumption.

Because on top of photos with the Confederate flag — which is about as anti-American a symbol as I can think of — there were some alarming posts from Keaton Jones’ mother, Kimberly Jones.

She had a lot of negative things to say about NFL players kneeling for the National Anthem, a controversy that has powerful racial undertones.

Her apparent suggestion that perhaps people would be less likely to complain about inequality if only they had been beaten as children was alarming to say the least.

Keaton Jones and his mother addressed the backlash … sort of … with Kimberly Jones trying to dismiss the Confederate flag photos as her poor attempt at humor.

(Incidentally, Kimberly’s daughter tried to defend her mother in a now-deleted tweet and basically undercut her mother’s defense)

But where, you might ask, is Keaton Jones’ father?

TMZ found Keaton Jones’ dad, and Shawn White is in prison where he clearly belongs.

If Shawn White’s tattoos, hand gestures, criminal history, and social media history are any indication, the guy is a full-blown white supremacist.

In the photo above, you can see Shawn White (far right) with some other men, making a symbol that is apparently not “the shocker” but in fact a white power symbol.

(So apparently he associates with others of his ilk)

When Shawn White (and we cannot get over that being his name, considering the hateful path that he chose in life) was free, as recently as 2015, he posted upsetting posts like:

In case that’s too subtle … and it says “ARYAN,” in case that atrocious blue-on-black is too hard to read … Shawn White’s other posts are also pretty horrific.


“Holy F–k I Love Being White!”

“Keep Calm and be White Pride.”

White is locked up because of a probation violation following a 2012 conviction for aggravated assault. And, bad news folks, but he’s scheduled for release some time next year.

In case you thought that maybe White had accidentally shared some posts in poor taste or perhaps as a tone-deaf inside joke with some friends … the guy also has some scary tattoos.

A tattoo on his chest reads “Pure Breed.”

The tattoo on his stomach reads “White Pride.”

As you look at the photos of this 36-year-old man, remember that he apparently believes that he is genetically superior to the majority of the human race.


While it’s not clear how close Keaton Jones is with his father (he doesn’t share his dad’s last name, and no one can find any record of Kimberly and Shawn having gotten married), they were photographed together just a few years ago.

There’s a theory that perhaps Keaton Jones was bullied less over his appearance and more over spouting racism that he would have picked up at home, but we don’t know that.

We’d say that Keaton Jones deserves our sympathy. His mother — who, on top of everything else, was clearly once in some sort of relationship with Shawn White — cannot be a good influence, and his father is even worse.

It’s everyone’s hope that Keaton Jones and his siblings will rise above their upbringing and be immeasurably better people than their parents.

Considering what we know about Kimberly Jones and Shawn White, that’s not setting the bar too high.


Keaton Jones" Estranged Father Is a Jailed White Supremacist

Social media pages belonging to Keaton Jones’ estranged father are littered with white supremacy propaganda, although he hasn’t posted in a while … because he’s locked up in a Tennessee jail. The father’s name is Shawn White and his…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Charlottesville Riots White Supremacist Chris Cantwell Turns Himself in to police

White supremacist and one of the organizers of the Charlottesville Riots Chris Cantwell has turned himself in to police. Multiple reports say Cantwell turned himself in Wednesday after the University of Virginia Police Department issued a warrant…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Daily Stormer, White Supremacist Website, Yanked Down by GoDaddy

The Daily Stormer is no longer a working website on the Internet.

The infamous neo-Nazi, White Supremacy destination was given 24 hours notice by domain hosting company GoDaddy on Monday that it had violated its terms of service and would need to move to another provider if it wished to remain active.


“We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service,” GoDaddy wrote on its official Twitter page this morning.

The Daily Stormer article that caused this issue slandered Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old woman who was run over by a car that drove at full speed into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters in Virginia this past Saturday.

This domestic terrorist act was the tragic culmination of a weekend of protests in Charlottesville.

The protests got underway on Friday night during a “United the Right” gathering organized by a white nationalist group.

Within hours of their demonstration on the University of Virginia campus, those who opposite their racist world views came together in solidarity around the school and its town.

With tempers flaring and violence breaking out, a man later identified as James Fields hit his gas pedal and rammed into two slow-moving cars in front of him on the street.

He sent these cars flying into a number of pedestrians… including Heyers.

She died from the injuries sustained in this apparent homicide.

Daily Stormer pic

In a subsequent post on the website he founded, Andrew Anglin alleged that Heyer had been killed in a “road rage incident.”

He also launched into a vitriolic tirade about her appearance, saying she was a “drain on society” due to her age and the fact that she had not given birth to any children.

“Despite feigned outrage by the media, most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness,” Anglin, the site’s editor, actually wrote. 

He also claimed that Dodge, the maker of the vehicle used in the incident, may have somehow been behind Fields’ actions as some kind of promotional campaign.

Following the article about Heyer and the announcement that GoDaddy would be ending the Daily Stormer’s service, the website appeared to have been hacked by internet activist group Anonymous.

An article with Anonymous’ signature Guy Fawkes mask appeared at the top of the page on Monday morning with a headline reading:


Daily Stormer headline

The Daily Stormer, which refers to itself as “The World’s Most Genocidal Republican Website,” has been dubbed the “top hate site in America” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

It endorsed Donald Trump for President in 2015, publishing a story titled “Heil Donald Trump – The Ultimate Savior” after Trump proposed introducing a total ban on Muslim immigration.

The site publishes content denigrating Jewish people, Muslims, people of color and women.

After failing to identity White Supremacists or their kind by name in his remarks on Saturday, President Trump issues a new statement today that reads as follows:

“Racism is evil – and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.

“Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America.”

After Trump’s vague comments over the weekend, The Daily Stormer had shared a post with readers that praised the President and his views, interpreting them to mean he did not see its members as a unique threat to the country.


Donald Trump Belatedly Condemns White Supremacist Groups By Name 2 Days After Charlottesville

Donald Trump finally caved to the public pressure by condemning white supremacist groups at the center of the violence in Charlottesville. Trump announced Monday from The White House a civil rights investigation has been launched by the…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Chris Evans Fights White Supremacist, Becomes National Hero

So just in case you missed the memo, Chris Evans has recently made himself known as the hero this world needed.

The hero this world needed, but not the one it deserved.

Chris has been vocal for the past several months now about his feelings about Donald Trump — they"re negative, by the way.

And then, last week, he commented on the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, saying that if David Duke approved of him, he"s for sure a bad choice.

David Duke, by the way, is a big ol" white supremacist and former Imperial Wizard of the KKK.

David got wind of Chris" words, and he didn"t take too kindly to them.

And what happened next … well, let"s just say that Chris Evans may actually be Captain America right now.

1. How It All Began

How it all began

Chris Evans makes a fair point. The fairest point, possibly.

2. Duke Responds

Duke responds

Aww, somebody’s got hurt feelings, huh?

3. Another Point to Chris

Another point to chris

Everyone please congratulate Mr. Evans on all the real talk.

4. Whoa There …

Whoa there

Apparently these photos prove Chris hates white women ….? In some universe?

5. Boom, There It Is

Boom there it is

And this is how Chris Evans won everything.

6. And The Reactions Begin …

And the reactions begin

Needless to say, people were quick to chime in with their views on the Chris Evans vs. Actual Nazi Monster debacle.

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