Showing posts with label Corden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corden. Show all posts

Saturday, May 12, 2018

James Corden Will Attend Royal Wedding and Both Receptions

At least one late-night TV talk show host will have insider access at the upcoming Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle … and that lucky guy is James Corden. Sources close tell TMZ … Corden and his producing partner, Ben Winston, are…


Sunday, January 28, 2018

James Corden -- Good Genes or Good Docs?

James Corden’s good looks deserve an award! Here is a 26-year-old baby-face version of the ‘Late Late Show’ host back in 2004 (left), and 13 years later … the 39-year-old ”60th Annual Grammy Awards” host showing off some scruff…


Monday, October 16, 2017

James Corden: So Sorry for All the Rape Jokes!

James Corden has learned the hard way that rape and sexual misconduct are NOT laughing matters.

As host of the eighth annual amFAR gala in Beverly Hills on Friday, the late night talk show host attempted to find humor in the ongoing Harvey Weinstein scandal.

But he failed. Miserably.

“This is a beautiful room, this is a beautiful night here in L.A.,” Corden said on stage at one point, referencing the harassment and rape charges leveled against the aforementioned movie producer and joking:

“It is so beautiful that Harvey Weinstein has already asked tonight up to his hotel room to give him a massage.”

The quip drew some laughter, but also some clearly uncomfortable and unsatisfied groans.

“I don’t know whether that groan was that you liked that joke, or you don’t like the joke,” Corden responded. “If you don’t like the joke, you should probably leave right now.”

Unfazed, Corden continued with the Weinstein-inspired material:

“It has been weird this week, though, hasn’t it, watching Harvey Weinstein in hot water? Ask any of the women who watched him take a bath, it’s weird watching Harvey Weinstein in hot water… 

“Harvey Weinstein wanted to come tonight, but he’ll settle for whatever potted plant is closest.”

Weinstein has been accused of rape.

An endless stream of women in Hollywood have come forward with sordid stories about how he harassed them or threatened their careers or acted in any number of abhorrent ways.

In other words: too soon, James Corden.

Too soon and too sensitive of a topic.

Following a stream of backlash against his jokes of this nature, the comedian issued an apology on Twitter.

“I was not trying to make light of Harvey’s inexcusable behavior, but to shame him, the abuser, not his victims,” he wrote, adding:

“I am truly sorry for anyone offended, that was never my intention.”

corden replies

This may very well be the case.

But, again, we’re dealing with a very sensitive topic here.

Rose McGowan, who has been outspoken about Weinstein’s behavior for years and who says the gross producer sexually assaulted her, Tweeted the following after learning about Corden’s set:

“YOU MOTHERF**KING PIGLET. Hearing the audience’s vile roars & laughs show EXACTLY what kind of HOLLYWOOD you really are.”


Asia Argento, an actress who has also accused Weinstein of rape, echoed this sentiment:

“Shame on this pig and everyone who grunted with him #amfARLosAngeles.”

Last Tuesday, Weinstein’s spokesperson, Sallie Hofmeister, said in a statement to The New Yorker:

“Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein. Mr. Weinstein has further confirmed that there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances.

“He will not be available for further comments, as he is taking the time to focus on his family, on getting counseling and rebuilding his life.”


Sunday, October 15, 2017

James Corden Apologizes for Tasteless Harvey Weinstein Jokes

James Corden is apologizing for making light of the Harvey Weinstein scandal with tasteless jokes he made onstage … and after Rose McGowan teared into him online. Corden issued an apology Sunday saying “To be clear, sexual assault is no laughing…


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Coldplay Performs with James Corden at Rose Bowl Concert

Coldplay brought down the house by bringing James Corden on stage Friday night to perform “Us Against the World.” Chris Martin and Co. filled the Rose Bowl and Corden was a surprise guest … with some history.  Corden had Chris Martin on his…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

James Corden Opens London Show with Special Address

On far too many occasions this year, James Corden has opened The Late Late Show with a few words about a terrorist attack in Great Britain.

He was forced to do so after five people were killed and 40 injured after a heinous car and knife attack outside U.K. Parliament that afternoon.

And then he was forced to do so late last month after 22 people were killed and many more injured in a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

But Tuesday night was different.

The comedian didn"t just address the latest attack on London on Tuesday evening…

… he did so FROM London itself.

Just days after a terrorist attack killed seven people and injured 48 others, Corden and his staff took their talk show to the comedian’s native city for a few days.

Walking the streets of London, Corden addressed the incident and his decision as follows:

"I think about all the times since I took this job that I had to open our show talking about such atrocities. Trying to find the right words to say is impossible because there are none."

Corden then explained that he and his crew members were staying at a hotel just two minutes from where the attacks took place last week, adding that some folks might think it"s strange timing to do a variety show from the British capital in the wake of this incident.

"I couldn"t disagree more," he said, referencing Britain"s upcoming election for a new prime minister.

He also pointed out the Houses of Parliament during his walking monologue, saying that is "represents democracy, something that the people who carried out this attack hate."

Therefore, in conclusion…

"We"re going to bring you the silliest, stupidest, most fun-packed shows we"ve ever made for you to celebrate London, and Britain, and everything it has to offer.

And you know what?

"The people who carried out that attack, they would hate that too. I"m so proud to be broadcasting here from my hometown. I"m proud to show off its beauty, its diversity and its stoic British determination to let nothing or anybody stand in our way.

"This is not a country that feels afraid."

So well said.

We could not admire London residents any more for the way they"re responded to this attack.

Watch Corden"s full monologue below and join us in saluting the star:

James corden addresses london terrorist attack from scene of the

Thursday, June 1, 2017

James Corden Performs as Mary Poppins for Crosswalk Musical in London (VIDEO)

James Corden did the most British thing ever — besides high tea with the Queen — when he dressed up as Mary Poppins and paraded across a London street singing her greatest hits. Corden’s late night show is shooting a few episodes across the pond…


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

James Corden Talks Manchester Attack, Sends Message of Hope

For the second time in two months, James Corden has been forced to address a terrorist attack in his native country.

In March, The Late Late Show host used a segment of his monologue after five people were killed outside the U.K. Parliament in London.

"Watching the news today, I felt a really long, long way from home," Corden said at the time, adding:

"And it’s funny when something like that happens in your hometown, you don’t have a feeling of being glad that you’re so far away.

"What you feel is that you wish you could be there with loved ones to stand alongside them.”

On Monday evening, meanwhile, Corden once again sat at his desk and talked about an even more heinous act: The killing of at least 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert by a suicide bomber in Manchester.

"It shocks me every time we hear this sort of news," the comedian said. "Attacks like this can happen…but especially when there will be so many children at this concert tonight."

It"s true: police have confirmed that kids were among the fatalities.

Authorities do not believe the act itself was committed by more than one person, but they are investigating whether the bomber was part of a larger terrorist network.

“When I think of Manchester, the place that I know, I think of the spirit of the people there – and I’m telling you, a more tight-knit group of people you will be hard pressed to find," Corden added, describing residents there as "strong, proud, caring people."

He concluded:

If it was even possible, the spirit of the people of Manchester will grow even stronger this evening.

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Manchester tonight – all of the staff at the [Manchester Arena], all of the security teams, all of the emergency services, Ariana and her team, and all of those families affected by tonight.

We’ll all go to bed holding our little ones even tighter this evening.

In the wake of this tragedy, Grande has postponed upcoming dates on her tour and said she is absolutely broken by what transpired.

Watch Corden"s emotional tribute below:

James corden sends prayers to manchester in wake of terrorist at

Thursday, March 23, 2017

James Corden Turns Serious, Addresses London Attack

James Corden put the jokes on hold to open The Late Late Show on Wednesday night.

The comedian recorded his latest episode just a couple hours after London police confirmed that five people were killed and 40 injured after a heinous car and knife attack outside U.K. Parliament that afternoon.

The murderer drove a car through one of the most active and most parts of Great Britain’s capital about 2:40 p.m. local time, slamming into dozens of pedestrians prior to crashing into the gate outside the Palace of Westminster during Prime Minister’s Questions time.

The assailant then got out the vehicle and fatally stabbed police officer.

Truly awful stuff.

“There was a terror attack today in my hometown, the city of London in Westminster,” Corden said on air.

“While we’re filming this, it’s still unknown what the motives were. What we do know at this point is that people have lost their lives and many, many more have been injured.”

Corden proceeded to send his thoughts to all affected by the terrorist attack, adding:

"Watching the news today, I felt a really long, long way from home. And it’s funny when something like that happens in your hometown, you don’t have a feeling of being glad that you’re so far away.

"What you feel is that you wish you could be there with loved ones to stand alongside them.”

The popular host wasn"t the only British celebrity to speak out on the awful incident, either. To wit:


Concluded Corden, in a clip you can watch below:

"London is a diverse and proud and brilliant city, and one thing is for sure: if this act of terrorism was supposed to divide the people of London, I know for a fact that all something like this does is bring them closer together as one.

"Tonight we send our heartfelt thoughts to everybody in Britain. Stay safe everybody, please."

James corden turns serious addresses london terrorist attack

Friday, December 16, 2016

James Corden & Co.: It"s CHRISTMAS Carpool Karaoke!

Mariah Carey brought out more than just her enormous cleavage for a special version of Carpool Karaoke with James Corden on Thursday night.

She also brought along some very famous friends.

Sort of.

In honor of his final new show of 2016, Corden aired a special version of his beloved singing and celebrity segment this week, kicking it off in an amazing Christmas sweater.

He was sitting alongside the Mariah"s World star and belting out her classic hit, "All I Want for Christmas is You."

And it was going very well; it was doing a great job getting us into the holiday spirit.

But then Adele showed up. And Chris Martin. And Demi Lovato. And Lady Gaga. And Gwen Stefani. And Elton John.

And every single musician Corden had as a guest on Carpool Karaoke this year.

He had planned way ahead, filming himself and these stars singing along to "All I Want for Christmas is You" at various points in order to splice them all together for this amazing special.

Oh, yes, folks, it"s time for some CHRISTMAS Carpool Karaoke.

So kick back, click "Play" on the video below and prepare to be swept away by pretty much every big name in music. It"s awesome.

Christmas carpool karaoke whos in the holiday spirit

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Jimmy Fallon vs. James Corden: Unexpected Feud Alert!

The late night network landscape is positively overrun by Jameses these days.

Sure, Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers enjoyed bumps due to their election coverage, but they may have to photoshop their birth certificates if they want to continue to compete.

(Come to think of it, America seems primed for a late night birther controversy, at the moment!)

Kimmel, of course, is the O.G. Jimmy (We suppose that should be the O.J., but we can’t do that to the man.), having held down his time slot on ABC since back in 2003.

Next came Fallon, beginning with a 12:30 spot on NBC in 2009, and taking over the revered Tonight Show at 11:30 in 2014.

Late to the party (Or should we say late, late to the party?) was James Corden, who took over The Late, Late Show last year.

Corden seemed an odd choice at first, as he was a virtual unknown to American audiences and he doesn’t tell jokes, so much as he … drives around and sings songs with celebrities?

We don’t really get his appeal, but against all odds, the self-deprecating Brit has found himself an audience.

But like the Beatles before him, Corden isn’t content to just croon a few bars for a notoriously fickle demo.

No, sources say he wants to launch a full-scale invasion, and he’s got his sights set on everyone’s favorite king of party games and hair-tousling:

Yes, according to Radar Online, Corden thinks Fallon is vulnerable, not because of his controversial softball interview with Donald Trump, but because of the other well-publicized issue that’s given Jimmy more than his share of press headaches.

Rumors about Fallon’s drinking problem have plagued the beloved comic for years.

Sources say his boozing has resulted in injuries (including two falls that resulted in hospitalizations), problems at home, and frequent friction with his bosses.

NBC execs issued a statement on Fallon’s drinking back in January and claimed they had no real concerns, but many remain unconvinced.

And where NBC might see a potential crisis, Corden reportedly sees an opportunity.

“He sees Jimmy as a loose cannon and it’s just a matter of time before he screws up,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

“They couldn’t be more polar opposites — James lives a sober life off-camera and is careful about not partying with his staff.”

The insider adds that Corden is hungry for an 11:30 time slot, and he sees Fallon as being far less reliable than his own network’s Colbert –  a trait he believes will eventually lead NBC to seek new talent elsewhere.

“James has every intention of knocking Fallon off his pedestal when the time is right and he’s playing a slow and studied game to make it happen,” says the source.

“James studies Jimmy’s program to make sure they haven’t copied his funniest bits, while Jimmy tends to crash James’ interviews at events.”

Frankly, if this is really Mr. Corden’s plan, we think he’s out of luck.

Not only will NBC put up with all manner of Fallon shenanigans so long as his ratings remain steady, Corden isn’t the only backup looking for a chance to start.

Seth Meyers has been crushing it lately, and he’s been a favorite at NBC since his days on SNL.

Looks like for now, James should probably just stay in his lane – the carpool lane.


Monday, November 7, 2016

James Corden -- Rolling Stones Snubbed My "Karaoke"? That"s News To Me (VIDEO)

James Corden isn’t always the jolly host he plays on TV … and that’s probably ‘cause he can’t always get the guests he wants for his sing-along shtick.  We got James leaving Craig’s Sunday where he got short and defensive when asked what…


James Corden -- Rolling Stones Snubbed My "Karaoke"? That"s News To Me (VIDEO)

James Corden isn’t always the jolly host he plays on TV … and that’s probably ‘cause he can’t always get the guests he wants for his sing-along shtick.  We got James leaving Craig’s Sunday where he got short and defensive when asked what…


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tom Cruise and James Corden Recreate Iconic Movie Scenes

Tom Cruise will next be seen in the sequel to Jack Reacher that absolutely no one has been clamoring for.

We somehow doubt it will go down in history as one of Cruise’s most beloved films.

Love the actor or think he’s a Scientology-obsessed lunatic, however, you must admit:

The guy has starred in some incredibly entertaining movies.

Moreover, he’s starred in some iconic movie scenes.

Such as what? We’re so glad you asked!

Cruise was a guest on The Late Late Show with James Corden on Wednesday night, showing off some impressive comic chops and reminding us why he’s such a legendary actor.

“Are you ready to do this?” Corden asked the Jack Reacher star, who walked out on stage wearing a black t-shirt and jeans topped with an olive bomber jacket.

“No, I’m not ready, but I’ll do it,” he replied with a laugh.

If you’ll recall, Anna Kendrick did something similar with Corden back in June, jumping from scene to scene while acting out a love story soundtrack.

Was Cruise up to a similar task?

First, the duo went all Top Gun in viewers, tossing out the classic line: “I feel the need. The need for speed.”

Then, it was on to the 1990 car racing flick, Days of Thunder, followed by a quick wardrobe change as they moved into the Oscar-winning Rain Man.

In this case, Corden took on the role played by Dustin Hoffman, which earned him an Academy Award at the time.

There was a nod to Cruise’s dancing and cursing cameo in Tropic Thunder, followed by a War of the World recreation and then another one of Minority Report.

After a quick mask change for Mission: Impossible III, Cruise and Corden pretended to cling to the side of a building in Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.

What about Jerry Maguire?

We were treated to a surprise appearance by Cuba Gooding Jr. for this one, as he stopped by to scream once again at Cruise over the phone:


What did the duo do to honor A Few Good Men, Cocktail and Risky Business?

Check out the video posted at the top of this post to find out. It’s awesome.


Thursday, June 23, 2016

James Corden Just Pretended to Bang Anna Kendrick

Anna Kendrick was not invited to drive in a vehicle with James Corden and sing any sort of carpool karaoke on Wednesday night.

But that doesn"t mean the actress didn"t get involved in a hilarious musical segment with the CBS host.

Instead of singing opposite Corden in a car, though, Kendrick starred with the actor and comedian on set, acting out the various stages of a relationship through song.

This medley of various pop love singes was dubbed Soundtrack to a Love Story.

True to the roots of both (as theater kids), Corden and Kendrick didn’t merely cycle through the canon of modern pop love songs… they also moved between outfits and miniature sets.

They basically put on their own version of multiple plays, all over the course of a few minutes.

It was rather impressive.

Oh, and did we mention they did The Robot?

Kendrick opened the skit with Aretha Franklin’s “I Say a Little Prayer,” as she acted as a woman putting on makeup and preparing for a date.

From there, Corden came in with Chris Burgh’s “Lady in Red,” as the two moved to a bar scene.

There was also some dancing to “I Can’t Feel My Face” and the stars actually getting into bed for Boyz II Men’s “I’ll Make Love to You."

Which Adele song did they cover? Which classic Whitney track?

Check out the talent-filled segment below:

Anna kendrick performs love story soundtrack with james corden

Thursday, June 16, 2016

James Corden vs. Kevin Hart: It. Is. ON!


On The Late Late Show with James Corden on Wednesday night, the British host once again put his rapping skills to hilarious use, taking Kevin Hart on in the latest installment of Drop the Mic.

Introduced a couple weeks ago, this segment finds celebrities going at each other with insults on stage… in rap form.

It all started when Corden slammed Anne Hathaway for being terrible at accents:

That was a pretty strong diss, but it was nothing compared to how Corden and Hart go back and forth in the video below.

"Where is he? There he is? I found you Kevin Hart," Corden opened, referencing the Top Five actor"s miniature stature.

"There are no small actors but you"re all small parts. You"re adorable. Look at this guy. You"re so little when you smoke weed you get junior high."


"Get Hard, Ride Along, Ride Along 2, hey you"re great at being in movies with people more famous than you," Corden added.

When it was time for Hart to do his thing, Corden offered him a stool… which the actor angrily turned down.

"James Corden thinks I look like a kid. Well, I might be small but my bank account"s big," Hart rapped.

"I admit people are nice to your face until they get home and realize you"re not Ricky Gervais…

"Carpool Karaoke how long will that last? How do you rap with your head up Lin-Manuel"s ass?"

Your response, James?

"Kevin Hart thinks he got in a zinger, but now you"re going to flop harder than The Wedding Ringer.

"You won"t remember that, his movie with Josh Gad. It"s on Netflix filed under unwatchably bad."

HA! We love it!

Watch these two go at it in full below:

James corden vs kevin hart who dissed whom hardest

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

James Corden Drops The Mic On Anne Hathaway"s Awful British Accent

If you haven"t gotten around to seeing One Day with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess, don"t.

Just read the book, an absolutely fantastic story of two destined souls that spares us from the Oscar winner"s unbearable, crap attempts at an accent.

On May 24th, The Late Late Show host James Corden (an actual Brit) brought this up during a Drop The Mic rap battle, in which opponents take digs at one another with very clever lyrics.

“This isn’t just for me it’s for the whole U.K. mad at your awful British accent in the movie One Day," Corden rapped in Hathaway"s face.


He also criticized that time she hosted the 2011 Oscars with James Franco, a night every single viewer and audience member would prefer to forget.

"I won"t lose this to an imposter, it"s more likely they"ll ask you to again host the Oscars."


Instead of running off stage in tears (as I would have), Hathaway fought back.

"I say your rhymes are like your ratings, they are incredibly weak."

Go on…

"You look like a KFC bucket with a lot of extra breast."

"You"re more full of s*** than a kitty litter box."

Alright, enough of this.

After the battle, Corden and Hathaway chatted about the movie in a more civilized manner.  And since Sturgess was also a guest on the show (he"s promoting Feed The Beast on AMC), it was the perfect opportunity for two representatives of the UK to call out the American imposter.

Corden noted that Hathaway"s accent wasn"t necessarily "traditional," then giggled as he asked her how her attempts worked out.

"I"ve heard not well," she admitted.  "It was so painful man."

"I was like "I"ll get there" and I guess I never got there."

In fact, one reading left the cast and crew in "complete silence," Hathaway admitted.

Watch Hathaway and Corden rap it out in the video below.

James corden anne hathaways british accent is awful

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Stephen Colbert and James Corden Parody Beyonce: Watch! Laugh!

Beyonce who?

Lemonade what?!?

Stephen Colbert and James Corden are here to truly break the Internet via their take on Beyonce’s latest album, “Lemonade,” and the HBO special by the same name that aired Saturday night.

In case you have not yet heard about it…

… well, you may want to check your Internet connection, television connection and phone connection.

But Beyonce didn’t just drop a new album over the weekend.

She dropped an album that seemed to call Jay-Z out for cheating on her, possibly with an acquaintance named Rachel Roy, while hyping it with an hour-long visual album on cable’s most popular network.

It was awesome, artistic… and ripe for parody.

First, Corden created a visual monologue of his own kind on Monday night in which he walks viewers through the struggles of having to create a new introduction night after night after night.

It isn’t easy. As you can see here:

Colbert, meanwhile, also weighed in by creating his own version of “Lemonade” on The Late Show.

Wearing nothing but an all-yellow ensemble, he giddily dances around a room with a huge smile on his face, taking a baseball bat and destroying everything around him.

Instead of “hot sauce,” though, his bat says “mayonnaise.


Neither Beyonce nor Jay Z has said anything about the release of this revealing album, which included many lyrics that strongly implied Jay Z has been unfaithful.

With Rachel Roy? With Rita Ora? With no one at all and this is all a game of public relations?

We may never know.

But at least we’ll always have the videos above, the memes below and, you know, the album itself.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

James Corden Embarrasses J. Lo on Carpool Karaoke

She may still be Jenny from the Block.

But Jennifer Lopez was more like Jenny in the Car on The Late Late Show with James Corden on Wednesday night.

The American Idol judge and Shades of Blue star became the latest celebrity to join the comedian for this beloved segment, sitting down in Corden"s passenger seat and agreeing to call him "J-Co."

From there, the duo belted out a version of "My Love Don"t Cost a Thing."

Along with a few other fun duets, however, this was the best part of the skit:

At one point Corden grabbed Lopez" phone and decided to text one of the famous people she had in her contacts.

There was Demi Lovato… Bradley Cooper… The Rock… Cristiano Ronaldo…. Fergie… Iggy Azalea. All big names.

But none bigger than Leonardo DiCaprio.

So, pretending to be Lopez, Corden fired off a text that read:

"Hey baby, I"m kind of feeling like I need to cut loose. Any suggestions? Let me know, JLo, you know, from the block."

And Leo responded!

What did the Oscar winner say? How did Lopez react? How well did Corden sing "Booty" with his guest, taking on the role of Azalea?

All good questions. All answered by watching the following video. Enjoy!

Jennifer lopez joins james corden for carpool karaoke

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Matt Damon & James Corden Rob A Lot Of Casinos As They Act Out All Of His Films — Watch HERE!

This is PERFECT!

Matt Damon‘s been in the news a lot recently, especially with his upcoming flick The Martian due to hit theaters soon.

Damon’s definitely been having fun on the press rounds whether he’s dancing or talking about playing a superhero. Unfortunately, he’s also had some controversy as well regarding his comments about diversity as well as gay actors coming out.

Video: Jimmy Kimmel & Matt Damon Attempt To Fix Their Decade Long ‘Feud’

The good news is, the 44-year-old has given us more of what we LOVE about him — good old fashion fun!

Last night, he stopped by The Late Late Show to chat it up with James Corden and while he was there, the two acted out most of the actor’s films!

We thought Corden’s same skit with Arnold Schwarzenegger was AH-Mazing and this is just as good!

So ch-ch-check out Matt and James perform everything from Ocean’s Eleven to the Bourne trilogy in under eight minutes (below)!

[Image via CBS.]