Thursday, April 28, 2016

North West: Here"s What She"ll Look Like as an Adult

Kim Kardashian just gave us a glimpse into what her daughter North West might look like when she’s a grown up.

Kim has recently fallen in love with Snapchat, because, obviously, how can she not embrace another means to post selfies?

One of the most popular features on the social media app is Face Swap, in which you can trade faces with another person.

Today, Kim swapped faces with North, and the results are kinda eerie.

“This is so weird to face swap as North,” she says to camera through North’s mouth.

“This is what she’s going to look like when she’s older,” the mom of two predicted. “Kinda weird.”

The selfie queen then went on to Face Swap with her sister Kourtney Kardashian, and, even weirder, she didn’t look any different.

“I kind of am Kourtney,” she says. “We’re like the same person.”

Kim not only tries on the faces of her daughter and sister, but also switches visages with pictures of her favorite person, herself.  

“But I’m still loving me as me. The best,” she tells her fans.

Of course you do, Kim.

Last weekend, Kim attended the wedding of a friend in Miami and made it all about herself (and her boobs).

It’s what she does.