Thursday, April 28, 2016

Jessa Duggar: My Mom"s Not Raising Spurgeon, I Am!

It’s only been six months since Jessa Duggar gave birth to her first son, but the 23-year-old mother of one already sounds like a seasoned veteran when she discusses her plans for little Spurgeon’s upbringing.

“Spurgeon is still pretty young, but I’m sure that as he continues to grow, I will find that I tend to do some things differently than my mom did,” Jessa tells Us magazine.

“That’s the beauty of the individual family. No one is identical.”

Since her mom is famous for no other reason than the fact that she raised a veritable army of kids, it’s a bit surprising to hear Jessa say she plans to go against Michelle’s teachings in any way.

Even more surprising is the fact that according to Jessa, mom is no meddler:

“Every time I come to my mom for advice, she always reminds me that I’ve got this,” Jessa says.

“There’s no pressure to do things just exactly how she did them, but I’m so grateful for all her advice and help..

“Even when I feel overwhelmed, she’s always there to encourage me and tell me, ‘You’re doing a great job!’ That gives me the courage to trust my instincts and do what I feel is best for my baby.”

Of course, Michelle and Jim Bob may have lost some of their Parents of the Year cred in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

The problem isn’t so much that they raised a deviant, as it is that they covered up Josh’s crimes and allowed his behavior continue unchecked.

We doubt that Jessa intended to throw shade with her remarks, but it’s hard to imagine Josh never crossed her mind when she stated her intention to live her life differently.

Whatever the case, the Seewalds are clearly committed to parenting in their own style.

After all, it doesn’t get any more “different” than naming your kid Spurgeon.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to see the many ways in which Jessa is unlike her mother.