Showing posts with label Tamra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tamra. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Tamra Judge: Gina Kirschenheiter RUINED My Friendship with Shannon Beador!

After the way that Tamra Judge betrayed Shannon Beador, it looks like Shannon isn’t speaking to Tamra.

Now, Tamra has given a new interview.

In it, she lays all of the blame for her fractured friendship at the feet of Gina Kirschenheiter.

In an interview with TooFab, Tamra Judge says that she has now seen a very important The Real Housewives of Orange County scene.

She says that it hasn’t convinced her that Gina is anything other than a sneaky saboteur.

“To me,” Tamra says. “As I watch it, that’s what I see it like, It’s like, ‘Hey, now we’re friends, let’s team up."”

She is referring to Gina telling Shannon about what Tamra and others had said behind Shannon’s back.

“It was really a weird situation,” Tamra shares. “Because she’s never been close to Shannon, ever.”

Tamra doesn’t buy it: “So for her to say, ‘Oh, I’m so worried about your mental state,’ but yet, prior to that, all she was doing was shit-talking Shannon?”

With those words, Gina drove a wedge between Tamra and Shannon’s friendship.

“It wasn’t cool at all,” Tamra says.

Tamra is especially critical of Gina’s timing.

She says that it was a shady move, “especially when she had [cosmetic eye] surgery a few days prior.”

We all saw that Shannon was trying to focus on her recovery at the time.

“She just wanted to get her upset,” Tamra characterizes.

Gina, in Tamra’s eyes, is just a troublemaker — a troublemaker with no clear endgame.

“My biggest thing is like, what was her point of doing that?” Tamra asks.

One does wonder what Gina had to gain, because Tamra doesn’t think that she was just trying to be earnest.

“She [got close to] Shannon like 15 minutes ago,” Tamra characterizes.

Tamra continues: “and all of a sudden, she wants to sit down and say, ‘Hey, let me just tell you what your friends are saying."”

“In Gina’s defense, she did say ‘friends,"” Tamra admits.

Tamra says: “but when I got the message [from Shannon], it was more like, ‘Gina said you were saying all kinds of horrible things about my mental state."”

Clearly, Shannon was very distressed at the time. She has been going through so much this year.

“And,” Tamra explains. “That’s why I said to Gina, ‘Let me hear your side of the story before I lose my s–t."”

“But her side of the story wasn’t great,” Tamra says.

That said, it doesn’t sound like everyone’s still at each other’s throats.

Tamra tells TooFab that she and the other Housewives parted ways “on decent terms” after filming the reunion special in October.

“Nobody’s fighting,” Tamra claims. “Well, except for Kelly [Dodd] and Vicki [Gunvalson].”

We all saw Kelly’s recent assessment of who should and should not return to the series.

“It’s funny because neither one of them think the other should be on the show anymore,” Tamra says.

“But I think they’re both great for the show,” Tamra notes. “They’re exactly what the show needs.”

So, what was Gina’s real motive for speaking to Shannon?

Maybe she really was just trying to be a good friend.

Her characterization of what the other women were saying didn’t miss the mark by much.

That said, chaos for the sake of chaos may have also been a motive.

We’re not accusing Gina of being a chaos demon.

But she’s a Real Housewife — you know that she wants to come back next season.

Proving that she can stir up drama like this sounds like a great way to get a ticket back next season.


Friday, November 9, 2018

Tamra Judge: Great, Now Shannon Beador Won"t Even Speak to Me!

The stars of The Real Housewives of Orange County are in conflict.

After watching how things played out on the latest episode, Shannon Beador can no longer trust Tamra Judge.

In fact, she’s no longer even speaking to her former bestie.

Bravo did a rundown of everyone’s current relationship status with Shannon Beador, and some of those answers may surprise you.

“I don’t speak to Shannon,” Gina makes clear.

“You know, Shannon doesn’t speak to me,” Gina clarifies.

“And I personally feel like if there’s any fallout pertaining to the text messages,” Gina says. “It wouldn’t be directed at me.”

Gina concludes: “but more at what her friends were saying on that trip.”

That makes sense. Disagreements with a co-star are one thing.

Betrayal and backstabbing from your so-called friends is another thing altogether.

Tama realizes that Shannon is pissed at her … but insists that it’s not her fault, actually.

“Well Shannon is upset with all of us,” Tamra admits. “And I think Vicki is the only one she’s talking to.”

“Which is so weird,” Tamra claims. “Because I think Vicki called her extra large.”

Tamra also lists that Vicki “said she couldn’t take her kids to school, slept all day, that she drank too much and she needed medication.”

“And I basically said, like, ‘I want you to me more positive,’ and I’m the a–hole,” Tamra laments.

It sounds like Tamra is digging that hole deeper and alienating Shannon more by talking about it like this.

Vicki Gunvalson says that she has regrets about the way that she and others talked about Shannon.

“I think Shannon was really disappointed in how we talked about her when she wasn’t there,” Vicki shares.

“So,” she continues. “I regret that.”

Vicki has gone through some real personal growth.

“Watching it,” Vicki admits. “I probably should have been a little more compassionate.”

“So, that makes me feel sad for her,” Vicki says.

Notice how her tone is frank and remorseful rather than defensive. She could try to pin the blame on others, but does not.

Tamra apparently reached out to Shannon when she knew that the episode was coming out.

“I sent her a message that day,” Tamra says. “And I’m like, ‘Hey listen, you know, I know it is a hard episode for you."”

Tamra’s message to Shannon continued: “‘but I love you and this was so long ago.’”

“But,” Tamra characterizes. “She lives in TV time.”

What Tamra means is that Shannon relived the unpleasant experiences while watching the episode.

She also gained new and upsetting insight into what her “friends” thought of her at the time.

“[We] talked 100 times a day,” Tamra says of before this week’s episode aired. “So, it all goes back to that whole ‘icing out, poor me."”

Despite Tamra mocking Shannon’s feelings on this matter, she and Shannon used to be fast friends.

The two got into some conflict while filming this season — months ago.

However, the two of them made up during the filming of this season’s reunion episode.

It was only this week, with the latest episode’s revelations, that things once again soured between the former besties.

Shannon is pissed, and Tamra is indignant.

Tamra and Shannon used to be not just friends, but allies in their shared feud with Vicki Gunvalson.

You need allies when you’re facing off against Vicki. But they both made peace with Queen V.

Shannon would not be the first person to decide, after years of being close, that Tamra is a toxic person.

Remember, Tamra’s own adult daughter wants nothing to do with her mother.

Will Shannon and Tamra make nice?

Or is it just a matter of time before Eddie’s the only person still willing to give Tamra the time of day?


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jim Bellino to Tamra Judge: Turn Over Those Secret Text Messages or You"re GONNA PAY!

The newly divorced Jim Bellino is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador to the tune of $ 1 million.

He clames that they deiiberately and maliciously spread lies about him in a diabolical plot to ruin his reputation and his business.

Now, he’s insisting that Tamra surrender her text messages to the court, which he says will expose this alleged scheme.

According to new court documents that The Blast obtained this week, Jim Bellino believes that he can prove malicious forethought.

How? Because Tamra and Shannon’s interview that launched this whole thing featured a visual aid.

“The premeditated nature of the Defendants vicious personal attack is reflected in the visual backdrop of the videotaped interview,” his attorneys argue.

The backdrop is one “which consists of a photo of Mr. Bellino and his ex-wife Alexis Bellino edited into two pieces, with a rip between them.”

The suggestion here is that Tamra and Shannon had planned in advance to roast him, and that the edited photo is proof of that.

More to the point, Jim’s team argues that Tamra’s body language betrays her allegedly sinister intent.

Tamra, his attorneys note, “grins and pumps her shoulders” when the Bellino divorce comes up.

They write in court documents that she is “unable to contain her excitement and eagerness to tear into Mr. Bellino and his reputation.”

That sounds like a bit of a stretch.

Being excited to discuss a topic isn’t the same thing as being eager to defame someone.

It’s hard for attorneys to claim to know exactly what someone was thinking.

Speculation about Tamra’s intentions will be moot, however, if her text messaging history contains what Jim thinks that it contains.

In court documents, Jim’s team demands that Tamra surrender her text messaging history.

It is their belief that this will yield “substantial direct or circumstantial evidence” of malicious forethought.

So, in other words, he believes that Tamra and Shannon plotted to ruin his good name, and that they texted about it beforehand.

That is quite a claim. And text messages are very personal.

This whole thing got started this summer when Tamra and Shannon sat down to talk about the Bellino divorce.

Alexis Bellino was, of course, their co-star. For a time, she was even friends with Tamra.

Shannon and Tamra discussed — we’ll be a little careful when we talk about this, but one might say that they gossiped — about Jim’s business.

At one point, they discussed the allegation that someone had been seriously injured at one of his trampoline parks.

It is normal to discuss things that you have heard. But when you’re a public figure, your words carry more weight.

Did Tamra and Shannon really conspire to drag Jim’s name through the mud and destroy his business? That … could be hard to prove.

Even if it’s true, it’s not clear if he’ll be awarded the $ 1 million that he is seeking.

Tamra’s attorneys have already hit back at some of Jim’s claims, saying that her characterization that Jim Bellino is “shady’ is demonstrably true.

Her team mentions that Jim agreed to a deal with the FBI over counterfeit sports memorabilia.sales.

They also note that he’s been sued for fraud, deceit, wrongful foreclosure, and breach of written contract over his company’s activities.

In other words, she stands by her assertion that he is a “shady motherf–ker” and says that it’s not slander because it’s true.

The lawsuit has another hearing schedules in December.

If Tamra really does have to turn over her text messages, well, that will be unpleasant. Text messages are very private.

If these were medical records, they mgiht be turned over to a Special Master for review so that only the relevant materials, if any, would be entered into evidence.

We’re no legal experts, but text messages probably won’t get the same sacrosanct treatment.

So even if there’s no merit to Jim’s claims, Tamra might not want to air her personal business, especially when celebrity court documents have a habit of leaking.

This whole lawsuit is a messy affair.


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tamra Judge Fires Back at RHOC Lawsuit: I Can PROVE Jesus Jugs" Husband is Shady!

Former Real Housewife Alexis Bellino and her husband got a divorce this year, and we even know how much Alexis is getting.

But Jim Bellino is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador for defamation … and he’s demanding that they pay out $ 1 million.

Tamra is hitting back in court, saying that he can’t sue her for defamation … because everything that she said is true.

RadarOnline reports that Tamra Judge hit back at Jim Bellino’s lawsuit, asking the court to dismiss the case.

A court document reads: “Judge’s Statements Regarding Spousal Support and Plaintiff Being ‘Shady’ Cannot Support A Defamation Cause of Action Because It Is True.”

Shannon and Tamra had gossiped a little about Jim when discussing his divorce, but Tamra’s team argues that she didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.

“Plaintiff specifically requests spousal support in his publicly available divorce papers,” the papers argue.

The paper adds: “In addition, Judge’s statement that Plaintiff is a ‘shady motherf–ker’ is also not actionable because it is true.”

Tamra’s team didn’t make that assertion out of nowhere. They included some serious receipts.

“Shady means of doubtful honesty or legality,” the documents establish.

The document mentions: “Plaintiff accepted a deal with the government that gave him probation after he was caught in an FBI investigation for his sale of counterfeit sports memorabilia. (Beaudin Decl. at Exs. 14-15, 18.)”

There are several well-documented pieces of evidence that Tamra believes justify the assertion that Jim is “shady.”

There’s another example: “Plaintiff was sued for fraud, deceit, wrongful foreclosure, breach of written contracts, and other accusations in connection with his company’s foreclosure on a hotel property after receiving $ 2.13 million in a refinance loan. (Id. at Exs. 11, 14.)”

The documents continue to list that which they believe to be shady about Jim.

The papers mention: “He faced foreclosure on a home for delinquent payments and then turned around a purchased a more expensive home the next year. (Id. at Exs. 12-13, 16-17.)”

The documents accuse: “He also allegedly hired and failed to pay an interior designer that resulted in legal action. (Id. at Ex. 19.)”

Folks, please pay the people whom you hire to do work.

Tamra’s team asserts: “These actions all fall within the purview of being ‘shady,’”

Jim, however, continues to rail against both Tamra and Shannon.

“Tamra has slandered and defamed many people,” Jim claims. “This time she messed with the wrong person!! Shannon has severely lied about my business which affects my ability to support my family.”

“In their responses,” Jim continues. “Neither one of them addressed the true damaging statements they have made. It’s time someone puts a stop to their careless malicious attacks.”

Look, no one is accusing Tamra of being a good person. Her outrageous behavior has made her estranged from her daughter and has also made her into an unflattering meme.

But some feel that this lawsuit is weak, a huge overreaction, or even frivilous.

Their next court date is October 18, 2018.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"RHOC" Star Tamra Judge Has Naked Hot Tub Fun, Until Breaking her Foot

Gotta respect Tamra Judge’s hot tub game — get drunk, get naked and dive right in, baby! She just sucks hard at sticking the landing. The ‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ crew was down in Mexico on Monday night’s episode, and things got pretty…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador: SUED for $1 Million by Jim Bellino!

Former RHOC star Alexis Bellino is getting divorced, and that divorce seems poised to impact the lives of two current Real Housewives.

Specifically, Alexis’ ex is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador to the tune of $ 1 million.

Jim Bellino sounds pissed. What on earth did they do?

RadarOnline reports that Jim Bellino is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador for $ 1 million, and the tabloid got that news right from the horse’s mouth.

“I am filing a lawsuit over certain defamatory, highly intrusive, and damaging statements made about me, my family, and business,” Jim Bellino announces.

Jim goes on to say that these statements have been made “by Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador in recent media interviews.”

By which he is clearly referring to Tamra Judge referring to Jim Bellino as a “shady motherf–ker” who is “going to jail” on Heather McDonald’s podcast.

“Those interviews — given by Judge and Beador as part of a desperate campaign to extend their ’15 minutes of fame,"” Jim writes, not understand what the 15 minutes phrase means.

Jim says that their statements “were filled with malicious lies and outrageous and highly offensive comments about me, my family and business.”

“Among other lies,” Jim claims. “Judge and Beador claimed that I was ‘going to jail,’ that my divorce from Alexis was a ‘sham’ and that my trampoline business is closed as a result of lawsuits and that ‘people get paralyzed there."”

A woman did sue the Bellinos in 2015, claiming that she had been injured at their Anaheim trampline park.

“I understand Judge and Beador have begun ‘spinning’ that they were merely repeating rumors,” Jim says. “And that they were merely “poking fun” at certain individuals during their interviews, including me.”

But he’s decided to make a fuss anyway.

“I am not amused,” Jim says. “And will be seeking full compensation for the damages to my reputation and my business and all of the pain and suffering that Judge  and Beador have put me and my family through during a very personally difficult time in my life.”

Jim Bellino’s legal representation also had something to say.

“Plaintiffs are not amused,” his attorney’s statement reads. “By and through this action they seek compensation for the existing and continuing damages resulting from defendants defamatory and outrageous statements.”

The statement claims that the expected victory will be “in an amount to be proven at trial but believed to be well be in excess of $ 1 million.”

One wonders how a statement made on a podcast in June could rack up millions in damages.

“Plaintiffs also seek an award of substantial punitive damages to make an example of Ms. Judge and Ms. Beador,” the attorney threatens.

They hope to exact retribution “and to deter them from similarly oppressive, fraudulent, and malicious conduct in the future.”

A source close to Shannon and to Tamra says that, well, Jim shouldn’t hold his breath.

Tamra and Shannon are “definitely not going to apologize,” the insider says.

“They were just talking about allegations that are already public,” the source explains.

But Jim Bellino had more to say than just to threaten two women for gossiping.

“We would like to thank the many individuals who have expressed support for us,” Jim says. “As we worked through one of the most difficult times of our personal lives.”

Jim is referring of course to his divorce from Alexis Bellino.

“To those who have shown that they truly care,” Jim says. “We are happy to report that we have reached an amicable resolution of our divorce proceedings.”

Amicable, maybe, but it doesn’t sound like the results were especially good. And, perhaps, they weren’t even fair.

But Jim says that we’ll never get to know, because “we expect to keep confidential in order to protect our privacy and keep the most sensitive and intimate details of our lives from becoming grist for a malicious ‘rumor mill."”

Considering that Alexis Bellino was recently tearful on social media, in part because of her new budget and new lifestyle, it sounds like Jim got a bigger piece of the pie.

“We have been unfairly and viciously targeted by certain individuals in recent weeks,” Jim claims.

His language comes on really strong.

Jim has no love for those “who have severely aggravated the pain we have had to endure through false, defamatory, and highly objectionable statements to the media.”

Time will tell if a court agrees that Shannon and Tamra’s offhand gossip did that much damage. if this suit even makes it that far.

“We look forward,” Jim says. “To holding those individuals fully accountable through the legal process for the substantial damages that they have caused and continue to cause to our family.”

Whether you think that Jim’s crusade against Tamra and Shannon is justified or silly, it definitely isn’t the most ridiculous lawsuit in Real Housewives history.

That, folks, would be Joanna Krupa suing Brandi Glanville for saying that her vagina smelled bad. But let us remind you that Joanna won that case.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Tamra Judge & Shannon Beador Sued by Alexis Bellino"s Estranged Husband

‘RHOC’ stars Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador were warned, and now Alexis Bellino’s estranged husband wants ‘em to pay up for running their mouths about his family. Jim Bellino filed a lawsuit Friday, ripping Tamra and Shannon…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

David Beador Girlfriend Trashes Tamra Judge, Cheating Rumors

On the season premiere of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Tamra Judge confided in Shannon Beador that she had met David Beador’s hot younger girlfriend all the way back in October.

Now that the episode has aired, Lesley Cook — said girlfriend — is furious at the implication that David cheated on Shannon with her.

Leslay is speaking out in an effort to set the record straight. And she’s calling Tamra a liar.

Lesley Cook was so incensed at the implication that she had been David Beador’s mistress that she spoke to RadarOnline.

“Tamra lied about us meeting in October,” Lesley accuses.

That’s a tall order. Because Lesley says that it’s not a matter of meeting in September or November — which would be an understandable mistake.

“I assume,” Lesley speculates. “That she did this to create more drama and bring in viewers.”

Lesley gets that, but up to a point, saying: “but it is 2018 and this type of bullying needs to stop.”

Fresh from decrying “bullying” from Tamra, Lesley decides to throw some shade.

“Tamra needs to put food on the table somehow, I assume,” Lesley says.

(To hear Tamra Judge’s estranged daughter tell it, Tamra can put food on the table — but too often does not)

According to Lesley Cook’s timeline, she was never the other woman.

“David and I didn’t even meet until the end of December,” Lesley claims. “And it was just by chance.”

If that is true, then they hit things off really quickly — because they seemed to get very cozy by New Year’s Eve.

Lesley objects so strenuously because she feels that Tamra was impugning her character.

“I didn’t go after anyone’s husband,” Lesley insists.

First of all, if what Tamra said was true, David would be the bad guy, if anyone. He would be the cheater.

(Remember, you never know what a cheating spouse tells their partner about the state of their marriage)

“I am good mother,” Lesley declares. “And a good person.”

She puts Tamra and Shannon on blast, saying: “And I will not allow these mean girls to make up lies about me.”

As if she had only just realized how hurtful her words could be, Lesley did make another statement to a very different tune.

“David and Shannon’s daughters are absolute sweethearts,” Lesley says.

Sophia is their older teenage daughter, while Adaline and Stella are the couple’s 14-year-old twins.

Lesley is a 34-year-old mother of two herself, and adds: “And my daughter adores them.”

That is good to hear.

It sounds like Tamra, whether she remembered the month correctly or not, was trying to be a good friend to Shannon.

It also sounds like she was trying to stir up a little drama for the cameras.

To be fair, that is literally her job.

There were reports about Shannon and Tamra feuding over Tamra’s husband’s continued friendship with David, but it looks like those stories can be laid to rest. Whatever squabbles they may have had, Tamra is team Shannon.

We may never know for certain how many times David cheated on Shannon. But many would argue that it no longer matters.

Shannon and David and everyone else involved needs to look forward, not back.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Alexis Bellino"s Estranged Hubby Threatens to Sue Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador

‘RHOC’ stars Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador have been running their mouths and spreading vicious lies about Alexis Bellino’s estranged husband … according to him, and he’s threatening to sue. TMZ has learned Jim Bellino’s…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Tamra Judge Shows Off INSANE Abs at 50!

The Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Judge may be a terrible mother, but she’s one hell of a fitness guru!

She is dedicated to keeping her body looking a certain way … and all of that hard work pays off, as a photo that she shared on Sunday reveals.

At 50 years old, her abs are tighter and hotter than most people’s have ever been in their lives. Take a look!

Tamra Judge is known for a few things. For being a Real Housewife. For her “that’s my opinion!” gif that is used in memes by people who have never watch The Real Housewives of Orange County a day in their lives.

And also for her rocking hot body, which she showed off in a mind-blowing photo on Sunday, June 24.

In the captions, Tamra provides a little context.

“Just kicked my own Ass on the bike,” Tamra writes.

Most of us have been there at one time or another. Sweating is gross and unpleasant, but it really shows that poured your heart and soul into your workout.

Tamra teases: “Now I’m pumped up for the Improv tonight.”

That improv show features her and fellow Real Housewife Shannon Beador.

Tamra then assures fans that she won’t be this gross for the event, writing: “Promise I’ll take a shower before I go. Who’s going????”

This is the photo itself.

And … oh wow.

There are young actresses who star on action shows who don’t have abs like these.

Tamra is a 50 year old reality star and she’s churning out fitspo (fitness inspiration) content that borders on being a thirst trap.

Now, as the young people say, we been knew. This is not the first time, even in recent weeks, that Tamra has shown off her incredible body on social media.

Just take a look at her flaunting her body in this bikini top and these see-through pants.

She looks incredible!

While her photo from Sunday offers fans a better glimpse of her abs, this really shows off what she looks like when she isn’t covered in a layer of icky sweat.

So, that whole improv thing may come as a surprise if you haven’t been keeping up with Tamra and Shannon’s social media.

They’ve been teasing that they and Heather McDonald were doing improv at the Irvine Improv.

We can’t imagine what that must have been like, but they did at least go up on stage.

(There was definitely a meet-and-greet, though we don’t know how much of a role either of them played in that)

The entire evening must have been quite the experience.

The good news about this improv show is that it looks like Tamra and Shannon are no longer feuding.

As we all know, Shannon is in the middle of a nasty, contentious divorce with David Beador.

Tamra and Shannon have been friends for ages, but now Tamra’s husband Eddie is still spending time with David.

Reports claimed that Shannon took this personally and blamed Tamra for not reigning in Eddie and keeping him from spending time with David.

It sounds like either those earlier reports of a feud were exaggerated, or perhaps they were true but they’ve made nice.

Shannon Beador is in love, so maybe it’s easier to let go of little resentments when you’re on Cloud 9.

Tamra Judge will be the first to tell you that the sort of dieting that she does where she’ll cut out all carbohydrates is not very good for you.

So sure, while plenty of people may want abs like Tamra’s, even those with the genetic predispositions that could get those abs may want to settle for just being fit and healthy.

By the way, she knows that her navel looks practically invisible in this last photo.

She has an old surgical scar through her navel that makes it a little hard to spot. Especially have she has so recently received a spray-tan.

But even with that unseen scar, her abs look amazing.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Ryan Vieth: Son of Tamra Judge Feuds With Baby Mama!

As fans of The Real Housewives of Orange County remember from when Tamra Judge was publicly slammed by her estranged daughter, Tamra has used her children to further her storylines before.

But her son Ryan Vieth is showing that he doesn’t need his mother’s help to stir up drama. He can do that just fine on his own.

Now, he’s ignited a firestorm feud with his baby mama, Sarah Rodriguez.

Ryan Vieth’s relationship with Sarah Rodriguez has been over for ages, but they’ll always be connected by their daughter, Ava.

But for whatever reason, Ryan has chosen to antagonize the mother of Tamra Judge’s only grandchild.

They’ve had their spats in the past.

(Actually, Ryan was arrested for domestic violence in 2015, though the charges were eventually dropped … so it sounds like things have gotten a lot worse than spats)

And they’ve feuded on Instagram after their split.

This time, things are starting off with what we only wish were a promo for Amazon’s upcoming billion-dollar Lord of the Rings series.

Ryan Vieth IG post

“Anyone want to buy my old wedding ring, I have no need for this,” he writes.

As you can imagine, this was interpreted by many as a transparent attempt to antagonize and malign his ex.

He told a follower “sold!” after the follower offered him $ 5 for it.

He would later go on to explain: “Just figured I’d post something interesting today.” He also reminded followers that he and Sarah never actually married.

Which is not really an explanation.

Would you care to guess how well-received his post was by his ex?

Sarah Jane Rodriguez IG clapback

Sarah Jane Rodriguez did not mince words.

“Ryan wants to officially announce that he is looking for his next Instagram victim!!”

Oh wow!

She then proceeds to warn others away from repeating her past mistakes.

“As soon as he is done pretending he is something he is not and sucking you in.”

That’s ominous. And there’s a tag to go with that sense of foreboding.

“It will be too late. #beware”

Rodriguez explains herself:

“I have been working my ass off to make things good for Ava.”

Of course she has. She’s her mom.

“But this is not ok to publicly humiliate someone like this.”

Like everyone else, she interpreted the wedding ring post as a slight against her.

“No one will ever know the sacrifices I made for this person only to be s–t on over and over.”

In the past, Rodriguez has opened up about her feuds with Ryan by sharing the sorts of messages that he sends her, as she did with this image last November.

Sarah Jane Rodriguez Throwback Texts


Rodriguez later deleted her post decrying Vieth’s “wedding ring” auction, and shared a message that reads:

“When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try to treat the world better than it treated you.”

She added her own caption to that sage advice, writing:

“Okay, let’s start over.”

Sometimes, that’s the best choice that a person can make.

We do have to wonder, however, if Tamra Judge is going to work this conflict into her own life.

In the past, Rodriguez has accused Vieth of relying heavily upon his mother for emotional support. So he probably doesn’t mind contributing to her reality career the way that some of her other children do.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Shannon Beador: Feuding with Tamra Judge Over Friendship with David Beador?

We know how much financial support Shannon Beador’s receiving each month, but we also know that this is court-ordered. She and David are divorcing … and things are not amicable.

But you know who seems to get along just fine with Shannon’s ex? Her “friend,” Tamra Judge.

And Shannon is reportedly furious over this betrayal.

A source tells RadarOnline that Shannon feels betrayed by Tamra Judge, because Tamra’s husband Eddie is still hanging out with David Beador despite this contentious divorce.

Considering how hostile things are with David right now, every time that Shannon sees evidence that Eddie and David are still bro-ing out, she feels betrayed.

“Shannon thinks that it is really messed up.”

In her view, Tamra — who knows what it’s like to get divorced — should put her foot down about Eddie’s continued association with David.

“She does not understand why Tamra allows Eddie to hang out with David when she is supposed to be her best friend in the world.”

David Beador and Eddie Judge Hang Out

Evidence like this photo, which features both Eddie and David, reportedly drives Shannon up the wall.

From the start of the divorce, Tamra has made a big show of being Team Shannon.

She voiced her support for Shannon on social media.

And she even tipped off Shannon, it’s said, to the existence of David Beador’s young hot new girlfriend.

“Tamra was the first one to tell Shannon about Lesley, and even called him out on New Year’s Eve when she learned that he spent the holiday with his new girlfriend!”

And one has to wonder if Tamra only knew this because of Eddie’s continued association with David.

This report goes onto say that Tamra has been very defensive about this.

“Tamra told Shannon that she really had no idea that David and Eddie were still hanging out.”

That seems to be a hard pill to swallow, as the two men aren’t exactly being covert.

Shannon, it seems, doesn’t believe it.

“She thinks that Tamra isn’t telling the truth, because there is so much proof that David and Eddie are still close.”

It is, as we said, hard to miss.

To make this situation stranger, Tamra and Shannon are supposed to be best friends.

Tamra is a fitness guru and helped Shannon lose weight after Shannon put on a modest amount of weight thanks to stress.

And Tamra is personally aware of how stressful divorces can be.

Tamra is estranged from her daughter, who accused her mother of emotional abuse — which she says was particularly bad as she was getting divorce.

(She would allegedly make negative statements about Simon Barnes to her children and, when she was unhappy with them, she would allegedly call them “Simon” to compare them to her hated ex)

So it’s not like Tamra thinks that divorce isn’t a big deal.

Shannon is understandably under a lot of stress as she tries to go through this contentious divorce while looking after her three teenage daughters.

It was reported by someone close to Shannon that David became so petty after a recent support ruling that he had the water turned off to Shannon’s house — cutting off water to his daughters, too.

That’s not a sign of a healthy divorce process. And neither are reports that David was seen in the courthouse, shaking with fury and yelling hateful profanities at Shannon.

Divorce is zero fun.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge: Both Leaving RHOC?!

At the reunion special, when Vicki Gunvalson warned castmates that she was leaving … it might have been more than just drama.

A new report claims that Vicki may leave The Real Housewives of Orange County, which would be a real shock to the series.

What’s more is that Tamra Judge might also quit the series.

We’ve heard a lot about cast shakeups, and we’ll get to what we already know.

But first, let’s talk about why Vicki might disappear from our televisions.

Page Six reports that Vicki Gunvalson doesn’t like how the series is changing:

The Real Housewives of Orange County reunion was extremely emotional because Vicki warned the girls that she is stepping down next season.”

Most people assumed that it was all, you know, typical reunion special theatrics.

What could have Vicki so bent out of shape that she’d turn down a hefty salary (something in the neighborhood of $ 750,000 a year, it’s said) and fame?

“There have been quiet castings for new women.”

Not public but not so quiet, actually.

A couple of women have been fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County, and reports always said that they were looking to hire several new castmembers.

“The Housewives franchise is thinking of new girls for the show and is asking around for new women for the next season.”

And it sounds like Vicki isn’t handling the proposed changes well.

“Vicki threatened to not come back at all if there’s a new cast.”

The Real Housewives of Orange County with some new faces would be different. 

The Real Housewives of Orange County without Vicki Gunvalson would be virtually unrecognizable.

But what about Tamra Judge?

She wasn’t part of the series from the start, and though she has friends among her costars, it’s not like she’s the face of the franchise.

Still, what could drive her to leave The Real Housewives of Orange County?

Especially when she and Vicki just made peace with each other after years of feuding?

Page Six reports that their insiders says that Tamra Judge “is also thinking of not coming back.”


Well, because of Tamra Judge’s estrangement from her daughter, Sidney Barney.

Even at the reunion, Tamra Judge was still addressing Sidney’s post that slammed her after Tamra violated her wishes and privacy by posting photos of her graduation.

Sidney Barney has been estranged from her mother for years, and on top of accusing her mother of neglect and emotional abuse, Sidney laments that Tamra continues to mention her.

Sidney resents being used by her mother as a storyline.

If Tamra is really considering stepping down from the series, it may be that she’s decided to start respecting her daughter’s wishes.

Vicki Gunvalson is the OG Housewife, folks.

While no one will miss the unlikable Peggy Sulahian, Vicki has been a mainstay on The Real Housewives of Orange County since the series debuted at what now feels like the dawn of time.

Vicki just settled things with longstanding friend-turned-enemy Tamra Judge, even after things seemed to worsen this season as she continued to bring up rumors that Tamra’s husband is gay.

(Both women got flack for that — Vicki for spreading a rumor with homophobic undertones, and Tamra for responding so negatively)

And Vicki even made nice with Shannon Beador, realizing that she might have played some role in Shannon Beador’s impending divorce.

Will Vicki decide that this is a good place to leave things? That would be a disappointment to many fans.

Tamra Judge’s feud with Vicki Gunvalson is over.

It was a storyline that spanned years. In fact, Tamra Judge screaming at Vicki became a meme.

(There are people in this world who have never watched a minute of The Real Housewives of Orange County who are very familiar with the gif of Tamra Judge yelling “that’s my OPINION!”)

And it’s not like Tamra is now out of storylines.

Gretchen Rossi may be returning to ruin Tamra’s life. If the price is right.

Finally, though we would of course encourage Tamra to never mention Sidney on the series or social media, we don’t know that quitting the series would help.

When you screw up as a parent, sometimes there’s nothing that you can do. You can stop doing bad things, but you can’t undo the past. You can’t give somebody the happy childhood that you stole from them.
