Showing posts with label Kirschenheiter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kirschenheiter. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018

Tamra Judge: Gina Kirschenheiter RUINED My Friendship with Shannon Beador!

After the way that Tamra Judge betrayed Shannon Beador, it looks like Shannon isn’t speaking to Tamra.

Now, Tamra has given a new interview.

In it, she lays all of the blame for her fractured friendship at the feet of Gina Kirschenheiter.

In an interview with TooFab, Tamra Judge says that she has now seen a very important The Real Housewives of Orange County scene.

She says that it hasn’t convinced her that Gina is anything other than a sneaky saboteur.

“To me,” Tamra says. “As I watch it, that’s what I see it like, It’s like, ‘Hey, now we’re friends, let’s team up."”

She is referring to Gina telling Shannon about what Tamra and others had said behind Shannon’s back.

“It was really a weird situation,” Tamra shares. “Because she’s never been close to Shannon, ever.”

Tamra doesn’t buy it: “So for her to say, ‘Oh, I’m so worried about your mental state,’ but yet, prior to that, all she was doing was shit-talking Shannon?”

With those words, Gina drove a wedge between Tamra and Shannon’s friendship.

“It wasn’t cool at all,” Tamra says.

Tamra is especially critical of Gina’s timing.

She says that it was a shady move, “especially when she had [cosmetic eye] surgery a few days prior.”

We all saw that Shannon was trying to focus on her recovery at the time.

“She just wanted to get her upset,” Tamra characterizes.

Gina, in Tamra’s eyes, is just a troublemaker — a troublemaker with no clear endgame.

“My biggest thing is like, what was her point of doing that?” Tamra asks.

One does wonder what Gina had to gain, because Tamra doesn’t think that she was just trying to be earnest.

“She [got close to] Shannon like 15 minutes ago,” Tamra characterizes.

Tamra continues: “and all of a sudden, she wants to sit down and say, ‘Hey, let me just tell you what your friends are saying."”

“In Gina’s defense, she did say ‘friends,"” Tamra admits.

Tamra says: “but when I got the message [from Shannon], it was more like, ‘Gina said you were saying all kinds of horrible things about my mental state."”

Clearly, Shannon was very distressed at the time. She has been going through so much this year.

“And,” Tamra explains. “That’s why I said to Gina, ‘Let me hear your side of the story before I lose my s–t."”

“But her side of the story wasn’t great,” Tamra says.

That said, it doesn’t sound like everyone’s still at each other’s throats.

Tamra tells TooFab that she and the other Housewives parted ways “on decent terms” after filming the reunion special in October.

“Nobody’s fighting,” Tamra claims. “Well, except for Kelly [Dodd] and Vicki [Gunvalson].”

We all saw Kelly’s recent assessment of who should and should not return to the series.

“It’s funny because neither one of them think the other should be on the show anymore,” Tamra says.

“But I think they’re both great for the show,” Tamra notes. “They’re exactly what the show needs.”

So, what was Gina’s real motive for speaking to Shannon?

Maybe she really was just trying to be a good friend.

Her characterization of what the other women were saying didn’t miss the mark by much.

That said, chaos for the sake of chaos may have also been a motive.

We’re not accusing Gina of being a chaos demon.

But she’s a Real Housewife — you know that she wants to come back next season.

Proving that she can stir up drama like this sounds like a great way to get a ticket back next season.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Shannon Beador: JEALOUS of Emily Simpson and Gina Kirschenheiter?

Viewers of The Real Housewives of Orange County watched Shannon Beador flip out on anyone and everyone in sight.

While Shannon did apologize, it really pulled into focus how unfriendly she has been towards the two newest cast members.

Is Shannon jealous of Emily and Gina? Kelly Dodd has a theory. …

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 01

When asked who is the biggest buzzkill, Kelly Dodd reluctantly names Shannon.

"I have to say, Shannon is the best, the most fun, I hang out with her the most," Kelly begins.

"But she can just take it down," Kelly says, snapping.

The implication here is that Shannon can turn an otherwise enjoyable time into a miserable one if she"s in the right mood.

Kelly clearly doesn"t mean it as an insult, just as a fact.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 02

A new caller asks Kelly why it seems that Shannon is initially unfriendly to newer members of the RHOC cast.

The caller speculates that perhaps Shannon is jealous of these women.

"Shannon"s not jealous of anyone," Kelly quickly states.

Kelly explains Shannon"s apparent cold shoulder: "It just takes her a long time to warm up to people."

"I mean, not everybody has to like everyone," Kelly reasons.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 03

Kelly wants to make it clear that there"s a difference between being slow to make friends and being a stone cold b–ch.

"But Shannon is such a great person once you get to know and meet her," Kelly insists.

You know what? That"s not surprising to hear.

Kelly continues: "She"s just an awesome, awesome person."

Shannon"s recently aired outburst in Jamaica was the exception, not the rule.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 04

Andy then comments about how it"s been a real treat to watch Kelly and Shannon"s relationship develop.

The two of them are now real friends. 

Once upon a time, Shannon didn"t really give Kelly the time of day.

Now, things have really changed.

"I just talked to her tonight," Kelly mentions as an example.

Shannon beador apologizes

Earlier in October, Shannon explained why she didn"t start to instantly become friends with Emily or Gina or other new Housewives.

"I will admit," Shannon says. "Because I will own my part — that I don’t like change."

"When two new girls come in and they’re almost half my age, it’s like, OK …" she explains.

"We don’t have that much in common," Shannon reasons. "So you get to a point where you have to prioritize."

"I have a business, I have three kids on my own, and I’m going through things that are taking up my time," she points out.

"So," Shannon asks. "Should I put those aside so I can spend time with a 32-year-old?"

Shannon beador on poker night

First of all, shout-out to Shannon Beador for making a lot of us feel young by thinking she can"t even relate to a woman in her thirties.

Yes, Gina Kirschenheiter is in her thirties — she"s 34, not 32, but that"s all the same to Shannon.

Emily Simpson, for the record, is about 20 years older than that.

But Shannon wasn"t only citing age.

For the most part, she just has a lot on her plate.

And, as Kelly says, she doesn"t make friends instantly.

Shannon beador jealous of emily simpson and gina kirschenheiter

Friday, October 5, 2018

Vicki Gunvalson: I Still Think Gina Kirschenheiter is Lying ...

On the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Vicki Gunvalson was feeling very argumentative and accused Gina of being “selfish.”

Vicki is trying to clear the air, now.

But she still insists that it’s frustrating to hear Gina speak so casually of her divorce.

Taking to her Bravo blog, Vicki Gunvalson writes about her blowup fight with Gina Kirschenheiter.

“I did feel like I was too hard on her when we all had dinner at my house,” Vicki admits.

“And,” she continues. “I regret saying anything to her that may have hurt her feelings.”

“It’s been frustrating for me to see her so casual about divorcing her husband,” Vicki expresses.

“It doesn’t make sense to any of us,” Vicki says. “And I’ve come to the conclusion that there is a lot we don’t know.”

Vicki then shares her personal conspiracy theory about the Kirschenheiter divorce.

“My personal take on this is,” Vicki writes. “They were probably separated when we met her and that is why he decided to move to LA without her.”

“I don’t know if that’s true,” Vicki admits. “But that’s what makes sense to me.”

“If there is anything I do know, it’s the mistakes I made in my two marriages,” Vicki acknowledges.

“And if there is anything I could do to help her or anyone else,” Vicki says. “I feel inclined to speak up.”

“I have spent my entire professional life of almost 30 years helping people ‘plan for the unplanned‘,” Vicki writes.

And my goal is to always make sure their financial future is secure,” she says, referring to her insurance work.

“It’s hard for me not to want to offer my advice to Gina,” she confesses.

In other words, if she knew how to keep out of other people’s business, she wouldn’t be a Real Housewife.

“This is not my first rodeo,” Vicki says. “I know how this ends and it’s hard.”

“I want the best for Gina and her family,” she says. “And in the future I will not dismiss her reasons but will be there to help her if she needs me.”

“When Gina asked me a question about regretting my decision to be divorced,” Vicki writes. “Knowing that I am in a better place got me really thinking about it.”

Divorce is complicated, and everyone has different thoughts on the difficult process.

“I think it comes down to not making the same mistakes I made before,” Vicki suggests. “And being the best partner for Steve I can be.”

“I’m in an amazing place,” Vicki says. “And I’m incredibly grateful and thankful that such a solid, gorgeous, loving, ‘no drama’ man came in my life.”

That’s certainly an improvement over that total creep Brooks Ayers.

“We both live with the decision of divorce,” Vicki writes. “And we talk openly about it.”

“The truth is we both agree we should have done things differently in our past marriages to have saved them,” she continues.

“Divorce is difficult on the kids,” Vicki acknowledges. “Difficult financially and emotionally.”

“And,” she concludes. “I’m much clearer now than I was 10 years ago on what it truly takes to make a marriage work.”

After that, Vicki plugs her business and then encourages readers to follow her on Instagram.

Gina Kirschenheiter has really resonated with a sizable chunk of fans and viewers of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

She is, quite frankly, relatable.

Divorce can be difficult, but a lot of viewers were happy to see someone speaking casually about a difficult process.

Not every unpleasant experience is the end of the world.

If Gina is pretty chill about her split, maybe that’s a good thing.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Gina Kirschenheiter: Getting Divorced Because She"s a Real Housewife!

After 13 years of marriage, former Real Housewife Alexis Bellino is getting divorced. So is current Real Housewife Shannon Beador. And they’re not alone.

Gina Kirschenheiter is a new addition to The Real Housewives of Orange County. Her season doesn’t even begin for another week.

But there’s already drama — she’s getting a divorce. In fact, these two separated while filming this upcoming season.

Back in March, we told you that the new cast for The Real Housewives of Orange County was revealed. But that wasn’t all that happened back in March.

Gina Kirschenheiter, who was already filming for the show at the time, separated from her husband Matthew.

Then, on April 2, the couple filed for divorce — citing irreconcilable differences.

Gina is asking for sole physical custody of the couple’s three children, but joint legal custody.

Gina and Matthew have been married for just about 8 years.

The couple’s three children are Nicholas, 5, Sienna, 4, and Luca, 2.

According to RadarOnlineGina also made a request regarding support payments in the divorce filing.

Gina has apparently asked that the court terminate Matthew’s spousal support.

She has asked instead for domestic partner support.

Gina is also asking that Matthew pay all of her legal fees during this divorce.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Gina Kirschenheiter released a statement on her divorce.

“After careful consideration and deep thought,” her statement begins. “We have decided to end our legal marriage.”

“With that said,” the statement continues. “We will never end our friendship and will forever remain family.”

“We are dedicated to raising our children together in a happy, healthy loving environment,” Kirschenheiter says.

That’s good. The children should always come first, but that doesn’t always mean staying together for them.

“We will be navigating this difficult process with respect and grace for one another,” the statement promises.

So many couples say things like this at the beginning.

Unfortunately, sometimes, divorces go from amicable to acrimonious faster than either party would have imagined.

“We kindly ask for others to treat us with this same respect and grace,” the statement concludes. “As we move through this family adjustment.”

Of course.

Gina also dished on exactly how the two split apart. It turns out that Matthew’s job played a role … but so did filming The Real Housewives of Orange County.

“I think I did see it as an opportunity that would be good for us,” Gina says. “’Cause we’re buddies, we’re friends, we’re just going to navigate this together.”

That doesn’t always work out, however.

“And then when he couldn’t film, and he’s also away a lot,” Gina says. “I think that it probably did have more of a negative effect on our relationship and made things harder.”

“Now i’m basically going on this venture,” Gina says, referring to the Bravo series. “And he’s not included and involved in it, and it creates even more distance than is already there.”

Well, here’s a tip for a lasting marriage, folks: don’t be part of The Real Housewives of Orange County.
