Showing posts with label Truths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Truths. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2017

Duggar Website Reveals Strange Truths About Josh & Jana

In some respects, the Duggars are an open book.

They’ve starred in two reality series that both put their personal lives front and center, and all of the Duggars who are married (and thus permitted to use social media) enjoy offering regular updates to their millions of followers.

But for all their talent with commodifying the most mundane aspects of their day-to-day routines, the Duggars are just as skilled at keeping the more unseemly aspects of their lives under wraps. 

The biggest skeleton in Duggar’s closet, of course, goes by the name of Josh.

The Josh Duggar sex scandals were so vile that many are still (justifiably) astonished that the family was granted a second shot at reality stardom.

These days, Counting On producers go to almost comical lengths to keep Josh off camera, even adding face-obscuring lens flares in post-production like a bunch of J.J. Abramses on Adderall.

But they can’t completely deny the existence of Josh, which is why he’s still represented on the family’s official website:

Josh Duggar Profile

That’s Josh’s entry in the Duggar family “scrapbook” and as the folks at Refinery 29 pointed out, there’s all types of weird and wild sh-t going on here.

Where to begin?

For starters, Josh hasn’t worked at the Family Research Council in almost two years.

Seems the conservative think tank wasn’t too thrilled with the revelation Josh molested four of his sisters. Go figure.

Despite the fact that Josh’s relationship with the FRC didn’t exactly end amicably, his profile pic appears to be him at some sort of event hosted by the organization.

Jana Duggar Profile

Anyway, these days Josh’s career prospects are in the gutter, which leads us to the other weird-as-hell tidbit here:

Under future plans, Josh simply put down a question mark.

Is he saying he doesn’t have any plans?

Did his scandal throw him into such disarray that he’s been forced to torch his blueprints for the future?

Isn’t Jesus supposed to be walking with him on a beach and directing him toward the next lucrative business venture or something?

Whatever the case, at least Josh isn’t alone in aimlessness:

Yes, Jana Duggar also can’t manage to come up with a single aspiration, thus indicating a lack of ambition that might be charming if she were a teenage Doc Marten enthusiast named Daria, but is a little weird coming from a 27-year-old who prides herself on her work ethic.

It might not seem all that unusual to leave that section blank, but given how carefully the Duggars cultivate their public images it’s sort of a glaring omission.

Like, it’s really not that hard to come up with one thing you want to do in the future, and giving voice to their goals would help the Duggars maintain the myth that they’re normal, well-rounded people.

Hell, we could do it for them!

Okay, Josh like Frito chili pie, so why doesn’t he say that his goals for the future are to eat more Frito chili pie and refrain from groping any of his siblings.

There! Problem solved!


Monday, January 30, 2017

Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: More Truths Revealed!

Was there hope that the Brown family could put all of their differences aside?

That was questioned on Sister Wives Season 7 Episode 10, which served as the second part of the tell-all special. 

As the episode got underway, it was all about Meri and Kody and their fractured relationship. The previous portion of the tell-all found the pair at odds as they recalled the catfishing scandal that almost tore the family apart. 

Meri felt that there was just so much going on in both of their lives that they needed a time out to cool things off.

She did, however, reveal that nothing Kody was doing was actually helping. 

Kody felt that he had been trying to get in touch with Meri, but she just did not want to talk to him and it hurt him. Meri claimed that it went both ways, and it seemed like the pair were stuck in a vicious cycle. 

Meri even revealed that as much as she did not like to admit it, she wanted things to be okay between them. She understood that she needed him in her life. 

Meri wanted Kody to focus on what was good for her, instead of putting her to the back of his mind and making things right with the other women. 

Some of the other wives were not impressed with the way Kody could potentially put Meri before them and it made them wonder how they would feel if that became the case. 

However, the others did speak up for Meri because they felt that she had been dealt a rough hand and definitely deserved another chance.

Kody eventually revealed that he should have tried better with Meri to make her feel included in the family. 

We then switched gears to Meri’s relationship with Mariah. As you probably know if you watch Sister Wives online, Mariah recently confirmed her sexuality to her family. 

This was met with praise from everyone, but Meri, who felt Mariah should have turned to her in the first instance. That’s sort of what Meri’s like. 

Mariah was ecstatic about being herself, but she did say that she felt like Meri was hiding some information about the whole catfishing scandal. 

She felt that that’s where the strain in their relationship emerged and that they really needed to take a step back and assess their relationship before trying to make things return to normal. 

Mariah did feel offended by the way her mother acted when she came out the closet. That’s sort of what happens when you cry and make everything about you, Meri. 

Meri revealed that she had a tough time because she never in a million years thought her daughter was gay and apologized for the way she acted. 

After that, Madison and Caleb announced the news that they were three months pregnant. That should be an interesting storyline for the rest of the season, but will Meri calm down?

What did you think of all the drama for the stars?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Holly Madison on Hugh Hefner: 11 Shocking Truths Exposed

For seven years, Holly Madison lived in the Playboy Mansion, pretending that life with Hugh Hefner and his tail-wearing harem was just a bowl of cherries.

But last year, her tell-all book Down the Rabbit Hole divulged the dark truth about the Playboy lifestyle, and it was anything but glamorous.

Now, Madison, who was once regarded as Hef"s "number one girlfriend," is back with a new book, The Vegas Diaries, in which she spills more secrets on her time as a bunny.

She exposes the Playboy mogul as a monster and describes the Mansion as a veritable house of horrors for a young, impressionable woman seeking glitz and glamour.

Read on for her scathing takedowns of the man beneath the satin robe.

1. Hef was a master manipulator

The girls next door

“There was some pretty clear favoritism going on…he liked to play favorites to keep everyone on their toes,” Madison claimed in The Vegas Diaries. “How else could he stay in control of seven women?” she added. “He needed to somehow maintain the upper hand.”

2. The fun, party atmosphere was all a facade

The girls next door picture

“It was a constant struggle,” says Madison, who lived in the Playboy mansion for seven years. “I was trying to sell this image of ‘Oh everything is so great here,’ but I was miserable inside.”

3. She hated being a Barbie clone

Holly madison hugh hefner sheila levell

“I didn’t like being a clone,” she says of living in a house full of her doppelgangers. “That was definitely something that bothered me the whole time.”

4. Hef was downright abusive

Holly madison and hugh hefner photo

“If Hef truly was confused as to why I left and forgot there was any fighting, he either had the world’s most selective memory or thought talking down to his girlfriends and making them cry on a regular basis was normal,” she said in The Vegas Diaries.

5. Hef hardly knew anything about his "girlfriends"

Whoa twins

“He knew roughly four things about each girl,” claimed Madison. “Her name, her age, where (approximately) she was from, and how well she behaved and followed the rules.”

6. We all lived in fear in the Mansion

Girls next door pic

“There was a lot of fear because there was so much competition among the women,” which is the way Hef set it up, according to Madison.

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