Showing posts with label Website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Website. Show all posts

Friday, July 13, 2018

Demi Lovato: Fires More Staff, Shudders Website Amidst Relapse Drama

It’s been three weeks since the world learned that Demi Lovato relapsed after six years of sobriety, and it seems the recovery process has been a long and difficult one for the troubled pop songstress.

To her credit, it wasn’t the tabloids that publicized her latest struggles with substance abuse but Demi herself.

In June, she released the song “Sober,” which detailed her fall from the wagon with heartbreaking and surprisingly personal lyrics.

Unfortunately, the release of the song did not signal the start of Demi’s long road back to sobriety, as many had hoped.

Instead, those who know her best say Lovato is still drinking and has no immediate plans to get clean.

“Demi has gone off the rails,” a source tells Radar Online.

Equally troubling is the fact that the singer has reportedly been severing ties with those who wish to help her.

Demi fired her manager earlier this week, and it seems she’s ended her relationship with several other staffers in the days that followed.

“She’s completely dropped her family members, friends and everyone in the sober community, including all of the people at CAST [Demi’s former recovery program],” the source claimed.

“And now she is cutting off her staff who have worked with her forever.”

As Radar reports, Lovato also shut down her website earlier this week.

The site is now back up and running, but the hiatus left many with the impression that Demi is badly in need of some time away from the spotlight.

The fact that Lovato is cashing in on her relapse by actively promoting “Sober” on her social media pages has led some to label her a hypocrite:

“She is making money off her relapse,” says the insider.

“But she is a walking contradiction, because she is does not have a game plan to get clean right now.”

Friends and family already staged an informal intervention, but sadly, it seems their concerns fell on deaf ears.

“[They] suggested to her that she should get some help and go to rehab,” the source claims.

Clearly, Demi didn’t heed that advice.

On social media, Lovato has been the subject of a massive outpouring of concern, but unlike in years past, she seems to have little interest in communicating directly with fans.

Here’s hoping she’s able to find the help she needs before it’s too late.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Disso Queen Laura Wasser Says You Can Divorce Yourself with Her Website

Laura Wasser knows better than anyone that getting divorced is a costly bitch … but, thankfully the disso queen’s got ya covered. We got Laura — one of the most prominent divorce lawyers in America — outside the L.A. County Courthouse and…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Meghan Markle Nude Pics, Sexts to Harry: Exposed by ISIS-Linked Website?!?

ISIS may be coming after Meghan Markle.

Thankfully, we don’t believe the former actress’ life is in any real danger.

But, if one website in particular has its way, Markle’s engagement to Prince Harry may soon be on life support.

As reported by Radar Online, there’s a website out there that alleges to have terrorist ties and which has apparently set its sights on this future member of The Royal Family.

We’re not about to reveal the website’s name or URL because we don’t want it to see any sort of traffic boost — but the online property has shared an 11-second video of Markle on vacation…

… with her bare boobs on full display.

The site has also shared a number of photos that depict Markle, topless, hanging out with friends and doing Yoga in a rented home.

In a few other snapshots, the ex-Suits star can be seen wrapped in a towel in a hotel room, drinking champagne without a shirt on while reclining on a sofa.

This isn’t the first time talk of Markle’s X-rated past has heated up the Internet.

But there’s on stark difference between these photos and past examples of Markle getting a bit down a dirty:

Those examples were just that: in the past.

In these new photos, Markle is wearing a blue bracelet that was reportedly gifted to her by Harry during a trip the pair took together to Africa in the summer of 2016.

This would imply that the pictures are fairly new, were taken after Markle started dating the Prince — and may have been sent to the Prince as some sort of act of seduction.

Like a “sext,” as kids these days would say.

“These photos, if real, are recent,” an insider tells Radar Online, adding:

“This is bound to cause even more embarrassment to the Queen and the monarchy as it would suggest she sent these images to Harry!”

Markle, of course, is an American.

She is divorced and she is of mixed heritage, with a black mother and a white father.

These facts would be irrelevant in most dating situations, but they would have spelled doom for any Royal relationship just a few years ago.

Many people have been pleasantly surprised by how The Queen and company have opened their arms to Markle, despite these so-called marks on her record.

In a separate post on the aforementioned site, meanwhile, Markle is attacked over her mixed race heritage, referred to by the author as a “savage Sub-Saharan.”

This same source says Harry is prepared to “go to [legal] war” with the website if the photos of Markle prove to be legitimate.

As we said previously, this site alleges to have links to ISIS and adds that it is releasing these scandalous images as part of its plan to force the withdrawal of UK soldiers from “Muslim holy lands,” writing as a warning:

“The pathetically impotent British imperialists would be wise to heed ISIS’ most reasonable demands before even more Meghan nudes are leaked…

“For according to gossip along the caravan lines from Raqqa to Tikrit, there are numerous Meghan pics to come in which she dildos her sin holes with some fried chicken and pigs’ feet.”

Okay, we really don’t want to get on ISIS’ bad side here, but we really doubt there are photos of Meghan Markle out there in which she sticks fried chicken in her… you-know-what.

Still, might we be in for a Royal Family vs. ISIS battle down the line?

“This site is playing with fire posting these this close to Harry and Meghan’s wedding,” concludes Radar.

The wedding is set for May 19.

Stay tuned!


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Disso Queen Laura Wasser Launches Do-It-Yourself Divorce Website

Laura Wasser, one of the most prominent divorce lawyers in the country, is firing up a website today which allows couples who want to end their marriage a way of doing it on their own for a super reasonable cost, with a little help from a…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sarah Hyland Should"ve Checked Website Before Blasting CVS

Sarah Hyland put CVS on blast for leaving her hanging on crucial meds she needed, but the pharmacy is firing back, saying the mix-up was her own damn fault. Sarah tore into CVS earlier this week after she said a Studio City location never notified…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Harvey Weinstein, Rape Accuser"s Lawyer Touts New Client on Website

The lawyer representing the L.A. woman who is now accusing Harvey Weinstein of rape is determined to let the world know … he’s her lawyer. Attorney David Ring has already updated his website, boasting his new client … “David Ring of Taylor…


Sunday, September 3, 2017

"Steely Dan" Co-Founder Walter Becker Dead at 67, According to Official Website

Walter Becker, the co-founder and guitarist for Steely Dan, had died, according to his official website. Becker, along with co-member Donald Fagen, wrote a some huge hits in the 70’s, including “Rikki Don’t Lose that Number,” “Deacon Blues,” “Kid…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Daily Stormer, White Supremacist Website, Yanked Down by GoDaddy

The Daily Stormer is no longer a working website on the Internet.

The infamous neo-Nazi, White Supremacy destination was given 24 hours notice by domain hosting company GoDaddy on Monday that it had violated its terms of service and would need to move to another provider if it wished to remain active.


“We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service,” GoDaddy wrote on its official Twitter page this morning.

The Daily Stormer article that caused this issue slandered Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old woman who was run over by a car that drove at full speed into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters in Virginia this past Saturday.

This domestic terrorist act was the tragic culmination of a weekend of protests in Charlottesville.

The protests got underway on Friday night during a “United the Right” gathering organized by a white nationalist group.

Within hours of their demonstration on the University of Virginia campus, those who opposite their racist world views came together in solidarity around the school and its town.

With tempers flaring and violence breaking out, a man later identified as James Fields hit his gas pedal and rammed into two slow-moving cars in front of him on the street.

He sent these cars flying into a number of pedestrians… including Heyers.

She died from the injuries sustained in this apparent homicide.

Daily Stormer pic

In a subsequent post on the website he founded, Andrew Anglin alleged that Heyer had been killed in a “road rage incident.”

He also launched into a vitriolic tirade about her appearance, saying she was a “drain on society” due to her age and the fact that she had not given birth to any children.

“Despite feigned outrage by the media, most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness,” Anglin, the site’s editor, actually wrote. 

He also claimed that Dodge, the maker of the vehicle used in the incident, may have somehow been behind Fields’ actions as some kind of promotional campaign.

Following the article about Heyer and the announcement that GoDaddy would be ending the Daily Stormer’s service, the website appeared to have been hacked by internet activist group Anonymous.

An article with Anonymous’ signature Guy Fawkes mask appeared at the top of the page on Monday morning with a headline reading:


Daily Stormer headline

The Daily Stormer, which refers to itself as “The World’s Most Genocidal Republican Website,” has been dubbed the “top hate site in America” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

It endorsed Donald Trump for President in 2015, publishing a story titled “Heil Donald Trump – The Ultimate Savior” after Trump proposed introducing a total ban on Muslim immigration.

The site publishes content denigrating Jewish people, Muslims, people of color and women.

After failing to identity White Supremacists or their kind by name in his remarks on Saturday, President Trump issues a new statement today that reads as follows:

“Racism is evil – and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.

“Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America.”

After Trump’s vague comments over the weekend, The Daily Stormer had shared a post with readers that praised the President and his views, interpreting them to mean he did not see its members as a unique threat to the country.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Sarah Palin Removes Kaepernick Article from Website ... "Not Her Opinion"

Sarah Palin has removed an article from her website criticizing Colin Kaepernick’s $ 50,000 donation to Meals on Wheels … and we’re told the post is NOT in line with the former governor’s beliefs. As we previously reported, a story went up on…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Duggar Website Reveals Strange Truths About Josh & Jana

In some respects, the Duggars are an open book.

They’ve starred in two reality series that both put their personal lives front and center, and all of the Duggars who are married (and thus permitted to use social media) enjoy offering regular updates to their millions of followers.

But for all their talent with commodifying the most mundane aspects of their day-to-day routines, the Duggars are just as skilled at keeping the more unseemly aspects of their lives under wraps. 

The biggest skeleton in Duggar’s closet, of course, goes by the name of Josh.

The Josh Duggar sex scandals were so vile that many are still (justifiably) astonished that the family was granted a second shot at reality stardom.

These days, Counting On producers go to almost comical lengths to keep Josh off camera, even adding face-obscuring lens flares in post-production like a bunch of J.J. Abramses on Adderall.

But they can’t completely deny the existence of Josh, which is why he’s still represented on the family’s official website:

Josh Duggar Profile

That’s Josh’s entry in the Duggar family “scrapbook” and as the folks at Refinery 29 pointed out, there’s all types of weird and wild sh-t going on here.

Where to begin?

For starters, Josh hasn’t worked at the Family Research Council in almost two years.

Seems the conservative think tank wasn’t too thrilled with the revelation Josh molested four of his sisters. Go figure.

Despite the fact that Josh’s relationship with the FRC didn’t exactly end amicably, his profile pic appears to be him at some sort of event hosted by the organization.

Jana Duggar Profile

Anyway, these days Josh’s career prospects are in the gutter, which leads us to the other weird-as-hell tidbit here:

Under future plans, Josh simply put down a question mark.

Is he saying he doesn’t have any plans?

Did his scandal throw him into such disarray that he’s been forced to torch his blueprints for the future?

Isn’t Jesus supposed to be walking with him on a beach and directing him toward the next lucrative business venture or something?

Whatever the case, at least Josh isn’t alone in aimlessness:

Yes, Jana Duggar also can’t manage to come up with a single aspiration, thus indicating a lack of ambition that might be charming if she were a teenage Doc Marten enthusiast named Daria, but is a little weird coming from a 27-year-old who prides herself on her work ethic.

It might not seem all that unusual to leave that section blank, but given how carefully the Duggars cultivate their public images it’s sort of a glaring omission.

Like, it’s really not that hard to come up with one thing you want to do in the future, and giving voice to their goals would help the Duggars maintain the myth that they’re normal, well-rounded people.

Hell, we could do it for them!

Okay, Josh like Frito chili pie, so why doesn’t he say that his goals for the future are to eat more Frito chili pie and refrain from groping any of his siblings.

There! Problem solved!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Donald Trump Singles Dating Website

You looking for love, like Donald Trump, and long walks on the beach? Well, now there’s a dating site for you. is up and running for DT supporters looking for like-minded souls to form a perfect union. The site has 20,000 members…


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Anna Faith Carlson: Elsa Look-Alike Model to Sue Website Over Fake Nude Pics!

Anna Faith Carlson is a Florida model who like a dead ringer for Elsa from Frozen, only less cartoonish and more unbelievably hot.

Not surprisingly, she’s become something of an Internet celebrity for these reasons, but that has come with an unfortunate price lately.

A website known as Celeb Jihad posted a bunch of “before-and-after” nude selfies of her, images which have rankled her online following.

The site claims Anna is showing off a recent boob job.

Scandalously, the images show a topless woman with tan lines, and bandages under her breasts, indicating that it’s a post-op shoot.

Of course, it’s not actually Anna, the model claims.

Her camp can prove this, they say, because the person in the nude pics question is “much heavier than Anna has ever been in her life.”

Her attorneys say that Anna Faith, who recently celebrated her 21st birthday, is in “great shape with a very small waist.”

BURN @ whoever the fake nude impostor is.

Carlson’s team also says that there are also differences in the nose, teeth and face that further prove she’s not the girl.

Furthermore … we highly recommend you do not visit Celeb Jihad, but they seem to specialize in terrible Photoshop.

Particularly when it comes to naked celebrity pics and doctored shots that obviously aren’t the individuals in question.

No word if their motto is “Crop Heads, Don’t Chop Heads.” Too soon? Anyway, Anna Faith is not willing to … wait for it …

Let it go.

Her camp is threatening to sue if the post isn’t deleted, and frankly, she might actually do it, since she has a reputation to maintain.

Carlson’s career is no joke; Anna Faith gained notable widespread media coverage in 2014 when she was discovered on Instagram.

The model entertains cancer patients, makes hospital visits, attends charity events, fundraisers, and visits schools in character.

Carlson has also been an extra in several films and has appeared on a multitude of radio stations, TV shows, and magazines.

For two consecutive years, she has been named one of the top ten hottest and most popular cosplayers in the entire world.

Who ranks those things, we have no idea. But they’re not wrong.

Carlson started to cosplay as characters besides Elsa from other works including Rey from Star Wars and Harley Quinn from Batman.

Anna has also portrayed characters from Harry Potter, Maleficent, Cinderella, and Spider-Man, among others, to widespread accalaim.

Did we mention she is absolutely smoking hot … as herself?

Check out the gallery below for many more examples of Anna doing her thing if you’re not convinced, and join us in asking:

Why make fake nudes of her when the real thing is perfect?!


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Beyonce, Dixie Chicks -- Scrubbed from CMA Website After Racist Fan Comments

The folks at the Country Music Awards don’t have the stomach for 4 strong women, 1 of whom is black, because they have scrubbed all references and images of Beyonce and the Dixie Chicks from their website. The performance of Beyonce’s hit, “Daddy…


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Leslie Jones: Nude Photos Released Following Website Hack

At this point, just about everyone who uses social media has experienced some kind of ugly run-in with an online “troll.”

But few have been harassed as viciously or relentlessly as SNL star Leslie Jones.

The attacks began shortly after Jones was cast in the recent Ghostbusters reboot, and a shocking amount of the insults had a racist or sexist angles.

Jones stood up to the trolls, but despite her awe-inspiring tenacity, she was forced to briefly delete her Twitter account, as the barrage of abuse became too much to handle.

Eventually, the torrent of hateful comments began to subside, but today, Jones is learning yet again that the Internet can be a terrifying and ugly place.

TMZ is reporting that Jones’ website and iCloud were hacked in the worst fashion imaginable.

Not only did the hackers leak nude photos of Jones on several social media sites, they also posted a video of the deceased Cincinnati Zoo gorilla Harambe on the top of her personal website.

The latter act has led many to the conclusion that the hacking should be categorized as a hate crime.

The news comes just one day after Jones was confirmed as a returning cast member for the 42nd season of Saturday Night Live.

Other than race-based hatred, there’s no apparent motive for the hacking.

Jones has yet to respond to the hacking publicly.

After everything that she’s been through in the past few weeks, we wouldn’t be surprised if she decides to take another break from social media.

We’ll have further updates on this appalling story as more information becomes available.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Jill and Jessa Duggar: Shocked to Be Featured on Adult Website!

Prior to last year’s Josh Duggar sex scandals, many were under the impression that it didn’t get much more squeaky-clean than the 19 Kids and Counting clan.

Unfortunately for Josh’s siblings, however, his misconduct was so egregious that it’s caused the public to view his entire family differently – especially his two most high-profile sisters, Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald.

Though their own controversies are unrelated to Josh’s misdeeds, it’s hard to imagine that Jill and Jessa would be criticized so harshly if their family hadn’t fallen from grace in such a public fashion.

First Jill was slammed for allegedly lying about her missionary work.

Then Jessa was attacked for asking fans for for money in order to purchase new clothes and other items for her son, Spurgeon.

Like we said, Jill and Jessa’s mini-scandals pale in comparison to Josh’s, but the reactions from former fans are indicative of how far the Duggars have fallen in the past year.

As a result, of course, they’re being treated differently on all corners of the the Internet, which may be why Jill and Jessa have found unexpected (and unwanted) popularity on a website that serves as an online gathering place for foot fetishists.

The sisters were reportedly shocked to learn that they’re featured on a site called Wikifeet, which – though not a porn site itself – is decidedly NSFW, in that it contains links to sites with more graphic content, as well as some seriously racy comment boards.

Anna Duggar is also featured on the site, but it’s Jill and Jessa who are receiving the bulk of the unwanted attention.

“Her feet and toes are beautiful, everything is in proper proportion,” wrote one commenter about Jill.

“Gorgeous feet. Sublime harmony of the toes. I loved it, perfect!” said another about Jessa.

Needless to say, it’s not the kind of praise the sisters relish, but it looks as though they have no legal recourse.

Looks like it’s just one more embarrassment for the once-beloved Duggars.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jenelle Evans Opens Up About Painful Past on New Website

Jenelle Evans has been having a rough time lately, but then again, we could say that about just about any period of time in the life of Teen Mom‘s most troubled trainwreck.

No doubt many fans have wondered where it all started to go wrong for Jenelle, and now the 24-year-old mother of two is opening up for the first time about her child – and the biological father she barely knew.

Jenelle launched a new website today, and her first blog post is a surprisingly candid reflection 

“A lot of people ask and wonder about my biological father; where he is, why isn’t he in my life,” Jenelle writes.

“For some reason my siblings and my mother always had a sour attitude towards my father and I had no idea why.  Later on I found out there was a huge reason behind that. I’ll save that for my book.”

Obviously, Jenelle wasn’t going to give up all the details for free, but she did offer some insight as to why she’s no longer in contact with her father:

“My mother and father never got along, and I don’t remember, but there was always arguing and physical altercations in my household growing up,” she writes.

Sadly, the pattern seems to be repeating itself, as Jenelle has been arrested for violent altercations on more than one occasion.

She’s currently awaiting trial for assaulting the girlfriend of Nathan Griffith, the father of her second child. 

Between the new website and her planned memoir, Jenelle has clearly been doing a lot of writing lately, and we can only hope it’ll serve as a form of therapy.

We’ve certainly been amused by her antics over the years, but at this point, we’d love nothing more than to see her shock the world by turning her life around.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive some of Jenelle’s many highs and lows.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blake Lively Admits to Website Failure, Shuts Down Preserve

Blake Lively has succeeded in becoming one of the better looking human beings to ever walk the face of the Earth.

But she has failed to make a difference in the lives of others via the World Wide Web.

So the former Gossip Girl star admitted herself today, telling Vogue that she is shutting down her lifestyle website, Preserve, after just one years.

(And if you’re only just now learning that Blake Lively ran a lifestyle website titled “Preserve,” then you are proving her point.)

“We have an incredible team of people who do beautiful work, but we launched the site before it was ready, and it never caught up to its original mission: It’s not making a difference in people’s lives, whether superficially or in a meaningful way,” Lively explains, adding:

“And that’s the whole reason I started this company, not just to fluff myself, like, ‘I’m a celebrity! People will care what I have to say!’

“It was so never meant to be that, and that kind of became the crutch because it was already up and already running, and it’s hard to build a brand when you’re running full steam ahead – how do you catch up?”

Swift is sad that Preserve did not work out (she joked to Vogue that she told her assistants to just play “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift on a loop to boost spirits), but she’s full steam ahead with her next project.

Not that she’ll reveal yet quite what it will be.

For now, Lively simply says she wants “to touch millennials through storytelling, and the idea is to create a shoppable lifestyle

“And that’s not to say to turn everything into commerce, but to make things easier: This is a thing that I created with my own two hands and this is how you can do it, or this is something that I found on my adventures and travels and this is how you can have it.

“It’s about creating a level of ease for the people who identify with us. We’ve focused in so much that it’s actually very simple, it’s very clean, it’s very direct.”

We don’t really have a clue what Blake Lively is talking about here.

But she married Ryan Reynolds and she’s the mother of his child. So she must be doing something right!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kim Kardashian Goes Krazy with Kleavage for New Website

We’re inching ever closer to a second Kim Kardashian sex tape!

We (mostly) kid, but Kim and her sisters have all released brand new websites/applications – and, with Kylie Jenner dominating sales at the moment, Kardashian has grown more and more desperate in pushing her new online home.

As previously reported, she recently shared a picture of herself basically just a black bra.

And now Kim is here with a couple more seductive snapshots, both of which are meant to prompt sign-ups to

And both of which feature a great deal of Kim Kardashian cleavage.

“Shot this for when I was 3 months pregnant,” Kim wrote as a caption to the image above, giving credit to photographer Steven Gomillion.

She added of the one below:

“Love this shoot I did with @stevengomillion for my app & website.”

Fans can enjoy a one week free trial of Kim’s new website; after that, they must pay $ 2.99 per month for access.

That may seem like a giant waste of money, considering we’ve already seen pictures of Kim Kardashian nude and considering Kim has already shared practically every aspect of her life.

But… but nothing, really.

That is a giant waste of money.

It’s one thing to waste some time online by checking out Kim’s Instagram photos. It’s one thing to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online in order to make fun of its contrived storylines.

But to actually pay money in order to see some Kim Kardashian pictures and videos?!? 

That’s money better spent on therapy anyone who thinks about doing this clearly needs. #SorryNotSorry.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kim Kardashian Introduces New Website (You Can Guess How, Right?)

Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner both have new websites to promote.

And both have done so in similar fashion.

As previously depicted, Kylie showed off her butt and her boobs in order to tell fans about, which is both a website and an app.

And now Kim has gone ahead with a new cleavage close-up in order to tout her brand new online location.

“So proud to announce is now live!” she wrote as a caption.

“I’ve worked for over a year on creating so much original content for you guys! Shout out to Matt Williams for this sick shoot & video we did just for the site and app! Go now and check it out!”

Kim has come under some fire for charging $ 2.99 for access to the site.

But insiders tell TMZ this is actually a good deal, considering some people pay as much as $ 500 to see Kardashian and her makeup artist live as part of their lecture circuit.

Kim will offer a style section on the site where you can emulate her everyday looks.

Of course sometimes, as you can see below, those looks are very simple: take off your clothing. Smile for the camera.