Showing posts with label Magro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magro. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Jersey Shore Sneak Peek: Does Ronnie Magro Cheat on Jen Harley?

While most of us breathe a sigh of relief that Ronnie Magro and Jen Harley aren"t engaged, that doesn"t mean that he"s being smart.

It wasn"t long ago that he got into huge trouble with Jen for his hot tub adventures.

On this new Jersey Shore: Family Vacation sneak peek, Ronnie is getting into another hot tub with another woman. Oh boy …

Jersey shore family vacation ronnie hot tub mistake screencap 01

In his confessional interview, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro sounds confident.

To hear him tell it, he"s not going to follow his horniest impulses and make a fool out of himself again.

"Listen, I’ve seen a lot of girls in bathing suits. I’ve seen a lot of girls without bathing suits," Ronnie says.

By his way of thinking, he"s been desensitized to beautiful women in very little clothing.

"So, another girl in a bathing suit isn’t really that tempting," Ronnie claims.

Sure. Millions of years of evolutionary instinct screaming bang or die in his ear will be easy to resist.

"And I’m not going to go down that road again," Ronnie insists.

Jersey shore family vacation ronnie hot tub mistake screencap 02

Now, one of the benefits of editing is comedic timing.

In this case, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation cuts to Angelina Pivarnick‘s friend, Lindsay.

Lindsay looks drop-dead gorgeous in her bikini.

Everyone exclaims "Yes!" as she enters the room, even though she covers up her turquoise two-piece.

Ronnie, however, is shown rolling over onto his face, as if to avoid looking at her.

His friends then rib him for blushing in Lindsay"s presence.

Jersey shore family vacation ronnie hot tub mistake screencap 03

"Ronnie is getting a weird look in his eye around Jewish Barbie," Vinny G points out.

He"s not optimistic about Ronnie"s decision-making skills.

"I know this look," Vinny says. "Usually that leads to bad decisions."

Vinny summarizes: "This is not good."

Ronnie decided to volunteer to accompany Lindsay to the hot tub.

As Pauly D characterizes: "Ronnie"s gonna check the water, and make sure it"s … make sure it"s wet."

Jersey shore family vacation ronnie hot tub mistake screencap 05

As Pauly"s words suggest, there is no actual need for Ronnie to accompany Lindsay out to the tub.

In case there was any doubt about Ronnie"s relationship status when this scene was filmed, Lindsay brings it up.

"So you’re still not single, yet?" Lindsay asks.

This is a smart move on her part — bringing it up first.

Ronnie doesn"t appear to give any sort of verbal answer in the clip. So, correct.

"You have to be happy," Lindsay says, though we cannot confirm that she was directly responding to that topic.

(Reality shows and their notorious editing, folks)

Jersey shore family vacation ronnie hot tub mistake screencap 04

As all of this is happening, Ronnie and Lindsay do not have any actual privacy.

Not only are cameras still on them, but Ronnie"s friends are watching, too.

Now, we"ve all been the friend who"s had a few drinks and peers through the window nosily as their friend maybe hooks up.

But Ronnie"s friends are vocally concerned about his decision-making skills.

Considering how poorly Jen seems to take even the appearance of his cheating, they hate to see him blunder again.

(Last time, it even involved a hot tub)

As toxic as Ronnie"s relationship with Jen was, this doesn"t seem like the right way for him to end things.

Only with the new episode will we see how poor Ronnie"s judgment really was.

Jersey shore sneak peek does ronnie magro cheat on jen harley

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Jen Harley and Ronnie Magro Seriously Can"t Quit Each Other

It seems very possible that Jen Harley recently pounded Ronnie Ortiz-Magro in the face.

Despite this allegation, however, the troubled reality stars continue to pound each other.

In the bedroom, we mean.

Just a few days ago, Ronnie shared a close-up of his face and his left eye, both of which appeared to be battered and bruised.

Along with this disturbing image, the veteran Jersey Shore cast member wrote as a caption:

“Sorry for lying to my friends and family. Sometimes u love people so much [you’re] willing to lie and the hurt the people that love u the most to protect.”

Translation: Harley beat the crap out of me again.

Right? How else were we meant to interpret this message and this picture?

A few months prior to Ronnie’s apparent assault reveal, he had been dragged down the street from a car that Harley was driving./


And just a short time before this ridiculous incident, Harley was banned from a Las Vegas hotel after she (allegedly) got physical with Ronnie on a different occasion.

And these altercations followed an ugly exchange between Ronnie and Harley on social media, as documented below.

Simply put, these two do NOT belong together…

Shortly after Ronnie shared the back eye picture, Jen replied to a fan on social media who asked about her having future contact with her baby daddy, writing:

“No I will never speak to him again. I’ve kept my mouth shut for to (sic) long.”

That was on Friday.

On Saturday, Harley and Ronnie were spotted out and about, chilling with friends on a boat.

The MTV star himself posted clips aboard the boat of him and Harley, the latter of whom was donning a pink fluoro bikini, as you can see in the first picture in this article above.

According to TMZ, meanwhile, the effed up twosome was in Florida, celebrating Harley’s birthday with a handful of loved ones.

On Sunday, Jen shared a series of text messages between her and Ortiz-Magro on Instagram, saying along with them: “the truth about the Black eye lol.”

“I’ll fix it baby,” a message allegedly from Ronnie reads, assing:

“U want me to post something say that I reacted out of anger and that it was a double sided incendet (sic) and we are working at making things better so we are never back in that situation again.”

“Lmfao. Nahhhh so it look like your so scared of me you had too,” Harley responded, adding that Ortiz-Magro made her “wanna puke right now.”

We can’t figure these two out, that’s for certain.

But we do know they have a six-month old daughter at home and better shape the hecl up for her sake.

Harley and Ortiz-Magro, who started dating in July 2017, have documented their tumultuous relationship on social media and on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

You can tune in each Thursday night to see how this awful relationship plays out.

Just consider yourself warned:

It will be funny at first and then, once you realize they are parents of a baby girl, it will be downright nauseating and awful to witness.


Friday, October 26, 2018

Jen Harley: I Never Hit Ronnie Magro! I Can Prove He"s Lying!

Earlier this week, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro alleged that Jen Harley had attacked him yet again.

If you"ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation this season, then we probably don"t need to tell you that this was not an isolated incident.

In fact, it looks as though Jen has gotten violent with Ron on multiple occasions.

But Jen says that while that may what Ronnie wants us to think, it"s simply not the case.

She says he"s been lying all the time, and now she"s offering up what she says is proof of that claim:

1. The Happy Couple

Jen harley and ronnie ortiz magro

Fans, friends, and family members have been encouraging Ron to part ways with Jen for months now — and it looks as though he’s finally taken that advice.

2. One Long Rough Patch

Jen harley and ronnie magro

It’s tempting to say that things began to deteriorate for Ronnie and Jen, but to be honest, things have been so bad between these two that it’s hard to imagine this relationship was ever healthy.

3. Ron-page

Ronnies black eye

Ron recently accused Jen of assaulting him and leaving him with a black eye. He even posted photographic evidence of his injuries on Instagram.

4. Harsh Words

Ronnie and jen harley

“Sorry for lying to my friends and family, sometimes u love people so much your willing to lie and the hurt the people that love u the most to protect,” he captioned the pic.

5. Jen’s Two Cents

Jen harley and baby ariana take a stroll in the park

Harley recently took to social media to dismiss Ron as an abject liar. And she claims to have proof that Magro is being dishonest with Shore fans.

6. It’s Over

Jen harley instagram image

“No I will never speak to him again,” Harley replied to a fan who asked about her relationship with Ron late last night. “I’ve kept my mouth shut for to (sic) long.”

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Ronnie Magro: Attacked By Jen Harley AGAIN?!

We regret to inform you that the tumultuous relationship between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley is still a thing.

And it seems to be getting more dangerous and destructive with each passing week.

Ronnie posted the above photo to his Instagram story moments ago, and it seems he’s implying that Harley once again physically assaulted him:

“Sorry for lying to my friends and family,” Magro wrote on the pic.

“Sometimes u love people so much [you’re] willing to lie and the hurt the people that love u the most to protect.”

He tagged the pic @JenX, and while that’s not Harley’s Instagram handle, the message Ronnie seems to be sending is still pretty clear.

Sadly, this has been an ongoing pattern in Ronnie and Jen’s relationship.

The drama first came to a head back in June, when Jen dragged Ronnie with her car, a situation that was documented on recent episodes of Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

It’s a frightening situation, but the good news is that Ronnie and Jen’s latest posts seem to indicate that they’ve finally called it quits.

“Closure is a scam. Don’t text, don’t care. Just move on,” Ronnie posted on Instagram on Tuesday.

For her part, Harley unleashed on Ron in reaction to a follower’s question about her relationship:

“He’s lying,” Jen wrote.

“I’ll prove it again, along with the car thing. I can’t deal with a drug addict anymore. It’s getting so out of control.”

Hilariously, just days ago, Jen was reportedly griping to friends about how angry she is over Ron’s friends and their refusal to approve of his relationship:

“Jen is really hurt that people aren’t being supportive of her and Ronnie,” a source told Hollywood Life.

“There are times when she feels like everyone is against her and Ronnie and they are trying to tear away their happiness, just waiting for them to fail. It breaks her heart.”

The insider went on to describe how hurt Jen is by the continued skepticism of Ron’s Shore housemates:

“If she and Ronnie were fighting all the time she would understand all the negativity, but she swears they’re doing really well and are more in love than they’ve ever been,” says the tipster.

“Nothing is perfect — they still have arguments — but nothing out of the normal because they’re both working on it.

“They are doing therapy together and are really committed to working out their issues, because they want their daughter to grow up in a happy home.”

The source went on to describe exactly why Ronnie’s castmates are so concerned:

“Everybody’s worried things will spiral out of control before they finally decide they’re over for good,” the insider says.

Well, they weren’t wrong about that one.

Fortunately, the relationship is now over and Ronnie’s loved ones can breathe easy.

Until he and Jen inevitably get back together next week, of course.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Jen Harley: Ronnie Magro Needs to Quit Jersey Shore NOW!

If you’ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation, you’re probably well aware that the relationship between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley is far from healthy.

Ron is prone to fits of anger (or “ron-pages,” if you prefer), but for the most part, fans have piled the bulk of the blame on Jen — and for good reason.

After all, this is the woman who dragged Ron in her car during an argument, leaving him badly injured.

The cause of the altercation was Jen’s previous batsh-t behavior, which includes disappearing with their daughter and sending Ron on a mad search across Las Vegas, like he was stuck in some completely non-funny version of The Hangover.

Needless to say, Jen and Ron have a lot of problems.

In fact, it sounds as though there are only two paths forward for little Ariana’s parents at this point:

They can either break up or begin therapy and commit themselves to the hard work of tearing their relationship down to its foundations and beginning anew.

Of course, Jen doesn’t see it that way.

She thinks the solution to her many romantic problems is easy and obvious:

According to Jen, it’s all Ron’s fault, and he can fix everything by simply quitting Jersey Shore.

Cutting off one’s sole source of income shortly after welcoming a child may sound foolish, but Jen explained the brilliance behind her plan while she was bored on a recent flight and decided to host an Instagram AMA:

“So bored! Another 2 hours left!! Entertain me! Ask away, be nice,” Jen wrote.

Fans were quick to oblige, and while most of the questions were along the lines of “WTF is your deal?” some offered more nuanced inquiries:

“I know you won’t answer this but how do you like being on Jersey Shore,” one fan asked.

“Honestly the show has been the route [sic] to all our problems,” Jen answered.

“Would you want Ron to quit JS to make ur relationship better and peaceful?” another asked.

Ronnie and Jen Harley

“DUH,” Jen replied, in not-at-all-obnoxious fashion.

In case there was any doubt about Jen’s distaste for the show that made her (in)famous, she went on to make it quite clear that she’s not a fan:

“How do you feel seeing yourself on Jersey Shore?” another follower asked.

“I legit do not watch the show.”

Hmm … you might want to tune in this week, Jen.

The show will give you an idea as to why total strangers cross the street when they see you approaching.

Just a thought.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Jen Harley: Ronnie Magro Has Forgiven Me for Almost Killing Him!

Jersey Shore star Ronnie Ortiz Magro has gone through some rough times with Jen Harley.

And by rough, we mean that time that Ronnie got dragged by a car. Ronnie went to the hospital, and Jen got her mugshot taken. It was scary.

Despite everything, however, Jen is making sure that the world knows that they’re still together and going strong.

Jen Harley took to Instagram to share an edited photo and to gush about her relationship.

“How we are all the time,” she writes about her relationship with Ronnie.

“We went through a rough time,” she vastly understates while not seeming to take responsibility for it.

“But,” she continues. “We are strong and the best we’ve ever been.”

Jen concludes: “I love you and have your back always.”

Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz Magro still going strong on instagram

Jen then writes “LOVERS” in all caps, tagging herself and Ronnie in case there was any doubt.

That was not all.

Jen also made it clear that she and Ronnie went on a recent family walk through New York City’s Central Park.

In addition to sharing glimpses of the skyline and of the greenery, she also posed for a few photos.

She had their precious 6-month-old baby, Ariana, with her.

Ariana is growing up so quickly!

She and Ronnie also had her first child, Mason, along for the walk.

This stroll through the park took place on Thursday, October 4.

The following day, October 5, was Mike Sorrentino’s sentencing in his tax evasion trial.

Ronnie, like many of the Jersey Shore stars, attended in a show of emotional support.

Ronnie Ortiz Magro in the park

Ronnie and Jen have had a tumultuous relationship.

Earlier this year, shortly after their daughter Ariana was born, Ronnie accused Jen of having cheated on him.

Then, in June, the police were called after a dispute between the two of them became worryingly heated.

It was also in June that Jen Harley was arrested for dragging Ronnie with a car.

As you may recall, he was trying to leave the car when she reportedly sped away, dragging him and causing him to be hospitalized with some gross-sounding wounds.

But Jen avoided real consequences after prosecutors dropped the case. And she and Ronnie are trying to make it work.

There is a difference between working through a rough patch and staying in a toxic or violent relationship.

A lot of parents seem to think that staying in a toxic relationship is worth it for the sake of a child — to give that child two parents.

The reality is too often that children will grow up seeing this toxic relationship, which can harm their development and also influence how that child views relationships as an adult.

(Some will repeat their parents’ mistakes — others will avoid that at all costs, but may develop other issues)

Are Ronnie and Jen really doing Ariana any favors by staying together? Maybe … or maybe not.

For now, though, it looks like they’re trying their best to stay together.

It’s definitely easier than co-parenting their baby as a pair of exes.

We certainly hope that the two of them manage to avoid any future “rough patches.”

(And by that, we definitely mean that we hope that absolutely no one physically assaults anyone else, particularly with a car and asphalt)

Baby Ariana is innocent and deserves her parents at their best.


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Jen Harley Mug Shot, Details of CRAZY Ronnie Magro Assault Released

Jen Harley was arrested on Sunday for the alleged assault of Ronnie Magro-Ortiz, generally prompting two responses from the public:

  1. These two REALLY do not belong together.

  2. How the heck could anyone assault the blob of muscles that is Ronnie Magro-Ortiz?!?

In response to the first statement above, we say: no d’uh.

In response to the second, we now have some new information to share.

According to Las Vegas Police Department sources who spoke to The Blast, Jen and Ronnie were on their way home from a barbecue on Sunday afternoon when they got into an argument.

Soon enough, Jen started hitting Ronnie in the face as she drove and he sat in the passenger’s seat.

Then, the car ran over something in the road and blew a tire.

As Ronnie attempted to exit the vehicle, Harley revved the engine and took off, dragging Ronnie behind him and giving him severe road rash.

So that would be how one assaults a man the size of Ronnie: you use an object that’s even larger than he is.

There are a few conflicting reports about exactly what went down between these estranged stars, however.

The Blast, for example, quotes a source who says “a call came into police from a caller who indicated that there was a suspicious vehicle with two flat tires on the side of the road and a bleeding man standing outside who was trying to pull the female out of the vehicle.”

Trying to pull a female out of the vehicle?!?

We hadn’t heard anything about that before.

All we know is that Jen was the person who got arrested for domestic battery, not Ronnie; which is not to say he was totally innocent.

We can’t say for certain what led to this fight or precisely how physical each side got with the other.

But we can verify this disturbing fact: the occasional couple’s two-month old daughter, Ariana, was in the car at the time of the fracas. Yikes.

Harley and Ronnie welcomed their only child into the world on April 2.

Just a few weeks later, they went back and forth over social media in an especially ugly spat, one that centered around both being accused of infidelity and Ronnie slamming Jen – THE MOTHER OF HIS NEWBORN! – as a “cum dumpster.”

Shortly after this public tiff, footage surfaced of Ronnie threatening Harley.

With his words, yes.

But seemingly getting close to doing so with his fists, as you can see down below here:

Earlier this month, cops were also called after Harley and Magro-Ortiz got into a heated argument at Planet Hollywood while Ortiz-Magro was shooting season 2 of Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

Somehow, despite all this drama, the two have attempted to remain a couple.

We guess this is sort of admirable, assuming they were doing so for the sake of their toddler.

But we’re way past admirable now. There’s nothing to commend anyone for when he or she is simply putting a tiny human being in the middle of vicious and violent fights.

“It’s better they are apart, and they are slowly realizing that,” a source has told People Magazine. “It will be better for their daughter in the end.”

We could not agree more.

A second insider told this same publication that Jen and Ronnie are “toxic,” adding:

“When things are good, they’re good, but when they’re bad, they’re really bad. When you put two alphas in a room together, they’re going to clash.”

For the record, by the way, Harley has been released on $ 3,000 bail.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ronnie Magro on Jen Harley: She"s Awful But We"re Making It Work

If you’ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation then you know that Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s status as the president for life of the IFF (the esteemed “I’m F-cked Foundation”) remains unchallenged.

It all started when Ronnie cheated on his pregnant girlfriend, Jen Harley, on one of his first nights in the South Beach house.

Not surprisingly, their relationship hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows in the months since the notorious “French Fry” incident was filmed.

Just a few weeks ago, Ronnie blasted Jen as a “cum dumpster” and accused her of refusing to delete sex tapes that she made with her ex.

Shortly thereafter, Ronnie requested a paternity test, having apparently become convinced that Jen cheated on him in the early days of their relationship.

(Needless to say, Rahn might have been projecting a bit with his suspicions.)

Not exactly the kind of interactions that inspire a lot of optimism for Ron and Jen’s future as a couple.

In fact, there was a time when the Ron and Jen split up was such a done deal that Magro began dating Scheana Marie of Vanderpump Rules fame.

But now, it looks like Ron has taken a page from Rob Valletta’s book and unceremoniously kicked Scheana to the curb.

And surprisingly, it seems his motivation for ending that relationship was his desire to get back together with his baby mama.

Over the weekend, Ronnie posted a Mother’s Day tribute to Jen on social media.

And today, he further cemented his relationship status by informing his followers that he and Harley on vacation together, and the trip’s been interrupted by illness.

“At our 2nd hospital in 24 hours #MyPeanutsNotFeelingWell,” Ron wrote on Snapchat.


Insiders say Ron and Jen are still struggling – but they’re intent on making the relationship work.

“Right now they’re just trying to focus on their daughter and make sure she’s okay,” a source tells with E! News.

“They’re trying to work things out for her sake. They’re giving it a shot.

“His daughter is his biggest priority so he just wants to keep things as calm and civil with Jen for the baby’s sake,” the insider adds.

“They both really regret how ugly and public their split was so they’re doing everything they can to keep things private right now.”

Here’s hoping Ronnie will stay away from hot tubs for the sake of his relationship.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Ronnie Magro and Jen Harley: Actually Back Together?!?

Perhaps Jen Harley is NOT such a giant cum dumpster after all.

This is what Ronnie Magro (or Ronnie Ortiz-Magro… or whatever he’s going by these days…) must be thinking, based on two rather intimate videos he shared with Instagram followers on Sunday.

In celebration of Mother’s Day, the Jersey Shore star paid tribute (in his own way) to the mom of his only child, which would have been a perfectly normal thing to do in his situation.

Except for one thing:

Just about a week before, Ronnie BLASTED Harley as a cheating “hoe” for keeping in her possession a sex tape of her and an ex-boyfriend… and also for actually cheating on her. 

The reality star and his girlfriend went back and forth in an epic online argument that included major insults and allegations hurled back and forth.

It culminated in either Ronnie quoting a friend who referred to Jen as a “cum dumpster” and/or in Ronnie actually threatening to beat his baby mama up.

We wish we were making this second part up, but check out the following video:

Ronnie and Jen welcomed a daughter named Ariana into the world on April 3, but parenthood didn’t ease any tension between the pair.

Neither side has really denied allegations of infidelity, yet some sort of significant truce appears to have been reached.

Just consider the two videos Ronnie posted over the weekend.

They both depict Harley fast asleep and snoring, with the MTV personality writing as a caption:

“Prank wars. Snoring so loud. I feel she’s the dog from ‘Little Nicky.’”


This was followed by a second piece of footage that featured Harley in the same situation, meaning she was lying in bed alongside Ronnie…

… meaning the fiery twosome were actually back together, despite previous reports to the contrary.

“Sounds like a bear having an orgasm. She always says I snore,” Ronnie captioned this second video.

(We must stop here and wonder: How would you know what a bear having an orgasm sounds like, huh, Ronnie?!? Anything you want to tell us?)


On Saturday, Ronnie and Jen were spotted out and about in Las Vegas with their daughter, apparently giving the whole co-parenting thing a try.

This comes as a rather huge surprise because we had heard just a few days ago that Ronnie was demanding a paternity test before committing fully to the raising of little Ariana.

Perhaps that claim was false, however.

“They are on speaking terms and things are better than anyone could ever expect,” an insider told Us Weekly back on May 3, adding:

“They have to be in order to coparent. Ronnie’s main priority is his daughter and that’s all he is concerned about at the moment – that she’s in the best situation.”

That’s quite the change from Ronnie writing online how one “can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a HOUSEWIFE” and adding that “if you find them in the gutter then leave them in the gutter.”

Harley retorted during their viral tiff that Ronnie was a “coke head” who would never be a good father.

It’s all true.

You can relive the argument(s) below:

But, hey, if the stars have somehow found common ground and realize that being a romantic item is the best thing for their child?

More power to them.

We really do wish them the best of luck.

Maybe Ronnie was serious when he wrote the following after the first round of shade was thrown in each direction:

I want to apologize for earlier to my fans and especially to @tater_tot_kitty.

“I acted out of my gut and not rationally. I should’ve never acted in such a manor. My deepest apologizes.”


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Jen Harley Breaks Silence on Ugly Ronnie Magro Break-Up

Jen Harley is tired of having her name dragged through the Internet mud.

Granted, you probably had never even heard the name Jen Harley until a few days ago.

But still.

By now, any regular reader of The Hollywood Gossip is likely familiar with what transpired this week between Harley and Jersey Shore Ronnie Ortiz-Magro.

The latter absolutely WENT OFF on his estranged girlfriend and baby mama over the weekend after learning she still had in her possession a sex tape with an ex-boyfriend.

Ronnie took exception to this.

He called Harley a “hoe” and asked his Instagram followers how they’d react to her actions and then apologized…

… except he quickly took that apology back and went after Harley even harder.

In a stream of text messages, Ronnie shared on social media (below), he accused Harley of cheating on him with a friend (who referred to her as a “cum dumpster“) last summer by banging him on a taco float in a pool.

(For real. This is the allegation.)

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro accuses

It’s not as though Harley remained silent in the face of these damning accusations.

(She didn’t deny the cheating claim, either, it’s probably worth noting.)

She fired back at Ronnie, initially referring to him as a “coke head” and then saying the following, referencing a recent episode of Jersey Shore, in which Ortiz-Magro brought home a woman from the bar.

He wants to act fake on the show and like I’m some random he knocked up lol he was trying to get me pregnant.

And then cheats on me while I’m preg on TV and then leaves me with a newborn baby lol baby daddy of the year award goes to @realronniemagro.


This message, of course, did not put an end to the drama.

It actually got a lot worse.

Shortly after the above post went live, Harley and Ortiz-Magro appeared to engage in a physical fight during an Instagram Live session on Monday.

“Put your f–king hands on me again,” the reality star yelled. “I dare you!”

Take a look for yourself at the ugly exchange below:

So that all brings us to Harley’s latest.

After making her Instagram account private for a day or two, Harley returned to the social media scene this afternoon and wrote the following:

“My heart hurts.”

She included a sad face emoji with these three words.

harley message

Harley and Ronnie actually welcomed a baby girl into the world just a month ago.

Her name is Ariana and we feel terrible for her.

Let’s hope she never learns how to use Google and let’s also hope her parents find some way to make peace. For her sake, at the very least.

“This is a private matter that should have never been made public,” Ronnie said yesterday. “I remain focused on my daughter and she is my No. 1 priority.”


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ronnie Magro Fights with Girlfriend, Apologizes for Jackassery

When Jersey Shore returned after a VERY long hiatus, we figured we"d be talking about Ronnie Ortiz-Magro again.

But not like this.

The muscle-bound reality star has been making headlines all week for an extraordinarily ugly and personal spat with girlfriend Jen Harley.

Making matters especially disturbing between these two?

They welcomed a daughter into the world mere weeks before blowing up at each other.

And we mean BLOWING UP at each other.

Scroll down for a closer look at what has gone wrong between Ronnie and Jen, along with a video of the parents nearly coming to physical blows.

This is legitimately ugly stuff. That poor baby girl…

1. New Parents

Ronnie ortiz magro girlfriend

Ronnie and Jen got together in July of 2017 and seemed excited to become parents in early April 2018 to a girl named Ariana. Heck, Ronnie, often known forhis extreme temper, sounded like a changed man when his daughter was born.

2. He Actually Said This Upon Becoming a Father:

Ronnie ortiz magro kisses baby bump of jen harley

“You live your life not ever really knowing the meaning of true love until you have a child. True unconditional love… I understand when everyone said you’ll understand ‘when you have a child of your own or when you become a parent.’ I know I have still tons to learn but I’m excited for this new journey & chapter in my life with my beautiful girlfriend & my daughter.”

3. But Then?

Oh f ck

Oh man. Buckle up and prepare to wince. It was three weeks after Jen and Ronnie gushed over their baby girl when things turned UGLY.

4. It Started with a Sex Tape


Not between Ronnie and Jen; between Jen and an ex-boyfriend, prompting Ronnie to GO OFF on Instagram and ask: “If your significant other keeps sex videos of their ex, shouldn’t they show enough respect to delete them, esp after being in a new relationship for over a year?”

5. Can’t Turn a Hoe Into a Housewife

Ronnie fightpic

As you can see above, this is what Ronnie actually said… about his newborn’s mother! It would be a funny line to include in a Jersey Shore script, less so when it applies to your real-life baby mama.

6. Harley’s Comeback?


It was pretty good, if you also ignore the context: “You can’t turn a coke head into a father.”

View Slideshow

Monday, July 17, 2017

Malika Haqq & Ronnie Magro: It"s Over!

Last week we reported on a reunion of the stars of Jersey Shore, the MTV reality series that was briefly the most buzzed-about show on TV.

Curiously, one of the show’s core cast members wasn’t included in the Buger King-sponsored PR stunt.

In fact, we haven’t heard from Ronnie Magro at all in quite some time.

The last time the muscular half of the show’s most dysfunctional relationship made headlines is when it wad revealed that Magro was dating Malika Haqq, best friend and assistant of Khloe Kardashian. 

Now, sadly, it seems that relationship (which, come to think of it, may have also been a PR stunt) has come to an anti-climactic close.

Life & Style is reporting that Magro and Haqq have officially called it quits.

The couple met on Famously Single, the VH1 reality show on which Magro’s former castmate Pauly D found love with Aubrey O’Day.

Sadly, it seems lightning didn’t strike twice.

While Pauly and Aubrey are still together and talking marriage, Ronnie and Malika called it quits after just a few months, with Haqq explaining to People magazine that she and Magro were simply “opposites.”

“Ronnie and I are really, truly opposites. His love language is very aggressive. It’s verbally aggressive, it’s physically aggressive. It’s just the way he expresses himself” she told the magazine.

“My love language is communication. I’m a big communicator and I’m affectionate,” Haqq continued.

“We show our love language in two very different ways, so the way we were trying to communicate with each other was often misconstrued because we don’t speak the same language.”

Frankly, we have no idea what the hell any of that means (and the part about Magro being “physically aggressive” is a little disturbing), but it sounds like Ronnie and Malika simply drifted apart.

Haqq admits that things began to cool shortly after they wrapped filming on Famously Single and that the couple realized thy may not be right together not long after re-entering the real world.

“Life is not perfect. Other human beings need room for air and you also need to give yourself room for that,” she tells People.

“That was something that I was working on. I went into this situation as open-hearted as I could be.”

Fortunately, Magro has the Jersey Shore revival series to look forward to and Haqq still gets to be Khloe’s BFF for a living.

So don’t waste too much energy crying for these two.
