Friday, April 29, 2016

Kylie Jenner: I Don"t Need a Man OR Kris Jenner!

Kylie Jenner covers the new issue of Glamour UK, and you can tell right off the bat that this is one of those interviews in which Kylizzle is out to prove that she’s more than just a selfie addict from a famous family.

For starters, she kicks things off by hinting that she doesn’t want to be doing Keeping Up With the Kardashians much longer.

No surprise there, really.

It’s not like she needs the money, and Kylie has always worn her lack of enthusiasm for the show on her sleeve.

From there, she gamely answers questions about whether or not she considers herself a feminist:

“I mean, of course I do, but I don’t think I stand up in public that way a lot,” Kylie says. “

“Not that I don’t feel things in my personal life, but yes: I do consider myself a feminist. I’m a young woman, for one thing, and I don’t depend on a man or anybody else.

“I make my own money and start my own businesses, and I feel like I’m an inspiration for a lot of young girls who want to stand on their own.”

Hmm…points for standing up for feminism, deduction of points for declaring yourself “an inspiration.”

Kylie keeps the independent woman vibe going while discussing her financial situation and her relationship with Kris Jenner:

“I haven’t had a dollar of my mom’s money for five years,” she tells the mag.

“Ever since I started earning my own money, I’ve paid for everything: all my cars, houses, clothes, everything. I like to know exactly what’s going on and I’m actually quite careful with what I spend. We all are as a family.”

In fairness, this interview took place before those rumors about Kylie buying a mansion for Tyga started circulating, so maybe she’s had a change of heart about being frugal.

Look, it’s cool that Kylie is excited about standing on her own two, but to paraphrase Barry Obama, she didn’t build this on her own.

We give the girl props for not taking handouts from her mom, but hopefully she appreciates the role that her family made in making her current “career” possible.