Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Stephen Colbert and James Corden Parody Beyonce: Watch! Laugh!

Beyonce who?

Lemonade what?!?

Stephen Colbert and James Corden are here to truly break the Internet via their take on Beyonce’s latest album, “Lemonade,” and the HBO special by the same name that aired Saturday night.

In case you have not yet heard about it…

… well, you may want to check your Internet connection, television connection and phone connection.

But Beyonce didn’t just drop a new album over the weekend.

She dropped an album that seemed to call Jay-Z out for cheating on her, possibly with an acquaintance named Rachel Roy, while hyping it with an hour-long visual album on cable’s most popular network.

It was awesome, artistic… and ripe for parody.

First, Corden created a visual monologue of his own kind on Monday night in which he walks viewers through the struggles of having to create a new introduction night after night after night.

It isn’t easy. As you can see here:

Colbert, meanwhile, also weighed in by creating his own version of “Lemonade” on The Late Show.

Wearing nothing but an all-yellow ensemble, he giddily dances around a room with a huge smile on his face, taking a baseball bat and destroying everything around him.

Instead of “hot sauce,” though, his bat says “mayonnaise.


Neither Beyonce nor Jay Z has said anything about the release of this revealing album, which included many lyrics that strongly implied Jay Z has been unfaithful.

With Rachel Roy? With Rita Ora? With no one at all and this is all a game of public relations?

We may never know.

But at least we’ll always have the videos above, the memes below and, you know, the album itself.