Monday, May 14, 2018

Ronnie Magro and Jen Harley: Actually Back Together?!?

Perhaps Jen Harley is NOT such a giant cum dumpster after all.

This is what Ronnie Magro (or Ronnie Ortiz-Magro… or whatever he’s going by these days…) must be thinking, based on two rather intimate videos he shared with Instagram followers on Sunday.

In celebration of Mother’s Day, the Jersey Shore star paid tribute (in his own way) to the mom of his only child, which would have been a perfectly normal thing to do in his situation.

Except for one thing:

Just about a week before, Ronnie BLASTED Harley as a cheating “hoe” for keeping in her possession a sex tape of her and an ex-boyfriend… and also for actually cheating on her. 

The reality star and his girlfriend went back and forth in an epic online argument that included major insults and allegations hurled back and forth.

It culminated in either Ronnie quoting a friend who referred to Jen as a “cum dumpster” and/or in Ronnie actually threatening to beat his baby mama up.

We wish we were making this second part up, but check out the following video:

Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter named Ariana into the world on April 3, but parenthood didn’t ease any tension between the pair.

Neither side has really denied allegations of infidelity, yet some sort of significant truce appears to have been reached.

Just consider the two videos Ronnie posted over the weekend.

They both depict Harley fast asleep and snoring, with the MTV personality writing as a caption:

“Prank wars. Snoring so loud. I feel she’s the dog from ‘Little Nicky.’”


This was followed by a second piece of footage that featured Harley in the same situation, meaning she was lying in bed alongside Ronnie…

… meaning the fiery twosome were actually back together, despite previous reports to the contrary.

“Sounds like a bear having an orgasm. She always says I snore,” Ronnie captioned this second video.

(We must stop here and wonder: How would you know what a bear having an orgasm sounds like, huh, Ronnie?!? Anything you want to tell us?)


On Saturday, Ronnie and Jen were spotted out and about in Las Vegas with their daughter, apparently giving the whole co-parenting thing a try.

This comes as a rather huge surprise because we had heard just a few days ago that Ronnie was demanding a paternity test before committing fully to the raising of little Ariana.

Perhaps that claim was false, however.

“They are on speaking terms and things are better than anyone could ever expect,” an insider told Us Weekly back on May 3, adding:

“They have to be in order to coparent. Ronnie’s main priority is his daughter and that’s all he is concerned about at the moment – that she’s in the best situation.”

That’s quite the change from Ronnie writing online how one “can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a HOUSEWIFE” and adding that “if you find them in the gutter then leave them in the gutter.”

Harley retorted during their viral tiff that Ronnie was a “coke head” who would never be a good father.

It’s all true.

You can relive the argument(s) below:

But, hey, if the stars have somehow found common ground and realize that being a romantic item is the best thing for their child?

More power to them.

We really do wish them the best of luck.

Maybe Ronnie was serious when he wrote the following after the first round of shade was thrown in each direction:

I want to apologize for earlier to my fans and especially to @tater_tot_kitty.

“I acted out of my gut and not rationally. I should’ve never acted in such a manor. My deepest apologizes.”
