Showing posts with label Simpson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simpson. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

Jessica Simpson Pregnancy is Swell

There’s trouble afoot … 
Jessica Simpson is beggin’ for help after suffering an extreme case of edema during her pregnancy … one that’s caused her left leg to take on more water than the Titanic. 
The 38-year-old reached out to fans for tips on Thursday night &...
Jessica Simpson Pregnancy is Swell

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Shannon Beador: JEALOUS of Emily Simpson and Gina Kirschenheiter?

Viewers of The Real Housewives of Orange County watched Shannon Beador flip out on anyone and everyone in sight.

While Shannon did apologize, it really pulled into focus how unfriendly she has been towards the two newest cast members.

Is Shannon jealous of Emily and Gina? Kelly Dodd has a theory. …

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 01

When asked who is the biggest buzzkill, Kelly Dodd reluctantly names Shannon.

"I have to say, Shannon is the best, the most fun, I hang out with her the most," Kelly begins.

"But she can just take it down," Kelly says, snapping.

The implication here is that Shannon can turn an otherwise enjoyable time into a miserable one if she"s in the right mood.

Kelly clearly doesn"t mean it as an insult, just as a fact.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 02

A new caller asks Kelly why it seems that Shannon is initially unfriendly to newer members of the RHOC cast.

The caller speculates that perhaps Shannon is jealous of these women.

"Shannon"s not jealous of anyone," Kelly quickly states.

Kelly explains Shannon"s apparent cold shoulder: "It just takes her a long time to warm up to people."

"I mean, not everybody has to like everyone," Kelly reasons.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 03

Kelly wants to make it clear that there"s a difference between being slow to make friends and being a stone cold b–ch.

"But Shannon is such a great person once you get to know and meet her," Kelly insists.

You know what? That"s not surprising to hear.

Kelly continues: "She"s just an awesome, awesome person."

Shannon"s recently aired outburst in Jamaica was the exception, not the rule.

Kelly dodd dishes on shannon on wwhl 04

Andy then comments about how it"s been a real treat to watch Kelly and Shannon"s relationship develop.

The two of them are now real friends. 

Once upon a time, Shannon didn"t really give Kelly the time of day.

Now, things have really changed.

"I just talked to her tonight," Kelly mentions as an example.

Shannon beador apologizes

Earlier in October, Shannon explained why she didn"t start to instantly become friends with Emily or Gina or other new Housewives.

"I will admit," Shannon says. "Because I will own my part — that I don’t like change."

"When two new girls come in and they’re almost half my age, it’s like, OK …" she explains.

"We don’t have that much in common," Shannon reasons. "So you get to a point where you have to prioritize."

"I have a business, I have three kids on my own, and I’m going through things that are taking up my time," she points out.

"So," Shannon asks. "Should I put those aside so I can spend time with a 32-year-old?"

Shannon beador on poker night

First of all, shout-out to Shannon Beador for making a lot of us feel young by thinking she can"t even relate to a woman in her thirties.

Yes, Gina Kirschenheiter is in her thirties — she"s 34, not 32, but that"s all the same to Shannon.

Emily Simpson, for the record, is about 20 years older than that.

But Shannon wasn"t only citing age.

For the most part, she just has a lot on her plate.

And, as Kelly says, she doesn"t make friends instantly.

Shannon beador jealous of emily simpson and gina kirschenheiter

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Emily Simpson Opens Up About Suffering 4 Miscarriages in 5 Years

On this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Emily Simpson revealed that she almost died.

Emily explained that she had four miscarriages in five years.

Now, she is opening up about her experiences with tragedy.

On The Real Housewives of Orange County, Emily’s Mother-in-law Pary did her best to dissuade her from trying for another baby.

“Your body couldn’t handle it before,” Pary reasoned. “Can it handle it now?”

Pary reminded her: “You almost died.”

“I know,” Emily acknowledged. “I forget that sometimes.”

She explains her sad personal history to the camera.

“It was very difficult for me to have children,” Emily revealed. “Over the course of about four years, I had five miscarriages.”

“And then Shane and I did in vitro,” she adds. “I carried twins until about four months, and then I went into labor, and I lost them.”

That is absolutely heartbreaking.

“I remember laying in the hospital bed, needing a blood transfusion ‘cause I lost so much blood,” Emily shares.

“And I remember thinking to myself, ‘Wow, this is what it feels like to die.’ I can just picture it. I can picture the hospital room,” Emily says.

“I can picture the lights, I can picture the nurses,” Emily describes. “They were all crying. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through”

“I still have nine embryos left,” she shares. “Embryos, not eggs. Embryos”

“I’ve always wanted to have more than one girl,” Emily shares.

“Sara and I were so close growing up that we just had that bond,” she adds. “It was just the two of us.”

Emily adds: “She’s my best friend even now.”

“My mom had a lot of issues,” Emily continues. “a lot of things she was dealing with when my sister and I were growing up,”

“So,” she says. “That’s really why my sister and I connect so much and on such an emotional level.”

“We’ve just been through a lot of things together,” she explains.

Emly says: “I wanna give that same thing to Annabelle that I had with Sara.”

But her husband is adamant that Emily not risk another pregnancy, saying: “No.”

On Instagram, Emily teased the episode by opening up about her own experiences.

“October marks pregnancy and infant loss awareness month,” Emily begins.

She continues: “It was a time in my life when I never felt so ALONE”

“It’s a difficult episode for me to watch,” she says of this latest episode.

“But I hope sharing my journey brings light and awareness to such a difficult and taboo subject,” Emily explains.

“And,” she writes. “Hopefully helps other women out there feel less ALONE”

“TAG your friends, family or any other women out there who may be dealing with the same issues,” Emily suggests. “Let’s support one another.”

That is not always good advice. For some, miscarriages are very personal. Others simply will not welcome the reminder.

“THANK YOU to my beautiful sister @ms_moffitt for sacrificing so much to carry all three of my children for me when my body failed me,” Emily shares.

That is Sara Moffitt, the same sister with whom she has a close bond. That is clear.

“And,” she concludes, thanking “my husband @shanesimps for being by side through it all.”


Thursday, September 27, 2018

O.J. Simpson Says Bill Cosby Will Be Target In Prison, Calls for House Arrest

O.J. Simpson is concerned Bill Cosby will be attacked by some “nut” in prison — and he would know, right?  Juice spent 9 years behind bars in Nevada for kidnapping and armed robbery and warns that people like Cosby — convicted sex offenders…


O.J. Simpson is Worried Someone Will Murder Bill Cosby

O.J. Simpson knows a thing or two about murder.

He also knows a thing or two about being in prison.

Considering his depth of knowledge in these areas, The Juice spoke to TMZ on Tuesday about Bill Cosby; his incarceration; and what may happen to the disgraced comedian behind bars.

Indeed, Cosby was sentenced up to 10 years in jail yesterday afternoon, months after he was found guilty of drugging and raping a former Temple University employee named Andrea Constand.

Cosby was immediately handcuffed and hauled off to prison, according to various news outlets, stopping pretty much just to pose for a very sad mug shot.

Sad in terms of how he looked, we mean.

Most definitely not sad in terms of the outcome of this case.

We hope the rapist never lives freely in society again.

Simpson, for his part, is concerned that this hope will become a reality — but not because the 81-year will die from natural causes while in the clink.

But because someone will kill Cosby.

“The problem is the nature of the crime,” O.J. told TMZ while golfing in Nevada. “Rapists are frowned upon in prison.”

For good reason, some might say; which doesn’t mean we’re yearning for some inmate to shank Cosby or anything.

It just means this isn’t exactly a problem that seems worth thinking about for any period of time; we’re not about to lose sleep over the fate of Bill Cosby behind bars.

But we’re not O.J. Simpson, either.

“I’m sure there will be guys protecting him but they’re gonna have to put him in protective custody … because it takes one nut, ya know?” Simpson added.

O.J – who spent nine years in jail after being convicted of armed robbery (but zero years in jail for almost definitely murdering his ex-wife and her friend in 1994) – thinks Cosby ought to be placed under house arrest for the duration of his sentence.

But won’t this mean he gets to spend time with his loved ones?

And enjoy the relative freedom of life inside a mansion, as opposed to life within the confines of a cell and a state penitentiary?

Yes, but at least the man who very likely drugged and raped about 60 women will feel safe in that case, Simpson basically argues here.

Cosby was convicted in April on three counts of aggravated indecent assault, all stemming from a 2004 incident in which he drugged Constand at his Pennsylvania home and molested her.

In a five-page victim statement submitted to the judge, Constand said the following about this assault and its aftermath:

“The shame was overwhelming. Self-doubt and confusion kept me from turning to my family or friends as I normally did…

“I felt completely alone, unable to trust anyone, including myself…

“The psychological, emotional and financial bullying included a slander campaign in the media that left my entire family reeling in shock and disbelief.”

But Simpson doesn’t care much about all of that.

He’s just concerned about the man who drugged and raped her.

“With his health and his age and the nature of the crime, there’s not a warden in this country wants the responsibility of a Bill Cosby,” the former NFL running back told TMZ, concluding:

“I think they should let him do his time under house arrest.”


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Jessica Simpson: Check Out My Baby Bump!!!

Jessica Simpson once sang that her boots were made for walking.

And that may still be true.

But fans at the moment are focused on something else as it relates to the singer: her stomach… and how it’s made for growing more and more each day.

Not because the singer is pigging out or anything, no.

But because she’s pregnant!!!!

Indeed, Simpson and husband Eric Johnson took social media followes by surprise on Tuesday when they announced that Simpson has a third bun in her beautiful oven.

Another baby is on the way!

Jessica shared this exciting news in fun fashion, too, posting to Instagram a pair of photos.

Both of them feature her two children; both of them feature a bunch of balloons; and both of them helped the artist reveal the gender of her upcoming child.

“This little baby girl will make us a family of five. We couldn’t be happier to announce this precious blessing of life,” wrote Simpson as confirmation of the life inside her womb.

balloons and kids

Following this reveal, the ex-wife of Nick Lachey and former MTV reality star provided supporters with their very first look at her baby bump.

Standing out in a beautiful sunlit garden, surrounded by vibrant green and flowers, Simpson has her hands on her midsection in a flowing, Bohemian dress in the following image.

“My Baby Love,” she wrote as a simple caption.

Within just 20 minutes of the snapshot going live, it has received over 46,000 Likes, with nearly every comment an expression of excitement and congratulations from Simpson’s fans.

Check it out here:

Not really a singer or an active celebrity in any sense these days, Simpson’s main focus for years has been on her kids.

“The fact that people think I’m doing a pretty good job [as a mother] is the best compliment,” she said while being honored at the 40th Annual Outstanding Mother Awards in May.

She has a six-year old and a five-year old at home already and is clearly a very hands-on parent.

“When I’m a mother, I want to actually be a mother,” she said at this same ceremony. “I don’t want a nanny doing everything for me.”

Simpson and Johnon, a former NFL tight end, welcomed a daughter named Maxwell in May of 2012.

Wasting little time in procreating, they then welcomed a son named Ace in June of 2013.

“The most rewarding part of being a mother is really just watching my kids grow,” she told Entertainment Tonight this spring, adding at the time:

“It’s like, how much knowledge they have about life is just so meaningful to me, and how much heart they put into everything they do. There’s just nothing like the innocence of a child.”

So very true.

We send our best wishes to Jessicsa Simpson on a happy and healthy pregnancy.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Emily Simpson SLAMS Kelly Dodd for Vicious Attack on Husband!

Though viewers saw Vicki Gunvalson flip out on The Real Housewives of Orange County, she wasn’t the only Housewife to get a little hot under the collar.

When Kelly Dodd criticized Emily Simpson’s husband — when she called him a “b–ch” — Emily lashed out, even threatening to kill Kelly.

Emily cooled off and apologized, and she’s owning up to her words and actions. But she says that she’s the only one who’s doing so.

“I am in no way proud of my behavior at Tamra’s party,” Emily admits in a Bravo blog post.

In her own defense, Emily says: “I feel like any wife who respects her marriage and her husband would have become as irate as I did.”

“However,” Emily adds. “I am the ONLY one taking any responsibility for my own actions that evening.”

“And let’s be honest,” Emily says, preparing to school her co-star. “For a ‘death threat’ to be actionable, the other party has to have an imminent and reasonable fear that their life is in jeopardy.”

“The fact that Kelly continued to scream, ‘Hit me! Hit me!’ and was laughing means she was not scared for her life,” Emily reasons.

She says that Kelly has been targeted Emily’s words so that she does not have to look inward.

“Kelly’s constant focusing on what I said that night is simply a deflection from dealing with her own abhorrent behavior,” Emily says.

“I have to say I’m quite disappointed in the other ladies,” Emily continues.

Emily asks: “Did anyone else notice that Tamra, in her last blog, says Shane likes to cause drama when all he did was stand at a table and have a nice, quiet conversation with Steve?”

Tamra’s last blog was more or less all about accusing Shane of being dramatic.

Emily spies hypocrisy in Tamra’s accusations.

“Yet she makes ZERO mention of Kelly’s behavior,” Emily points out. “Can Shane ever catch a break? Is he ever allowed to speak?”

Emily then points out that Shane was in a no-win scenario.

“If he said nothing, he would be attacked for being spineless,” Emily imagines. “If he speaks up, he’s attacked for causing drama.”

“At the very least, it is laughable that the queen of ‘That’s my opinion!’ is telling Shane to stay out of it,” Emily says, referring to the famous meme of Tamra screaming.

“I am happy that Kelly and I had the opportunity to sit down face to face and work it out,” Emily writes.

Emily continues: “I truly believe you can work things out by owning your own actions, forgiving, and moving on.”

“I feel that we both said what we wanted to say,” Emily says. “And we both took responsibility for our own part in the evening.”

Emily adds: “I even texted Kelly after meeting with her and reiterated how I was happy that we chatted and worked things out.”

Despite that peacemaking, Emily points out that Kelly hasn’t given up on her insistence that Shane is a “b–ch.”

It’s part of human nature for people to get upset and defensive when their loved ones are targeted for criticism and ridicule.

And it goes with the Real Housewife franchise’s territory for people to have explosive arguments on camera. Viewers expect it.

It’s how the stars respond after the fact that shows fans what their character is really like. Emily, at least, is owning what she did and what she said.

We do hope that, in the future, Emily avoids issuing any death threats. It’s not cool.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Sacha Baron Cohen Jokes with O.J. Simpson About Killing Women

Sacha Baron Cohen saved the best for last … wrapping up his ‘Who is America’ series by sitting down with O.J. Simpson, and trying to get him to admit he committed the murders.  O.J. didn’t take quite the bait, but it was pretty close as…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Emily Simpson Destroys Body-Shamers: It Is NEVER Okay to Call a Woman Fat!

Last year, Shannon Beador was working to lose weight to save her marriage. As we all know, that ended with a messy divorce.

Her new castmate, Emily Simpson, has been a target for vicious body-shaming by trolls who watch The Real Housewives of Orange County.

Rather than rushing to appease her detractors, Emily is taking a stand for all women.

On Twitter, Emily Simpson posted an array of photos of herself.

“It’s never ok to call a woman fat, fatass, plus-size, etc,” she asserts in her tweet.

For the record, plus size is a fine label for someone to use on themselves, especially if they’re a model. It’s not a euphemism to be hurled at others.

Think of words like plus size or thicc like pregnant, where you don’t comment about it until the person you’re talking about describes themselves that way.

Emily, already bearing the brunt of body-shaming, says: “I will take the criticism and be the voice for all the women out there.”

Emily Simpson vs Body-Shamers on Twitter

Emily’s proud tweet continues.

She’s happy to take one for the team for those “that feel inadequate because they don’t fit someone’s ridiculous standard of beauty.”

“Be strong,” Emily advises her fans and followers who may be targeted by body-shamers. “Be proud. Be confident.”

Finally, Emily assures them: “I got you.”

It is always so, so nice to see a reality star use her celebrity status as a platform for a good cause.

In the captions beside a photo of her showing off her outrageous body in a velvet dress, Emily made a similar message.

“Love yourself,” Emily encourages her fans and followers. “Love your body.”

She says that the shape of a person’s body — or the size of it — should never discourage them from having confidence and enjoying their life.

“Always walk into a room and own it,” Emily suggests.

Emily explains how to do this, intructing: “Make eye contact. Hold your head high.”

Emily’s Instagram post continued with some encouraging words.

“Don’t let anyone make you feel inadequate because they are thinner than you,” Emily writes.

While you should never feel inadequate for other reasons, either, this post was specifically for folks who are targeted with fat-shaming and body-shaming.

“Self-confidence is the best outfit you can wear,” she says. She’s not wrong.

“So,” Emily suggests. “Own it and rock it.”

A few weeks ago, Emily was invited to work out with resident fitness nut and also general nut Tamra Judge.

Emily, who works and has three children, was less enthusiastic. She’s not accustomed to working out because she leads a busy life.

While all of the Real Housewives are, of course, real women, a lot of viewers may find Emily and her struggles — and her humble beginnings — more relatable.

Some of the other stars are older and have been living opulent lifestyles for decades.

Emily is a working mom, and that is bound to resonate with a lot of the show’s viewers.

Either way, it is wonderful to see her taking a stand for women everywhere.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

O.J. Simpson Says Being a Felon Ain"t All Bad

O.J. Simpson says there’s a silver lining to having a kidnapping felony on your record … you can still get the royal treatment in Vegas! Simpson clowned with a guy at a Sin City restaurant … a place O.J. frequents. Fact is … he’s the local…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

OJ Simpson to Khloe Kardashian: Let Me See My Granddaughter!

According to a bombshell new report, OJ Simpson has a killer idea.

The former NFL running back, convicted robber and alleged double murderer is supposedly trying to contact Khloe Kardashian because he really want to spend time with her three-month old child, True.

Because the little girl is very cute and precious and Simpson just can’t get enough of cuddly babies?

Sure, maybe.

At least two things listed in that sentence as accurate.

But Simpson has a different motive for angling to cradle True Thompson. And that is this:

She’s his granddaughter!

Yes, his granddaughter.

For many years now, various tabloid articles (and cover stories, even) have alleged that Kris Jenner carried on an affair with Simpson many decades ago.

This relationship reportedly took place while Kris was married to Robert Kardashian, who was part of Simpson’s legal defense team after he was accused of killing his ex-wife in 1994.

Jenner and Simpson really were close, this much is true.

But did they hook up? And did said hook up produce Khloe Kardashian?!?

“I have never heard such crap in my life,” Jenner once said in response to this rumor.

Still, the chatter persists, to the point that a source at the Nevada prison where Simpson was incarcerated until last fall claims that Jenner called Simpson “at least once a week” and begged him to take a DNA test in order to quiet all this seemingly crazy talk.

Simpson didn’t listen, however.

And Radar Online even writes that “O.J. believes now more than ever that Khloe is his daughter, because True looks so much like his son Justin did when he was a baby.”

We can’t vouch for that assertion, but we can share a recent photo of little True:

AWWWW, right?

Simpson is the biological father to Arnelle, 49, and Jason, 48, from his first marriage to Marguerite Whitley; and Sydney, 32, and Justin, 30, from his marriage to Nicole Brown, who he probably murdered.

Sources have said he’s only on speaking terms with his oldest, Arnelle.

This might explain why OJ is dying to hang out with True, who he actually believes to be his grandkid.

“Now that he’s out of prison, he wants his family around, but he really doesn’t have much family left,” an insider tells Radar, adding:

“If True is his grandchild, then he absolutely wants to be a part of her life.”

That makes sense, we guess.

But this is just so not what Khloe needs at the moment!

She’s busy these days trying to rebuild her relationship with Tristan Thompson, following his serial infidelity last year.

We can’t imagine the reality star wants to deal with both her relationship with that cheater and her relationship with a man who likely cheated the legal system by committing a double homicide and getting away with it.

“Thinking about the possibility that she’s not a real Kardashian has always gotten her down, but now that she’s a mom, she’s super-protective,” a source concludes to Radar.

This also makes sense.

All new mothers are protective of their kids.

But when the person who wants to see said kid almost definitely stabbed his former wife to death several times?

We can’t blame Khloe for being hesitant about letting OJ into her life.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Jessica Simpson: Mom-Shaming Fans FREAK OUT Over Son"s Broken Arm

Wagging a judgmental finger at famous mothers is a favorite activities among internet trolls, and Jessica Simpson seems to be one of their favorite targets as of late.

Jessica has been mom-shamed repeatedly and for a wide variety of alleged offenses.

Haters have criticized Simpson for allowing her daughter to wear makeup.

They’ve whined that she’s too busy taking selfies to properly care for her kids.

But mostly, they’ve lambasted Jessica for allowing her husband to be too rough while playing with 4-year-old son Ace.

The latest outrage stems from the video below that Jessica posted on Instagram earlier this week.

She captioned the clip:

“A broken bone doesn’t hold this kiddo down #waterproofcast #ACEKNUTE”

This being the internet in 2018, fans proceeded to immediately lose their freakin’ minds.

“Why do u do that wow! So ridiculous!” wrote one hyper-articulate follower.

“Love you, Jess, but why throw a kid with a cast on? Even in water,” commented another, while a third described the stunt as “the most ridiculous thing to be doing as a parent.”

But don’t worry, Jess has her defenders, too.

And man, are they hoping she’ll call them up and ask to be besties.

“Your son obviously has great air sense (athletic body control while executing inverted aerial maneuvers). The fact that his arm is in a protective cast is not an issue at all,” wrote one such sycophant.

“His arm is not used in executing the maneuver other than being a balancing device. Your critics are probably not very experienced in this maneuver,” the aqua-batics expert continued.

“And he executed it with fins on??! He’s got talent and obviously as the parent you know his talent and lack of risk!!”

It’s one of those comments that reminds you that whether you’re talking politics or literally any other topic under the sun, there is no room for centrism on the internet.

Either your’re calling CPS on Jessica or praising her son’s “inverted aerial maneuvers.”

So we’re gonna do something truly subversive and fall somewhere in the middle on this:

The stunt was fine and probably perfectly safe, but we can see how it might shock fans who have never seen something similar.

Now can we all get back to talking about how drunk Jessica is all the time?

That’s much more entertaining.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Nancy Grace Says Weinstein Will Get a Fair Trial Because of O.J. Simpson

Nancy Grace says Harvey Weinstein needs to stop bitchin’ about not being able to get a fair trial because he’s not a victim here. We got the former prosecutor and current TV host Wednesday at LAX, where we asked what she made of Weinstein’s legal…


Monday, May 14, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Destroys Troll Who Claims O.J. Simpson is Her Dad

Now that Khloe has shared the first photos of True, fans are overjoyed to see the cute little one-month-old’s face.

But some are taking a closer look at the sweet little baby. They think that she might be new evidence that Khloe’s real dad is O.J. Simpson.

As you’re about to see, Khloe has actually responded.

Taking to Instagram comments, one person who believes the O.J. paternity conspiracy theory decided that True’s appearance confirms what people have been saying for years.

What’s more, this person decided to write it out where Khloe might potentially see it.

“Her daughter is black which proves that O.J. Simpson is [Khloe’s] dad.”

This comment is followed by a somewhat ambiguous, wide-eyed emoji.

The conspiracy theory that O.J. Simpson was secretly Khloe’s father is not uncommon and has been plaguing her and her family for years.

What makes this comment unusual, however, is that Khloe actually saw fit to respond to it.

Take a look:

Khloe Kardashian on IG about OJ

Khloe actually took the time to respond to this, writing:

“I mean … her dad is black, silly.”

This reply might actually be the funniest think that Khloe has ever said.

“That’s why she’s black, babe.”

Is the message a little condescending?


Is that fair, given the context?


Tristan Thompson is black. True’s grandfather — who is, by the way, Robert Kardashian — is not responsible for her skin tone.

O.J. Simpson was very good friends with Robert Kardashian back before, you know, O.J. was arrested for the brutal murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

Though Robert was part of the “dream team” that helped O.J. get acquitted, the two were never the same after that.

Kris Jenner, who by this point was already divorced from Robert and married to Caitlyn Jenner back before she publicly transitioned, had been good friends with Nicole.

As Khloe grew to be taller and bigger-boned (literally bigger-boned) than her sisters, some wondered if O.J. had fathered her with his best friend’s wife, long before Nicole Brown’s death.

In reality, of course, Khloe is only 5-foot-10. She only looks “tall” because so many people in her family are comically short. Kendall is her height, too.

O.J. is not Khloe’s dad. And O.J. is not True’s grandpa.

Though Khloe has long been plagued by this rumor, True is not the only Kardashian baby whose skin tone apparently threw fans for a loop.

Earlier this month, some of Kylie’s fans began to believe that Kylie’s hunky bodyguard was her real baby daddy.

Why? Because Stormi’s skin isn’t especially dark, basically. But the real answer was because Kylie living a happy life as a young mother is boring, and a lot of people thirst after her bodyguard.

It seems that some people are confused about interracial babies and their skin tones, so here’s a very, very simple primer.

Mixed babies can have light skin or dark skin, because human genetics are basically self-randomizing. Blame it on meiosis and those pesky spindle fibers.

We know that it’s way more interesting for people to believe that everyone is constantly cheating at all times.

But life isn’t a soap opera. Otherwise, the world would have a lot more doppelgangers.

Only, like, half of all people in relationships are cheating. Just because Tristan did doesn’t mean that Kris or Kylie did, too.

Sometimes, the truth is less interesting than what people like to imagine.

That’s life.

We will say this — that person may have been mocking the theory. That emoji may have been an eyeroll.

Khloe may have slammed the wrong commenter.


Friday, April 27, 2018

Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson Floating Around the Bahamas

Jessica Simpson’s husband, Eric Johnson, is getting an eyeful of his lady during a pretty hot beach vacay in the Bahamas. The couple’s chilling with some friends, and looks like this trip’s just for the adults … no kiddos were spotted while…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Jason Simpson to O.J.: I Saw You Kill Nicole Man!

Back in March, we reported on the death of Tom Scotto, a longtime confidant of O.J. Simpson’s who passed away at the age of 56 due to complications from pneumonia.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Scotto used his last breaths to make a chilling revelation about his infamous friend.

Journalist Allison Kugel says she spoke to Scotto moments before his death and was shocked by what she learned about one of the most notorious murder mysteries of the 20th century:

“In his own words, Tom told me, ‘O.J. went berserk, ran to his car, got the knife and came back,’” says Kugel, who was writing a book about Simpson at the time.

“Tom said, ‘After O.J. did Nicole, he had no choice but to take care of Goldman.’”

Kugel goes on to reveal that O.J.’s son, Jason Simpson, arrived on the scene unexpectedly on the night of the murders.

“Tom said Jason showed up afterward,” Kugel says.

“But O.J. told Jason, ‘Get the f–k out of here!’ because ‘there was no cleaning [the murder] up.’”

As for why the younger Simpson visited his stepmother’s home that night, Scotto says Jason had an inkling that “something bad was going to go on.”

Kugel divulges that she’s inclined to believe Scotto in large part because of the manner in which he made his confession:

“[Scotto] didn’t come out right away and it didn’t come out in a casual manner,” Kugel tells Radar. 

“It was more like a serious confidential conversation, and Tom said O.J. cried several times. He said, ‘O.J. cried more than once.’”

As for whether or not there might be any legal ramifications for Jason Simpson in light of this new information, legal expert Peter Gleason says it’s possible, but unlikely.

“If police were to re-open the investigation, this kid could be subject to questioning,” Gleason tells Radar.

Interestingly, this is not the first time that insiders have claimed Jason was present at the murder scene.

Former Simpson bodyguard Miguel Perreira once claimed that an intoxicated O.J. claimed that Jason instigated the violence that night by attacking Goldman.

O.J., of course, was acquitted of the murders in one of the most famous trials of all time, but was later arrested on robbery charges.

Simpson was released from prison in October of 2017 after serving 9 years behind bars.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Tom Scotto: Best Friend of O.J. Simpson Dies at 56

The life of O.J. Simpson has taken another strange turn today.

Simpson’s former best friend and longtime confidante Tom Scotto has passed away at the age of 56.

To understand just how bizarre Simpson and Scotto’s relationship was, we need only to look at the last few months of both men’s lives.

Simpson and Scotto

In October of 2017 Simpson was released from prison on robbery charges.

At the time of his release, Scotto offered to allow Simpson to move into his palatial home in Naples, Florida.

Scotto publicly rescinded the offer shortly thereafter, alleging that he recently learned Simpson had slept with his then-wife in 2007.

Shortly after that, Scotto was hospitalized due to complications from pneumonia.

Just nine days ago, Scotto spoke with Radar Online and informed the outlet that his health was on the upswing.

He claimed was soon to be moved out of the intensive care unit with the eventual goal of returning home.

Tom and OJ

Two days later, however, Scotto signed a “do not resuscitate” order after his health took yet another turn for the worse.

Today, family and friends were shocked by the new that Scotto had passed away.

“Tom Scotto died of the broken heart because O.J. slept with the man’s wife!” a source close both Scotto and Simpson tells Radar.

“O.J. only cares about himself but with Scotto’s death, he’s going to feel like sh-t!”

“It’s desperately sad Tom and O.J. didn’t settle their differences before he died, but now everyone’s worried what O.J. might do. He can behave all crazy and has an awful temper,” says a second source.

The tipster included a chilling (thought likely apocryphal) account of Scotto’s final moments:

“Scotto’s last words were ‘O.J. took everything away from me and I don’t want to live anymore,"” the insider alleges.

Obviously there’s no way to confirm that particular claim, but in his final interview – just days before his death – Scotto made his contempt for Simpson abundantly clear:

“After everything I did for O.J., that was complete betrayal,” Scotto said of the allegation that Simpson slept with his ex-wife.

“I was a brother to him.”


Jessica Simpson Shows Off Lips, Gets Destroyed on Instagram

Jessica Simpson thought she was sharing a harmless selfie.

She thought she was encouraging fans to work out

She thought she was giving them a look at her workout.

"#ShowMeYourSteps," the former singer wrote as a caption to the first photo listed below, adding: "#Niners #GucciGlasses #JSTheWarmUp."

But the Internet can be a cruel place.

And, as you can see below, social media followers aren"t focused on Simpson"s calorie burning, but rather on a certain body part that stands out in this initial photo…

1. Hello, Lips!

Jessica simpson lips selfie

Jessica Simpson is receiving a lot of flak for this selfie. Followers are aghast over her very plump lips.

2. Quack! Quack!

Duck face

The general consensus from critics is that Simpson’s lips make Kylie Jenner’s lips look thin and natural.

3. Let’s Be Frank


There was no beating around the bush here. Various critics came right out with how they feel.

4. This is a New Hashtag

Awful things

#AwfulThings, huh? Again, no beating around the bush here.

5. What… is… Happening?

Mouth question

We all know the answer, don’t we? It rhymes with schastic murgery.

6. Reject the Injections!

Down with injections

Fans are pleading with Jessica. Do you agree that she looked better before?

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