Showing posts with label HIGHlarious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HIGHlarious. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Stephen Colbert & Tom Hanks Get HIGHlarious And Try To Solve Life"s Big Mysteries — Watch HERE!

It’s nice to stop and smell the roses!

Last night Tom Hanks swung by The Late Show to talk with Stephen Colbert — but this was no ordinary interview!

Stephen and Tom threw a blanket down on the “grass” and laid down starring up at the “stars” while chatting about life’s biggest questions…

Video: Donald Trump Or Stephen Colbert?? Guess Which One Said It In Late Show Guessing Game!

What would they do if they could time travel? Does the “farm upstate” where dogs go really exist?

You know, the REALLY important questions in life! LOLz!

So if you’ve ever wondered what Stephen thinks Santa does the rest of the year or what Tom misses the most since he’s a big star now, check out the HIGHlarious segment (below)!

[Image via CBS.]

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Watch Taraji P. Henson & Terrence Howard Help Jimmy Fallon Spoof Empire In HIGHlarious Jimpire Sketch On The Tonight Show!

You struck gold again Jimmy!

Last night on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon proved to be a genius with yet another tv show spoof!

In the past he’s done such sketches such as Joking Bad parodying Breaking Bad, as well as Game of Desks, the late night show’s version of Game Of Thrones!

Video: Watch Jimmy Fallon & Ryan Reynolds Get Out Of Hand Playing Blackjack!

Well last night he had the AH-Mazing idea to poke a little fun at the breakout hit Empire!

In the sketch, Jimmy’s looking for someone to continue his comedy legacy after he’s gone and it’s up to Questlove, Tariq and his show producer Andre to prove themselves worthy! But things get turned upside down when Fallon’s trusty sidekick Higgins shows up!

But it doesn’t stop there as a couple surprise guests, Terrence Howard and the REAL Cookie, Taraji P. Henson stop by to give their two cents! They’re not the only cameos as there’s a “UUUGE” surprise at the end!

Ch-ch-check out the next best thing (above) to the REAL Empire while you wait for its premiere tonight on Fox!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Watch James Corden Help Terry Crews Pump Iron In HIGHlarious Late Late Show Workout Video!

In case you didn’t know, James Corden is quite the bodybuilding expert!

The Late Late Show host knows so much about fitness that he gave Terry Crews a lesson in lifting — and grunting — on Thursday’s episode!

In the clip, Corden faces off against the Brooklyn Nine-Nine star as they take turns doing some intense power cleans.

Video: James & Stevie Wonder Get Superstitious Singing Carpool Karaoke!

But things take a competitive turn when Crews infuses some dance moves in his reps to one up his opponent!

Check out the funny clip (below) to see who’s better at pumping iron!

[Image via CBS.]