Monday, May 14, 2018

Cardi B Feuds with Azealia Banks, Deletes Her Own Instagram

Azealia Banks, a controversial provocateur who also does music, often gains attention by bashing people who are more culturally relevant.

Over the weekend, her unsurprising feud with Cardi B reached new heights as she took aim at the pregnant “Bodak Yellow” singer and summarily dismissed her as a talent and as a human being.

Cardi B responded … and then stunned fans by deleting her Instagram.

During part of a lengthy interview with The Breakfast Club, Azealia Banks mentions that she thinks that Cardi is making society worse.

“Two years ago, the conversation surrounding black women’s culture was really reaching an all-time high.”

Discourse about race and gender has been improving over the years, though there has been some backlash by people who feel threatened when marginalized voices are heard.

The hosts refer to Beyonce’s Lemonade, which came out in 2016 and was a huge part of the conversation.

“There was just this really, really, really intelligent conversation going on nationally and then everything just kind of changed and then it was like Cardi B.”

She’s saying that Cardi is destroying America’s black women or at least the conversation that surrounds them, anyway.

“I’m just talking about this caricature of a black woman that black women themselves would never be able to get away with.”

Race is a social construct and therefore complicated, but Cardi’s parents are Dominican and Trinidadian, which many people consider to be black.

“Like, if my spelling and grammar was that bad, I’d be canceled. If Nicki Minaj spelled like that, we would be ragging on her all day.”

That’s an interesting thing to say, since Azealia Banks loves to rag on Nicki Minaj.

Though Azealia covered a number of other topics during her interview, her attack on Cardi gathered the most attention.

And Cardi herself responded.

“Beyonce? Wasn’t Beyonce the same woman she was talking s–t about and dragging all over the media?”


“I’m from the hood. I speak how I speak I am how I am. I did not choose to be famous people choose me!”

Cardi did not have an easy youth.

“People followed me on Instagram and the people gave me a platform to introduce my talent.”

In other words, she’s saying that it was fans and admirers who thrust her into the spotlight.

“I never asked to be a example or a role model I don’t want to change my ways because I’m famous that’s why I just mind my business.”

She then points out the hypocrisy of Azealia trying to call her out.

“This is coming from a woman that bleached her skin but want to advocate. GOODBYE. I’m not apologizing or kill myself because of who I am.”

Cardi had more to say, however.

“A woman who constantly finds joy in belittling black women (Beyonce, Rihanna, Skai Jackson, Remy Ma), can’t try and stand for them because it’s convenient!”

Azealia can’t seem to resist hurling insults at anyone and everyone — including Cardi. Even though Azealia was caught on film dancing to “Bodak Yellow.”

“The difference between me and you, I’ve never pretended to be or represent someone I’m not!”

Cardi says that her authenticity should speak for itself.

“I’ve made it where I am for being myself and staying true to that. I’m not trying to represent nobody but myself”

She then points out how absurd it is for Azealia to advocate for anyone.

“You busy trying to be a voice of reason and a representative for women of color when you can’t even reason with yourself.”


“You can’t understand where your insecurities come from and why your not happy in your OWN skin so you think because YOU can’t figure your s–t out that you can create confusion for me, make me unsure about who I am!”

Cardi does address the “controversy” surrounding her race.

“I know who I am! A daughter to a Hispanic father and a Caribbean mother and I’m proud of that! I’ve never dismissed my heritage or my culture.”

Most Caribbean communities include black and latine ethnicities.

“I’ve never pretended to sound like anyone or look like anyone for attention or to make me feel better about who I’m not! I’ve been this way, always!”

She then lays into Azealia for trying to go after her vocabulary.

“You think because someone uses a lot of big words and long sentences that makes them smart!?”

There are people in this world who believe that replacing random words by using a thesaurus will improve their writing. These people are mistaken.

Cardi B Responds

“How smart are you if you don’t know that the meaning of illiterate means to not know how to read or write. I can do both, and speak 2 languages fluently.”

That’s a very effective way of shutting down Azealia’s attack.

“Just because I mix a few words up forget to use commas or misspell a few words doesn’t make me illiterate and doesn’t make me stupid.”


“And because I laugh a littler harder or talk a little louder doesn’t make me a caricature!”

Cardi is absolutely right.

“You think your advocating for women and your doing the opposite!”

Azealia Banks has been noted for supporting Donald Trump. So yes, Cardi is correct.

“I pray you find peace in your own heart and reason in your own mind! Pray for your own success before you pray for the downfall of others!”

Azealia could not resist responding. And, to make herself sound as condescending as possible, she used Cardi’s birth name.

“Belcalis …… sis, give it up. You have a fever and are leaking breast milk everywhere trying to come up with a refutable comeback.”

That is … not how pregnancy works.

“Sis spent 12 hours proofreading a message while still COMPLETELY missing the point. You and whoever wrote this reply for you don’t have the intelligence to engage in this not-so-complex discussion.”

Azealia continues to be pointlessly rude.

“I spoke about it for all of two minutes in an interview and you respond by calling me unattractive .. mentioning my bleaching my skin and telling me to ‘suck your ass’. Immediately proving yourself to be exactly who I thought you were.. A bird.”

Is that a thread? We all know what Azealia Banks does to chickens.

“I suggest you leave these types of cultural conversations alone for now. You don’t have the range.”


Many fans were heartbroken to see Cardi delete her Instagram, even if it was probably just a temporary measure.

They like staying connected to their fave on social media, after all. And they hate losing her because of an antagonistic maniac.

Others, however, think that Cardi did the right thing for herself.

Cardi is pregnant and she doesn’t need the stress. She said what she needed to say and she’s living her life.

At the end of the day, Cardi’s career is stable and on the rise. She doesn’t need bizarre feuds to stay relevant.

Can Azealia Banks say the same?
