Showing posts with label Swell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swell. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2019

Jessica Simpson Pregnancy is Swell

There’s trouble afoot … 
Jessica Simpson is beggin’ for help after suffering an extreme case of edema during her pregnancy … one that’s caused her left leg to take on more water than the Titanic. 
The 38-year-old reached out to fans for tips on Thursday night &...
Jessica Simpson Pregnancy is Swell

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Taylor Swift Crashes Wedding, Is Doing Just Swell

Because Taylor Swift has split from Calvin Harris, she probably won’t be getting married any time soon.

But that doesn’t mean the singer can’t attend a wedding, right?

Even when she doesn’t really know the couple at the center of it.

Indeed, in yet another example of Swift being the coolest celebrity in the history of the universe when it comes to fan interaction, Swift actually responded to a letter sent to her in April.

It was written by the sister of Max Singer, a member of the U.S. armed forces who is a giant fan of the superstar singer.

In the message, Max’s sister explained that Singer married Kenya Smith at a hospital a few months ago because his mother was sick and the couple wanted her to witness their nuptials.

Singer and his mother even shared a dance in her hospital room to “Blank Space,” Max’s favorite Swift song.

Sadly, however, the mother passed away before he could dance with her at Saturday’s reception in North Beach Haven.

So Swift knew there was only one thing she could do in order to make Max’s big day even bigger: show up at the reception!

In numerous photos shared onto social media, Swift is seen at Brant Beach Yacht Club in New Jersey, where she not only posed for photos with the bride and groom…

… but also performed “Blank Space” on the piano.

Is a song about a psycho ex-girlfriend appropriate wedding reception material?

It is in this circumstance, wouldn’t you say?

“Congratulations Max and Kenya!!” Swift wrote on Instagram. “Third wheel.”

HA! Least annoying third wheel ever, right?

Swift and Harris broke up last week after 15 months of dating, but everything seems to be just fine between the stars.

tay at wedding

And Taylor clearly isn’t letting the break up damper her spirits. She continues to be there for her fans at all times.

She really is the best. Your loss, Calvin Harris.