Showing posts with label Blasting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blasting. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Desiigner Sued for Blasting Woman Over His Sister"s Belongings, College Experience

Desiigner is being sued by a woman who says he put her on blast, calling her a fraud after she helped his sister get into college … TMZ has learned. Jessica Brown is pissed about the rapper’s Instagram post from last August … where…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sarah Hyland Should"ve Checked Website Before Blasting CVS

Sarah Hyland put CVS on blast for leaving her hanging on crucial meds she needed, but the pharmacy is firing back, saying the mix-up was her own damn fault. Sarah tore into CVS earlier this week after she said a Studio City location never notified…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ben Affleck: Blasting Harvey Weinstein, Staying Sober (Report)

Over the past two weeks, there’s been a good deal of speculation about Ben Affleck’s sobriety.

To bring you up to speed, Affleck checked into rehab back in March to seek treatment for an alcohol addiction he’d been battling on and off for over a decade.

Over the summer, however, Ben appeared to relapse and was spotted drinking with girlfriend Lindsay Shookus on multiple occasions.

Now, sources say Affleck is in outpatient therapy for further treatment, and is once again intent on staying sober.

Shookus is a producer for Saturday Night Live, and sources close to the couple tell People magazine that Ben was on hand at 30 Rockefeller Center to support Lindsay over the weekend.

Witnesses note, however, that the Oscar winner was not on hand for the weekly after-party, likely as a result of his efforts to abstain from drinking.

So our congratulations go out to Ben for two reasons today:

Not only does he appear to be recommitted to his own sobriety, he also his position of power to condemn the repugnant actions of disgraced mogul Harvey Weinstein.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Weinstein stands accused of sexually assaulting numerous women over the course of the past thirty years.

Weinstein was instrumental in the production and distribution of Good Will Hunting, the film that made household names of Affleck and friend Matt Damon.

But despite his longstanding ties to Weinstein, Affleck castigated the disgraced 64-year-old in a scathing social media post:

“I am saddened and angry that a man who I worked with used his position of power to intimidate, sexually harass and manipulate many women over decades,” Affleck wrote.

“The additional allegations of assault that I read this morning made me sick. This is completely unacceptable, and I find myself asking what I can do to make sure this doesn’t happen to others,” the actor continued.

It’s been rumored that Affleck’s statement was a response to a tweet from one of Weinstein’s alleged victims, actress Rose McGowan, who urged Ben and his brother Casey to speak out against their friend and former mentor.

We may never know for certain if McGowan played a role in convincing Ben to speak out, but the important thing is that Affleck took a stand against Weinstein’s vile behavior.

It’s been a rough year for Ben, what with a high-profile divorce, public struggle with addiction, and rumors of career difficulties.

But he certainly seems focused on ending 2017 on a high note, and for that, we applaud him.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Abby Lee Miller: Back on Dance Moms! BLASTING Laurieann Gibson!

If people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, then what are the restrictions for people in prison?

As we’re sure that you remember — because who could forget? — Abby Lee Miller went to prison for bankruptcy fraud. And yes, she’s still in the big house … if that’s still a euphemism for prison.

But, through the magic of television, reality TV airs weeks or even months after being filmed. So Abby Miller is still on Dance Moms … sort of … and has a load of insults to share about the new dance teacher.

Abby Lee Miller must have some nerve.

We can’t honestly claim to be surprised, after all of her ridiculous aggression that she’s displayed on season after season of Dance Moms.

Dance Moms is one of those reality shows that’s hard to watch sometimes.

The moms and Abby are entertaining when they’re snipping at each other, sure.

But it kind of just feels like Toddlers and Tiaras, except that the girls whose lives are getting ruined right before your eyes aren’t just toddlers.

Now, though, Dance Moms has a new dance instructor, since Abby is in prison. A-list choreographer Laurieann Gibson is there for the girls. 

It’s a brand new day.

We learned some details about the next episode of Dance Moms, and a familiar face will be appearing.

Abby Lee Miller, with all of the calm and nuance of Nancy Grace and her general likability, too, had some issues with the choice that the various dance mothers had made.

We’re guessing that Abby’s real issue was that they felt that the show could go on without her.

Abby seemed to challenge Laurieann’s qualifications, because she had previously worked with older girls rather than starting with them when they were toddlers.

Ashlee Allen, one of the moms of the series, defended their choice.

“You put us all in a situation where we had to find somebody else, and when [Laurieann] came in, she was tons of energy and she was invested and she was here and she was working.”

Abby decided to characterize Laurieann a little differently:

“Well, she’s desperate for work. I’ve been working for six years non-stop … How good are you when you don’t win?”

Abby’s priorities are more than a little nuts, but we knew that already.

Mom Jill Vertes gave Abby what we can only describe as a taste of her own medicine.

“It’s about creating workable dancers, not about doing the same eight-count and 52 turns to win a plastic trophy… [The girls] love Laurieann Gibson. They said they didn’t want you coming back.”

First of all, that’s great because she’s acknowledging that there are priorities other than winning.

Second of all, it’s great that the girls love Laurieann Gibson — something that we already knew — because these dance lessons are all supposed to be for the girls.

(Not for their moms, not for the glorification of Abby, and really not even for the viewers)

But third of all, that “they didn’t want you coming back” was something that Abby really needed to hear.

Maybe, while Abby Lee Miller sits in her prison cell and processes everything that she’s done with her life and all of the choices that she’s made so far, she’ll come to understand why the girls she trained don’t seem to care for her.

if she gets to see Laurieann’s teaching style, maybe Abby could even learn how to be a better person.

She still maintains that she’s innocent of bankruptcy fraud, by the way, so we guess that she won’t learn any life lessons about crime.

Abby has been sentenced to serve 366 days in prison, though, so there’s time for just about anything.

No matter what Abby takes away from her experience, though, we’re glad that the girls are learning with Laurieann.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

J.K. Rowling Backpedals On Blasting Trump Video with Disabled Boy, No Apology to Trump Though

J.K. Rowling choked down some crow by apologizing for her rant about a viral video of President Trump seemingly ignoring a handshake from a disabled boy at the White House. J.K. blasted the Prez for the video, saying … “This monster of narcissism…


J.K. Rowling Backpedals On Blasting Trump Video with Disabled Boy, No Apology to Trump Though

J.K. Rowling choked down some crow by apologizing for her rant about a viral video of President Trump seemingly ignoring a handshake from a disabled boy at the White House. J.K. blasted the Prez for the video, saying … “This monster of narcissism…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Rob Kardashian"s Family PLEADED With Him to Stop Blasting Blac Chyna

Like most people, we know that the Kardashians were pissed at Rob Kardashian for his social media meltdown and for posting revenge porn of Blac Chyna.

Well according to this report, Rob’s family has been pleading like a bunch of White House advisers for him to stay offline. But we all know how well that worked out.

Here are the details.

According to Us Weekly‘s source, the Kardashians tried to convince Rob to stop posting.

“They did not agree with what Rob posted and had pleaded with him to stop.”

But, as we all know, like a maniacal toddler … or a President, Rob kept going anyway.

For obvious reasons, they were and are concerned.

“They know this is a very combative relationship and everyone in the family is solely focused on Dream; Chyna and Rob are adults.”

It sounds like the Kardashians who aren’t Rob have the right priorities.

The source does acknowledge that Rob and Chyna have had drama before, though it was less vicious and less potentially criminal.

“This is not new when it comes to Rob and Chyna, but the concern, for Rob’s sisters and mom, is all about Dream.”

Dream should be everyone’s primary concern.

She’s eight month’s old.

No matter what adult drama is going on, the moment that you become a parent, your child needs to come first.

It’s no surprise to hear that the Kardashians are pissed with Rob.

The day of Rob’s social media meltdown, the image that popped into our mind was of Kris Jenner hearing the news and absentmindedly shattering whatever glass was in her hand at the moment.

Any parent would be outraged to learn that their child is saying and doing such terrible things.

(Posting revenge porn is an action, after all)

But for a PR-conscious family like the Kardashians where everything revolves around their brand, this is an even greater nightmare.

We don’t just mean for Kris Jenner, though she has to be weighing brand concerns against wondering if her contact with her granddaughter will somehow become limited because of this mess.

And then there are Rob’s sisters, who are doubtless horrified and disgusted by Rob’s behavior.

Even more than that time that Rob Kardashian banged one of Kim’s lookalikes.


The idea of an ex posting revenge porn of them has to be a very real fear for, at the very least, Kendall and Kylie.

It doesn’t matter how much skin you show on Snapchat or at the beach — that’s you controlling how much the world sees of you.

Having someone you once trusted expose you to the world like that is something else entirely.

To have their own brother do what Rob did last week must cause a particularly sick feeling.

And all of that is to say nothing about the accusations that Rob Kardashian abused Blac Chyna.

If true, that kind of charge is the sort of thing that makes someone go from a trashy person to an irredeemably evil person.

Remember when Rob was just the guy who stayed out of sight and sold socks?

This whole story is, of course, ongoing.

It seems like every time that there’s something to add, something new isn’t far behind.

Remember how Blac Chyna was seeking a protective order against Rob Kardashian?

Well, she got it.


We’re also glad that her attorney’s statement reminded the world that Blac Chyna had ended her relationship with Rob a while back.

And that, you know, some of what Rob’s rant seemed to call “cheating” was just … Chyna having sex. Like a person.

Rob doesn’t own her, you know?

Rob’s attorney is none other than Robert Shapiro.

Most younger Americans recognize him as the guy from the Legal Zoom commercials.

But he’s a famous lawyer and was friends with Rob’s dad, so maybe he feels that he owes this to Rob’s dad or to Kris somehow.

We’d say that having to apologize on Rob’s behalf for a Twitter tantrum and Instagram rageposting was the least dignified moment of Robert Shapiro’s career.

But … Shapiro was one of O.J. Simpson’s attorneys.

It’s hard to imagine a lower point in his career than that.

But it’s good that the Kardashian family is looking out for Dream.

We’re not questioning whether Rob and Chyna love Dream, mind you.

But it looks like they have other things on their plates.

Admittedly, with Rob as the clear social media aggressor, it looks like Chyna doesn’t have a choice but to wage this legal battle.

So she gets a pass … we guess.

(No, we don’t think that she’s a mastermind with a Xanatos Complex who sent Rob photos just to trigger this chain of events … probably)

Dream is going to be growing up faster than anyone can believe over the next few months.

She’s already 8 months old — she’s going to be talking before we know it.

We hope that this whole mess gets resolved — with justice for everyone — soon, and in a way that’s not too disruptive to the little cutie’s life or sense of well-being.

And it’s weirdly refreshing to know that the Kardashian family — with the exception fo Rob — has the right priorities.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Dennis Rodman Uses Women"s Restroom at Airport While Blasting Staind

He’s worn dresses … maybe that’s why Dennis Rodman felt so comfortable using the women’s restroom at Long Beach airport Wednesday night. A female witness tells us she noticed Dennis in the airport around 9 PM — but couldn’t believe it when she…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Terrence Howard Not Hating on Mo"Nique for Blasting Oprah, Lee Daniels and Tyler Perry (VIDEO)

Terrence Howard’s not hating on Mo’Nique for going nuclear on his “Empire” boss Lee Daniels … or Oprah and Tyler Perry, for that matter. We got Terrence outside ABC studios Monday in NYC and tried to clue him in on Mo’Nique blasting the trio…


Monday, October 17, 2016

UFC"s Anderson Silva -- "I Need to Say Sorry" ... After Blasting UFC (VIDEO)

Seems like Anderson Silva is backing down big time in his war of words with the UFC — issuing an apology after Dana White called him out.   It all started last week when Silva said he was mistreated and disrespected by the UFC– especially…
