Thursday, April 28, 2016

Brooke Wehr Feuds With Leah Messer Fans, Jeremy Calvert Deletes Twitter Account

On a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer got drunk and flirted with her ex husband Jeremy Calvert.

It was an odd scene, not only because Leah and Jeremy went through a messy divorce just last year, but also because Jeremy has been dating Brooke Wehr for several months. 

Leah’s flirtatious behavior sparked rumors that she’s jealous of Wehr and may be trying to win Jeremy back.

When a photo of Jeremy and Brooke began to circulate on social media yesterday, several fans claimed that it was part of the couple’s efforts to prove that they’re still very much together despite Leah’s advances.

Today, Brooke lashed out at Leah supporters (Messerers?) who suggested that she may be feeling insecure about her relationship in the wake of the Leah and Jeremy’s televised date night.

“People are so f–king stupid,” Wehr tweeted.

“I posted a picture of me and Jeremy together in NY well over a month ago. Had absolutely zero to do with Leah.”

Wehr’s Twitter page is private, so we have no way of knowing when she posted the photo in question, but her latest tweets (posted online by the Inquisitr) certainly give the impression that her relationship is a bit of a touchy subject these days.

As for Calvert, he’s deleted his Twitter account altogether.

Not damning evidence, exactly, but certainly not a sign that he’s unconcerned about all the Internet chatter regarding his relationship. 

So just when we were willing to write off all the rumors about Leah coming between Jeremy and Brooke, it looks like there may be something to them, after all.

Or maybe these two are just fed up with answering questions about Jeremy’s ex.

Of course, the easy solution to that problem would be to bow out of the show, but that would put an end to all that sweet, sweet MTV money, so we’re guessing Jeremy won’t be taking that route anytime soon.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more insights from people who get paid for living out their lives on camera and then complain about being scrutinized by strangers.