Showing posts with label Feuds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feuds. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kardashians EXPOSED Faking Dramatic Feuds Just to Fuel Ratings!

Keeping Up With The Kardashians has scarcely begun, but the fighting has been intense. Kourtney says Kim is evil. Meanwhile, Khloe wants to punch Kourtney.

They’re tearing this family apart! Or … are they?

A new report says that the sisters are basically just faking all of this for the cameras. Take a look.

RadarOnline reports that the Keeping Up With The Kardashians drama is at least partly just for show.

“Their fight this season is so overly dramatic,” a source close to the Kardashians admits, revealing: “and they all know it.”

That said, there’s some very real tension underlying all of this.

“There is no doubt that the three of them aren’t as close as they used to be,” the insider acknowledges.

“But,” the source says. “They all knew they needed something big to start off the season.”

It seems to be working.

Beneath all of the exaggerations, there are some genuine contentions between the sisters.

“Kourtney,” the insider confirms. “Doesn’t want to be on the show anymore.”

She’s 39 and her life isn’t what it used to be and, even if she’s still the hottest Kardashian sister, she’s over it.

“And,” the insider shares. “She doesn’t like how Kim treats everyone.”

Kim seems to treat them as if they’re all her side-kicks who should just drop everything and do what she has planned.

As you may recall, she also accused Kourtney, who is a mother of three, of essentially being a layabout whose schedule should be open.

“Khloe has been over the show for several seasons too,” the source admits.

That is understandable. She, too, has been doing it for more than a decade. It’s transformed her life, but everyone runs out of steam sooner or later.

“But,” the insider makes clear. “They exaggerated the nasty fighting.”

That’s how reality television works. You take a minor disagreement that might go unspoken in a healthy family and you follow your impulses. For drama.

And the result is that you get ratings, you get fame, and you get cold, hard cash.

“They are just all in it for the money,” the insider feels the need to explain.

We didn’t think that they were doing a reality series as the world’s weirdest charity drive.

Some might be surprised, since their heated confrontations look so real.

“By now they are all good actresses,” the source says. “Whether people want to believe it or not!”

Of course they are! And we’re not just saying that because Khloe was on that one episode of Law & Order: LA.

All of this is money — sorry, music — to the ears of momager Kris Jenner.

Kris, the insider says, “is loving every minute of it.”

No parent wants their children to squabble and fight. But if they’re just pretending to fight (mostly) and the result is that your family becomes richer by millions of dollars, that sounds worth it.

Even if you get accused of “art-shaming” one of your daughters in the process.

The sisters should be careful, however. As weird as it sounds, human nature means that sometimes, people begin to truly believe the things that they say.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bachelor in Paradise Season 5 Trailer Shows Hookups, Tears, and Feuds!

You know, Corinne Olympios worries that it"s her fault that The Bachelorette sucks now. Maybe … or maybe not. But Bachelor in Paradise doesn"t seem to have lost its stride.

ABC teased the Bachelor Nation with an intense trailer for the upcoming season.

It has hookups, yet another love triangle, jealousy, a fight, a lot of crying, a proposal, and … accusations of witchcraft. You know, summer fun!

Bip bartenders

Okay, so let"s go through what"s going on.

Wells Adams is dating Sarah Hyland in real life, so he"s not mingling. Instead, he and Yuki are bartending — and of course keeping contestants to the new Bachelor in Paradise 2-drink maximum imposed last year.

There are also some guest appearances, including Ashley Iaconetti, who is dating Jared Haibon.

We can already tell you what that visit is all about — because Ashley isn"t there to mingle.

Ashley and Jared get engaged on Bachelor in Paradise.

But others are still on the prowl for their special someone"s.

Kendall gives leo a squeeze

So, one of the best parts of this whole dang trailer is watching Kendall grab Leo"s (admittedly impressive) chest.

As a rule, contestants on Bachelor in Paradise tend to be as beautiful as they are messy, but Leo is clearly making a number of the others feel a little out of their league.

As Kendall gropes his pec, there is probably a taxidermy joke in there somewhere. Maybe about stuffing and mounting.

Colton, of course, lands himself in a love triangle. We wouldn"t have expected any less.

Apparently, Chris and Tia are going to be a thing? Yeah. Colton doesn"t love that.

Colton underwood cries over tia

It looks like stuff is going to happen between Kevin and Astrid.

It also looks like he"s going to reconnect — to some extent — with his ex, Bibiana.

Jordan and Krystal are, at the very least, going to spend some time bonding if not boning. But don"t worry — Jordan will still have plenty of time to feud with David, who seems determined to ruin Jordan"s time in Paradise.

David isn"t shy about it, either. He comes right out and says it.


And it looks like Jenna will play a role in this explosive, ongoing feud.

Jordan and david still dont like each other

Did you spot Eric with Angela? Because they show up as a pair more than once in the trailer.

It"s worth noting that Angela is currently following Eric on Instagram, which is probably a good sign. Either they"re still together or they parted on reasonably good terms.

Grocery Store Joe is there! And it looks like he and Leo both have the hots for Kendall, which may be what leads Leo to describe Joe as "Grocery Store B–ch."

Rude, dude.

And that brings us to Kamil and … the witch.

Bachelor in paradise crying montage gif

We"re kidding. While obviously people are free to practice whatever sort of spiritual or religious path they"d like, Shushanna does not appreciate the accusation that she"s a witch.

"First, I"m a Russian hooker," Shushanna laments. "Then, I"m European trash. And now, I"m a witch."

There"s more, of course.

Arie and Lauren are back, which honestly seems like an ill omen. Not unlike a bunch of birds just dropping dead and falling out of the sky.

And let"s not forget our favorite line: "I"m back in Paradise, where I had my first orgasm."

This show is … a gift.

Bachelor in paradise season 5 meet the gorgeous cast

Bachelor in paradise season 5 trailer shows hookups tears and fe

Monday, May 14, 2018

Cardi B Feuds with Azealia Banks, Deletes Her Own Instagram

Azealia Banks, a controversial provocateur who also does music, often gains attention by bashing people who are more culturally relevant.

Over the weekend, her unsurprising feud with Cardi B reached new heights as she took aim at the pregnant “Bodak Yellow” singer and summarily dismissed her as a talent and as a human being.

Cardi B responded … and then stunned fans by deleting her Instagram.

During part of a lengthy interview with The Breakfast Club, Azealia Banks mentions that she thinks that Cardi is making society worse.

“Two years ago, the conversation surrounding black women’s culture was really reaching an all-time high.”

Discourse about race and gender has been improving over the years, though there has been some backlash by people who feel threatened when marginalized voices are heard.

The hosts refer to Beyonce’s Lemonade, which came out in 2016 and was a huge part of the conversation.

“There was just this really, really, really intelligent conversation going on nationally and then everything just kind of changed and then it was like Cardi B.”

She’s saying that Cardi is destroying America’s black women or at least the conversation that surrounds them, anyway.

“I’m just talking about this caricature of a black woman that black women themselves would never be able to get away with.”

Race is a social construct and therefore complicated, but Cardi’s parents are Dominican and Trinidadian, which many people consider to be black.

“Like, if my spelling and grammar was that bad, I’d be canceled. If Nicki Minaj spelled like that, we would be ragging on her all day.”

That’s an interesting thing to say, since Azealia Banks loves to rag on Nicki Minaj.

Though Azealia covered a number of other topics during her interview, her attack on Cardi gathered the most attention.

And Cardi herself responded.

“Beyonce? Wasn’t Beyonce the same woman she was talking s–t about and dragging all over the media?”


“I’m from the hood. I speak how I speak I am how I am. I did not choose to be famous people choose me!”

Cardi did not have an easy youth.

“People followed me on Instagram and the people gave me a platform to introduce my talent.”

In other words, she’s saying that it was fans and admirers who thrust her into the spotlight.

“I never asked to be a example or a role model I don’t want to change my ways because I’m famous that’s why I just mind my business.”

She then points out the hypocrisy of Azealia trying to call her out.

“This is coming from a woman that bleached her skin but want to advocate. GOODBYE. I’m not apologizing or kill myself because of who I am.”

Cardi had more to say, however.

“A woman who constantly finds joy in belittling black women (Beyonce, Rihanna, Skai Jackson, Remy Ma), can’t try and stand for them because it’s convenient!”

Azealia can’t seem to resist hurling insults at anyone and everyone — including Cardi. Even though Azealia was caught on film dancing to “Bodak Yellow.”

“The difference between me and you, I’ve never pretended to be or represent someone I’m not!”

Cardi says that her authenticity should speak for itself.

“I’ve made it where I am for being myself and staying true to that. I’m not trying to represent nobody but myself”

She then points out how absurd it is for Azealia to advocate for anyone.

“You busy trying to be a voice of reason and a representative for women of color when you can’t even reason with yourself.”


“You can’t understand where your insecurities come from and why your not happy in your OWN skin so you think because YOU can’t figure your s–t out that you can create confusion for me, make me unsure about who I am!”

Cardi does address the “controversy” surrounding her race.

“I know who I am! A daughter to a Hispanic father and a Caribbean mother and I’m proud of that! I’ve never dismissed my heritage or my culture.”

Most Caribbean communities include black and latine ethnicities.

“I’ve never pretended to sound like anyone or look like anyone for attention or to make me feel better about who I’m not! I’ve been this way, always!”

She then lays into Azealia for trying to go after her vocabulary.

“You think because someone uses a lot of big words and long sentences that makes them smart!?”

There are people in this world who believe that replacing random words by using a thesaurus will improve their writing. These people are mistaken.

Cardi B Responds

“How smart are you if you don’t know that the meaning of illiterate means to not know how to read or write. I can do both, and speak 2 languages fluently.”

That’s a very effective way of shutting down Azealia’s attack.

“Just because I mix a few words up forget to use commas or misspell a few words doesn’t make me illiterate and doesn’t make me stupid.”


“And because I laugh a littler harder or talk a little louder doesn’t make me a caricature!”

Cardi is absolutely right.

“You think your advocating for women and your doing the opposite!”

Azealia Banks has been noted for supporting Donald Trump. So yes, Cardi is correct.

“I pray you find peace in your own heart and reason in your own mind! Pray for your own success before you pray for the downfall of others!”

Azealia could not resist responding. And, to make herself sound as condescending as possible, she used Cardi’s birth name.

“Belcalis …… sis, give it up. You have a fever and are leaking breast milk everywhere trying to come up with a refutable comeback.”

That is … not how pregnancy works.

“Sis spent 12 hours proofreading a message while still COMPLETELY missing the point. You and whoever wrote this reply for you don’t have the intelligence to engage in this not-so-complex discussion.”

Azealia continues to be pointlessly rude.

“I spoke about it for all of two minutes in an interview and you respond by calling me unattractive .. mentioning my bleaching my skin and telling me to ‘suck your ass’. Immediately proving yourself to be exactly who I thought you were.. A bird.”

Is that a thread? We all know what Azealia Banks does to chickens.

“I suggest you leave these types of cultural conversations alone for now. You don’t have the range.”


Many fans were heartbroken to see Cardi delete her Instagram, even if it was probably just a temporary measure.

They like staying connected to their fave on social media, after all. And they hate losing her because of an antagonistic maniac.

Others, however, think that Cardi did the right thing for herself.

Cardi is pregnant and she doesn’t need the stress. She said what she needed to say and she’s living her life.

At the end of the day, Cardi’s career is stable and on the rise. She doesn’t need bizarre feuds to stay relevant.

Can Azealia Banks say the same?


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Stormy Daniels Feuds with Roseanne Barr Over Anal Sex Accusation

If the headline above does not perfectly sum up the world in which we live at the moment, we don’t know what else would.

2018, huh, people?

Earlier this week, adult film actress and former Donald Trump sex partner Stormy Daniels got into a heated Twitter debate with revived sitcom star Roseanne Barr.

The topic at hand was the act of anal intercourse.

The nauseating back-and-forth started when Daniels Tweeted the following:

Have you seen my tits? (Of course, you have) I don’t jog anywhere. So I’ll just sit here, sipping my coffee and talking shit. Xoxo.

Aside from detailing her affair with President Trump, Daniels has become known for this sort of forthright talk on social media.

She certainly isn’t ashamed of her profession.

sd tweet

From here, am Internet user named Sassy Southern Diva (who has since deleted her tweet) replied as follows:

“You’re disgusting and do not represent classy women AT ALL. Your fifteen minutes of fame will be up soon and we will all be thrilled when that day comes!”

Sassy Southern Diva also tagged in Roseanne Barr in this message, because… why not, we guess?

Roseanne is having a moment.

For whatever reason, actress Patricia Arquette then got involved, chiming in with this reply:

Following this logic -If she doesn’t represent “classy women” I guess that means the President represents classless men? Hmm. Interesting. ..

This is where Barr leaped into the very random fray, Tweeting as only she can:

she’s known for anal porn scenes.


But this is incorrect.

Farrah Abraham is known for anal sex scenes.

Daniels is just known for having vaginal sex, a point she made in response to Roseanne.

I don’t even do anal movies, you ignorant twat,” shot back Stormy. That’s like saying you are known for your beautiful rendition of The Star Spangled Banner.

This, of course, is a reference to Roseanne’s infamously disrespectful national anthem prior to a San Diego Padres game in 1990.

The comedian grabbed her crotch and spat on the field and was booed at the time by those in attendance.

See for yourself:

Fast forward 25 years and Roseanne is a passionate Donald Trump supporter while Daniels was a one-time semi-passionate Donald Trump mistress.

And now these two are feuding.

Over anal sex accusations.

Like we said above: 2018, huh?!?


Friday, May 4, 2018

Jenelle Evans Feuds with Jeremy Calvert Over Guns: Don"t Come at Me, Bro!

Jenelle Evans … where do we even start?

It"s obvious that the girl isn"t doing so well right now, for whatever reason.

After all, people who are well do not follow strangers to their homes and then threaten them with guns.

There"s a whole, whole lot going on with her right now, and we"ve been talking about it for a while.

But now Jeremy Calvert has thrown his two cents in about what happened and what should be done about it.

And, wouldn"t you know it, Jenelle is PISSED.

1. Here We Go …

Here we go

So, as you’ve probably heard, Jenelle is in a little bit of hot water right now.

2. Road Rage

Jenelle pointing fingers

There was an incident last week, and while right now it’s a he said, she said situation, the gist of it is that Jenelle got some serious road rage and followed a guy back to his house to confront him.

3. Oh, Honey

Jenelle evans is thick

According to the transcript from her 911 call, a man was driving erratically and hit his brakes right in front of her, and when she hit hers to avoid crashing into him, it nearly gave Jace whiplash. Poor Jenelle, right?

4. Why?

Jenelle evans sunglasses son jace

But according to the man and a few other witnesses, she was the one acting a fool on the road, and when this guy passed her, she lost it. She followed him home, hit some cars and some mailboxes on his property, then got out of the car with a gun in her hand. She left before police arrived.

5. Not a Great Look

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

So this is bad. This is really, really bad.

6. Consequences

Jenelle evans playful selfie

Could Jenelle get charged with something? It seems like she definitely broke a few laws here, right? Even if she doesn’t face some legal consequences for this, it seems clear that something is going on with her — could she be headed for a classic Jenelle breakdown? At the very least, could she be fired from Teen Mom 2 for this?

View Slideshow

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Ryan Vieth: Son of Tamra Judge Feuds With Baby Mama!

As fans of The Real Housewives of Orange County remember from when Tamra Judge was publicly slammed by her estranged daughter, Tamra has used her children to further her storylines before.

But her son Ryan Vieth is showing that he doesn’t need his mother’s help to stir up drama. He can do that just fine on his own.

Now, he’s ignited a firestorm feud with his baby mama, Sarah Rodriguez.

Ryan Vieth’s relationship with Sarah Rodriguez has been over for ages, but they’ll always be connected by their daughter, Ava.

But for whatever reason, Ryan has chosen to antagonize the mother of Tamra Judge’s only grandchild.

They’ve had their spats in the past.

(Actually, Ryan was arrested for domestic violence in 2015, though the charges were eventually dropped … so it sounds like things have gotten a lot worse than spats)

And they’ve feuded on Instagram after their split.

This time, things are starting off with what we only wish were a promo for Amazon’s upcoming billion-dollar Lord of the Rings series.

Ryan Vieth IG post

“Anyone want to buy my old wedding ring, I have no need for this,” he writes.

As you can imagine, this was interpreted by many as a transparent attempt to antagonize and malign his ex.

He told a follower “sold!” after the follower offered him $ 5 for it.

He would later go on to explain: “Just figured I’d post something interesting today.” He also reminded followers that he and Sarah never actually married.

Which is not really an explanation.

Would you care to guess how well-received his post was by his ex?

Sarah Jane Rodriguez IG clapback

Sarah Jane Rodriguez did not mince words.

“Ryan wants to officially announce that he is looking for his next Instagram victim!!”

Oh wow!

She then proceeds to warn others away from repeating her past mistakes.

“As soon as he is done pretending he is something he is not and sucking you in.”

That’s ominous. And there’s a tag to go with that sense of foreboding.

“It will be too late. #beware”

Rodriguez explains herself:

“I have been working my ass off to make things good for Ava.”

Of course she has. She’s her mom.

“But this is not ok to publicly humiliate someone like this.”

Like everyone else, she interpreted the wedding ring post as a slight against her.

“No one will ever know the sacrifices I made for this person only to be s–t on over and over.”

In the past, Rodriguez has opened up about her feuds with Ryan by sharing the sorts of messages that he sends her, as she did with this image last November.

Sarah Jane Rodriguez Throwback Texts


Rodriguez later deleted her post decrying Vieth’s “wedding ring” auction, and shared a message that reads:

“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try to treat the world better than it treated you.”

She added her own caption to that sage advice, writing:

“Okay, let’s start over.”

Sometimes, that’s the best choice that a person can make.

We do have to wonder, however, if Tamra Judge is going to work this conflict into her own life.

In the past, Rodriguez has accused Vieth of relying heavily upon his mother for emotional support. So he probably doesn’t mind contributing to her reality career the way that some of her other children do.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Mike Pence Feuds with Joy Behar: I Want The View Canceled!

Between this and the way that Mike Pence feuded with openly gay Olympian Adam Rippon, some can"t help but wonder if Mike Pence is gearing up for a run of his own in 2020.

This time, the Vice President is feuding with The View host Joy Behar after she, based upon Omarosa"s description of him, suggested that he might have mental illness. You can see that video in its full context, below.

Mike Pence says that a criticism of him is a criticism of all Christians.

Omarosa manigault photograph

One could argue that this whole thing — Pence and Trump and the current state of US politics — started with Reagan or Falwell decades ago, but this immediate feud? That started with Omarosa Manigault.

Omarosa, being about as qualified to work in the White House as your average Trump Team member — meaning that she was someone he"d met — is no longer working in the Trump White House. In fact, she says that she is "haunted" by Trump"s tweets.

Welcome to the club, Omarosa.

After being booted from the White House, Omarosa returned to more familiar territory by joining the cast of Celebrity Big Brother.

On the show, speaking about Mike Pence, Omarosa said:

"As bad as you think Trump is, you would be worried about Pence — everyone that is wishing for impeachment might want to reconsider their life."

She continues, saying: "I am Christian. I love Jesus, but he thinks Jesus tells him to say things"

Joy behar image

While that"s no surprise to anyone who"s even heard of Mike Pence, it became quite the topic of conversation. Including on The View.

As you"ll see in the video below in its full context, Joy Behar commented:

"It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness, if I’m [correct], hearing voices."

They discussed it on the view, and it was correctly pointed out that descriptions of religious experiences often include communication in both directions.

That"s not the same thing as auditory hallucinations.

Mike pence pic

Mike Pence apparently concluded that it was totally appropriate for him to fire back at the The View host for her remarks.

Speaking on C-SPAN, Pence said: "My faith sustains me in all that I do."

Pence said that Behar"s statement was an insult to the "vast majority of the American people who cherish faith."

About 70% of the US population is Christian, of one denomination or another. It is unclear if Mike Pence is including other Americans of faith in his statement.

"It demonstrates how out of touch some in the mainstream media are with the faith and values of the American people that you could have a major network like ABC permit a forum for invective against religion like that."

Joy behar photo

To be clear, it didn"t really sound like Joy Behar was bashing religion in general. As one can see below, she acknowledges that that prayer and "talking to God" are pretty standard fare for Christians.

What gives her pause is the idea that Mike Pence believes that he is speaking and acting on instructions from his God. Plenty of people through history have felt that way.

Some of them, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, have made great strides in defending human rights.

Others have been … absolute monsters.

It"s good for someone to believe that they"re living well and in accordance with their faith. Some worry about someone who believes that their divine blessing calls them to do terrible things in the name of their religion, however.

Mike pence donald trump

Omarosa"s statement wasn"t the first that people have heard about Mike Pence"s worrisome beliefs.

For one thing, the state of Indiana shouted warnings about Pence during the 2016 election cycle.

For another, Donald Trump himself has "joked" that Mike Pence would like to see all gay people hang. Whether Trump meant that literally or not, most people don"t see that as any laughing matter.

As for Omarosa"s warning that Pence would somehow be even worse than Trump, it"s not just that it"s a hard concept to grasp for most Americans — most of those who hope for impeachment, removal from office, and arrest also hope that Pence gets the same.

Many believe that Mike Pence was complicit in the various horrors that may lead to Trump"s impeachment. Only time will tell.

In the mean time, watch this video for yourself and decide if Joy Behar went too far or if she was just a talk show host being a talk show host.

Mike pence feuds with joy behar i want the view cancelled

Friday, February 9, 2018

Mike Pence vs Adam Rippon: VP Feuds with Out Gay Figure Skater

Mike Pence is heading up the US Olympic delegation in Pyeongchang for the 2018 Winter Olympics. He has Mother in tow, of course, so that he can talk to the lady athletes if needed.

But he doesn’t need his wife to chaperone him tweeting to openly gay Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon, which is exactly what he did after Rippon reportedly rejected his offer to meet.

What started all of this was Rippon’s comments about Mike Pence’s alleged homophobia and support for “conversion therapy.”

There’s no shortage of gay and bisexual athletes in the world, and the Olympics are no exception.

Many of these athletes are not yet out, however. Olympians often hope to profit from sponsorships, and since their very existence can be controversial and lead to calls for boycotts, some find it easier to remain in the closet.

That harmful and homophobic culture is (very slowly) changing. And openly gay figureskater Adam Rippon is a great example.

Naturally, he was asked for his thoughts about Vice President Mike Pence, who is notorious for his conservative views and seen as an enemy of the LGBT community, leading the American Olympic delegation.

Rippon replied: “You mean Mike Pence, the same Mike Pence that funded gay conversion therapy? I’m not buying it.”

Conversion therapy, of course, is “treatment” in which LGBT people are subjected to emotional and psychological torment until they convince themselves that they’re, well, straight. Sometimes self-hating people sign up, sometimes parents force their gay children into it.

Rippon’s comment, referring to Mike Pence’s infamous stint as Indiana Governor that saw him accused of homophobia and laying out policies that harmed the LGBT community among others, did not go unnoticed.

Mike Pence tweeted this:

“Headed to the Olympics to cheer on #TeamUSA. One reporter trying to distort 18 yr old nonstory to sow seeds of division. We won’t let that happen! #FAKENEWS. Our athletes are the best in the world and we are for ALL of them! #TEAMUSA.”

He then tweeted at Adam Rippon, directly.

“.@Adaripp I want you to know we are FOR YOU. Don’t let fake news distract you. I am proud of you and ALL OF OUR GREAT athletes and my only hope for you and all of #TeamUSA is to bring home the gold. Go get ‘em!”


Adam Rippon reportedly declined an invitation to meet with Mike Pence. He is, however, reportedly open to the idea of a meeting after the Olympics.

Responses to that have been mixed.

There are certain people who feel that a polite sit-down is common courtesy, regardless of ideological differences.

Others disagree, citing that different opinions on tax law is very different from “opinions” that certain groups of people aren’t entitled to basic human rights, and that oppressed minorities don’t owe anything to the people in power who work against them.

Adam Rippon, however, has other things on his mind right now: the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

“Tonight I walked in the #OpeningCeremony and got to watch my old friend @Yunaaaa light the Olympic flame. Representing the USA is one of the greatest honors of my life and being able to do it as my authentic self makes it all so much sweeter.”

In the mean time, Mike Pence — who famously opposes mixing politics with sports, as he demonstrated with that absurd walk-out stunt last year — notably refused to stand for the joint Korean delegation.

Why? Probably because of Trump’s hardline approach to North Korea.

Twitter is roasting him, calling him out for hypocrisy.

No one questions that the North Korean regime is monstrous and an affront to human rights.

People do question why someone would object to North and South Korea reconciling, since peace between the two nations seems like the best way to put North Korea on a path to softening its stances and allowing human rights to flourish.

Some believe that Mike Pence’s overture towards Rippon was yet another calculated political stunt to make him appear to be less hostile to LGBT rights than he actually is.

Pence can say what he likes, after all, but his history as Governor of Indiana speaks for itself and has nothing nice to say.

And it doesn’t help that Trump reportedly “joked” that Pence would love to see all ay people hang.

Others, however, feel that perhaps the tweet was genuine.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. Throws Shade, Feuds with Jef Holm!

If you follow The Bachelor Spoilers, you have a pretty good idea of how this season is going to end. But what will be next for Arie and his new love?

Arie’s former bestie Jef Holm is betting $ 5k that Arie Luyendyk Jr.’s Bachelor relationship doesn’t last a year. Coming from a former friend, those are what you’d call fighting words.

And Arie’s hitting back with some shade of his own. It doesn’t look like their feud is going away any time soon.

Two days before the big announcement that he would be this season’s leading man, Arie Luyendyk Jr. dumped his girlfriend to become The Bachelor.

That didn’t sit too well with some people. Because it made him seem hungry to build his brand rather than to find love, but also because it grossed some people out.

His ex was, after all, a real person. With feelings.

Jef Holm was more than happy to add fuel to the Arie-hating fire, saying of his former friend:

“I stopped being friends with him years ago because he’s disgusting.”

Holm then teased: “Oh, the stories I could tell….”

And now, during the premiere of Arie’s season, Jef Holm has tweeted out an offer:

“Doesn’t matter who gets out of the limo…I’ll give 5k to the charity of @chrisbha​rrison’s choice if @ari​ejr lasts 1 year with anyone.”

That is perhaps the most vicious offer of charity that we’ve ever seen on Twitter.

Arie Luyendyk Jr. responded, telling Access Hollywood:

“[He’s] throwing a lot of shade, but we haven’t talked in four years since Sean [Lowe’s] wedding.”

Arie’s response continues:

“I have no clue [why Jef is bitter]. That’s kind of a question for him more than me.”

Arie also says that Jef Holm “would have lost his own bet, I guess.”


Overall, Arie’s trying to be as dismissive as possible towards Jef without, you know, painting himself as the bad guy.

“I have so much to concentrate on with this and I’m just trying to stay positive.”

He also has a line that’s a bit tone-deaf for a guy sometimes believed to be selfish and egotistical:

“I’m just concentrating on me.”

Chris Bukowski had told Life & Style:

“Obviously, he and Arie were like best friends and they’re no longer. They’re not friends”

Bukowski, of course, had also made it into the Final Four. So he would know.

“I don’t know the whole story because they were best friends and then they ended up hating each other.”

We’d all like to know what exactly led Jef Holm to believe that Arie was “disgusting.”

“Arie definitely has a better relationship with the show, the producers, than Jef does.”

Clearly, since Arie is now playing the titular role on The Bachelor.

“So, I don’t know if Jef is [now] reaching to sort of [stay relevant], but at the same time, it’s like Arie’s time.”

We’d all love to know.

If producers are really that fond of Arie, maybe they won’t be eager to give Jef Holm a platform.

Or, maybe — when the season’s over — they’ll invite Jef Holm to speak his mind about Arie.

We would be eager to hear what Holm has to say. Isn’t everyone?

It may be that Arie’s fiancee will wish that she’d heard Holm’s take on Arie before she accepted his ring.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Teen Mom: The Most Insane Feuds of 2017, Ranked!

From on-camera brawls to social media feuds and even legal threats, the cast of Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 sure went hard this year.

Engagements. Breakups. Marriages. Babies. 

Moments that made you cringe because they were so painful, or smile ear-to-ear. Scenes that were fights, or made you fight back tears.

The past 12 months really had it all, and as such, were likely the most entertaining in the history of this long-running reality TV franchise.

Below, we look back at some of the MTV gang"s most explosive feuds of 2017, and however you might rank them, this much is undeniable:

There were no shortage of them.

NOTE: We’ve saved the best for last, so as you recap the year that was, grab a hat and hold the f–k onto it, ‘cause it only gets wilder …

25. Briana DeJesus vs. Leah Messer (and Others)

Briana dejesus vs leah messer and others

When Briana DeJesus joined the Teen Mom 2 cast earlier this year, she was not welcomed with open arms. In fact, she quickly became persona non grata at her first get-together with the cast – with one exception. Jenelle Evans, Briana said, “is the only one who was acting like her s–t ain’t stink. Plus she was the only one who wasn’t acting fake and choosing sides.” Leah Messer’s response was to “pay no attention to those who try to bring you down … they’re just envious of where you are and how well you’re doing.”

24. Maci Bookout vs. Taylor McKinney

Maci bookout taylor mckinney selfie

Maci Bookout and Taylor McKinney’s relationship has produced three kids, and they seem very happily married … most of the time. Like, 85 percent of the time. Bookout alarmed fans with this confession earlier in the year that revealed some trouble in paradise: “Eighty-five percent of the time we’re good to go … Fifteen percent is hell. All of our stress and emotions, we take out on each other. When the cameras leave, we’ll drink and freak out. It’s always literally the smallest things. It’s such small stuff but it blows up. It’s not going to go away.” Yikes.

23. Matt Baier vs. Amber Portwood … The Eruption

Matt vs amber

Things neared a boiling point between Amber Portwood and Matt Baier after he vowed that would never marry her … because she wouldn’t marry him on the spot in Las Vegas, obviously. “I will not marry her,” he said. “I will not marry her now, ever! I’m not gonna let her [brother] dictate my life. That f—king f—got. She wants to marry her brother. That’s who she wants to marry. F—k her. She just humiliated me on TV. I’m done!” Matt, who was livid at Amber’s reasoning for not eloping in Vegas – her brother Shawn not being present – went on to tell a producer, “I don’t care who you have to give oral pleasure to, keep the Amber and Matt wedding thing off [the air]. She just embarrassed me in front of 12 million people.” We’re pretty sure you did that to yourself, Matt …

22. Jeremy Calvert vs. Brooke Wehr

Jeremy calvert with brooke wehr

Brooke Wehr was never a Teen Mom 2 cast member, but due to her mercurial relationship with Jeremy Calvert, her impact was felt just the same. Earlier this year, the couple’s engagement ended after Brooke accused Jeremy of cheating on her with multiple women, one being a Teen Mom 2 producer, another being her best friend, and a third possibly being his ex-wife Leah Messer. Oh yes. Brooke even shared a screen shot of a text message conversation between Jeremy and the best friend as proof, while Calvert responded in a drunken stupor that yes, maybe he did sleep with Brooke’s best friend, but … only because Wehr slept with some other guy first. Or, as he put it, Brooke was “f-cking his brains out, every day,” and he was single, so “my dick was happy to do whatever the f-ck it wanted to do, and it did.” Shocking that these two didn’t work out.

21. Jenelle Evans vs. David Eason

Jenelle evans david eason fight on teen mom 2

Lately, it’s been Jenelle Evans and husband David Eason against the world, but at times this year, they were at each other’s throats as well. Arguments between the two were commonplace throughout the most recent season of Teen Mom 2, and one particularly heated argument resulted in them calling off their wedding … the night before the wedding. (They ultimately got married as planned.) Bad tempers are one thing, but the most troubling aspect is that David has been accused of mistreating/abusing Jenelle’s son Kaiser because he reminds him of Kaiser’s dad, Nathan Griffith. He also doesn’t get along with her mom, at all, further driving a wedge between the Evans women.

20. Chelsea Houska vs. Adam Lind

Adam lind and chelsea houska on mtv

Perhaps the longest-running feud of the franchise, Chelsea Houska and Adam Lind face off mostly through their lawyers these days, because the derelict of society can’t stay out of trouble or pay child support. He was recently arrested for domestic violence against his current fiancee, leaving his ability to parent Chelsea’s daughter Aubree or his other daughter Paislee (with Taylor Halbur) seriously in doubt. Guy also uses meth and steroids we’re told.

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