Showing posts with label Terrence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrence. Show all posts

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Ex-BET Host Terrence J"s $200,000 Car Destroyed as Driver Hits and Runs

A car registered to the former host of BET’s ‘106 & Park’ was totaled in a crash and the driver fled the scene … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Terrence J’s black McLaren hit a parking meter after his GF Jasmine Sanders…


Monday, March 26, 2018

Taraji, Terrence and "Empire" Stars Buy Season 4 Crew Bomber Jackets

The stars of “Empire” gave all 300 or so crew members a sweet jacket at the Season 4 wrap party, as a thank you for making the hit series possible … TMZ has learned. Taraji P. Henson, Andre Royo, Bryshere Y. Gray, Gabourey Sidibe, Jussie…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Terrence Howard"s Ex-Wife Wins Appeal, Spousal Support Decision Reversed

Terrence Howard’s taking an “L” in his longstanding spousal support war with his ex-wife … who just won in appeals court. According to court docs, Michelle Ghent Howard, got a ruling on their spousal support overturned. Two years ago, Terrence…


Terrence Howard"s Ex-Wife Wins Appeal, Spousal Support Decision Reversed

Terrence Howard’s taking an “L” in his longstanding spousal support war with his ex-wife … who just won in appeals court. According to court docs, Michelle Ghent Howard, got a ruling on their spousal support overturned. Two years ago, Terrence…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Terrence Howard Not Hating on Mo"Nique for Blasting Oprah, Lee Daniels and Tyler Perry (VIDEO)

Terrence Howard’s not hating on Mo’Nique for going nuclear on his “Empire” boss Lee Daniels … or Oprah and Tyler Perry, for that matter. We got Terrence outside ABC studios Monday in NYC and tried to clue him in on Mo’Nique blasting the trio…


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Terrence Howard Says He Got Oscar Robbed, So Watch Out, Denzel (VIDEO)

Terrence Howard  isn’t so sure Denzel Washington will bring home the Oscar, because he says he deserved it back in the day but went home empty. We got the “Empire” star Saturday at the Independent Spirit Awards when he groused that he should…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Terrence Howard"s Ex-Wife Drops Assault Lawsuit ... For Now

Terrence Howard’s ex-wife is calling off the dogs — dropping the lawsuit accusing him of assaulting her during a vacation in Costa Rica … TMZ has learned. According to court docs, Michelle Ghent filed a request to dismiss the whole case. As we…


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Watch Taraji P. Henson & Terrence Howard Help Jimmy Fallon Spoof Empire In HIGHlarious Jimpire Sketch On The Tonight Show!

You struck gold again Jimmy!

Last night on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon proved to be a genius with yet another tv show spoof!

In the past he’s done such sketches such as Joking Bad parodying Breaking Bad, as well as Game of Desks, the late night show’s version of Game Of Thrones!

Video: Watch Jimmy Fallon & Ryan Reynolds Get Out Of Hand Playing Blackjack!

Well last night he had the AH-Mazing idea to poke a little fun at the breakout hit Empire!

In the sketch, Jimmy’s looking for someone to continue his comedy legacy after he’s gone and it’s up to Questlove, Tariq and his show producer Andre to prove themselves worthy! But things get turned upside down when Fallon’s trusty sidekick Higgins shows up!

But it doesn’t stop there as a couple surprise guests, Terrence Howard and the REAL Cookie, Taraji P. Henson stop by to give their two cents! They’re not the only cameos as there’s a “UUUGE” surprise at the end!

Ch-ch-check out the next best thing (above) to the REAL Empire while you wait for its premiere tonight on Fox!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Terrence Howard -- Bring On the Ex-Wife


0921-terrence-howard-miranda-APTerrence Howard was weirdly in an armlock at the Emmys with one of his divorced wives, and they were both wearing wedding bling.

Mira Pak was clutching Terrence’s arm as they mugged for the camera.

Terrence and Mira were married on October 2013, but she filed for divorce this March. She gave birth to their son 2 months later. The divorce became final in July.

So it’s surprising that not only are they together, they’re wearing rings. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Terrence Howard -- Admits To Hitting Women ... With an Asterisk



Terrence Howard is fessing up to wife-beating allegations that cost him both of his marriages … sort of.

Howard makes the admissions in Rolling Stone, saying in both instances he was provoked, kinda playing the victim card.  

Howard was arrested in 2001 for hitting his first wife. He says, “She was talking to me real strong, and I lost my mind and slapped her in front of the kids. Her lawyer said it was a closed fist, but even slapping her was wrong.” 

As for his second marriage to Michelle Ghent, Howard explains, “She was trying to Mace me and you can’t see anything so all you can do is try to bat somebody away, and I think that something caught her. But I wasn’t trying to hit her.”

Howard also deflects a 2005 incident at a restaurant where a woman claimed he hit her, but he says it was self-defense. 

He lays a lot on the table.


Terrence Howard Invents New Kind of Math, Is Probably Insane

If you only know Terrence Howard as Lucious Lyon from Empire or the original Rhodey from the Iron Man franchise, prepare for a bit of a shock:

Howard is an undeniably a talented actor, but he’s also eccentric to the point that might be certifiably insane.

Howard’s female troubles have made tabloid headlines in recent months, beginning with his claim that second wife Michelle Ghent is extorting him with photos of his penis.

As this drama was still unfolding, word came out that Howard was secretly divorcing his third wife, Mira Pak.

But serial divorcers are nothing new in Hollywood. What is new is someone claiming that they’ve discovered that 1 times 1 actually equals 2. Allow T-How to rock your math world:

“This is the last century that our children will ever have been taught that one times one is one,” Howard says.

“They won’t have to grow up in ignorance. Twenty years from now, they’ll know that one times one equals two. We’re about to show a new truth. The true universal math.”

That’s from a Rolling Stone profile of Howard that’s going viral today thanks to the revelation that Howard is way more batsh-t than anyone realized.

Howard explains that he and Pak developed the new system (which he calls “Terryology.” Seriously.) by spending 17 hours a day on a completely nuts-o project that sounds like arts and crafts hour at a pre-school founded by L. Ron Hubbard.

“He began writing down his logic, in a language of his own devising that he calls Terryology,” Rolling Stone writes.

“He wrote forward and backward, with both his right and left hands, sometimes using symbols he made up that look foreign, if not alien, to keep his ideas secret until they could be patented. 

“[Howard and Pak] would spend up to 17 hours a day cutting shapes out of the plastic and joining them together into various objects meant to demonstrate not only his one-times-one theory but many others as well.”

It’s worth noting that Howard was fired from the Iron Man sequels because he was just too crazy for Robert Downey Jr.’s taste.

Compared to the revelation that it’s possible for someone to be too crazy for RDJ, this 1×1=2 business actually doesn’t seem so ridiculous.